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-Need help in analysing this chart

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||Shri GaneshDattaGurubhyo Namah||


Dear Harsh,


Currently native had enterd into Mars-Jup period and Jup is 4th and 7th Lord

placed in 2nd and in parivartan with Ven the 2nd L as pointed by you. Now Jup

is in trines to Mars and have friendly relations with mars. Jup is placed in

neech amsa Cp and in Putramsa. Jup is also involved in Nakshtra parivartana

with Rahu (using mean node) so all this points makes the period very favorable

to get accepted his papers.


Around nov end, Jup will transit lagna and in Karmamsa hence transit is also

favorable and native will be successful.


Mars+Rah in 6th Forms Vijaya yoga but after long struggle. Mer 10th Lord is in

8th amsa hence struggle in that area and frustrations are indicated and this Ge

transit Sat is over Sat in amsa, 8th L from 10th H so this increase the

intensity of results for time being. As Karma Karka Sat is associated with moon

, mob ,crowd is indicated and is aspeced by Jup so teaching, consulting etc Jup

oriented carrers are indicated for native.But this jup is also in Neech amsa So

dis-satisfaction may be there for long time.


Now Jup will transit over Ketu amsa and Ket is 3rd Co lord placed in 12th.Also

in Asc in Rasi and aspeting 12th Lord Sun so this shows good chances for

foriegn travel again in this year. So overall this mars Jup Period will be

favorable for native and as Jup is dispositor of mer+ven which are 4th,5th L

from mars will give Phd. or other good developments regarding studies.


Regarding 7th H, it's in Papa Kartari yoga and it's L Jup is 8th there from

(worst poistion of Jup) besides in AV lowest points are for 7th H and in

Navmamsa 6th L is in 7th H, 7th L is in 12th H and 7th H is having Papargala of

Ketu , Sat+mars (Provideed Birth time is fairly accurate) So this indicates

delay But Ven is strong in 4th H in Vargaottama but in Old age hence promises

marriage for native.

Currently Mars MD is on and mars have argala on 7th H , now Jup is 8th from mars

in D9 but Sat is with mars in 5th H and lagnesh also so I think in mars+Sat

native will get married.

I hope this will help to explore the chart of native.


Requesting Gurus to correct me wherever I'm wrong.



Vinay Patwardhan



Tue, 17 Aug 2004 14:57:42 -0000 "harshver"

<harshver >Need help in analysing this chartHi EveryoneI have

some queries about a friend's chart. I'm putting the detailsand my

observations/questions below:Name: Vijay KumarDate : 15th JanuaryTime : 22:02

PMYear - 1970Place - Patna, Bihar, IndiaObservations:The person is a Virgo

ascendant with Aries rashi. Jupiter is in the second house and both Mercury and

Venus are in the 4th house. Jupiter is aspecting moon. Mars and Rahu are in the

6th house whileSaturn and Moon are in the 8th house. Further, Mars is the lord

of 8th while saturn is the lord of the 6th house. Since both are in each

other's houses so there is an exchange between Mars and Saturn.Further, there

is an exchange between Venus and Jupiter. Ketu is in the 11th house. Saturn is

debilitated in the 8th house which points delays in settlement and Moon in 8th

house shows much mental worries. However there may also be neechbhanga raja

yoga on account of Venus being in 4th house. Gochar saturn finds Ketu in the

third house while traveling. The last time that gochar saturn was aspecting

Ketu (when the native was 14 years old) he recieved a lot of awards for his

communication abilities. Gochar saturn will meet Ketu again in 2007. Can he

expect any similar recognition? Mercury and Venus are in 4th house but are in

old age so their power is reduced.In the Navamsha there is an exchange between

Mars and Mercury. Navamsha also shows neechbhanga raj yoga with debilitated

Jupiter and Moon. The native has found good education with some of the best

institutions in India and has a double Masters. However he has not found

success in the sphere of employment and has always been frustrated in his

attempt to get the job he wants. Last year he lost his job at the start of Rahu

antardasha in Mars Mahadasha. He left his career to become a free lance teacher

in his hometown of Patna where he currently teaches management but has no fixed

income.At the same time there are other merits. He has currently been invited to

the US to read a paper on leadership and he is preparing for another conference

at an American University where he may get the chance to read another paper.

