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Ishta Devta and ishta mantra

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One need be a sanyasi to feel god. He can carry on

with his duties and yet understand and feel the god

within. This is excatly the message of Lord Krishna

and Bhagavath Geetha. Lord Krishna Says

"Sanyasaha Karmayogasch Nhi-Sreyasakaravubhow"

"Thayosthu Karmasanyasatkarmayogo Vishishyathe"


Meaning: The yoga of Knowledge(Sanyasa) and the Yoga

of Action(Karma) both lead to supreme bliss. of the

two, however, the yoga of action (Karma Yoga) is



In astrology : when 4 planets are situated in one rasi

it leads to pravajya yoga - Pravajya means not

interested in material life - may or may not lead to



Sanyasa on the other hand should have moon associated

with saturn or in saturn's rasi. Saturn in 9th

indicates Sanyasa but it should be from ascpects from

other planets else the yoga will be broken. In your

chart Saturn is in the 9th and in kendra of moon. but

the relation ends there. ie the yoga is not well

formed. Jupiter is aspecting the saturn. Navamsa of

Moon is in Pices and saturn in Taurus.


These shows that you have deeply inclined towards

spiritual matters. yet saturn's navamsa in taurus

(Venus- Sukraachrya ) shows material interest (Just

like your statement).


My question about caste: 5th house denotes Mantra

Sthana apart from usual putra, pragjna etc. Gulika's

position along with jupiter(Jeeva) with their lord in

the 9th. Some caste do worship pretha. From the above

combination there is hint of some thing like this. I

just wanted to make sure.


I indicated Hanuman becasue of Saturn in the Rasi of

Mercury (in the 9th) and Mercury in turn being in

Ascendant. Hanuman - Nithya Brahmachari - Rudra

Avathara. Siva is also Rudra but meditating. with the

lepana of Bhasma in a cremation ground.


It is easy to put together the above and your interest

and tastes and more your spiritual path.


Mercury being 9th lord denotes Lord Krishna.


Rest assured you may lead a normal life but with a

thirst for spiritual knowledge.


There is greater text than Bhagath Geetha and

Bhagavathom to understand the intricasies of Karma

Yoga and Sanyasa Yoga.


I hope this helps you.

May Lord Bless You








--- Rinku Gandhi-Agrawal <rinkugandhi



> Thank you so much for your analysis of my horoscope.

> I could not have agreed with you more when you say

> that I do feel drawn towards spiritual issues and

> desire secretly to be one day in a ascetic mode

> where I can see and feel God.

> Something that surprises me is that the dieties

> that you have mentioned as my ishta devtas are not

> the deities I am naturally draw towards. I feel a

> deep urge to see and feel the presence of Lord Shiva

> , whom I worship mainly. You are right when you say

> that Hanumanji and Lord Krishna are my dieties as my

> parents do believe and worship them. But for me Its

> always been Lord Shiva as my personal GOD.

> Do you see anything in my chart that may indicate

> that. Also I know I am a spiritual person and as a

> young person who is begining to settle things in

> life i do feel the love for life too. I feel a big

> dichotomy in my nature. Sometimes i am ambitious and

> want to get ahead in life and career and amass

> wealth, live in luxury and on the other side I want

> to detach myself and yearn to meditate and feel the

> presence of God.

> I have just turned 30 so maybe there is a lot for me

> to learn and grow But i am sure with guidance from

> wise souls like yourself would be provide me great

> knowledge.

> As for my caste I am not sure what you may be

> looking at but i will give you all the details that

> I have. I am Punjabi Arora girl, belonging to

> Kashyap gotra . Thats all i know so far about caste.

> One question for you, you mentioned in your post

> that you noticed that the "Thithy is amavasya which

> shows pithras" what does that mean?


> I would look forward to your reply.

> Thanks once again


> sureshbabuag <sureshbabuag wrote:


> Namasthe.


> I happened to see your post and out of curiosity

> checked the

> horoscope. I would like to know (Dont get wrong)

> your caste. This is

> because ishta devathas are directly related to

> achara (Customes) of

> various castes and places.


> One thing I noted was Thithy is amavasya which shows

> pithras. 5th

> house containes jupiter along with gulika. Saturn

> (5th Lord) is in the

> 9th with its lord mercury being in the lagna. There

> is small amount of

> sanya yoga created by saturn in the 9th.(Or some one

> from your

> paternal side may have embraced ascetic life)

> Atleast it will lead to

> spiritual matters. 12th house (vyaya and poorva

> janma) containes the

> Atma karka Sun with its lord mercury again in lagna.

> these may be

> reasons for your interest in spiritual matters.


> From the above (A) your family may have worshiped

> the souls from manes

> (b) Lord Hanuman - saturn in Gemini with lord

> Mercury in a trine in

> Lagna. © Mercury alone in trine with jupiter shows

> Lord Sree Krishna

> / Panduranga.


> You may worship Lord Hanuman / Sree Krishna as your

> Ishta Devatha.

> There is another simple method - When in distress or

> naturaly you may

> think of a particular devatha. The chances are that,

> that particular

> diety shall be your ishta devatha.


> May Lord bless you.

> Update me

> A.G.Suresh Babu.






> vedic astrology,

> "rinkugandhi"

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Hi ,

> > Could anyone help me find out my ishta Devta and

> the ishta mantra

> > My Dob: 14Oct,1974

> > Time: 08:23am

> > Place :delhi, India

> >

> > I would be be greatly oblidged

Rinku Gandhi-Agrawal




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