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Parivarthana Yoga or exchange of houses

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What if someone has Dharma Karmadhipatya Yoga from the Chandra Lagna instead of the Lagna itself.

For that matter what are the effects of all these yogas with respect to Lagna and Chandra Lagna. ?

Are they any different considered from either of the Lagnas?

Any insight would greatly help us understand these concepts better.


SaiRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 >Date:

2003/09/16 06:12:10vedic astrologyCc: Subject:

[vedic astrology] Parivarthana Yoga or exchange of houses

Dear all,


Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any

planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have

any houses as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has

Cancer, Mars has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercury’s houses are

Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns

Taurus and Libra and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two

planets exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana

yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the

planets exchange their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In

practice the planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they a!

re placed. Since seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets

can undergo Parivarthana yoga so maximum three parivarthana yoga can arise in a

natal chart.

One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana yoga is the

horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She got three

Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the

ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of the second

house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus

and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed in Taurus

and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses were responsible

for her achievements in life as a Prime minister.

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana between the lord

of Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the

lord of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot render any benefic

results. Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of

houses between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to

be Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead

the others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this world,

during the dasa of the these lords the native can make a foreign trip in terms

of business and earn a lot of money to lead the res!

t of the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the native they get

an authoritative job as per the education of the native.

Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu

Dhana Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first

and second houses. This yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of

life irrespective of whatever may be the dasa, the native can get an honourable

job. But the negative part of this yoga is that the native suffers in the

earlier part of life. After the age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by

virtue of his/her own efforts till the age of 55.

`In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are considered as malefic

houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga

arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga

in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and

lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor factor is to

be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to exchange of houses between

the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of the!

lord of the 6th houses brings the death to the person if the longevity of the

person is ineffective.

If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with 4th, 5th, 7th,

9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala Parivarthana yoga. These

people come up in life by their hard work and they get unexpected positive

results in life.

Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest of the

planets if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as Maha Bhagya

Parivarthana yoga. The result of this raja yoga is unnecessary to explain since

the name itself signifies the result of this yoga.

Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and

Jupiter, the results of this yoga is similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga.

Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as

per this yoga the married life becomes harmonious with luxury.

When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the native becomes

very sound.

Bye now

Let us see more about it in the discussion

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.




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~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Dear Ramani,


It was an excellent post on Parivartana Yoga. Thanks

for sharing this nice peiece of information. I had

read about parivartana yoga, but not in that detail.


Kind regards,


Neeraj Gupta

--- Saikumar <astrossk wrote:


> Dear Ramani et al,

> What if someone has Dharma Karmadhipatya Yoga from

> the Chandra Lagna instead

> of the Lagna itself.

> For that matter what are the effects of all these

> yogas with respect to Lagna

> and Chandra Lagna. ?

> Are they any different considered from either of the

> Lagnas?

> Any insight would greatly help us understand these

> concepts better.

> Regards,

> Sai


> Ramani Alwar <aramani_1969

> 2003/09/16 06:12:10

> vedic astrology

> Cc:

> [vedic astrology] Parivarthana Yoga or

> exchange of houses



> Dear all, Greetings, Parivarthana yoga is

> nothing but the exchange of

> houses between any planets in the given natal chart.

> Out of nine planets Rahu

> and Ketu do not have any houses as their own houses.

> Sun has its own house

> which is Leo, Moon has Cancer, Mars has two houses

> namely Aries and Scorpio,

> Mercury’s houses are Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius

> and Pisces are the houses

> of Jupiter, Venus owns Taurus and Libra and the rest

> of the houses are owned

> by Saturn. If any two planets exchange their houses

> it is said to be

> Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana yoga is believed to

> be powerful yoga than the

> rest of the yoga because the planets exchange their

> houses are powerful like

> that of the exalted planets. In practice the planets

> under exchange do the

> duty of the houses in which they are placed. Since

> seven planets have their

> own houses theoretically six planets can undergo

> Parivarthana yoga so maximum

> three parivarthana yoga can arise in a natal chart.

> One of the

> important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana

> yoga is the horoscope of ex

> prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She got

> three Parivarthana yoga

> in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the

> lord of the ascendant was in

> exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of

> the second house and the

> lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house,

> and the Venus and Jupiter

> were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was

> placed in Taurus and Venus

> was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses

> were responsible for her

> achievements in life as a Prime minister.

