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> To all devotee's taking part in current discussion(kosovo),


> pamho agtsp,


> I'm only a new bhakta so please accept my apologies if you think i'm

> overstepping the mark,it's just that i feel a conference called "Varnasrama

> Development" should contain inteligent discussion on the afore mentioned

> subject,instead of a materialistic discussion on the political situation in

> Kosovo.Personally i feel that as devotee's we should be above these types of

> discussion's and should be focusing on more important issues like "ALWAYS

> REMEMBERING KRSNA AND NEVER FORGETTING HIM" but at least if you feel this

> topic is so important that it just has to be discussed you could at least

> discuss it in the appropriate conference(Global Free Forum).


> Always your aspiring humble servant


> BH Scott

> (Text 54) -----------------


So, a candidate for moderator!


Dear Bhakta,


This is the line so oft quoted by Kirtanananda Swami and used so efectively to

steer discussions to the Absolute when they would have otherwise become a


uncomfortable to him. As a bhakta, perhaps you don't know who Kirtanananda,

aka Bhaktipada, is.


He was the first disciple of Srila Prabhupada to move with in with him and

actually start cooking for Srila Prabhupada instead of just letting Srila

Prabhupada cook for him. He was the first and only sannyasa in ISKCON for 3

years. He founded and developed the New Vrindaban community which at one time

was externally very successful with over 600 devotees living there.


He was a paragaon of sadhana who was always in the temple at 2:30 am and


all his rounds before mangala arotik. As an alumni of the Columbia University

debating team, he was an eloquent and educated adeptee with the philosophy of

Krsna consciousness. All problems could be solved by chanting Hare Krsna and

ignoring the material energy.


Well, I am sure you will have no difficulty finding a detractor of him to fill

you in on the details of his career, but none of that is necesssary for you at

this time. Suffice it to say that he is serving a 12 year prison term and

deserves to be where he is. Krsna has made a special arrangement for him to


the type of circumstance he needs at this particular time of his life to have

the opportunity for continued advancement, especially in the area of humility.


So too with all of us we need particular opportunities for us at particular

times in order to progress. Chanting and remembering Krsna is always there

for everyone at all times, that is a Truth. But we do also have a material

body that has requirements.


At a certain stage, known especially in VAD as part of the brahmacary stage,

it is extremely beneficial to perform austerities of a certain type, and to

withdraw our senses from any contact with the external society and bathe our

intellect in a pure form of study and meditation on the Holy Name.


Even in this state, it is still required to be clothed, eat, have shelter,

etc, albeit in a very simple manner. Yet to fully concentrate, society

provides those needs for the brahmacary so he needn't be distracted. and can

concentrate fully on his education. Which means on the flip side of course


someone else must be involved in the process of producing those material



The goal of a Krsna conscious education is not to become a fulltime student.


is to learn how to become Krsna conscious and eventually to function in the

world. So at different stages what is an appropriate discussion for some may

very well not be an appropriate discussion for others. If you are in the

immersion stage of your Krsna conscious development, then discussions of

Kosovo may well be inappropriate for you. As such, it behooves you to simply

hit the delete key. For others, who have a desire to actually establish a VAD

society, it is necessary to be aware of how the material world works and to

grapple with how to start the growth of such a society within the matrix of


larger material society. For them, a discussion of Kosovo may be of



The point you were making may be seen in



Those who engage in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the

darkest region of ignorance. Worse still are those engaged in the culture of

so-called knowledge.



This mantra offers a comparative study of vidya and avidya. Avidya, or

ignorance, is undoubtedly dangerous, but vidya, or knowledge, is even more

dangerous when mistaken or misguided. This mantra of Sri Isopanisad is more

applicable today than at any time in the past. Modern civilization has advanced

considerably in the field of mass education, but the result is that people are

more unhappy than ever before because of the stress placed on material

advancement to the exclusion of the most important part of life, the spiritual



>>> Ref. VedaBase => Iso 9


Please note that when the study of material advancement is done exclusionery of

the spiritual aspect, that is what is dangerous.



Only one who can learn the process of nescience and that of transcendental

knowledge side by side can transcend the influence of repeated birth and death

and enjoy the full blessings of immortality.




