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USA, Dec 25 (VNN) — I am writing regarding the state of affairs regarding

ISKCON of Arizona.


My name is Bhakta Mike and I joined ISKCON in Seattle in 1975. I have been a

professional fundraiser for over 25 years now and have donated over two

million dollars to ISKCON programs and projects. Last year I began to help

ISKCON of Tucson by remodeling the whole temple complex spending over $20,000.


Despite my generosity I have been told by Dasarath Prabhu, the temple

president, to surrender my business and stay out of town or I'd be offending

his Deities. After refusing to renounce my life long service, so Dasarath

could take it over, he began to contact my friends including Hari Vilasa

Prabhu, our local GBC, and told them that I am a demon, an offender and a

third class citizen, and he is trying to disassociate me from ISKCON. At the

same time Dasarath himself is responsible for mismanaging Srila Prabhupada's

ISKCON properties.


He has even sold the temple apartments to fund his own Y2K bunker scare. He

double mortgaged the temple and transferred the funds to his own non-profit

accounts. Dasarath runs a green card slavery camp. Local devotees say that

Dasarath even cheats on restaurant income and tax filings. Since Dasarath

renounced sanyasa he has been chasing skirts the whole time since, although he

is married. Dasarath is a rebel for his own cause; he even disregards the

authority of ISKCON's GBC.


Dasarath did not attain the permission of the GBC trustee, or temple board

members to sell the temple apartments and double mortgage the temple.

Basically he has stolen Srila Prabhupada's assets. He took the funds to buy

property in New Mexico to try to escape the so-called Y2K disaster. It turned

out to be a disaster for ISKCON. He spend thousands of dollars, of Krsna's

money, on guns ammunition and bunker supplies. He had a caravan of trucks

lined up on the temple property over loaded with misc. survival supplies

including 50 gallon barrels of gasoline ready to go. He paraded around the

country giving talks on the Y2K scare and tried to convince devotees,

especially beautiful women, to head to his bunker for safety.


The only way that ISKCON of Tucson has been able to survive Dasarath's

mismanagement all these years is by importing devotees and holding them

hostage with the green card scandal. Devotees are brought in from India,

Nepal, Africa and even Russia, on religious visas and held to slave labor at

the restaurant for 5 years without reasonable pay. If the devotee wants to go

to another temple Dasarath cancels their green card and then turns them in to

immigration, as he did with Bhakta Alex. This can be confirmed though

Mrigendra Prabhu in LA.


There is no 'Love Feast' in Tucson ISKCON. Every grain of 'Prasadam' is sold!

Dasarath has turned a spiritual mission into his own business. After selling

Prasadam at the restaurant all week the leftovers are saved for the Sunday

feast. Then the guests are charged for the mercy! No prasadam is distributed

to the public nor is Harinama Sankirtan performed in Tucson.


Dasarath also runs the Phoenix center where the temple president has not been

seen at Mangala Arati in ages. The temple there focuses on collecting funds

from the high population of Hindus rather than making new devotees. I write

this story not to simply find fault but to make the devotees aware of the

problems, particularly in Tucson, so that this kind of mismanagement of Srila

Prabhupada's mission will end. If we don't take responsibility to correct our

own actions now then it may be done by the IRS, Immigration or karmi Courts in

the future. None of us want this. I am calling on the GBC to help in this

matter now. If there is any GBC authority left in Tucson after Dasarath's

juggaling of papperwork and transferring all funds and properties into his own

non-profits please take appropriate action now. Please replace Dasarath Prabhu

for his own benefit, and the best interest of Srila Prabhupada's mission. Then

it will grow nicely again and please Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga and all the



Thank You and all glories to Srila Prabhupada and recovering and expanding his

assets. There is light at the end of the tunnel!


Your servant,

Bhakta Mike

PS: If you have any questions regarding this matter feel free to call me

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  • 11 years later...

Bhakti mike , yes we all know who Dasarath really is , you mean Charles Crooksie!! IN reality he is the DEMON, There are people who can see right through his smoke screan . Charlie Crooksi's time is gunna kum. We will go down big time , he is a very evil dude who know nothing of the VEDA. He will either die of a heart attack or sombody will knock him out , it wont be me . His days on earth plane are numbered. The yamadudas will be ready for him. I tell you this Charlie Crooksie will go down hard , Iv got a lot of dirt on this scum . Right now i have to go to work but keep checking on this site , in the next week or so im gunna be spilling the beans or should i say DAL !! You aint heard anything yet wait till you hear what i gotta say . Dasarath will fall , both on this plane and the lower astrals , and by the way Charlie Crooksie will not be going to Golaka Vrendavan . Shri fronz metal

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