> Out of all the

> Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana between the lord

> of Kendra and Trikona is

> very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the

> lord of fifth and ninth

> house is very weak and cannot render any benefic

> results. Among the

> Parivarthana between the Kendra and Trikona the

> exchange of houses between the

> lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and

> said to be Dharma

> Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous

> wealth, they lead the others

> by showing the path how to earn money for living in

> this world, during the

> dasa of the these lords the native can make a

> foreign trip in terms of

> business and earn a lot of money to lead the rest of

> the life, they become

> very familiar and popular and in the native they get

> an authoritative job as

> per the education of the native. Another

> important yoga in the

> Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana Yoga, it is

> due to the exchange of

> houses between the lord of the first and second

> houses. This yoga brings

> popularity and wealth in the later part of life

> irrespective of whatever may

> be the dasa, the native can get an honourable job.

> But the negative part of

> this yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier

> part of life. After the

> age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by

> virtue of his/her own efforts

> till the age of 55. `In the horoscope

> 6th, 8th and 12th houses are

> considered as malefic houses. The lords of those

> houses if exchange their

> houses Vipreet Raja Yoga arises. Usually the people

> those suddenly become a

> Crore pathi have this yoga in their natal chart.

> During the dasa or bhuthi of

> those planets Jackpot and lottery like lucks reach

> the native. Sometimes the

> lord of the 3rd house also considered in the Vipreet

> Raja Yoga. One of the

> important factor factor is to be considered is if

> the Vipreet raja yoga is

> due to exchange of houses between the lord of the

> 8th and 6th houses. The dasa

> of the lord of the 6th houses brings the death to

> the person if the longevity

> of the person is ineffective. If the

> lord of the 3rd house

> exchange the houses with 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th,

> 11th and 12th houses is

> said to be Kala Parivarthana yoga. These people come

> up in life by their hard

> work and they get unexpected positive results in

> life. Except the

> 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest of the

> planets if undergo exchange

> of houses it is considered as Maha Bhagya

> Parivarthana yoga. The result of

> this raja yoga is unnecessary to explain since the

> name itself signifies the

> result of this yoga. Kesari Yoga is due

> to the exchange of houses

> between Moon and Jupiter, the results of this yoga

> is similar to that of Gaja

> Kesari Yoga. Vedanda Yoga arises if

> Venus and Jupiter exchange

> their houses, as per this yoga the married life

> becomes harmonious with

> luxury. When Mercury undergoes

> Parivarthana education of the

> native becomes very sound. Bye now Let us see more

> about it in the discussion

> Yours sincerely A. Ramani.


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Dear Ramani Alwar NAmaste


Very good article. IS there any thing as Ardha-viparitrajyoga or



Like say when exchange is among 6/8/12 it is viparitrajyoga so I

thought there must be Ardha(Half) of it! As in one malefic and other

trikona. Say 12th and 5th house exchange their lords. Or say 12 and

2nd lord exchange.( 2nd is marak but not malefic if I am correct.)

So it is half viparit or half raj. Can we say it as

Ardhaviparitrajyoga or Viparitardharajyoga? What is the effect of

such 12-5 exchange?


One more thing, in the parivartanyoga is the parivartan logical or

is it physical? I mean, should we actually consider planets at their

own houses or we consider them to be present where ever they are but

their effect will be as if they are present in their own house. i.e.

if 12th lord shani is in 2nd house and 2nd lord guru is in 12th

house ( Kumbha lagna). Then should we consider guru to be present

physically in 2nd house or is it that guru will remain in 12th but

would produce the result as if present in 2nd house and same for the

SHani. Please guide and sorry for asking tooo many questions!


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.







vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar

<aramani_1969> wrote:


> Dear all,


> Greetings,


> Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses

between any planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets

Rahu and Ketu do not have any houses as their own houses. Sun has

its own house which is Leo, Moon has Cancer, Mars has two houses

namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercury's houses are Gemini and Virgo,

Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns Taurus

and Libra and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two

planets exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga.

Parivarthana yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of

the yoga because the planets exchange their houses are powerful like

that of the exalted planets. In practice the planets under exchange

do the duty of the houses in which they are placed. Since seven

planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo

Parivarthana yoga so maximum three parivarthana yoga can arise in a

natal chart.


> One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana

yoga is the horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira

Gandhi. She got three Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her

ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the ascendant was in exchange with

the seventh house lord, The lord of the second house and the lord of

the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus and

Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed

in Taurus and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of

houses were responsible for her achievements in life as a Prime



> Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana

between the lord of Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the

Parivarthana between the lord of fifth and ninth house is very weak

and cannot render any benefic results. Among the Parivarthana

between the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of houses between the

lord of the tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to be Dharma

Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead

the others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this

world, during the dasa of the these lords the native can make a

foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead

the rest of the life, they become very familiar and popular and in

the native they get an authoritative job as per the education of the



> Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is

Andiya Vayasu Dhana Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses

between the lord of the first and second houses. This yoga brings

popularity and wealth in the later part of life irrespective of

whatever may be the dasa, the native can get an honourable job. But

the negative part of this yoga is that the native suffers in the

earlier part of life. After the age of 33 onwards the native will

earn money by virtue of his/her own efforts till the age of 55.