......This does not mean that all activities for the maintenance of the body

should be stopped. There is no question of stopping activities, just as there


no question of wiping out one's temperature altogether when trying to recover

from a disease. "To make the best use of a bad bargain" is the appropriate

expression. The culture of spiritual knowledge necessitates the help of the


and mind; therefore maintenance of the body and mind is required if we are to

reach our goal. The normal temperature should be maintained at 98.6 degrees,


the great sages and saints of India have attempted to do this by a balanced

program of spiritual and material knowledge. They never allow the misuse of

human intelligence for diseased sense gratification.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Iso 11

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> >

> > I'm only a new bhakta so please accept my apologies if you think i'm

> > overstepping the mark,it's just that i feel a conference called

"Varnasrama Development" should contain inteligent discussion on the afore

mentioned subject....

> >

> >Always your aspiring humble servant

> >

> > BH Scott

> >




> So, a candidate for moderator!





I second the nomination! I am assuming we are nominating a Bhakta, and not a

Bhaktin. These days, it is good to be clear on this kind of stuff in advance.


Regarding worldly events such as is currrent in Kosova, I would propose there

is some value in discussing them on the Varnasrama conference. To a very real

degree, Varnasrama culture is designed to engage more worldly propensities

other than those the brahmans might otherwise deal with in everyday temple

ashram life. So in that sense, there might be some relative value.


The world we are currently living in is our prabhu-datta-desa.

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> I second the nomination! I am assuming we are nominating a Bhakta, and not

> a Bhaktin. These days, it is good to be clear on this kind of stuff in

> advance.


> Regarding worldly events such as is currrent in Kosova, I would propose

> there is some value in discussing them on the Varnasrama conference. To a

> very real degree, Varnasrama culture is designed to engage more worldly

> propensities other than those the brahmans might otherwise deal with in

> everyday temple ashram life. So in that sense, there might be some

> relative value.


I also think that this conferance is a conferance which is open for

discussing many issues, and as long as they don't go completely out of hand,

they could be allowed to go on, as long as there obviously are a lot of

people participating in the discussions.


I actually find it quite interesting to have a discussion between devotees

about this war in regards to how it looks from people's point of view who

are living in different countries. And so far, the discussion has after all

been more or less civilized, which in itself is pretty impressive.

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> I also think that this conferance is a conferance which is open for

> discussing many issues, and as long as they don't go completely out of

> hand, they could be allowed to go on, as long as there obviously are a lot

> of people participating in the discussions.


> I actually find it quite interesting to have a discussion between devotees

> about this war in regards to how it looks from people's point of view who

> are living in different countries. And so far, the discussion has after

> all been more or less civilized, which in itself is pretty impressive.


I also agree with this, as long as it doesn't get out of hand, but it also

crossed my mind that we could have a Varnasrama 'chat' conference also, that

those who are interested in related topics could log into. After all as has

been pointed out, varnasrama is not strictly a spiritual program, but daivi

varnasrama, is a means to raise us from the Rajas to a more sattvik life, so

we can eventualy make the jump to pure goodness or Suddha satva.


So I appreciate Bhakta Scott's concern (I hope you are well Scott), we could

easily get into all sorts of material topics, which can be loosely related

to varnasrama, but not really very helpful. I think we all agree that

varnasrama is the process that can save this movement, so I would like to

see concrete proposals for how we can actualy do that starting with what we

have right now.


Is anyone in a position to influence a temple authority into starting a

varnasrama college? Lets make plans as to how to get eh propaganda out

there, so more and more devotees become aware of starting such colleges, and

how varnasrama IS the solution. Many devotees are completely unaware of



So while these discussions have their place, maybe a related conference

would help? The trouble might be that we all end up on that conference, and

this one stagnates.


Anyway its an idea.


YS Samba das

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> I also think that this conferance is a conferance which is open for

> discussing many issues, and as long as they don't go completely out of

> hand, they could be allowed to go on, as long as there obviously are a lot

> of people participating in the discussions.


> I actually find it quite interesting to have a discussion between devotees

> about this war in regards to how it looks from people's point of view who

> are living in different countries. And so far, the discussion has after

> all been more or less civilized, which in itself is pretty impressive.


I also agree with this, as long as it doesn't get out of hand, but it also

crossed my mind that we could have a Varnasrama 'chat' conference also, that

those who are interested in related topics could log into. After all as has

been pointed out, varnasrama is not strictly a spiritual program, but daivi

varnasrama, is a means to raise us from the Rajas to a more sattvik life, so

we can eventualy make the jump to pure goodness or Suddha satva.


So I appreciate Bhakta Scott's concern (I hope you are well Scott), we could

easily get into all sorts of material topics, which can be loosely related

to varnasrama, but not really very helpful. I think we all agree that

varnasrama is the process that can save this movement, so I would like to

see concrete proposals for how we can actualy do that starting with what we

have right now.