His articles on management and leadership were published in national Indian

newspapers on their own merit and he is currently looking to get his writing

published in America. Some people with contacts in publishing have even

promnised to help him.He is currently in Mars mahadasha with Jupiter

Antardasha. Next year there will be Mars-Saturn which are in exchange with each

other while the year 2006 will be Mars-mercury which are in exchange inthe

Navamsha. Does the exchange of Mars-Saturn point to Viparita Raj Yoga? Rahu is

in sixth house with Mars leading to formation of enemies. This person has

always had people opposed to him and hurting him. But Rahu in 6th house should

give victory over enemies.The native is currently near Washington DC in the US

on a six month visit. He will be here till the end of November following which

he will return to his hometown of Patna in India. The latitude and longitude of

Patna is 25n36 and 85e07.What chances does he have of having his paper accepted

for the November conference and what chances is there for him to return tothe

US either in 2005 or in 2006 to do a Ph.D in management? He is also looking for

opportunities of writing a book on Hindu mythology and getting it published in

the US.The issue with his natal chart is that Venus is in old age. Venus

conjuncts Mercury, the Lord of the Ascendant in the 4th house and isalso

involved in an exchange with Jupiter. But it is weak. Mercury on the other hand

is retrograde in his natal chart and is also in old age.What does this time

period signify for him? Will he get the success he has wanted? By the way the

native in unmarried and wants to find spouse through love and in foreign land.

What are the indications for this in the future?Harsh

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||Shri GaneshDattaGurubhyo Namah||


Dear Harsh,


For transit I always prefer Sun,moon,Asc (Sudarshan Chakra) Here Jup will be

favorable from 2 points hence overall transit will be favorable but from moon

it's in 6th hence native may feel mental dissatisfaction.


Regarding Dasa with career point, mars Ketu will be more favorable. Good

indications for Foriegn Residance. Mars and Rahu both MD r favorable.

Especially from Moon AD in current MD.


Mars -Sat is very good period for studies and native should go ahead. Only thing

is Kantak Sat will be started from AL hence be careful, especially 2nd half.


Regarding materialstic approach see mars is in 3rd from AL along with Rahu so

this shows clear indications of materialstic personality. Regarding Ketu it

should be 12th from Karkamsa then it's of great help for spirituality.


REgarding neech bhanga scholars may also contribute and requesting Guru's to

explain this with clarity.


With Regards,


Vinay Patwardhan.




"harshver" <harshver >

"Vinay Patwardhan" <patwardhanvinay (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>

Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:18 PM

Re: RE:-Need help in analysing this chart

> Hello Vinay> Thanks for the chart analysis that you did. I'm wondering about

the > current transit of Jupiter because this is sixth from chandra rashi. >

6th H transits for Jupiter are bad but indeed since Jupiter in > transiting

lagna I was getting confused.> > Native is indeed tremendously dissatisfied

with career and is > wondering when he would be able to settle down with some

income. His > horoscope shows a lot of mobility but nowadays it is possible to

> move from job to job quickly and do so while increasing the salary > and

benefits. Until now that has not happened to him. He has been > pushed from one

job to another because either he was dismissed or > company closed down so the

next place he got same or even lesser > salary. When do you see an increase in

income for the native? Will > Mars + Mercury starting in mid 2006 make his

career? Can he settle > down in foreign land? If so when will he be able to do

so?> > Native will not be able to apply for a Ph.D this year and will be > able

to do so only in late 2005 for the session of 2006. In mid 2005 > Mars-Saturn

dasha starts. Will that help or destroy? Would it be > advisable to wait and

apply for foreign universities in 2006? That > would delay him and push him to

the session of 2007. > > Native is very stubborn and does not want to get

married unless its > a love marriage. Venus is in old age so I'm wondering if

that is > going to be possible. At the same time the native is not settled in >

life with really no income even at the age of 34 so a marriage > either love or

arranged does not seem to be very probable. > > Ketu in 12th H is exalted as

per Lal Kitab and is Moksha Karak. But > native has become very materialistic

in the past few years even > though he was very religious in childhood. How

will the Papargala of > Ketu affect him and how long will the Papargala last?

