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- Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas

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Om Gurave Namah

Namaste List,

I just wanted to know whether Moon in lagna in virtually almost all D-charts can

give Raja yoga, even if it lacks pakshabala, as in the case of the attached

chart? I seem to recall the dictum as any planet associated repeatedly with

lagna in vargas is supposed to give raja yoga, so will the strength of the

planet matter here?

The chart is that of my husband.




Dhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net> wrote: Dear Vijayadas,>But did this

individual experience any Raja yoga?Yes, she had her own car, and plenty of

money. She was a good student aswell. But always unsure about what to do in

future.Her mother committed suicide as well, her father is also in hospital

withmental disease. I just now got to know that around the same time she didit,

her father contemplated to commit suicide as well. However, he did notand is

still alive. She has one brother also, who is OK.Yours,Dhira Krsna


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......



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Rama Krsna|


Laxmi, Namaskar

The dictum is

from Parasara; Rajya Yoga Adhyaaya.

One planet

associating with the Lagna in Räçi, drekkana and Navämça will give Räjya Yoga.

(Also refer to the principle on Yogadas in this context)

One planet

associating the Lagna in all the Shadvargas (D1, D2, D3, D9, D12, D30) will

give Räjya Yoga.


But this same

planet must be seen in Räçi – Guruji has Mars aspecting or joining Lagna

in all 16 divisions, but that Mars is Marana Karaka Sthäna in the Räçi, and

hence the good results will be hard to see for him, and he will literally feel

as if he is dying. So we may infer that an opportunity to earn very great Räjya

Yoga may arise, but it will put him into a horrible state. Luckily he was born

during the Night.


bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">lakshmi ramesh

[b_lakshmi_ramesh ]

14 August 2004 07:47


vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] -

Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas






height:187.5pt" id="HB_Focus_Element" background="" UNSELECTABLE="off">

Om Gurave Namah

Namaste List,

I just

wanted to know whether Moon in lagna in virtually almost all

D-charts can give Raja yoga, even if it lacks pakshabala, as in the case

of the attached chart? I seem to recall the dictum as any planet

associated repeatedly with lagna in vargas is supposed to give raja yoga, so

will the strength of the planet matter here?


chart is that of my husband.






Dhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net>


Dear Vijayadas,

>But did this individual experience any Raja


Yes, she had her own car, and plenty of money. She

was a good student as

well. But always unsure about what to do in


Her mother committed suicide as well, her father

is also in hospital with

mental disease. I just now got to know that around

the same time she did

it, her father contemplated to commit suicide as

well. However, he did not

and is still alive. She has one brother also, who

is OK.


Dhira Krsna dasa,






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vedic astrology-


|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||





vedic astrology


To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

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|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Visti,


Thanks for bringing it to my notice. Yes, Mars is indeed an important planet in

Guruji’s chart, apart from being associated with lagna in almost all vargas, he

is also the dispositor of GL & HL, aspecting the lagna and lagna lord! He is the

2 & 9L and is again in the 9H from AK.


It is very sad that such a yogada should be so weakly placed in the chart in

badhaka / maraca / marana sthana. I notice that Mars is also the putrakaraka,

ruling followers / sishyas, so no wonder Guruji is often betrayed by those very

people whom he had so lovingly nurtured!!


Is there no remedy to strengthen such a Mars?





Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|Hare Rama Krsna|

Dear Laxmi, Namaskar

The dictum is from Parasara; Rajya Yoga Adhyaaya.

One planet associating with the Lagna in Räçi, drekkana and Navämça will give

Räjya Yoga. (Also refer to the principle on Yogadas in this context)

One planet associating the Lagna in all the Shadvargas (D1, D2, D3, D9, D12,

D30) will give Räjya Yoga.


But this same planet must be seen in Räçi – Guruji has Mars aspecting or joining

Lagna in all 16 divisions, but that Mars is Marana Karaka Sthäna in the Räçi,

and hence the good results will be hard to see for him, and he will literally

feel as if he is dying. So we may infer that an opportunity to earn very great

Räjya Yoga may arise, but it will put him into a horrible state. Luckily he was

born during the Night.


Visti Larsenvisti (AT) (DOT) org




lakshmi ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh ] 14 August 2004

07:47vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] - Moon

in LAGNA in shadvargas





Om Gurave Namah

Namaste List,

I just wanted to know whether Moon in lagna in virtually almost all D-charts can

give Raja yoga, even if it lacks pakshabala, as in the case of the attached

chart? I seem to recall the dictum as any planet associated repeatedly with

lagna in vargas is supposed to give raja yoga, so will the strength of the

planet matter here?