Is anyone in a position to influence a temple authority into starting a

varnasrama college? Lets make plans as to how to get eh propaganda out

there, so more and more devotees become aware of starting such colleges, and

how varnasrama IS the solution. Many devotees are completely unaware of



So while these discussions have their place, maybe a related conference

would help? The trouble might be that we all end up on that conference, and

this one stagnates.


Anyway its an idea.


YS Samba das

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> So while these discussions have their place, maybe a related conference

> would help? The trouble might be that we all end up on that conference,

> and this one stagnates.



These, strictly unrelated types of discussions simply occur now

and then, spontaneously, in every forum. I don't think that every

aspect of our communicating (and living, in general) has to be

always strictly categorized, neither I think it really can be.

Just like, in our temple, the "more advanced" section of devotees

who became upset and disturbed by the exchange of unrelated topics

among devotees during the prasadam (one is supposed to only glorify

prasadam, and similar) introduced the reading PL during prasadam. One

devotee would loudly read from the book, and thus nobody could speak

*anything* anymore (it would be an offense). So everybody would come,

sit, eat, get up, go back to his office and computer. It lasted for

a while (till the reader got married and stop coming to prasadam



Some dose of common sense and litle flexibility might be more

practical than creating another "related" conferences for some

particular and not strictly related topics that flashes over this

forum. Now you would have to create conference for "Kosovo",

another one for "gentlemen&ladies" topic, another one for

"Jayadvaita's editing", another one for "Lord' Holy Names",

and so on.



Anyway, I have the feeling all the time that I am talking here

too much and unrelated (like just now). I am aware that it might

be disturbing to some, though not everybody will complain openly.

So, I often come to conclusion that in the wider audience like

this one, one should talk only if necessary. And that more relaxed

exchange or discussion (or talk) one should have in more private

forums where one knows other participants, with those one feels

friendly and confident with.




ys mnd



ys mnd

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Bh Scott wrote:

> I feel a conference called "Varnasrama Development" should contain

intelligent discussion on the afore mentioned subject,instead of a

materialistic discussion on the political situation in Kosovo.


> Personally i feel that as devotee's we should be above these types of

discussion's and should be focusing on more important issues like "ALWAYS



You have something of a point there. I was feeling a little guilty for simply

offering my own opinion.


On the other hand, Prabhupada explains that sociology, politics, etc are not

to be avoided if they have some relation to the service of the Lord.


Devotees should generally avoid directly taking sides in mundane political

squabbles. But on the other hand, Srila Prabhupada was never one to withold

frank advice on political issues when called on. He had the devotees

participate in the protests during the 1960's against the unrighteous Vietnam



On the other hand, Krsna incited Arjuna to fight like anything during the

battle of Kuruksetra and told him that to be a pacifist was cowardly. So

devotees have their KC concerns regarding even mundane happenings.


But your comment is appreciated. We need to steer the discussion more towards

a KC perspective than simply voicing our own nationalistic biases.


Otherwise, fighting for a righteous cause -- against demonic aggression and

disturbance is a pertinent topic for a social forum like VAD. But I basically

agree with you: let's keep Krsna and dharma in the center.


Srila dasa

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At 22:28 -0800 4/13/99, COM: Mahanidhi (das) HKS (Lund - S) wrote:


>So everybody would come,

>sit, eat, get up, go back to his office and computer. It lasted for

>a while (till the reader got married and stop coming to prasadam



Great example. I think we've all experienced similar situations.



>Some dose of common sense and litle flexibility might be more

>practical than creating another "related" conferences for some

>particular and not strictly related topics that flashes over this



I couldn't agree more. Besides, for those who feel like their spiritual

lives are disturbed by certain topics, there *is* always the delete button.



Madhusudani dasi

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At 22:28 -0800 4/13/99, COM: Mahanidhi (das) HKS (Lund - S) wrote:


>So everybody would come,

>sit, eat, get up, go back to his office and computer. It lasted for

>a while (till the reader got married and stop coming to prasadam



Great example. I think we've all experienced similar situations.



>Some dose of common sense and litle flexibility might be more

>practical than creating another "related" conferences for some

>particular and not strictly related topics that flashes over this



I couldn't agree more. Besides, for those who feel like their spiritual

lives are disturbed by certain topics, there *is* always the delete button.



Madhusudani dasi

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On 14 Apr 1999, Madhusudani Radha wrote:



> I couldn't agree more. Besides, for those who feel like their spiritual

> lives are disturbed by certain topics, there *is* always the delete button.



I agree.