His birth time > is accurate.> > Saturn in 8th H is debilitated pointing to a

long struggle but has > neechbhanga owing to Venus being present in 4th H. Any

idea how this > affects the native?> > Thanks a lot> Harsh> > > > --- In

vedic astrology, "Vinay Patwardhan" > <patwardhanvinay@h...>

wrote:> > ||Shri GaneshDattaGurubhyo Namah|| > > > > Dear Harsh,> > > >

Currently native had enterd into Mars-Jup period and Jup is 4th > and 7th Lord

placed in 2nd and in parivartan with Ven the 2nd L as > pointed by you. Now Jup

is in trines to Mars and have friendly > relations with mars. Jup is placed in

neech amsa Cp and in Putramsa. > Jup is also involved in Nakshtra parivartana

with Rahu (using mean > node) so all this points makes the period very

favorable to get > accepted his papers. > > > > Around nov end, Jup will

transit lagna and in Karmamsa hence > transit is also favorable and native will

be successful.> > > > Mars+Rah in 6th Forms Vijaya yoga but after long

struggle. Mer > 10th Lord is in 8th amsa hence struggle in that area and >

frustrations are indicated and this Ge transit Sat is over Sat in > amsa, 8th L

from 10th H so this increase the intensity of results > for time being. As Karma

Karka Sat is associated with moon , > mob ,crowd is indicated and is aspeced by

Jup so teaching, > consulting etc Jup oriented carrers are indicated for

native.But > this jup is also in Neech amsa So dis-satisfaction may be there

for > long time.> > > > Now Jup will transit over Ketu amsa and Ket is 3rd Co

lord placed > in 12th.Also in Asc in Rasi and aspeting 12th Lord Sun so this

shows > good chances for foriegn travel again in this year. So overall this >

mars Jup Period will be favorable for native and as Jup is > dispositor of

mer+ven which are 4th,5th L from mars will give Phd. > or other good

developments regarding studies. > > > > Regarding 7th H, it's in Papa Kartari

yoga and it's L Jup is 8th > there from (worst poistion of Jup) besides in AV

lowest points are > for 7th H and in Navmamsa 6th L is in 7th H, 7th L is in

12th H and > 7th H is having Papargala of Ketu , Sat+mars (Provideed Birth time

> is fairly accurate) So this indicates delay But Ven is strong in 4th > H in

Vargaottama but in Old age hence promises marriage for native.> > Currently

Mars MD is on and mars have argala on 7th H , now Jup is > 8th from mars in D9

but Sat is with mars in 5th H and lagnesh also > so I think in mars+Sat native

will get married.> > I hope this will help to explore the chart of native.> > >

> Requesting Gurus to correct me wherever I'm wrong.> > > > Regards,> > Vinay

Patwardhan> > > > > > > >


-------------> > > > Tue, 17 Aug 2004 14:57:42 -0000> >

"harshver" <harshver>> > Need help in analysing this chart> > > >

Hi Everyone> > I have some queries about a friend's chart. I'm putting the

details> > and my observations/questions below:> > > > Name: Vijay Kumar> >

Date : 15th January> > Time : 22:02 PM> > Year - 1970> > Place - Patna, Bihar,

India> > > > Observations:> > The person is a Virgo ascendant with Aries rashi.

Jupiter is in > the > > second house and both Mercury and Venus are in the 4th

house. > Jupiter > > is aspecting moon. Mars and Rahu are in the 6th house

while> > Saturn and Moon are in the 8th house. Further, Mars is the lord of > >

8th while saturn is the lord of the 6th house. Since both are in > each > >

other's houses so there is an exchange between Mars and Saturn.> > Further,

there is an exchange between Venus and Jupiter. Ketu is > in > > the 11th

house. > > > > Saturn is debilitated in the 8th house which points delays in >

> settlement and Moon in 8th house shows much mental worries. > However > >

there may also be neechbhanga raja yoga on account of Venus being > in > > 4th

house. Gochar saturn finds Ketu in the third house while > > traveling. The

last time that gochar saturn was aspecting Ketu > (when > > the native was 14

years old) he recieved a lot of awards for his > > communication abilities.

Gochar saturn will meet Ketu again in > 2007. > > Can he expect any similar

recognition? Mercury and Venus are in > 4th > > house but are in old age so

their power is reduced.> > > > In the Navamsha there is an exchange between

Mars and Mercury. > > Navamsha also shows neechbhanga raj yoga with

debilitated Jupiter > and > > Moon. > > > > The native has found good education

with some of the best > > institutions in India and has a double Masters.

However he has not > > found success in the sphere of employment and has always

been > > frustrated in his attempt to get the job he wants. Last year he > lost

> > his job at the start of Rahu antardasha in Mars Mahadasha. He left > > his

career to become a free lance teacher in his hometown of Patna > > where he

currently teaches management but has no fixed income.> > > > At the same time

there are other merits. He has currently been > > invited to the US to read a

paper on leadership and he is > preparing > > for another conference at an

American University where he may get > the > > chance to read another paper.