The chart is that of my husband.





Dhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Vijayadas,>But did this individual experience any Raja yoga?Yes, she had

her own car, and plenty of money. She was a good student aswell. But always

unsure about what to do in future.Her mother committed suicide as well, her

father is also in hospital withmental disease. I just now got to know that

around the same time she didit, her father contemplated to commit suicide as

well. However, he did notand is still alive. She has one brother also, who

is OK.Yours,Dhira Krsna


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo

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Jupiter's light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||


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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Rama Krsna|

Dear Lakshmi,


Notice that

Mars is joined A5, so it will be the students/followers or children who come to

bring the results of this weak Mars. The Chara Kärakatva will show which

person/people led the students to do this – here Mars is Putra Karaka

itself, so other students enticed these students – the relationship

between him and his students can be seen from the placement between AK and PK.

The reasons

or excuses will be seen from lordship and placement of Mars. Mars lords Hora Lagna

and Ghatika Lagna and hence is promoting money and power – it lords the 9th

house and could have something to do with father, it also lords 2nd house

and shows groups of people or those he considers family. Mars is placed in the

7th house of business and relationships, so as soon as he enters

into business or partnerships for the sake of money – and that too

involving his father and community/family – then this mars will show its

inauspicious traits. Because Mars is so strong in the divisions there was a

promise of a massive Räjya Yoga if he completed the task.


But before

trying to strengthen Mars, let us be frank. If Mars had its way with Guruji, he

would not be teaching us astrology. Remember that Mars has the power to eclipse

Jupiter and that would be the end of SJC. It was because of this Mars that his

own Guruji – Käçinätha Rath forced Sanjay to give up Karate and so many

other things before teaching him Jyotish, and also forced him to wear a Yellow

Saffire to pacify that Mars.


See this is

the way Jyotish should be used – had we strengthened that Mars, then

Sanjayji would have been a big Raj-Jyotisha, advising politicians about future

political moves and earning big money whilst living in a palace with big

swimming pools, bossing people around like a military chief.


Thou Sanjayji

would love the palace and swimming pools, theres a certain price to pay for

such things. I prefer him teaching Jyotish.



bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">lakshmi ramesh

[b_lakshmi_ramesh ]

14 August 2004 13:17


vedic astrology

RE: [vedic astrology] -

Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas



Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Visti,


Thanks for bringing it to my notice. Yes, Mars is

indeed an important planet in Gurujis chart, apart from being associated

with lagna in almost all vargas, he is also the dispositor of GL & HL,

aspecting the lagna and lagna lord! He is the 2 & 9L and is again in the

9H from AK.


It is very sad that such a yogada should be so

weakly placed in the chart in badhaka / maraca / marana sthana. I notice that

Mars is also the putrakaraka, ruling followers / sishyas, so no wonder Guruji

is often betrayed by those very people whom he had so lovingly nurtured!!


Is there no remedy to strengthen such a Mars?







Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:


Rama Krsna|


Laxmi, Namaskar

The dictum is

from Parasara; Rajya Yoga Adhyaaya.

One planet

associating with the Lagna in Rdgi, drekkana and Navdmga will give Rdjya Yoga.

(Also refer to the principle on Yogadas in this context)

One planet

associating the Lagna in all the Shadvargas (D1, D2, D3, D9, D12, D30) will

give Rdjya Yoga.


But this same

planet must be seen in Rdgi  Guruji has Mars aspecting or joining Lagna in all

16 divisions, but that Mars is Marana Karaka Sthdna in the Rdgi, and hence the

good results will be hard to see for him, and he will literally feel as if he

is dying. So we may infer that an opportunity to earn very great Rdjya Yoga may

arise, but it will put him into a horrible state. Luckily he was born during

the Night.


bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">




font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">lakshmi ramesh

[b_lakshmi_ramesh ]

14 August 2004 07:47


vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] -

Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas






height:187.5pt" id="HB_Focus_Element" background="" UNSELECTABLE="off">


Gurave Namah

Namaste List,

I just

wanted to know whether Moon in lagna in virtually almost all D-charts can

give Raja yoga, even if it lacks pakshabala, as in the case of the attached

chart? I seem to recall the dictum as any planet associated repeatedly

with lagna in vargas is supposed to give raja yoga, so will the strength

of the planet matter here?

The chart

is that of my husband.






Dhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net>


Dear Vijayadas,

>But did this individual experience any Raja


Yes, she had her own car, and plenty of money. She

was a good student as

well. But always unsure about what to do in


Her mother committed suicide as well, her father

is also in hospital with

mental disease. I just now got to know that around

the same time she did

it, her father contemplated to commit suicide as

well. However, he did not

and is still alive. She has one brother also, who

is OK.


Dhira Krsna dasa,






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vedic astrology-


|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||





vedic astrology


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|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||


vedic astrology


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|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||





vedic astrology


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Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

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Dear Laxmi and Visti,

If I may remind about what is being said about effects of planets in

Marana Shtana, it is said that,



mr[swan< tiSmNpapyute=wva,



tasminpäpayute'thavä |


ÊbRle Ê>omaßuyat!.36.



duùkhamäpnuyät ||36||"

This means that some indications are only spoiled if such a planet is

malefics, debilitated or in house of enemy and they are enhanced if it

is aspected by malefic planet. Now in Sanjay's horoscope Mars is

aspected by Jupiter who himself is strong and as such would all these

results be only due to placement of Mars in Marana Sthana?



lakshmi ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave



Namaste Visti,


Thanks for

bringing it to my notice. Yes, Mars is indeed an important planet in

Guruji’s chart, apart from being associated with lagna in almost all

vargas, he is also the dispositor of GL & HL, aspecting the lagna

and lagna lord! He is the 2 & 9L and is again in the 9H from AK.


It is very

sad that such a yogada should be so weakly placed in the chart in

badhaka / maraca / marana sthana. I notice that Mars is also the

putrakaraka, ruling followers / sishyas, so no wonder Guruji is often

betrayed by those very people whom he had so lovingly nurtured!!


Is there no

remedy to strengthen such a Mars?





Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

|Hare Rama Krsna|

Dear Laxmi, Namaskar


dictum is from Parasara; Rajya Yoga Adhyaaya.


planet associating with the Lagna in Räçi, drekkana and Navämça will

give Räjya Yoga. (Also refer to the principle on Yogadas in this



planet associating the Lagna in all the Shadvargas (D1, D2, D3, D9,

D12, D30) will give Räjya Yoga.



this same planet must be seen in Räçi – Guruji has Mars aspecting or

joining Lagna in all 16 divisions, but that Mars is Marana Karaka

Sthäna in the Räçi, and hence the good results will be hard to see for

him, and he will literally feel as if he is dying. So we may infer that

an opportunity to earn very great Räjya Yoga may arise, but it will put

him into a horrible state. Luckily he was born during the Night.


Visti Larsen

visti (AT) (DOT) org




lakshmi ramesh

[b_lakshmi_ramesh ]

14 August

2004 07:47


vedic astrology


[vedic astrology] - Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas






Gurave Namah

Namaste List,

I just wanted to know whether Moon in lagna

in virtually almost all D-charts can give Raja yoga, even if it lacks

pakshabala, as in the case of the attached chart? I seem to recall the

dictum as any planet associated repeatedly with lagna in vargas is

supposed to give raja yoga, so will the strength of the planet matter


The chart is that of my husband.






Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net> wrote:



>But did this individual

experience any Raja yoga?

Yes, she had her own car, and

plenty of money. She was a good student as

well. But always unsure about

what to do in future.

Her mother committed suicide as

well, her father is also in hospital with

mental disease. I just now got

to know that around the same time she did

it, her father contemplated to

commit suicide as well. However, he did not

and is still alive. She has one

brother also, who is OK.


Dhira Krsna dasa,






To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-

........ May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||






To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-

........ May Jupiter's light shine on

us .......

|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||















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Dear Lakshmi,

It does gain strength being in strong varga in multiple D-Charts in

Lagna besides being Vargottama. The results are modified to some effect

on account of its being in Rasi of Mercury who also conjuncts the Moon

as Moon is enemy of Mercury.


lakshmi ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave Namah

Namaste List,

I just wanted to know whether Moon in lagna in virtually

almost all D-charts can give Raja yoga, even if it lacks pakshabala, as

in the case of the attached chart? I seem to recall the dictum as any

planet associated repeatedly with lagna in vargas is supposed to give

raja yoga, so will the strength of the planet matter here?

The chart is that of my husband.




Dhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net>




>But did this individual experience any Raja yoga?

Yes, she had her own car, and plenty of money. She was a good student as

well. But always unsure about what to do in future.

Her mother committed suicide as well, her father is also in hospital


mental disease. I just now got to know that around the same time she did

it, her father contemplated to commit suicide as well. However, he did


and is still alive. She has one brother also, who is OK.


