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Why vimshottari in 365.25

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> I dont think there is any point in arguing about what should be the

> length of the year. Lets try to apply the 360-tithi year on

> different charts and look for the statistical evidence if it holds.


Dear Prasad,

I dont like to apply sunken statistical tools/deviation-

s/corelation co-efficients. One should rather look in divine way.

Daivagnya-s are aware of ton-s of exceptions Astrology does not fit

into the *finite axiomatic world* and Aristotle logic of duality.

You can see countless pandiTa-s in India, who do not know a cent of

english, nor kepler/newton's laws can predict accurately. Are they

using all these software? How about Omens? Apply the sunken

statistics in this regard.





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> This is not the year you have been defending. You mentioned in

> earlier posts 360 tithi year, which is about 354 days.


I am not defending any year right now. I am only giving references to

multiple years in classics to show that there is no clear answer.

Personally, I have a preference, but I don't have a strong case for

any year and hence not defending anything right now.


> This year was apparently rounded off in a five year period with an

> extra month, not in a three year period as the tithi year.

> http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs/ejvs0304/ejvs0304.txt


> If you are going to argue for this 360 solar day year, I can't


> against since the translator Sharma is of the opinion that this is

> the year which Parasara means. But I understood from an earlier


> that "varsha" means solar year (6 Ritus/12 signs = 1 Varsha).


This is only a misconception. Sanskrita has various words for year

that can be interchangably used. Varsha does not mean a solar year.

Parasara mentioned the word "varsha" to mean 360-day years in



Under Kala Bala of Shadbalas, Parasara covered 3 different calendars:


(1) Solar calendar: The ayana (6 month) bala is based on this

(2) Lunar calendar: The paksha (half month) bala is based on this

(3) Fixed calendar: The varsha, maasa, dina and hora balas are all

based on this. Here a year of 360 civil days, a month of 30 civil

days and a dina of 1 civil day are used.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Pranaam Sanjaya,


> Dear Narasimha

> jaya Jagannath

> You have not answered the point about the wait of Bheesma for the

change in

> the solar year. Do consider that as well.

> The proof will come only if you attempt to study Yuga.

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath


First of all, Bhishma did not wait for a change in year. He waited

for a change in ayana (6-month division). For ayana bala (of

Shadbalas), Parasara clearly used the solar calendar. For paksha

bala, he clearly used the lunar calendar. For varsha (annual), maasa

(monthly), dina (daily) and hora (hourly) balas, he used the fixed

savana calendar. If at all there is an argument in favor of a

particular year based on Parasara's direct teachings, it is for the

savana year.


Bhishma's waiting for a change of ayana does not mean that solar

calendar should be used for years. It only shows that the solar

calendar should be used for ayanas (which we know anyway). Had he

waited for a change in paksha, would you have said that there is a

lesson in this in favor of lunar years?


Though 360-tithi years have no other factors supporting them (and

leave some unanswered questions), Bhishma and Pandavas clearly

thought they were the right years. Those arguing that Bhishma finally

lost should remember that so did Duryodhana and that Dharmaraja and

Arjuna (who stood for 360-tithi years) won with Krishna's support.


BTW, you haven't yet given the quote from Varahamihira. You claimed

that you follow Varahamihira and hence use solar years. I requested

you for a quote.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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> This year is used in China, so it might be older than

> you think.


This is not post-1500 BC creation as Indology idiots thought of.

How late is late?




> http://www.ichingwisdom.com/IChingWisdom/zodiac.html


> It's supposed to date from at least 1000 B.C.


Vedic is older than 1000 B.C. Change your Indology school, if u

really wanna know.There is plenty of records to know that bulk of

Veda-s were collected & compiled by Parashara's son Vaishampaayana

and his disciples about 5,000 years ago. New undersea

archeological finds along coastal India are taking

scientific proof only in that direction, it can not be

wished away by "I know the facts" garbage of Indology.


The Euro-linguistics monster has failed to eradicate

countless of these records existing all over India. Now and

then an idiot from this exclusive club visits India,

searching to grab these records - if s/he finds one that

fits the 18th century primitive European imagination, it is

preserved in Oxford or Harvard; otherwise, by every means it

is buried. And, thank God, every Pandit and now most of the

English educated in India know the game of this European

primitive tribe pretending scholarly.





> http://www.asia.si.edu/exhibitions/horse.htm

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> Food for thought: WHat is Natural Cycle?


Let me give few hints.


Any natural cycle has mirror image in some parameter.

Otherwise it is not natural. There are five such parameters:

anna or material (a), prANa (p), mana (m), vijnAna (v), and

Ananda (A). These are the pancha kosha-s of Upanishads or

pancha janAH of RigvEda. Creation began with (A) and ended

with (a). Our ancients said it dissolves in reverse process

- another cycle of these very parameters!




ardha maasa - astami to astami - moon phase (a) parameter

maasa - shklanta or amanta - moon phase (a) parameter

varsha - solstice to solstice - season (a) parameter

samvatsara - mouth to chitra, chitra to pAda - (p) parameter

2 devayuga-s - satya-to-kali, kali-to-satya - (m) parameter

1000 devayuga-s - 14 ascending, 14 descending manvantara-s

(v) parameter.


These are my guesses. Need research. I have some faith that

it must have been addressed by our sages, somewhere in our

scriptures it might have been detailed. The only thing to

keep in mind is that natural cycle is not limited to

physical plane only. The 60+60(prabhava to kshaya + prabhava to

kshaya) year cycle may be wrt one of these 5 natural parameters,

probably not the first one.