His articles on management and > > leadership were published in national Indian

newspapers on their > own > > merit and he is currently looking to get his

writing published in > > America. Some people with contacts in publishing have

even > promnised > > to help him.> > > > He is currently in Mars mahadasha with

Jupiter Antardasha. Next > year > > there will be Mars-Saturn which are in

exchange with each other > while > > the year 2006 will be Mars-mercury which

are in exchange in> > the Navamsha. Does the exchange of Mars-Saturn point to

Viparita > Raj > > Yoga? Rahu is in sixth house with Mars leading to formation

of > > enemies. This person has always had people opposed to him and > hurting

> > him. But Rahu in 6th house should give victory over enemies.> > > > > > The

native is currently near Washington DC in the US on a six > month > > visit. He

will be here till the end of November following which he > > will return to his

hometown of Patna in India. The latitude and > > longitude of Patna is 25n36 and

85e07.> > > > What chances does he have of having his paper accepted for the > >

November conference and what chances is there for him to return to> > the US

either in 2005 or in 2006 to do a Ph.D in management? He is > > also looking

for opportunities of writing a book on Hindu > mythology > > and getting it

published in the US.> > > > The issue with his natal chart is that Venus is in

old age. Venus > > conjuncts Mercury, the Lord of the Ascendant in the 4th

house and > is> > also involved in an exchange with Jupiter. But it is weak.

Mercury > on > > the other hand is retrograde in his natal chart and is also in

old > > age.> > > > What does this time period signify for him? Will he get the

> success > > he has wanted? By the way the native in unmarried and wants to >

find > > spouse through love and in foreign land. What are the indications > for

> > this in the future?> > > > Harsh> >

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Harsh & Vinay,


I like to add a little bit of my own analysis, which i hope you will

not mind.


Firstly, AK is Mars and Amatya Karaka –Venus, being in the same

degree, is replacing AK. Considering their natural age, the process

might have been over. Essentialy it means, it is the activity in the

society (Karma), which has taken over and become the main purpose of

the native's life.


Secondly, Moon is afflicted, in the 8th house with Saturn. Chandra

dasa would have given the results of debilitated Saturn in exchange

with Mars ( exchange between 6th & 8th house lords is not

auspicious). Current dasa running is that of Mars, again not

conducive. All this is about the native's mental world.

In the native' case Ashtottari is applicable, in which Moon dasa is

running since August 1999! Since the ruler is Ketu, which is in

quadrants to the AK, the native will do well in exporting

ideas/knowledge/ services etc.,


Thirdly the neecha bhanga of Jupiter in navamsa is in the areas of

Navamsa i.e. marriage, dharma etc., Jupiter is causing Raja bhanga

neecha yoga, being debilitated in navamsa. Plus it is badhakesh for

the Lagna and dispositor of LL, A8 & A10.


Rasi drishti of Rah-Ketu on the 11th from AL is what gives him the

foreign connections, where he might make gains.


He needs to propitiate, Goddess Laxmi, who is his palana devi. Sun in

the 5th house, should give him knowledge in scriptures. Ask him to

read Geeta.


His Navamsa may need rectification. Saturn in the karakamsa, as per

Jaimini, makes one nervous to address an audience. Even from navamsa

lagna we do not see any indication for public speaking. What are his

inherent abilities/skills?


My next mail could be delayed because , i would be traveling for

about a week.


Hope this helps.






vedic astrology, "Vinay Patwardhan"

<patwardhanvinay@h...> wrote:

> ||Shri GaneshDattaGurubhyo Namah||


> Dear Harsh,


> For transit I always prefer Sun,moon,Asc (Sudarshan Chakra) Here

Jup will be favorable from 2 points hence overall transit will be

favorable but from moon it's in 6th hence native may feel mental



> Regarding Dasa with career point, mars Ketu will be more favorable.

Good indications for Foriegn Residance. Mars and Rahu both MD r

favorable. Especially from Moon AD in current MD.


> Mars -Sat is very good period for studies and native should go

ahead. Only thing is Kantak Sat will be started from AL hence be

careful, especially 2nd half.


> Regarding materialstic approach see mars is in 3rd from AL along

with Rahu so this shows clear indications of materialstic

personality. Regarding Ketu it should be 12th from Karkamsa then it's

of great help for spirituality.


> REgarding neech bhanga scholars may also contribute and requesting

Guru's to explain this with clarity.


> With Regards,


> Vinay Patwardhan.

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