Dhira Krsna dasa,


















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Rama Krsna|


Chandrashekhar, Namaskar

I thought

Papayute meant joined malefics.

Mars is also

aspected by Rähu and Ketu.

But this

dictum is only highlighting the intensity of the Marana Sthäna, point is that

the Marana Sthäna will be felt, and other planets can then later add to the

suffering or bring the person out. Just as Neecha Bhanga does not mean a planet

is not debilitated, just that other planets are there to bring the person out

of debilitation… The planet still remains debilitated however.


bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org


padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm">





color:windowtext"> Chandrashekhar [boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk]

14 August 2004 22:05

lakshmi ramesh


vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] -

Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas


Dear Laxmi and Visti,

If I may remind about what is being said about effects of planets in Marana

Shtana, it is said that,


"Sanskrit 99"">#Tyev< mr[swan< tiSmNpapyute=wva,

font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">ityevaà maraëasthänaà tasminpäpayute'thavä |

"Sanskrit 99"">pap†òe=irnIcSwe ÊbRle Ê>omaßuyat!.36.

font-family:"URW Palladio IT"">päpadåñöe'rinécasthe durbale duùkhamäpnuyät


This means that some indications are only spoiled if such a planet is malefics,

debilitated or in house of enemy and they are enhanced if it is aspected by

malefic planet. Now in Sanjay's horoscope Mars is aspected by Jupiter who

himself is strong and as such would all these results be only due to placement

of Mars in Marana Sthana?



lakshmi ramesh wrote:

height:187.5pt" id="HB_Focus_Element" unselectable="off" background="">


Gurave Namah


Namaste Visti,


Thanks for bringing it to my notice. Yes, Mars is

indeed an important planet in Guruji’s chart, apart from being

associated with lagna in almost all vargas, he is also the dispositor of GL

& HL, aspecting the lagna and lagna lord! He is the 2 & 9L and is

again in the 9H from AK.


It is very sad that such a yogada should be so

weakly placed in the chart in badhaka / maraca / marana sthana. I notice that

Mars is also the putrakaraka, ruling followers / sishyas, so no wonder Guruji

is often betrayed by those very people whom he had so lovingly nurtured!!


Is there no remedy to strengthen such a Mars?






Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org>



Rama Krsna|


Laxmi, Namaskar

The dictum is

from Parasara; Rajya Yoga Adhyaaya.

One planet

associating with the Lagna in Räçi, drekkana and Navämça will give Räjya Yoga.

(Also refer to the principle on Yogadas in this context)

One planet

associating the Lagna in all the Shadvargas (D1, D2, D3, D9, D12, D30) will

give Räjya Yoga.


But this same

planet must be seen in Räçi – Guruji has Mars aspecting or joining Lagna

in all 16 divisions, but that Mars is Marana Karaka Sthäna in the Räçi, and

hence the good results will be hard to see for him, and he will literally feel

as if he is dying. So we may infer that an opportunity to earn very great Räjya

Yoga may arise, but it will put him into a horrible state. Luckily he was born

during the Night.


bold">Visti Larsen


visti (AT) (DOT) org

padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm;-moz-background-clip: initial;-moz-background-origin: initial;

-moz-background-inline-policy: initial;background-attachment:scroll;






ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh ]

14 August 2004 07:47

vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] -

Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas






height:187.5pt" id="HB_Focus_Element" unselectable="off" background="">


Gurave Namah

12.0pt">Namaste List,

12.0pt">I just wanted to know whether Moon in lagna in virtually almost all

D-charts can give Raja yoga, even if it lacks pakshabala, as in the case

of the attached chart? I seem to recall the dictum as any planet

associated repeatedly with lagna in vargas is supposed to give raja yoga, so

will the strength of the planet matter here?

12.0pt">The chart is that of my husband.





Dhira Krsna BCS <Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net>


Dear Vijayadas,

>But did this individual experience any Raja


Yes, she had her own car, and plenty of money. She

was a good student as

well. But always unsure about what to do in


Her mother committed suicide as well, her father

is also in hospital with

mental disease. I just now got to know that around

the same time she did

it, her father contemplated to commit suicide as

well. However, he did not

and is still alive. She has one brother also, who

is OK.


Dhira Krsna dasa,








|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||





vedic astrology




|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||


vedic astrology




|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||





vedic astrology




|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||


vedic astrology




|| Om

Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

Attachment: (image/jpeg) image001.jpg [not stored]

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Dear Visti,

You could say that.Again if we consider Rasi drishty too then Rahu and

Ketu would b also be aspected by Jupiter, reducing their malfeasance.