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> Dear Narasimha

> jaya Jagannath

> You have not answered the point about the wait of Bheesma for the


Dear Sanjay,


In Shaanti parva after the war, Great Bheeshma waits 65 days on the

bed of arrows for uttara ayana to come in maaGha maasa. These days

uttara ayana begins on maargashira shasTi or sapthami. There was also

an adhika maasa after the war in maargashira maasa. Was it really

there, or was it inserted as an attempt to explain something

else? So, this gives about (65 + 18 war days)x71 years = 5893 years

(3891 BC) ago as the year of the war. I may be off in the day count

by 2-3 days, so, we may say in this approximation, the war year as

4000 BC. If you skip the adhika maasa issue, it drops to (35 + 18)x71

= 3763 years ago/1761 BC.


Can you comment in this regard


Best Regards,

Venkateswara Reddy






> change in

> the solar year. Do consider that as well.

> The proof will come only if you attempt to study Yuga.

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath



> pvr108 [pvr@c...]

> Tuesday, May 21, 2002 4:32 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why vimshottari in 365.25



> Namaste,


> > Regarding Bhishma, I think one should not forget that he

> > sided with Kauravas against Vishnu's avatar and was killed

> > in that battle.


> Duryodhana, who insisted on taking solar years, too was killed in


> same battle. So, what does it prove?


> > So he was a sinner, and not infallible. And

> > then when he was dying he waited until the solar year shifted

> > to die. Maybe there is a hidden moral in that?


> OK, let us accept for a moment that Bhishma was a "sinner". What

> about Arjuna and Dharmaraja? Dharmaraja was dharma personified and

> was extremely righteous. He and Arjuna were aided by the "Vishnu's

> avatar" that you mention.


> I am not arguing that this conclusively proves that 360-tithi years

> are correct. I am only suggesting that the waters are muddied. :-)


> Those who say that they aren't should bear the burden of proof! Show

> me an unambiguous quote or proof in favor of solar years.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha









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vedic astrology, "venkateshwara_reddy" <avenkat@m...>


> > Since the Vedas mention the 13th month, I would say the opposite.


> > regard the Vedas somewhat higher, since the Mahabharata is a saga

> > and not meant to teach astrology.

> >

> > Interestingly the word in Finnish for mead is "siima", quite

> > similar to "soma". (There is also similar mythology about gods



> Ahah! You seems to belongs to the Indology tribe and applying

> silly "comparative linguistics". And these idiots claiming that

> SamskR`tam is the derivative of some Indo-European language. Does

> this stands to *scientific scrutiny*. Just fantastic indological

> imagination only. No scientific proof! And, where does

> misnomer 'Sanskrit' come from - which DhAtu, by what linguistic


> apaBhramsha is not BhASA per pANini.


I was pointing out the similarities I recently discovered while

reading the Vedas. I find it very unlikely that there was no contact,

but I won't speculate on what kind of contact. Primarily because the

similar mythology and not similar language. "Indra" was also the

second-in-command of the gods (next to Agni), used ligthing against

his enemies and slew the worm Vritra. And mead was the drink of the

gods (made from apples). In Greece they also have similar stories.


And then I extrapoltaed this into the year debate, since the year on

this side was always solar.



> Members in this group may want to know this background: The

> god of the so-called Euro-linguistics, Maxmuller, got a

> smattering of sorts in Samskr`tam by reading the notes of a

> puny lawyer (not scholar of any sorts) called Bill Jones, an


I have not read or heard of either of one until now. But I know what

the "party line" in India is, that there was no invasion. And I know

that there is no archaeology supporting it. But I know also that

Iranians have also similar mythology, with Agni-worship and Asuras

(Ahuras) and Devas. And I know that Chinese have nothing of the kind.

So I have not closed my mind to any possibility.

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vedic astrology, "venkateshwara_reddy" <avenkat@m...>


> > This year is used in China, so it might be older than

> > you think.


> This is not post-1500 BC creation as Indology idiots thought of.

> How late is late?




> > http://www.ichingwisdom.com/IChingWisdom/zodiac.html

> >

> > It's supposed to date from at least 1000 B.C.


> Vedic is older than 1000 B.C.


So what? I did not say anything else. The original poster said that

using it as a year was recent, I said it has been used as a year at

least in China for a long time.

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Viraj,

I've seen many predictions using both, and even more techniques supporting them,

however some people can explain anything using Vimshottari Dasa.


Your basis for the time of death isn't convincing to me, as the matching of

Vimshottari with the Gochara, can hardly be satisfactory to give a prediction

unless the Natal chart positions actually support it.. and not just lagna.

Besides with Vimshottari Dasa, the death will happen in a Maraka Dasa. Not the

Dasa of the 8th house, which is a secondary Maraka, but no the actual killer.

And then theres a question of the right variation, that suits the native best.


Our Gurudeva, Sanjay Rath gives predictions using Solar years, down to

PratyAntar Dasa's.. hence lets not go there.


Instead lets focus on the basis for using Solar vs Lunar years.

The DwadasaAditya is a very good place to start.

Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 1:02 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Why vimshottari in 365.25

Dear Visti and list,The most natural answer to this would be to actually try the

theory of different years with actual events in a person's life and see how it

ties up. Perhaps you could suggest a chart with known time of death say and we

could try and see what makes more sense.I was looking at the death time of a

person who was running Venus dasa per 365.25 day year calculations when he

died. This is not neccesarily a cause of death, so I looked at gochara and saw

he had Saturn in 8th at the time. His Saturn shadbala was also highest in natal

chart, with natal saturn in karkata. He was due to start Saturn sub-dasa in 1

year's (365.25) time. So dasa calc did not support his death. Now if I use 360

day years, then dasa and gochara both indicate bad times for the native. That

is why I started having doubts abt the year length. What do you think?Viraj---

In vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> wrote:> Vyam Vysadevaya