> `In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are

considered as malefic houses. The lords of those houses if exchange

their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga arises. Usually the people those

suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga in their natal chart.

During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and lottery like

lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor

factor is to be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to

exchange of houses between the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The

dasa of the lord of the 6th houses brings the death to the person if

the longevity of the person is ineffective.


> If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with

4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala

Parivarthana yoga. These people come up in life by their hard work

and they get unexpected positive results in life.


> Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest

of the planets if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as

Maha Bhagya Parivarthana yoga. The result of this raja yoga is

unnecessary to explain since the name itself signifies the result of

this yoga.


> Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between

Moon and Jupiter, the results of this yoga is similar to that of

Gaja Kesari Yoga.


> Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange

their houses, as per this yoga the married life becomes harmonious

with luxury.


> When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the

native becomes very sound.


> Bye now


> Let us see more about it in the discussion


> Yours sincerely


> A. Ramani.



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Thanks for the appreciation. I did not come across any Ardha Viparitraja

yoga. The rest are parivarthana raja yoga we can say. Usually the second and

twelfth house if involve parivarthana the expenditure on home will take away

all the savings.

It is believed that the parivarthan planets do the job of the other planet. For

example, if Mercury and Jupiter exchange their houses Jupiter will do the job of

Mercury and vice versa.

Bye now

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.




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Dear Ramaniji


If a yoga can be formed by virtue of conjunction as well as

parivartana,which one will be stronger.What is the reason.


Thanks a lot


vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar

<aramani_1969> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandarji,

> Thanks for the appreciation. I did not come across any Ardha

Viparitraja yoga. The rest are parivarthana raja yoga we can say.

Usually the second and twelfth house if involve parivarthana the

expenditure on home will take away all the savings.

> It is believed that the parivarthan planets do the job of the

other planet. For example, if Mercury and Jupiter exchange their

houses Jupiter will do the job of Mercury and vice versa.

> Bye now

> Yours sincerely

> A. Ramani.







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Let us see more from the group discussion regarding this question.

Bye now

Yours sincerely

A. Ramani.vijayadas_pradeep <vijayadas_pradeep > wrote:

Dear RamanijiIf a yoga can be formed by virtue of conjunction as well as

parivartana,which one will be stronger.What is the reason.Thanks a

lotPradeepvedic astrology, Ramani Alwar

<aramani_1969> wrote:> Dear Amolmandarji,> Thanks for the

appreciation. I did not come across any Ardha Viparitraja yoga. The rest are

parivarthana raja yoga we can say. Usually the second and twelfth house if

involve parivarthana the expenditure on home will take away all the savings. >

It is believed that the parivarthan planets do the job of the other planet. For

example, if Mercury and Jupiter exchange their houses Jupiter will do the job

of Mercury and vice versa. > Bye now> Yours sincerely> A. Ramani.> > > >

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vedic astrologyGroup info:

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Dear Ramani Alwar Namaste


Thanks for the reply. Samll doubt though!

> It is believed that the parivarthan planets do the job of the

>other planet. For example, if Mercury and Jupiter exchange their

>houses Jupiter will do the job of Mercury and vice versa.


Say we have guru,shani in vrishchika 7th and Mars,ravi in meena in

11th for vrishabha lagna. Now Guru-Mars are in parivartana yoga. But

will this make Mars to be considered in 7th and guru to be in 11th?

In that case do we consider this kundali as of Mangaldosha and

subsequent problems thereof? If guru does the work of Mars then

should we still call it as mangaldosh caused by Guru?


Thanks a lot for your Time and Space.




vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar

<aramani_1969> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandarji,

> Thanks for the appreciation. I did not come across any Ardha

Viparitraja yoga. The rest are parivarthana raja yoga we can say.

Usually the second and twelfth house if involve parivarthana the

expenditure on home will take away all the savings.

> Bye now

> Yours sincerely

> A. Ramani.







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Sarajit Poddar [sarajit]

Sunday, September 21, 2003 8:06 AM

'vedic astrology'

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana Yoga or exchange of



|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Pradeep,


Jyotish shastras say that the parivartana (Rasi) is strongest among all

associations, thereafter comes conjunction. This is again very rare to

see parivartana as compared to any other associations.


