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· Visnu and Krsna bhakti

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>Naturally we are not here to discuss our personal preferences, but the



What is the use of a philosophy with no connection to our reality? When I

say, "We have no interest in Vishnu bhakti...", it is a lie. The truth maybe

that our acharyas, who are liberated souls, are not interested in Vishnu

bhakti due to their complete absorption in Krishna bhakti. But our personal

situation and their situation is different. It is illusion to fool ourselves

into thinking we have gone beyond Vaikuntha, while still maintaining

material attachments.


Thus the attempt to discourage Vishnu bhakti in those who have not developed

true transcendental attachment to Krishna is counter productive to their

spiritual advancement.


Remember that this discussion began about a practical application of prayer

in regards to ourselves, not the liberated acharyas. Thus it is pointless to

speak from the liberated emotional perspective they were in, while applying

it on ourselves.

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