Namah> ------------------> Dear List,> A

better argument would be to understand the results of the Dwadas-Aditya, and

why a transit through all of them should be considered as being 1 year.> > Of

the 33 Devas, the 8 Vasus consitute the facets of our being, the 11 Rudras

shows the destruction, whilst the Dwadasa Aditya are responsible for the entire

creation. For those counting; Prajapati and Indra are the last two devas.> > The

DwadasAditya are responsible for the creation of everything material and this is

also the reason why we see the Dwadasamsa(D-12) to see who created us!. This is

why some call it Suryamsa. The Dwadas-Aditya are hence responsible for all

events in life, whilst say Nakshetras, constitute prime facets of our being.> >

We must anticipate that the Rishi's understood this in their time, hence this

should also be our basis for discussion, and not what 'might' have been written

in a book.> > Am in great anticipation of feedback.> Best wishes, Visti.> >

- > cjjohans > vedic astrology >

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:42 PM> [vedic astrology] Re: Why

vimshottari in 365.25> > > vedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...>

wrote:> > Namaste,> > > > > But the crux is what Parasara meant, since

he does not mention > > tithi > > > anywhere to my knowledge (but does

mention solar days at least in > > > Shadbhala), I would think he did not

mean that.> > > > In shadbalas, the varsha bala or annual strength

(strength of the > > year) is based on savana years (360-day years) and not

based on the > > solar years. This is very clear from the text and there is

luckily > no > > controversy so far.> > > This is not the year you

have been defending. You mentioned in > earlier posts 360 tithi year, which

is about 354 days. > > This year was apparently rounded off in a five year

period with an > extra month, not in a three year period as the tithi year.>

http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs/ejvs0304/ejvs0304.txt> > If you are going

to argue for this 360 solar day year, I can't argue > against since the

translator Sharma is of the opinion that this is > the year which Parasara

means. But I understood from an earlier post > that "varsha" means solar year

(6 Ritus/12 signs = 1 Varsha).> > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,> >

Narasimha> > > Sponsor > >

> > > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-@e...> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > Terms of

Service.Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Gordon and List members.


I aint prejudiced against anybody/anything. Most of the people

perceive this because their minds were already contaminated by

primitive european works on India called Indology.


No new writing aka 18th century primitive Europeans' Indology, can

hide these facts, as more and more from their own stock are speaking

up and writing/teaching on this (list members may read "An idiot's

guide to Hinduism" by Linda Anderson to get a snapshot on how the new

generation of Americans see Hinduism, its roots, history, Veda-s, and

practices; this book is available in many Barns&Noles bookstores; it

is being sold as hotcakes too). "Indology" will be unmasked by its

own children in USA, just as 15th century Church was undone. Our

secular indology minion brethren may very well be remembered as fine

jokers of the world!


As typical, the 18th century primitive European writers claim

Manusmr`ti to be of Chaalukya time, and you know when that was - just

yesterday - and the Indology slaves who never study the original

Samskr`ta text are dishing out this 18th century Euro-mythology all

the time! Let us not be fooled.


In Various matters we need to check what the Veda-s say. Due to

pedagogy and various paatakrama rules, Veda mantra-s have remained

the same. It is impossible to distort their words. That was the

genius of the Rishi-s. Westerners opine our sages did not know

writing, so they resorted to memory, therefore it is called 'shruti',

etc. all big rubbish. Person-to-person teaching and carrying down by

memory is the best failsafe gaurd against mutilations. Writing alone

would have distorted and wiped out the Veda-s long time ago,

certainly the British burnt every ancient book they got hold of that

went against their biblical theories. But the Veda-s were inside the

head of countless pandita-s they could not wipe out, so they tried

the next best by distorting Samskr`ta word and Veda mantra meanings.

(a new Samskritha dictionary "Vaachaspathyam" with carefully

distorted words)


Let me give an example:


"Krishna, one of the manifestations of God, has, in that book,

branded women as offsprings of sin (paap-yoni) (Geeta : 9 : 32)" -

This is a typical example of how MacCaulay slaves without knowing any

trace of Geeta pronounce its meaning to suit their grand design of

trashing Hinduism. The full shloka is as follows:


Maam hi paartha vyapaashrithya

Yeapi syuhu paapayonayaha

Sthreeyo vaishyaasthathha shoodraastheapi

Yaanthi paraam gatim | 9-32


Its meaning is:

Because, O! Arjuna! Women, vaishyas, and shudras as well as those

born as a result of paapa even later attain moksha by surrendering to



Where is this damnation by Shri Krishna of women in this shloka? All

these disgusting MacCaulay slaves know that they can write any trash

about Hinduism in English press and present to the equally uneducated

English Hindus as some grand scholarly work.


Another example:


Some posts from Indiancivilization dipicting Indra's ojasa as sperm

(is the clear implication) R`shi kaNva saw.


ojasa is no human sperm, as indology nuts claim. Such claim reflects

the mind of these primitives, who saw wild sexual orgy in the Veda-s,

just as pre-18th century Germans used to live, and most of west still

do. They even used to kill their "useless" elderly to get rid of

family burdens - read Zimmer for proof. This was then "discovered" in

the Veda-s, Hindu samskaara-s, traditions, etc. Until these

primitives' such discoveries, Indian scholars never saw KaNva's sperm

in Veda-s nor killing their parents as a social custom.


These MacCaulay-putras bastards also hide the fact that several

sentences of these "non-scriptures" were erased and distortions were

re-written by their mentors and hired Hindu slaves in Asiatic Society

of Bengal and Asiatic Society of London during the 18th century. Even

a new Samskritha dictionary "Vaachaspathyam", with careful

distortions of many Vedic words, was compiled to trash "Amara Kosha",

debase Vedas and smrithigranthas, and uproot Hinduism. Apte is

continuing this holy job now.