Best Wishes




vijayadas_pradeep [vijayadas_pradeep]

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:56 AM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana Yoga or exchange of houses


Dear Ramaniji


If a yoga can be formed by virtue of conjunction as well as

parivartana,which one will be stronger.What is the reason.


Thanks a lot


vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar

<aramani_1969> wrote:

> Dear Amolmandarji,

> Thanks for the appreciation. I did not come across any Ardha

Viparitraja yoga. The rest are parivarthana raja yoga we can say.

Usually the second and twelfth house if involve parivarthana the

expenditure on home will take away all the savings.

> It is believed that the parivarthan planets do the job of the

other planet. For example, if Mercury and Jupiter exchange their

houses Jupiter will do the job of Mercury and vice versa.

> Bye now

> Yours sincerely

> A. Ramani.




















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Dear Sarajit Ji



Now I understand the importance of three parivartanas in Late

Mrs.Gandhis Chart.

Can we think this is because - During parivartana two houses are

getting the benefit in a chart,while during conjunction the benefit

is for a single house.

But conjunction of two beneficial planets can add strength to an

important house - thereby becoming beneficial for the whole

chart,than mutual help for two houses(in case of parivartana).


This is my assumption - could you help me with the real reason if

there is one in texts.




vedic astrology, "Sarajit Poddar"

<sarajit@s...> wrote:




> Sarajit Poddar [sarajit@s...]

> Sunday, September 21, 2003 8:06 AM

> 'vedic astrology'

> RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana Yoga or exchange of

> houses


> || Jaya Jagannath ||

> Dear Pradeep,


> Jyotish shastras say that the parivartana (Rasi) is strongest

among all

> associations, thereafter comes conjunction. This is again very

rare to

> see parivartana as compared to any other associations.


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit



> vijayadas_pradeep [vijayadas_pradeep]

> Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:56 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana Yoga or exchange of



> Dear Ramaniji


> If a yoga can be formed by virtue of conjunction as well as

> parivartana,which one will be stronger.What is the reason.


> Thanks a lot

> Pradeep

> vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar

> <aramani_1969> wrote:

> > Dear Amolmandarji,

> > Thanks for the appreciation. I did not come across any Ardha

> Viparitraja yoga. The rest are parivarthana raja yoga we can say.

> Usually the second and twelfth house if involve parivarthana the

> expenditure on home will take away all the savings.

> > It is believed that the parivarthan planets do the job of the

> other planet. For example, if Mercury and Jupiter exchange their

> houses Jupiter will do the job of Mercury and vice versa.

> > Bye now

> > Yours sincerely

> > A. Ramani.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >








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Dear Sarajitji,


What is the effect if one of the planets of

parivartana yoga is in dustana and the planets are

mutual enemies?


Thanks & Regards,







--- vijayadas_pradeep <vijayadas_pradeep


> Dear Sarajit Ji


> Thanks.

> Now I understand the importance of three

> parivartanas in Late

> Mrs.Gandhis Chart.

> Can we think this is because - During parivartana

> two houses are

> getting the benefit in a chart,while during

> conjunction the benefit

> is for a single house.

> But conjunction of two beneficial planets can add

> strength to an

> important house - thereby becoming beneficial for

> the whole

> chart,than mutual help for two houses(in case of

> parivartana).


> This is my assumption - could you help me with the

> real reason if

> there is one in texts.


> regds

> Pradeep

> vedic astrology, "Sarajit

> Poddar"

> <sarajit@s...> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Sarajit Poddar [sarajit@s...]

> > Sunday, September 21, 2003 8:06 AM

> > 'vedic astrology'

> > RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana

> Yoga or exchange of

> > houses

> >

> > || Jaya Jagannath ||

> > Dear Pradeep,

> >

> > Jyotish shastras say that the parivartana (Rasi)

> is strongest

> among all

> > associations, thereafter comes conjunction. This

> is again very

> rare to

> > see parivartana as compared to any other

> associations.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Sarajit

> >

> >

> > vijayadas_pradeep

> [vijayadas_pradeep]

> > Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:56 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana Yoga

> or exchange of

> houses

> >

> > Dear Ramaniji

> >

> > If a yoga can be formed by virtue of conjunction

> as well as

> > parivartana,which one will be stronger.What is the

> reason.

> >

> > Thanks a lot

> > Pradeep

> > vedic astrology, Ramani

> Alwar

> > <aramani_1969> wrote:

> > > Dear Amolmandarji,

> > > Thanks for the appreciation. I did not come

> across any Ardha

> > Viparitraja yoga. The rest are parivarthana raja

> yoga we can say.