The fact however remains that benefic aspect is there. Again Rahu and

Ketu being in Rasi of Mercury and Jupiter would give results of those

planets who are beneficial per dictum "Yad Yad bhavagate vapi..." .

Therefore Mars could not give as bleak results of  being marana sthana

as are being interpreted, is my view. Of course this is my personal

view and others might differ.


Visti Larsen wrote:

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}

o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}

w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}

..shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}

st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }


Rama Krsna|


Chandrashekhar, Namaskar



Papayute meant joined malefics.


is also

aspected by Rähu and Ketu.



dictum is only highlighting the intensity of the Marana Sthäna, point

is that

the Marana Sthäna will be felt, and other planets can then later add to


suffering or bring the person out. Just as Neecha Bhanga does not mean

a planet

is not debilitated, just that other planets are there to bring the

person out

of debilitation… The planet still remains debilitated however.


Visti Larsen

visti (AT) (DOT) org





Chandrashekhar [boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk]

14 August 2004


lakshmi ramesh


vedic astrology


[vedic astrology] -

Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas


Dear Laxmi and Visti,

If I may remind about what is being said about effects of planets in


Shtana, it is said that,



mr[swan< tiSmNpapyute=wva,


maraëasthänaà tasminpäpayute'thavä |


ÊbRle Ê>omaßuyat!.36.


durbale duùkhamäpnuyät


This means that some indications are only spoiled if such a planet is


debilitated or in house of enemy and they are enhanced if it is

aspected by

malefic planet. Now in Sanjay's horoscope Mars is aspected by Jupiter


himself is strong and as such would all these results be only due to


of Mars in Marana Sthana?



lakshmi ramesh wrote:


Gurave Namah


Namaste Visti,


Thanks for bringing it to my

notice. Yes, Mars is indeed an important planet in Guruji’s chart,

apart from being associated with lagna in almost all vargas, he is also

the dispositor of GL & HL, aspecting the lagna and lagna lord! He

is the 2 & 9L and is again in the 9H from AK.


It is very sad that such a

yogada should be so weakly placed in the chart in badhaka / maraca /

marana sthana. I notice that Mars is also the putrakaraka, ruling

followers / sishyas, so no wonder Guruji is often betrayed by those

very people whom he had so lovingly nurtured!!


Is there no remedy to

strengthen such a Mars?







Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org>



Rama Krsna|


Laxmi, Namaskar


dictum is

from Parasara; Rajya Yoga Adhyaaya.



associating with the Lagna in Räçi, drekkana and Navämça will give

Räjya Yoga.

(Also refer to the principle on Yogadas in this context)



associating the Lagna in all the Shadvargas (D1, D2, D3, D9, D12, D30)


give Räjya Yoga.



this same

planet must be seen in Räçi – Guruji has Mars aspecting or joining


in all 16 divisions, but that Mars is Marana Karaka Sthäna in the Räçi,


hence the good results will be hard to see for him, and he will

literally feel

as if he is dying. So we may infer that an opportunity to earn very

great Räjya

Yoga may arise, but it will put him into a horrible state. Luckily he

was born

during the Night.


Visti Larsen

visti (AT) (DOT) org






ramesh [b_lakshmi_ramesh ]

14 August 2004


vedic astrology


[vedic astrology] -

Moon in LAGNA in shadvargas






Gurave Namah

Namaste List,

I just wanted to know whether Moon in lagna

in virtually almost all D-charts can give Raja yoga, even if it lacks

pakshabala, as in the case of the attached chart? I seem to recall the

dictum as any planet associated repeatedly with lagna in vargas is

supposed to give raja yoga, so will the strength of the planet matter


The chart is that of my husband.






Krsna BCS

<Dhira.Krsna.BCS (AT) pamho (DOT) net>


Dear Vijayadas,

>But did this individual

experience any Raja


Yes, she had her own car, and

plenty of money. She

was a good student as

well. But always unsure about what

to do in


Her mother committed suicide as

well, her father

is also in hospital with

mental disease. I just now got to

know that around

the same time she did

it, her father contemplated to

commit suicide as

well. However, he did not

and is still alive. She has one

brother also, who

is OK.


Dhira Krsna dasa,







........ May Jupiter's light shine

on us .......

||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||







........ May Jupiter's light shine on

us .......

||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam

Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||




........ May Jupiter's light shine on

us .......

||   Om

Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||

Do you







........ May Jupiter's light shine on us


||   Om

Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||



To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

vedic astrology-

........ May Jupiter's light shine on us


||   Om

Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||





||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||

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