Personally, I look forward everyday to seeing 10 or 15 new messages in the

conference regardless of what the subjects are. I may not feel as stimulated

by some messages as others, but I consider every single participant in this

conference a devotee of the Lord and therefore take interest in reading their

views about anything in life.


Life in Krsna's Dvaraka sounds like (from the Books) it was a very, very

colorful and dynamic place wherein only devotees of the Lord dwelled. The

subjects of daily conversations must have been incredibly diverse. I'm sure

each devotee there had their own daily private meditations, prayer times,

morning ablutions, etc., but the rest of the day was long and socially very

involving with one another.


I think ISKCON life, in general, has always been very dry and humorless due in

part to pretentious zealots and "sadhus" thinking that there is no place for

levity or that humor is tacky. I've always yearned to be present at Yudhistira

Maharaja's morning sabha performances of jokesters and dancing and music, etc.

His day was started in this way everyday. We were barely allowed to laugh in

the temple. I would love to hear the voice of Yudhistira Maharaja in a big

barrel-chested laugh. What were those jokes anyway?

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> >

> > So while these discussions have their place, maybe a related conference

> > would help? The trouble might be that we all end up on that conference,

> > and this one stagnates.



> These, strictly unrelated types of discussions simply occur now

> and then, spontaneously, in every forum. I don't think that every aspect

> of our communicating (and living, in general) has to be always strictly

> categorized, neither I think it really can be.


There was, in the beginning of time, such a conference to keep all

the chit-chat. It was called "free forum". But as things progressed, it

does not have that function anymore. Maybe such a conference will be too

diversified, and devotees simply find it too mundane.


It appears that the Varnasrama conference sets the theme for

the discussion, and everything somehow circulates around Varnasrama,

goes away a little bit, but always comes back again. Maybe this is

the guiding line needed to keep the discussions in line.


ys Prisni dasi

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> Why "dasi" my dear Prsni Prabhu? Something changed..


Oops, you are unaware of the latest gossip. A good quality.


To make a long story short, I suffer from the problem of beeing

a woman born in a male body. Something very rare, and not

contagious. You have to be born with it.


The thing in itelf is not so bad in itself, the problem is that

our society is so incredible polarized into men and woman.

Everything is separate and different for the two groups of

humanity. Even in devotee society there are very strong

divisions. Some of the other discussions here, of what woman

cannot do, is an indication of that. Funny enough, there are

never any discussions of what men cannot do, that women

can do. I wonder why?


Because of this small bodily problem, I am not able to situate

myself in the social position where I fit in, and can peacefully

live my life and perform devotional service in. It is a big

disturbance to me, and I become a big disturbance in society,

as any person who is wrongly situated is.


Therefore I do the only right thing, to cure my small problem,

and position myself in society where I belong. In short, I

am doing a sex change to match me female inner identity

with a female external bodily appearence. That way people

when they meet me immediately see what I am, and will

not be confused with a behaviour incongruent with the



ys Prisni dasi

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On 17 Apr 1999, Harsi das wrote:


> Why "dasi" my dear Prsni Prabhu? Something changed..


> ys Harsi das




Since we are all female in the eyes of the Lord, maybe I should be called

"Sthita-dhi-muni dasa devi dasi", and since women are meant to be servants of

their husbands, they could be called, "Govinda devi dasi dasa devi dasi".


Now that should make things much easier for Raktambara.

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At 6:19 -0800 4/17/99, WWW: Sthita-dhi-muni (Dasa) SDG (Alachua FL - USA)



>Since we are all female in the eyes of the Lord, maybe I should be called

>"Sthita-dhi-muni dasa devi dasi", and since women are meant to be servants of

>their husbands, they could be called, "Govinda devi dasi dasa devi dasi".


And Prabhupada said that the husbands should serve the wives, dear

"Sthita-dhi-muni dasa devi dasi dasa". It's probably good for our

consciousness to keep adding on more of those "dasa" and "dasi", lest we

get confused and start believing that we're really "prabhu"



Madhusudani dasi


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> There was, in the beginning of time, such a conference to keep all the

> chit-chat. It was called "free forum". But as things progressed, it does

> not have that function anymore. Maybe such a conference will be too

> diversified, and devotees simply find it too mundane.


> It appears that the Varnasrama conference sets the theme for

> the discussion, and everything somehow circulates around Varnasrama, goes

> away a little bit, but always comes back again. Maybe this is the guiding

> line needed to keep the discussions in line.


Its ok with me, if that is the general consensus, I also like the variety of

exchange, and it seems that in any case we are a long way from being able to

start any varnasrama colleges or anything like that because the people in

charge of ISKCON centers just dont seem to want to do anything about it.


What can you do?

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