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Ayanamsa: Lahiri Vs. Raman

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Respected Ramdas Rao Ji,


I am impressed with your view. There are few bad people who are spoiling the name of astrology. Though till date I haven't meet any one astrologer who is not greedy, you are the exception.


Now we have already deviated from the topic, which ayanamsa to use. I am requesting you to please have a look at my horoscope as I am very confused on the use of ayanamsa. Change in ayanamsa changes the complete results. Please help me. Please tell me when will I marry, What will be my future, Can I learn vedic astrology & help people like you. Please help. My details are as follows: DOB: 01-sept-1980, TOB: 01:10 AM, POB: Delhi.


With Regards,

Rajdeep Pawar







Dear Sudeep,

That means the Astrologers in this list are all idots eating money of the

public.Thanks for your suggestion and giving good reward to the vedic

Astrology.So Prashna Margam is wrong,Brihat Jataka is wrong or Brihat Parashara

Hora Shastra is wrong.

Now you listen to me.I am here not to make money and by the Blessings of Lord

Krishna and Mother Bhuvaneshwari,I dont have to make money through Vedic

Astrology but I am trying to help the people to come out of their sins done in

the previous life which nobody knows and the clues given through principles of

Astrology help us to guide the common man.

This Astrology Forum is formed not to grab the money of the punlic to help them

to lead a happy life.You can ask most of the members who got thier problems

solved through the remedies which myself or Other Gurus gave to the consultant.

I dont want anybody in this list talk against Jyotish Shastra and the remedies mentioned in these.

BTW,How many years of service you have got in this Jyotish ?Dont behave in such

manners as the senior Gurus in this list may ban you.

Recently I have a case of Partial Paralysis,which has been cured within 2 and

half months of starting of the disease.I have instructed the parents of the

girl to go for some remedies and I myself arranged some other remedies which I

dont want to discuss with you and By the Grace of Lord Mrityunjaya ,the

problems are solved and the girl has agin started going to the college to

persue her studies.

Surrendered at the Holy Feet of Mother Bhuvaneshwari,

Ramadas Rao.sudeep suri <vaudeva99 > wrote:

Dear Sir

Rogue Ratnakar become a great sage by repeating MARA MARA instead of Rama

Rama.It does not matter how you repeat GODS name .It is your Love and Devotion

to the Lord which counts.Most astrologers are themselves not realised

people,infact most of them are spiritually not at all developed.They read from

books and prescribe remedial measures.And of course astrology + remedial

measures is a very lucarative business. By prayers and Sadhana you can develop

your own intuition which will guide yoou better than any IDIOTIC ASTROLOGER

regardsmonmuk111 <monmuk111 > wrote:

Hello Sudeep:Very well said. Your note related to love and devotion to the

supreme being cooled down all the frustration and agner I've been feeling

becasue I thought I was doing the wrong mantras, etc. etc.My Atmakaraka changed

as well--Sun is my Atmakaraka under Lahiri, but Mars became the Atmakara under

Raman--this means I was worshipping the wrong Ista Devta as well.After reading

your note, I realized that faith in God and attempts to live a righteous life

is the ONLY answer for peace and happiness.It really doesn't matter whether I

chant the Mars (Narshimha) mantras or Rahu (Durga) matras. OR whether I worhip

a specific Ista Devta. This seems to be the right answer, than why are

atrologers prescribing SPECIFIC yagnas, worship of SPECIFIC gods, chanting of

SPECIFIC mantras? PVR Narshima is even SPECIFIC

about the sounds of words of the mantra and the mudra when the mantra should be

chanted.People seek prediction so that they can build a dam before the

flood,i.e. they can modify their behavior OR take certain precautions or avoid

certain risks so that the predicted problems by the astrologer can be avoided

or nullified. Now that we've established that different astrologer have

different prediction for the same native, then where is the NEED for a

prediction if it is not reliable?Mukundvedic astrology,

sudeep suri <vaudeva99> wrote:> Dear Mukund> Develop love and devotion to

the LORD who is the indweller.Do japaof Gods name .Do SELF enquiry into your

real nature.Destiny is for the EGO not the ATMAN which is your real nature.As

far as astrology goes Lahiri Ayanamsa gives better results.Raman Ayanamsa is

to be ignored.But again Surrender to GOD who is your

indweller and meditation and understanding of ones ATMIC nature is the only way

to reduce the impact of Prarbadha.Most of Astrology and astrologers are A BAG

OF GARBAGE.Tell me how many astrologers have you met who are spiritually

evolved people.Most astrologers are ignorant idiots who are just out to make

money.In Toronto there is Vijay Shree Kaushik.She is the very EPITOME of

debauchery which has come in astrology.And india is full of them (DE BAUCH

ASTROLOGERS) many are writing books without even having the ability to see the

horoscope.It is KAL YUG and evil and Dishonesty rules.Rishi Narad has said in

KAL YUG JAPA YOGA is the only way to salvation.> god bless > om > > monmuk111

<monmuk111> wrote:> Dear Gentlepeople:> > I was used to looking at my

chart prepared using the Lahiri Ayanamsa. > Now, a reputed astrologer prepared

my chart using the Raman Ayanamsa.

> > In the Raman rashi chart, Sun moved from 7th house to the 8th house > and

the Navamsha chart TOTALLY changed. > > Worst, the calculation of mahadasa

changed. I was under the > impression that I'm going through the Mars mahadass

until 05/2005; > however, per Raman, my Rahu mahadasa began 02/2003 so I'm

currently > going through Rahu mahadasa.> > What the heck is going on? Which

one is correct???? This changes > everything--I am doing all these poojas and

mantras thinking I'm > going throug Mars mahadasa. > > Now, if I going through

Rahu dasa as per Raman, which one should I > follow? In fact, both Mars and

Rahu are heavy-duty natural malefics > so there is no way to differentiate

between them using my real-life > experiences as both give negative results and

I've been experiencing > consistent negative results.> > Is there any

standardization in Jyothish or is it just big heap of > crock cooked up by some

old sages and Brahmins trying to increase > their clout and control over the

kings???? Was this Jyotish carried > on generation after generation by the

Brahmin families and used as a > means of income generation? Nothing wrong with

income generation, but > everthing wrong with not being able to do things right

> CONSISTENTLY !!!!> > I regret spending two years learning Jyotish as it now

seems like a > big cross-word puzzle without a right answer, I wish I had spent

> these two years learning a foriegn language or getting a second > masters

degree. Everyone seems to be making up their own asnwers > which are radicaly

different from each other. > > The worst of all is the Systems Approach which

says Saturn is the > most funcational benefic planet for Scorpio Lagna. Both

Parashara and

> Satyacharya have clearly said that Saturn is funcional malefic for > Scorpio

Lagna so why screw around with that the original teachers > said?> > This

experience once more strengthens my statement that NO > ASTROLOGER, VEDIC OR


Brahmins, I'm a Brahmin myself.> > Mukund> > >

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