Anyway, it is another sorry subject. I am NOT here to argue with

anybody. Just presenting plain facts to the list members, before

their minds CONTAMINATED by ASURI views.


English libraries on India are decorated with such works. Serious,

sincere student of history and history writings can not miss these

factual constructs in such writings.


Real nonsense from indology minions whose preoccupation is names,

titles, and anything big and intimidating, not subject matter! I am

not fooled from their sacred approach. R`shi-s haven't left their

titles nor biography, and we aren't missing something as a result.

Why are these Aristotelian features so important for those who are

seekers of true knowledge? Stick to points sid hart


A NOTE to the Idiots, who claim that bhaarata sages of yore *were*

not aware of trans-Saturnian planets(Uranus, Neptune, PLuto):


The 7 layers of Brahma's mind is really the 7 chakra-s or pariDhi-s

the universe is made of - chandra mandala, bhoo mandala, aaditya

mandala, soma mandala, vahni mandala, paremesTi mandala, and

brahmaanda. Inside brahmaanda, there are many paramesTi mandala-s

(super galaxy clusters). In each paramesTi mandala, there are many

vahni mandala-s (galaxy clusters), and so on....


All these flow from Rigveda, asyavAmIya sooktam (Rik mandala

1, astaka 2, sooktam 164). It has 54 mantra-s. I will need few years

to understand these.


TIME has come to GROW UP.


Best Regards,

Venkateswara Reddy


> Dear Venkateswara Reddy

> Your plainly extreme prejudice destroys your argument - whether it

be right

> or not.

> Regards

> Gordon

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Dear Visti,

You addressed Creation in your message. Let me add few points:


The universe is made of

-chandra mandala

-BhU mandala


-Aditya mandala

Astronomically the aaditya mandala (solar family as a whole) goes one

round in 24 million years.Shastra-s name aaditya mandala's aDhipati

as brahma (not creator Brahma).



-sOma mandala

The solar/Aditya mandala family, as it is spinning, is also going

around our galactic center - it is the milkyway - called sOma

mandala (no material connection to our moon - our galaxy is

white too - also, sa+uma = sOma) - making one round in just

over 10 of its ahoraatri cycles (about 250 million years).

Shastra-s name sOma mandala's aDhipati as viSNu (not mahA viSNu)


-vahni mandala

vahni mandala has our and neighborhood galaxies going around their

center. This is the galaxy cluster or super galaxy of modern

cosmology. Shiva (not para shiva) is the aDhipati here.


-paremesTi mandala

paramESTi mandala has such galaxy clusters goind around their center.

paramESTi prajApati is the adhipati here


-prajApati mandala

has many paramESTi mandala-s going around their center. There are 10

prajApati mandala-s in this universe, and 10 prajApati-s as aDhipati-

s: marIchi, atri, angirasa, pulastya, kratu, prachEtasa, vasiSTa,

BhR`gu, and nArada (Manu Smr`ti-36).



These prajApati mandala-s go around the center of the universe

(hiraNyagarBha) and all make up the brahmAnda.



Our place is probably in marIchi prajApati mandala: marIchInAm

padamichChanti veDhasaH.




In nityapUja viDhi traditions, we remember like this


Aditya mandalAya namaH |

Aditya mandalADhipatayE brahmaNE nanaH |


sOma mandalAya namaH |

sOma mandalADhipatayE viSNavE namaH |


vahni mandalAya namaH |

vahni mandalADhipatayE shivAya namaH |


In special pUjA-s, paramESTi and prajApati mandala-s also

remembered likewise.


It follows that there are numerous shiva-s, viSNu-s, and brahma-s.

Many brahma-viSNu-shiva-s take birth and die within the creation cycle



Thus, we can see lots of Aditya/Soma/Vahni/ParamesTi mandala-s.


Which nakSatra-s are in which paramESTi mandala-s?


Sadly, the whole hinduism is sold thru PuraaNa-s. This present world

would have been in pretty good shape, if we had grasped shruti-



Recently, some Scientists(who got doctorate degrees in Ajnana) are

trying to oppose the Dept of Education, Govt of India move to

introduce Jyotisha in schools. Probably, it may take million years to

these idiotic scientists to know about Universe/Brahmaanda.


These Idiots are wasting TAX dollars on Junk sciences.


post-Aristotlian Schools will die in DUE course of TIME/kaala.



Best Regards,

Venkateswara Reddy




> Vyam Vysadevaya Namah

> ------------------

> Dear List,

> A better argument would be to understand the results of the Dwadas-

Aditya, and why a transit through all of them should be considered as

being 1 year.


> Of the 33 Devas, the 8 Vasus consitute the facets of our being, the

11 Rudras shows the destruction, whilst the Dwadasa Aditya are

responsible for the entire creation. For those counting; Prajapati

and Indra are the last two devas.


> The DwadasAditya are responsible for the creation of everything

material and this is also the reason why we see the Dwadasamsa(D-12)

to see who created us!. This is why some call it Suryamsa. The Dwadas-

Aditya are hence responsible for all events in life, whilst say

Nakshetras, constitute prime facets of our being.


> We must anticipate that the Rishi's understood this in their time,

hence this should also be our basis for discussion, and not

what 'might' have been written in a book.


> Am in great anticipation of feedback.

> Best wishes, Visti.


> -

> cjjohans

> vedic astrology

> Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:42 PM

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why vimshottari in 365.25



> vedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > Namaste,

> >

> > > But the crux is what Parasara meant, since he does not


> > tithi

> > > anywhere to my knowledge (but does mention solar days at

least in

> > > Shadbhala), I would think he did not mean that.

> >

> > In shadbalas, the varsha bala or annual strength (strength of


> > year) is based on savana years (360-day years) and not based on


> > solar years. This is very clear from the text and there is


> no

> > controversy so far.

