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Repeat Posting: Marital Conflict (for Devi)

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Your chart shows that you have Libra as the ascendant. In my

opinion, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn is the main cause of

disagreement between you and your husband. Also, these planets are

in the 9th house and are contributing to conflicts in your belief



With this conjunction, there is the possibility that you may change

your faith into another religion that is different from your family



To avert or mitigate any negative influences in your marriage and

religion, you should request a pandit to perform yagyas for you

improve these areas of concern.




John R.







vedic astrology, "Devi Ambika"

<vamasu2003> wrote:

> Om Guruve Namaha

> Pranam to the Jyotish community.

> This is a repeat posting. Please enlighten me.


> Hello Jyotish Gurus,


> The following is the birth details, couple married for five years.

> Both very spiritually oriented. First marriage for both.


> Male:

> Birth Place coordinates: Latitude 12 59 N, Longitude 77 35 E

> August 24 1969

> Time: 6:34 AM


> Female:

> Birth Place coordinates: Latitude 12 59 N, Longitude 77 35 E

> May 18 1974

> Time: 5:00 PM


> What is the right time / approach for reconciliation to the marital

> discord? Attempts so far have been fruitless. Please suggest


> to save the marriage, as they say 'marriages are made in heaven'.

> Male feels terrible with guilt and grief., making fundamental


> in thoughts, and Shani's influence steering to think objectively.

> Performed Shani Shanthi, Vishnu abhisheka, etc.

> Male increasingly involved in community service, sticking to


> and doing things according to Dharma...... Has surrendered EGO,


> was the cause of the discord.


> Is this marriage over?


> As Pujya Guru Sri. Sanjay Rath says "When it is clearly established

> that Dharma alone protect the purity/marriage then the highest and

> surest remedy lies in increasing Dharma."


> Marital discord since October 2002., sudden turn of events leading

> the female to move out and living seperately since May

> 2004. No domestic violence., no infidelity.


> Male running Rahu Mahadasha/Rahu Pratyantardasha,

> Female running Venus Mahadasha/Jupiter Pratyantardasha.


> Observation:

> 1. Kuja Dosha exists in both the charts, more prominent in male than

> female.

> End- of- Marriage karakas are same as Death-of-Spouse karakas:

> Saturn and Mars, L8 & L12, L8 and L12 from Chandra, and in D-9

> The end of a marriage is indicated by the period of the relevant

> Lord, plus a confirming transit through the affected house of a

> separative planet - Saturn, Mars, or Nodes.


> Question:

> 1. Does the above reflect in the female/male chart, based on

> Navamsha?

> 2. What is the Atmakaraka for the Female/Male in the above charts ?


> Observation:

> 1. The second house from the Upapada gives the exact timing of the

> actual breakage of the marriage.

> 2. The eight house from Venus will bring those people who will

> actuate the breakage.


> Question:

> 1. Does Rahu Mahadasha/Jupiter Pratyantar dasha denote the second

> house from the Upapada?

> 2. Rahu is the eight house from Venus for Male. Atmakaraka for the

> female. Who has actuated/ will actuate the breakage?

> 3. Will the upcoming Jupiter/Saturn/Sun/Ketu transits be

> benefic/malefic as related to the marriage. For the female Jupiter

> transits into Yuvati bhava (relationship, spouse), but Sun and Ketu

> are playing havoc in Randhra. For the male, Saturn will transit into

> Randhra and Jupiter into 10th.

> Feel free to correct, and I seek your feedback.


> Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu


> Jai Gurudev

> Devi

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