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An analysis of Ms. Jayalalitha's horoscope

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Dear Sri. Jagannathan,


Rahu in her horoscope is neecha in navamsa. Generally the dasa

of a planet which is neecha in navamsa will not be good. Rahu dasa

seems to be a mixed bag for her so far. She lost power and her own

seat in 1996 during Rahu-Rahu. At that time Transit saturn was in

the 8th house from moon. Transit Jupiter was in Saggitarius 5th from

the moon. Her party was wiped out in 1996 Assembly and Loksabha

elections. in 1998, during her Rahu-Jupiter, in alliance with BJP

her party performed well in the Loksabha elections and suddenly she

acquired enormous clout and in the next one year, she thoroughly

misued it and withdrew support to the government in April 1999, when

transit Rahu was degreewise conjuct natal saturn and transit saturn

was in natal Rahu rasi. In 1999 elections which happened during the

fag end of her Rahu-jupiter and begining of Rahu-saturn, her party's

performance was mediocre and she lost her hold on central

government. In 2001 May assembly elections, during the same Rahu-

Saturn period her party performed spectacularly and captured power.

Transit Saturn and Jupiter both were in the 10th house from her

moon. She had to resign subsequently because of supreme court ruling

that any person who is disqualified to contest elections can not be

a minister or chief minister. I guess her loss of power may be

because the Dasa bhukthi and transits both were not very good. But

once Saturn moved into 11th house from Moon, she was acquitted and

became chief minister again. So it seems unless supported by good

transits, Rahu dasa seems to be not favourable. As mentioned by you,

rahu should give the results of Mars. Mars is an excellant yoga

karaka from moon. He is occupying his own moola trikona. During Mars

dasa, she became chief minister of Tamilnadu in 1991. I guess

because of the strength of mars, rahu gave her power whenever

transits are good and bhkthi lords had strength and good

relationship with rahu.


Rahu-ketu can be a bad time as also Rahu-venus. Venus is in the

12th from Rahu and generally Dasa and bhukthi lords in 6-8, 2-12

positions are unfavorable. From Lagna, Rahu is no doubt in 11th

house and 11th house rahu can raise one to great heights as happened

in sri. Rajiv Gandhi's case. But the same Rahu caused his downfall.

In addition in Ms. Jayalalithaa's horoscope Rahu is neecha in



Her sadesathi started when Saturn entered Cancer, but she may

not feel the effects of sadesathi till 2006. This is because when

Saturn transits 12th house and if any planet other than Sun transits

the 2nd house from moon, Saturn's 12th house effects get cancelled.

Right now Jupiter is transiting 2nd house from moon and after

March 2005 ketu will transit virgo.


During rahu dasa, it is observed in many cases that rahu

clouds the mind of a person and makes him/her to take very perverse

and sacrilegious decisions. As mentioned in my earlier mail to this

group, right now transit rahu is on her natal rahu rasi and transit

saturn is on her natal saturn rasi and exactly like in 1999, she

took a rash and perverse decision and she may suffer the




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