> > Usually the second and twelfth house if involve

> parivarthana the

> > expenditure on home will take away all the

> savings.

> > > It is believed that the parivarthan planets do

> the job of the

> > other planet. For example, if Mercury and Jupiter

> exchange their

> > houses Jupiter will do the job of Mercury and vice

> versa.

> > > Bye now

> > > Yours sincerely

> > > A. Ramani.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site

> design software

> >

> >

> >

> > Archives:

> vedic astrology

> >

> > Group info:


vedic astrology/info.html

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

> Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >









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|| Jaya Jagannath ||

Dear Manu,


Parivartana between the dusthana lord would be Vipareeta Raja Yoga. And

about the enemity bit, yoga between mutual enemies tend to make the

natural indications of the planets involved suffer.


Best Wishes




Manu Batura [manubatura]

Monday, September 22, 2003 12:59 AM

vedic astrology

Re: FW: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana Yoga or exchange of



Dear Sarajitji,


What is the effect if one of the planets of

parivartana yoga is in dustana and the planets are

mutual enemies?


Thanks & Regards,







--- vijayadas_pradeep <vijayadas_pradeep


> Dear Sarajit Ji


> Thanks.

> Now I understand the importance of three

> parivartanas in Late

> Mrs.Gandhis Chart.

> Can we think this is because - During parivartana

> two houses are

> getting the benefit in a chart,while during

> conjunction the benefit

> is for a single house.

> But conjunction of two beneficial planets can add

> strength to an

> important house - thereby becoming beneficial for

> the whole

> chart,than mutual help for two houses(in case of

> parivartana).


> This is my assumption - could you help me with the

> real reason if

> there is one in texts.


> regds

> Pradeep

> vedic astrology, "Sarajit

> Poddar"

> <sarajit@s...> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > Sarajit Poddar [sarajit@s...]

> > Sunday, September 21, 2003 8:06 AM

> > 'vedic astrology'

> > RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana

> Yoga or exchange of

> > houses

> >

> > || Jaya Jagannath ||

> > Dear Pradeep,

> >

> > Jyotish shastras say that the parivartana (Rasi)

> is strongest

> among all

> > associations, thereafter comes conjunction. This

> is again very

> rare to

> > see parivartana as compared to any other

> associations.

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Sarajit

> >

> >

> > vijayadas_pradeep

> [vijayadas_pradeep]

> > Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:56 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Parivarthana Yoga

> or exchange of

> houses

> >

> > Dear Ramaniji

> >

> > If a yoga can be formed by virtue of conjunction

> as well as

> > parivartana,which one will be stronger.What is the

> reason.

> >

> > Thanks a lot

> > Pradeep

> > vedic astrology, Ramani

> Alwar

> > <aramani_1969> wrote:

> > > Dear Amolmandarji,

> > > Thanks for the appreciation. I did not come

> across any Ardha

> > Viparitraja yoga. The rest are parivarthana raja

> yoga we can say.

> > Usually the second and twelfth house if involve

> parivarthana the

> > expenditure on home will take away all the

> savings.

> > > It is believed that the parivarthan planets do

> the job of the

> > other planet. For example, if Mercury and Jupiter

> exchange their

> > houses Jupiter will do the job of Mercury and vice

> versa.

> > > Bye now

> > > Yours sincerely

> > > A. Ramani.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site

> design software

> >

> >

> >

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> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

> Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >





















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Dear Ramini Ji,

I have a question on the statement you made below, could you please

help me with this.


"Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana between the lord

of Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana

between the lord of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot

render any benefic results. "


As you know for the Simha Lagnas, Mars is the Lord of 4th and 9th and

Jupiter is the Lord of 5th and 8th. If there is an exchange between

Mars and Jupiter (Jupiter in the 9th house and Mars in the 5th house)

will the above principle still prevail.


Thanks in advance.





vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar

<aramani_1969> wrote:


> Dear all,


> Greetings,


> Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses

between any planets in the given natal chart. Out of nine planets

Rahu and Ketu do not have any houses as their own houses. Sun has its

own house which is Leo, Moon has Cancer, Mars has two houses namely

Aries and Scorpio, Mercury's houses are Gemini and Virgo, Sagittarius

and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns Taurus and Libra and

the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two planets

exchange their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga.

Parivarthana yoga is believed to be powerful yoga than the rest of

the yoga because the planets exchange their houses are powerful like

that of the exalted planets. In practice the planets under exchange

do the duty of the houses in which they are placed. Since seven

planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo

Parivarthana yoga so maximum three parivarthana yoga can arise in a

natal chart.