> >

> This is not the year you have been defending. You mentioned in

> earlier posts 360 tithi year, which is about 354 days.


> This year was apparently rounded off in a five year period with


> extra month, not in a three year period as the tithi year.

> http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs/ejvs0304/ejvs0304.txt


> If you are going to argue for this 360 solar day year, I can't


> against since the translator Sharma is of the opinion that this


> the year which Parasara means. But I understood from an earlier


> that "varsha" means solar year (6 Ritus/12 signs = 1 Varsha).



> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > Narasimha

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Reddy,

Thanks for the comprehensive description of our universe.

However when talking about Vimshottari Dasa, we are trying to see how the

various devas have an influence in the lives of us beings on earth, and hence

from that we should decide on Solar vs Lunar years.


Now the Lunar years have 12/13 months and they are lorded by the Nakshetra, in

which the full moon commences in.


So what becomes the function of the Nakshetras vs Dwadasa Aditya?


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Thursday, May 23, 2002 1:31 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Why vimshottari in 365.25

Dear Visti,You addressed Creation in your message. Let me add few points:The

universe is made of -chandra mandala-BhU mandala-Aditya mandalaAstronomically

the aaditya mandala (solar family as a whole) goes one round in 24 million

years.Shastra-s name aaditya mandala's aDhipati as brahma (not creator

Brahma).-sOma mandalaThe solar/Aditya mandala family, as it is spinning, is

also going around our galactic center - it is the milkyway - called sOma

mandala (no material connection to our moon - our galaxy is white too - also,

sa+uma = sOma) - making one round in just over 10 of its ahoraatri cycles

(about 250 million years). Shastra-s name sOma mandala's aDhipati as viSNu (not

mahA viSNu)-vahni mandalavahni mandala has our and neighborhood galaxies going

around their center. This is the galaxy cluster or super galaxy of modern

cosmology. Shiva (not para shiva) is the aDhipati here.-paremesTi

mandalaparamESTi mandala has such galaxy clusters goind around their center.

paramESTi prajApati is the adhipati here-prajApati mandala has many paramESTi

mandala-s going around their center. There are 10 prajApati mandala-s in this

universe, and 10 prajApati-s as aDhipati-s: marIchi, atri, angirasa, pulastya,

kratu, prachEtasa, vasiSTa, BhR`gu, and nArada (Manu Smr`ti-36).

-BrahmaandaThese prajApati mandala-s go around the center of the universe

(hiraNyagarBha) and all make up the brahmAnda. Our place is probably in marIchi

prajApati mandala: marIchInAm padamichChanti veDhasaH.In nityapUja viDhi

traditions, we remember like thisAditya mandalAya namaH |Aditya

mandalADhipatayE brahmaNE nanaH |sOma mandalAya namaH |sOma mandalADhipatayE

viSNavE namaH |vahni mandalAya namaH |vahni mandalADhipatayE shivAya namaH |In

special pUjA-s, paramESTi and prajApati mandala-s also remembered likewise.It

follows that there are numerous shiva-s, viSNu-s, and brahma-s. Many

brahma-viSNu-shiva-s take birth and die within the creation cycleThus, we can

see lots of Aditya/Soma/Vahni/ParamesTi mandala-s.Which nakSatra-s are in which

paramESTi mandala-s? Sadly, the whole hinduism is sold thru PuraaNa-s. This

present world would have been in pretty good shape, if we had grasped

shruti-s/shaastra-s.Recently, some Scientists(who got doctorate degrees in

Ajnana) are trying to oppose the Dept of Education, Govt of India move to

introduce Jyotisha in schools. Probably, it may take million years to these

idiotic scientists to know about Universe/Brahmaanda.These Idiots are wasting

TAX dollars on Junk sciences.post-Aristotlian Schools will die in DUE course of

TIME/kaala.Best Regards,Venkateswara Reddy> Vyam Vysadevaya Namah>

------------------> Dear List,> A better

argument would be to understand the results of the Dwadas-Aditya, and why a

transit through all of them should be considered as being 1 year.> > Of the 33

Devas, the 8 Vasus consitute the facets of our being, the 11 Rudras shows the

destruction, whilst the Dwadasa Aditya are responsible for the entire creation.

For those counting; Prajapati and Indra are the last two devas.> > The

DwadasAditya are responsible for the creation of everything material and this

is also the reason why we see the Dwadasamsa(D-12) to see who created us!. This

is why some call it Suryamsa. The Dwadas-Aditya are hence responsible for all

events in life, whilst say Nakshetras, constitute prime facets of our being.> >

We must anticipate that the Rishi's understood this in their time, hence this

should also be our basis for discussion, and not what 'might' have been written

in a book.> > Am in great anticipation of feedback.> Best wishes, Visti.> >

- > cjjohans > vedic astrology >

Tuesday, May 21, 2002 9:42 PM> [vedic astrology] Re: Why

vimshottari in 365.25> > > vedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...>

wrote:> > Namaste,> > > > > But the crux is what Parasara meant, since

he does not mention > > tithi > > > anywhere to my knowledge (but does

mention solar days at least in > > > Shadbhala), I would think he did not

mean that.> > > > In shadbalas, the varsha bala or annual strength

(strength of the > > year) is based on savana years (360-day years) and not

based on the > > solar years. This is very clear from the text and there is

luckily > no > > controversy so far.> > > This is not the year you

have been defending. You mentioned in > earlier posts 360 tithi year, which

is about 354 days. > > This year was apparently rounded off in a five year

period with an > extra month, not in a three year period as the tithi year.>

http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs/ejvs0304/ejvs0304.txt> > If you are going

to argue for this 360 solar day year, I can't argue > against since the

translator Sharma is of the opinion that this is > the year which Parasara

means. But I understood from an earlier post > that "varsha" means solar year

(6 Ritus/12 signs = 1 Varsha).> > > > May Jupiter's light shine on us,> >

NarasimhaArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Hare Rama Krsna!