> One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana

yoga is the horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira

Gandhi. She got three Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her

ascendant is Cancer, the lord of the ascendant was in exchange with

the seventh house lord, The lord of the second house and the lord of

the fifth houses were in exchange of house, and the Venus and Jupiter

were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was placed in Taurus

and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses were

responsible for her achievements in life as a Prime minister.


> Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana

between the lord of Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the

Parivarthana between the lord of fifth and ninth house is very weak

and cannot render any benefic results. Among the Parivarthana between

the Kendra and Trikona the exchange of houses between the lord of the

tenth and ninth houses is powerful and said to be Dharma

Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an enormous wealth, they lead

the others by showing the path how to earn money for living in this

world, during the dasa of the these lords the native can make a

foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead the

rest of the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the

native they get an authoritative job as per the education of the



> Another important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is

Andiya Vayasu Dhana Yoga, it is due to the exchange of houses between

the lord of the first and second houses. This yoga brings popularity

and wealth in the later part of life irrespective of whatever may be

the dasa, the native can get an honourable job. But the negative part

of this yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier part of life.

After the age of 33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue of

his/her own efforts till the age of 55.


> `In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are

considered as malefic houses. The lords of those houses if exchange

their houses Vipreet Raja Yoga arises. Usually the people those

suddenly become a Crore pathi have this yoga in their natal chart.

During the dasa or bhuthi of those planets Jackpot and lottery like

lucks reach the native. Sometimes the lord of the 3rd house also

considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the important factor

factor is to be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due to

exchange of houses between the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The

dasa of the lord of the 6th houses brings the death to the person if

the longevity of the person is ineffective.


> If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses with

4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala

Parivarthana yoga. These people come up in life by their hard work

and they get unexpected positive results in life.


> Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords the rest

of the planets if undergo exchange of houses it is considered as Maha

Bhagya Parivarthana yoga. The result of this raja yoga is unnecessary

to explain since the name itself signifies the result of this yoga.


> Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between

Moon and Jupiter, the results of this yoga is similar to that of Gaja

Kesari Yoga.


> Vedanda Yoga arises if Venus and Jupiter exchange their

houses, as per this yoga the married life becomes harmonious with



> When Mercury undergoes Parivarthana education of the

native becomes very sound.


> Bye now


> Let us see more about it in the discussion


> Yours sincerely


> A. Ramani.



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A. Ramani.

jyotish_vidyarthi <jyotish_vidyarthi > wrote:

Dear Ramini Ji,I have a question on the statement you made below, could you

please help me with this."Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana

between the lord of Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the

Parivarthana between the lord of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot

render any benefic results. "As you know for the Simha Lagnas, Mars is the Lord

of 4th and 9th and Jupiter is the Lord of 5th and 8th. If there is an exchange

between Mars and Jupiter (Jupiter in the 9th house and Mars in the 5th house)

will the above principle still prevail.Thanks in advance.Regards,Raj--- In

vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar <aramani_1969> wrote:> >

Dear all, > > Greetings,> >

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any planets in

the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have any houses

as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has Cancer, Mars

has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercury's houses are Gemini and Virgo,

Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns Taurus and Libra

and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two planets exchange

their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana yoga is believed

to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the planets exchange

their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In practice the

planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they are placed.

Since seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo

Parivarthana yoga so maximum three parivarthana yoga can arise in a natal

chart.> > One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana

yoga is the horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She

got three Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the

lord of the ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of

the second house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house,

and the Venus and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was

placed in Taurus and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses

were responsible for her achievements in life as a Prime minister. > >

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana between the lord of Kendra

and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord of fifth

and ninth house is very weak and cannot

render any benefic results. Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and

Trikona the exchange of houses between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses

is powerful and said to be Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an

enormous wealth, they lead the others by showing the path how to earn money for

living in this world, during the dasa of the these lords the native can make a

foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead the rest of

the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the native they get an

authoritative job as per the education of the native. > > Another

important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana Yoga, it is due

to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and second houses. This

yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life irrespective of

whatever may be

the dasa, the native can get an honourable job. But the negative part of this

yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier part of life. After the age of

33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue of his/her own efforts till the

age of 55. > > `In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are

considered as malefic houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their

houses Vipreet Raja Yoga arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a

Crore pathi have this yoga in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of

those planets Jackpot and lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the

lord of the 3rd house also considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the

important factor factor is to be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due

to exchange of houses between the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of

the lord of

the 6th houses brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is

ineffective. > > If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses

with 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala

Parivarthana yoga. These people come up in life by their hard work and they get

unexpected positive results in life. > > Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th

and 12th house lords the rest of the planets if undergo exchange of houses it

is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana yoga. The result of this raja yoga is

unnecessary to explain since the name itself signifies the result of this yoga.

> > Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and

Jupiter, the results of this yoga is

similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga. > > Vedanda Yoga arises if

Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per this yoga the married life

becomes harmonious with luxury.> > When Mercury undergoes

Parivarthana education of the native becomes very sound. > > Bye now> > Let us

see more about it in the discussion> > Yours sincerely> > A. Ramani.> > > > >

> > > > SiteBuilder -

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Dear Vidyarthi,


The logic here is because the Konas represent Sri Lakshmi (Fortune) and the

Kendras represent Sriman Narayana (effort), so a combination if the kona and

Kendra is very auspicious as you have Sri Sri Lakshmi Narayana blessing it.

OTOH, association of kendras alone or konas alone are not that great.


Hare Krishna


SudharsanRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 > wrote:

Yes, parivarthana between the lord of trikonas in the trikona is very dull.

A. Ramani.

jyotish_vidyarthi <jyotish_vidyarthi > wrote:

Dear Ramini Ji,I have a question on the statement you made below, could you

please help me with this."Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana

between the lord of Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the

Parivarthana between the lord of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot

render any benefic results. "As you know for the Simha Lagnas, Mars is the Lord

of 4th and 9th and Jupiter is the Lord of 5th and 8th. If there is an exchange

between Mars and Jupiter (Jupiter in the 9th house and Mars in the 5th house)

will the above principle still prevail.Thanks in advance.Regards,Raj--- In

vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar <aramani_1969> wrote:> >

Dear all, > > Greetings,> >

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any planets in

the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have any houses

as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has Cancer, Mars

has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercury's houses are Gemini and Virgo,

Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns Taurus and Libra

and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two planets exchange

their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana yoga is believed

to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the planets exchange

their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In practice the

planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they are placed.

Since seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo

Parivarthana yoga so maximum three parivarthana yoga can arise in a natal

chart.> > One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana

yoga is the horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She

got three Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the

lord of the ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of

the second house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house,

and the Venus and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was

placed in Taurus and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses

were responsible for her achievements in life as a Prime minister. > >

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana between the lord of Kendra

and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord of fifth

and ninth house is very weak and cannot

render any benefic results. Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and

Trikona the exchange of houses between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses

is powerful and said to be Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an

enormous wealth, they lead the others by showing the path how to earn money for

living in this world, during the dasa of the these lords the native can make a

foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead the rest of

the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the native they get an

authoritative job as per the education of the native. > > Another

important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana Yoga, it is due

to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and second houses. This

yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life irrespective of

whatever may be

the dasa, the native can get an honourable job. But the negative part of this

yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier part of life. After the age of

33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue of his/her own efforts till the

age of 55. > > `In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are

considered as malefic houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their

houses Vipreet Raja Yoga arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a

Crore pathi have this yoga in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of

those planets Jackpot and lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the

lord of the 3rd house also considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the

important factor factor is to be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due

to exchange of houses between the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of

the lord of

the 6th houses brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is

ineffective. > > If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses

with 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala

Parivarthana yoga. These people come up in life by their hard work and they get

unexpected positive results in life. > > Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th

and 12th house lords the rest of the planets if undergo exchange of houses it

is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana yoga. The result of this raja yoga is

unnecessary to explain since the name itself signifies the result of this yoga.

> > Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and

Jupiter, the results of this yoga is

similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga. > > Vedanda Yoga arises if

Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per this yoga the married life

becomes harmonious with luxury.> > When Mercury undergoes

Parivarthana education of the native becomes very sound. > > Bye now> > Let us

see more about it in the discussion> > Yours sincerely> > A. Ramani.> > > > >

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HARE and Be happy

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My principles say that a parivartana between ANY two positive houses yields

positive results...ie given that they are not weakly conditioned and not overly

afflicted by Natural or Temporal Malefics....


A parivartana between two negative houses also yields beneficial

results...albeit after first producing stressful experiences... as in

inheritance after a death- or being accused of a crime, and then becoming

famous as you clear your name.


A parivartana between a positive and negative house yields mixed results. some good, some bad...




AshwinRamani Alwar <aramani_1969 > wrote:

Yes, parivarthana between the lord of trikonas in the trikona is very dull.