Dear Narasimha,


>Though 360-tithi years have no other factors supporting them (and

>leave some unanswered questions), Bhishma and Pandavas clearly

>thought they were the right years. Those arguing that Bhishma finally

>lost should remember that so did Duryodhana and that Dharmaraja and

>Arjuna (who stood for 360-tithi years) won with Krishna's support.


A tithi is 25 hours 12 min.; thus 360 tithi will be longer than a solar

year, I calculate 378 days. How is it that a 360 tithi year comes to 354

days? As far as I know, the tithi at the time of sunrise will be accepted

as the tithi for that day, thus 360 tithi would correspond to 360 solar

days. Isn't that the meaning of the verse from Bhagavatam? A krsna and

sukla paksa of Moon (2 x 15 days) comprises of 1 month and a year has 12

of such months. BTW, I haven't seen the option for 354 days in any

software I possess.


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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Dear Narasimha

As I said, please quote Parasara and not Surya Siddhanta for the Varsha

being taken from Savana years.




pvr108 [pvr]

Wednesday, May 22, 2002 7:52 AM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re: Why vimshottari in 365.25




> This is not the year you have been defending. You mentioned in

> earlier posts 360 tithi year, which is about 354 days.


I am not defending any year right now. I am only giving references to

multiple years in classics to show that there is no clear answer.

Personally, I have a preference, but I don't have a strong case for

any year and hence not defending anything right now.


> This year was apparently rounded off in a five year period with an

> extra month, not in a three year period as the tithi year.

> http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs/ejvs0304/ejvs0304.txt


> If you are going to argue for this 360 solar day year, I can't


> against since the translator Sharma is of the opinion that this is

> the year which Parasara means. But I understood from an earlier


> that "varsha" means solar year (6 Ritus/12 signs = 1 Varsha).


This is only a misconception. Sanskrita has various words for year

that can be interchangably used. Varsha does not mean a solar year.

Parasara mentioned the word "varsha" to mean 360-day years in



Under Kala Bala of Shadbalas, Parasara covered 3 different calendars:


(1) Solar calendar: The ayana (6 month) bala is based on this

(2) Lunar calendar: The paksha (half month) bala is based on this

(3) Fixed calendar: The varsha, maasa, dina and hora balas are all

based on this. Here a year of 360 civil days, a month of 30 civil

days and a dina of 1 civil day are used.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,
















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Dear Narasimha,


> This is only a misconception. Sanskrita has various words for year

> that can be interchangably used. Varsha does not mean a solar year.

> Parasara mentioned the word "varsha" to mean 360-day years in

> Shadbalas.


No! It is not a misconcept! Sure, various words have been

interchangeably used to denote varsha, but does that mean

the original imoprt is wrong? This is called 'BhrAnti' of

intellect! We need to clean up wherever we can! kalA muhUrtA

kASTA-ahOrAtrAscha sarvashaH, arDha mAsA mAsA r`tavaH

samvatsarascha kalpantAm - upanishad. "varSa" is a Vedic

word specifically meaning the seasonal year. Hence seasonal

rain of Bhaarata is called varSA. The rainy season is called

varSar`tu - all over Bhaarata!


Most mix varsha with samvatsara, parivatsara, idavatsara,

iduvatsara, iLavatsara of the Veda-s/braahmaNa-s. But each

of this is distinctively a separate natural cycle in the

cosmos! Those who are already into this deep mixup simply

won't see it this way.... Please meditate.....



With Wishes,


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> This is not the year you have been defending. You mentioned in

> earlier posts 360 tithi year, which is about 354 days.


> This year was apparently rounded off in a five year period with an

> extra month, not in a three year period as the tithi year.

> http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs/ejvs0304/ejvs0304.txt



In that article, Nr`hari Achar mentioned Savana year = 360 human

days. Yes, he missed the vaidika tradition.

Since human year is 360 human days (in ancient Vedic days + about 5

days before uttarAyaNAramBha were festive days in those times.


This is in the Vaidika tradition. Those who are not in it don't know




With Wishes,


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You have misconstrued my point. I said that your prejudice was damaging your

argument. You have demonstrated this again in your reply to me, although

mostly in less inflammatory language. I am very well aware of the gross errors

made by indologists and do not need convincing of these arguments. It might be

useful to consider why it was that a civilization with such vast knowledge and

understanding of universal realities has welcomed in foreigners on more than

one occasion to mutilate their precious possessions for them and has lately

deserted this knowledge and understanding in millions. If I was to harshly

criticize the Indians for the gross stupidity committed in this regard and for

the corrupt way they choose to live you might take offence too. I do not wish

to do so however.

Calling people idiots, bastards and telling them to grow up rebounds on you when

they reject your arguments with your insults.



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For solid proof on my points, interested list members may

search, find, and attend some proper schools. Sincerity and

interest alone are the pre-requistes, not birth or race, as

was in jAbAli's case. And seeing HATRED, RACISM, SHAME, etc.

in my writings are clearly reflections!(Go and check) I have

copied the words used by the primitive 18th century European

writers and then Germanic trash to note what they were and what

their copycats are(using comparative linguistics to thrash



>Interestingly the word in Finnish for mead is "siima", quite

>similar to "soma". (There is also similar mythology about gods


s0ma = sa + uma


What is sa and uma.


Indology nuts are pre-occupied with establishing some thesis, This is

the essence of the post-Aristotlian western school system, of course

all Indian schools are slave to this system.


>From the Indescribable arose tama. From that salila. From

that Apa. From that brilliantly shining ka (brahmaanda), ma

(universal mother - Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Parvati, Durgaa),

from that the rest la. Manifest prakR`ti(prAkArEna kr`ta)

has ma. Hence the manifest and unmanifest combine make up

sa-ma: when He is with and in ma, we have sama, leading to the

notions of equality, and brotherhood in creation. Thus, father and

mother are equal in bhaarata tradition from thousands of years

ago. It is rooted in the SamskR`ta word "sama".


uma: u indicates 'raised' ut, as in uttara.



One has to look for deeper meaning.


Please keep in mind, no American (except KKK), even of German

descent, likes or glorifies nazis here is USA. Same thing holds

for the 18th century primitive tribe of indology, and more and

more free thinking individuals will express so.


Why did you hurt, if you are searching of TRUTH?


>If I was to harshly criticize the Indians for the gross stupidity

>committed in this regard and for the corrupt way they choose to live

>you might take offence too.


Go ahead and critique.

Dont apply sunken majoritarian rule, ends up with comparator boolean

circuit. You dont notice divinity in Indian metropolitan

cities/towns, which are enslaved to SO CALLED TRIBAL Culture.




My critique really hit the head of these Indology mental

slaves. But if I return that in kind, see how quickly they

see their norm of culture violated! Not just indology, the very

essence of post-Aristotle western mind is like that.


>From That One we and all things manifested, That exists IN

COMPLETENESS and FULLNESS in the tiniest of the tiniest to the

largest of the largest. That One in us alone connects you and me.


This is 100% contradictory to Aristotelian logic of duality, THE

base of western culture & religions. This is the core difference in

the debate between two opposing thought systems in humanity since

the time of the Great Buddha.


agrataH chaturO vEdAn pR`STataH sasharam DhanuH

idam brAhmam idam kSAtram shApAdapi sharAdapi


Bhaarata approach to win this cultural war has to be profoundly

scholarly (brAhmam) AS WELL AS powerful counter mental

attacks (kSAtram); not mere dry intellectualism, but hitting

the emotions from which such mean contempt springs up.

What is so insulting for a 21st century modern seers. if anyone

calls the 18th century indologists and European culture as

primitive, which are 100% facts, or what is so hurtful to

these worthies if the Germanic race is pictured for what it

did in the last 400 years (their asuri rule in every sphere

of Europe's life)?


These asura-s have no interest in seeking their or anyone's

happiness, their sole aim is to show to the world that the

Aristotelian logic, utterly skewed and incomplete by itself,

is all there is for the salvation of mankind - Hitler &

Gobel were the same in another form, and the Germanic trash

has had this trait most strongly all along in its history.

It is this asuri fact that won't go away that soon, but it

will certainly go away in time, just as all past asura-s and

asuri thought systems have sunken to dust.


The indology primitives can claim all they want on the

spirit of the Veda-s, but the truth is, among the few

millions of students and practitioners of Veda-s, not even

one has ever heard of these IDIOTS, leave alone their

fantastic silly theories with not a grain of scientific

evidence; among a few English schooled Vedic practitioners

who have heard or read THEIR wildly imaginative false

mythology, it is well known as "their opinions they are

welcome to retain oe even cherish if they wish". That alone

is indication of real facts regarding the Veda-s, their

practice, and practitioners.


This is 15th century Church mentality and nothing else. It

was successfully used in the americas to wipe out 100

million humans, yes, 100,000,000 humans, it is a historical

fact recorded by the remaining few native Americans, to

obliterate their culture, religions, and scriptures, and to

shamelessly grab their land and wealth, and now to

pontifficate to the rest of humanity! This game did not

succeed in India, and hence *what we see is what we see*.


Veda paaTashaala-s and Vedic systems dont need commendations

from Stanford, CalTech, Harvard. Thousands of students,

who are practising Veda-s in these can laugh at these Stanford,

Berkeley, MIT and their inventions about Universe.


Best Regards,

Venkateswara Reddy

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I thought I would add Rudolf Steiner's views on this issue (I don't

believe in him religiously).


"The regions of Atlantis were destroyed through colossal deluges.

Human bodies had different forms at that time, but the souls that

live in us today lived also in the ancient Atlanteans. Those were our

souls. Then the water-catastrophe caused a movement of the Atlantean

peoples, a great migration from west to east. We ourselves were these

peoples. Toward the end of Atlantis all was in movement. We wandered

from the west toward the east, through Ireland, Scotland, Holland,

France, and Spain. Thus the peoples moved eastward and populated

Europe, Asia, and the northern parts of Africa.


It must not be imagined that those who, in the last great migration,

wandered out of the west into the regions that have gradually

developed into Asia, Europe, and Africa, did not encounter other

peoples. Almost all of Europe, the northern parts of Africa, and

large parts of Asia were already inhabited at that time. These areas

were not peopled from the west only; they had already been settled

earlier, so that this migration found a strange population already

established. We may assume that when quieter times set in, special

cultural relations arose. There was, for instance, in the

neighborhood of Ireland, a region where, before the catastrophe that

now lies thousands of years behind us, there lived the most advanced

portions of the entire population of the earth. These portions then

migrated, under the special guidance of great individualities,

through Europe to a region of central Asia, and from that point

cultural colonies were sent out to the most diverse places. One such

colony of the post-Atlantean time was sent from this group of people

into India, finding a population that had been seated there from

primeval times and had its own culture. Paying due heed to what was

already present, these colonists founded the first post-Atlantean

culture. This was many thousand years ago, and external documents

tell us scarcely anything about it. What appears in these documents

is much later. In those great compendiums of Wisdom called the Vedas,

we have only the final echoes of a very early Indian culture that was

directed by super-earthly beings and was founded by the Holy Rishis.