A. Ramani.

jyotish_vidyarthi <jyotish_vidyarthi > wrote:

Dear Ramini Ji,I have a question on the statement you made below, could you

please help me with this."Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana

between the lord of Kendra and Trikona is very powerful whereas the

Parivarthana between the lord of fifth and ninth house is very weak and cannot

render any benefic results. "As you know for the Simha Lagnas, Mars is the Lord

of 4th and 9th and Jupiter is the Lord of 5th and 8th. If there is an exchange

between Mars and Jupiter (Jupiter in the 9th house and Mars in the 5th house)

will the above principle still prevail.Thanks in advance.Regards,Raj--- In

vedic astrology, Ramani Alwar <aramani_1969> wrote:> >

Dear all, > > Greetings,> >

Parivarthana yoga is nothing but the exchange of houses between any planets in

the given natal chart. Out of nine planets Rahu and Ketu do not have any houses

as their own houses. Sun has its own house which is Leo, Moon has Cancer, Mars

has two houses namely Aries and Scorpio, Mercury's houses are Gemini and Virgo,

Sagittarius and Pisces are the houses of Jupiter, Venus owns Taurus and Libra

and the rest of the houses are owned by Saturn. If any two planets exchange

their houses it is said to be Parivarthana yoga. Parivarthana yoga is believed

to be powerful yoga than the rest of the yoga because the planets exchange

their houses are powerful like that of the exalted planets. In practice the

planets under exchange do the duty of the houses in which they are placed.

Since seven planets have their own houses theoretically six planets can undergo

Parivarthana yoga so maximum three parivarthana yoga can arise in a natal

chart.> > One of the important horoscopes to analyse the Parivarthana

yoga is the horoscope of ex prime minister of India named Indira Gandhi. She

got three Parivarthana yoga in her natal chart. Her ascendant is Cancer, the

lord of the ascendant was in exchange with the seventh house lord, The lord of

the second house and the lord of the fifth houses were in exchange of house,

and the Venus and Jupiter were in exchange of their houses, where Jupiter was

placed in Taurus and Venus was in Sagittarius. These three exchanges of houses

were responsible for her achievements in life as a Prime minister. > >

Out of all the Parivarthana yoga, the Parivarthana between the lord of Kendra

and Trikona is very powerful whereas the Parivarthana between the lord of fifth

and ninth house is very weak and cannot

render any benefic results. Among the Parivarthana between the Kendra and

Trikona the exchange of houses between the lord of the tenth and ninth houses

is powerful and said to be Dharma Karmathipathi yoga. This yoga brings an

enormous wealth, they lead the others by showing the path how to earn money for

living in this world, during the dasa of the these lords the native can make a

foreign trip in terms of business and earn a lot of money to lead the rest of

the life, they become very familiar and popular and in the native they get an

authoritative job as per the education of the native. > > Another

important yoga in the Parivarthana yoga is Andiya Vayasu Dhana Yoga, it is due

to the exchange of houses between the lord of the first and second houses. This

yoga brings popularity and wealth in the later part of life irrespective of

whatever may be

the dasa, the native can get an honourable job. But the negative part of this

yoga is that the native suffers in the earlier part of life. After the age of

33 onwards the native will earn money by virtue of his/her own efforts till the

age of 55. > > `In the horoscope 6th, 8th and 12th houses are

considered as malefic houses. The lords of those houses if exchange their

houses Vipreet Raja Yoga arises. Usually the people those suddenly become a

Crore pathi have this yoga in their natal chart. During the dasa or bhuthi of

those planets Jackpot and lottery like lucks reach the native. Sometimes the

lord of the 3rd house also considered in the Vipreet Raja Yoga. One of the

important factor factor is to be considered is if the Vipreet raja yoga is due

to exchange of houses between the lord of the 8th and 6th houses. The dasa of

the lord of

the 6th houses brings the death to the person if the longevity of the person is

ineffective. > > If the lord of the 3rd house exchange the houses

with 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses is said to be Kala

Parivarthana yoga. These people come up in life by their hard work and they get

unexpected positive results in life. > > Except the 3rd, 6th, 8th

and 12th house lords the rest of the planets if undergo exchange of houses it

is considered as Maha Bhagya Parivarthana yoga. The result of this raja yoga is

unnecessary to explain since the name itself signifies the result of this yoga.

> > Kesari Yoga is due to the exchange of houses between Moon and

Jupiter, the results of this yoga is

similar to that of Gaja Kesari Yoga. > > Vedanda Yoga arises if

Venus and Jupiter exchange their houses, as per this yoga the married life

becomes harmonious with luxury.> > When Mercury undergoes

Parivarthana education of the native becomes very sound. > > Bye now> > Let us

see more about it in the discussion> > Yours sincerely> > A. Ramani.> > > > >

> > > > SiteBuilder -

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