It was a culture of a unique kind, and we today can form only a

feeble idea of it because the Vedas are only a reflection of that

primeval holy Indian culture."


One may scoff at notions of "Atlantis", but that name was invented by

Plato. To the people of the time there was just a great "worldwide"

flood. I find it myself interesting that even the Mayas have stories

about such a flood. By my calculations of the ayanamsha Steiner uses,

this last flood would have happened about 8000 B.C. (At the end of a

25,000 year yuga of Great Year.) It's interesting that that's when

the last Ice Age ended, which must have caused global water levels to



To Steiner, the old Chinese civilization was a recapitulation of the

last Atlantean civilization and the ancient Indian was the first post-

Atlantean civilization. (But the Chinese belongs to a preceding Yuga

and is not appropriate for this one according to him.) Essential to

that early Indian culture was a all-encompassing monism in his view.

He also happens to agree with your view that the era of the

materialistic reductionist sense perception mind is special (in his

view it's the Kali Yuga, which ended in 1899). However he disagrees

that this would be entirely evil, instead he says it is was

spiritually necessary in order to develop the mind powers. (Early

humanity hardly thought at all according to him, instead they

perceived spiritual things directly.) In the last stage of this

25,000 year cycle will come a recapitulation of that early Indian

Yuga, but modified by what has gone before.


As I said I don't believe this religiously, but Steiner makes some

sense to me in other contexts. As far as I know, yugas usually end by

some cataclysm.



vedic astrology, "cjjohans" <cjjohans@c...> wrote:

> vedic astrology, "venkateshwara_reddy" <avenkat@m...>

> wrote:

> > > This year is used in China, so it might be older than

> > > you think.

> >

> > This is not post-1500 BC creation as Indology idiots thought of.

> > How late is late?

> >

> >

> >

> > > http://www.ichingwisdom.com/IChingWisdom/zodiac.html

> > >

> > > It's supposed to date from at least 1000 B.C.

> >

> > Vedic is older than 1000 B.C.


> So what? I did not say anything else. The original poster said that

> using it as a year was recent, I said it has been used as a year at

> least in China for a long time.

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dear list members

Pranams. I have been practicing KP which uses only the Vimsottari Dasa

for prediton. The dasas endings/Antardasa/Bhutkties etc are all

calculated on the Basis of 1 yera equals 12 months, and 1 month = 30

days. This method gives quite ofter dates like 31st June 0r 30 Feb.

Such anamololies are corrected. I have also calculated the

Dasa,Antaras, and Bhukties, using 365.25 days as the years. The Dasa of

Venus is taken not as 20 years but as 20x365.25 days. The Gregorian

Calender days are then calculated for these DAYS. Even this gives some

apparent (not real) errors as the Days are rounded. In actual Practive

this does not make a difference of more than a Day or 2. So, in

practice, we can use either method. This might help to end the long



--- Sanjay Rath <srath wrote:

> Dear Narasimha

> As I said, please quote Parasara and not Surya Siddhanta for the

> Varsha

> being taken from Savana years.

> Sanjay



> pvr108 [pvr]

> Wednesday, May 22, 2002 7:52 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Why vimshottari in 365.25


> Namaste,


> > This is not the year you have been defending. You mentioned in

> > earlier posts 360 tithi year, which is about 354 days.


> I am not defending any year right now. I am only giving references to

> multiple years in classics to show that there is no clear answer.

> Personally, I have a preference, but I don't have a strong case for

> any year and hence not defending anything right now.


> > This year was apparently rounded off in a five year period with an

> > extra month, not in a three year period as the tithi year.

> > http://www1.shore.net/~india/ejvs/ejvs0304/ejvs0304.txt

> >

> > If you are going to argue for this 360 solar day year, I can't

> argue

> > against since the translator Sharma is of the opinion that this is

> > the year which Parasara means. But I understood from an earlier

> post

> > that "varsha" means solar year (6 Ritus/12 signs = 1 Varsha).


> This is only a misconception. Sanskrita has various words for year

> that can be interchangably used. Varsha does not mean a solar year.

> Parasara mentioned the word "varsha" to mean 360-day years in

> Shadbalas.


> Under Kala Bala of Shadbalas, Parasara covered 3 different calendars:


> (1) Solar calendar: The ayana (6 month) bala is based on this

> (2) Lunar calendar: The paksha (half month) bala is based on this

> (3) Fixed calendar: The varsha, maasa, dina and hora balas are all

> based on this. Here a year of 360 civil days, a month of 30 civil

> days and a dina of 1 civil day are used.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha











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Hello Sridhar,


You simply don't understand the point. The difference between 360-day

years and 365.25-day years is not 2 or 3 days as you say. It is 5.25

days per year. If you are looking at the chart of a 40-year old

person, dasa/antardasa end dates will be off between the two methods

by 5.25x40=210 days, i.e. 7 months.


The real use of savana years (360 day years) involves counting

exactly 360 days. If you add 1 savana year to 15th May 2001, you get

10th May 2002. If you add 2 savana years to 15th May 2001, you get

5th May 2003.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> dear list members

> Pranams. I have been practicing KP which uses only the Vimsottari


> for prediton. The dasas endings/Antardasa/Bhutkties etc are all

> calculated on the Basis of 1 yera equals 12 months, and 1 month = 30

> days. This method gives quite ofter dates like 31st June 0r 30 Feb.

> Such anamololies are corrected. I have also calculated the

> Dasa,Antaras, and Bhukties, using 365.25 days as the years. The

Dasa of

> Venus is taken not as 20 years but as 20x365.25 days. The Gregorian

> Calender days are then calculated for these DAYS. Even this gives


> apparent (not real) errors as the Days are rounded. In actual


> this does not make a difference of more than a Day or 2. So, in

> practice, we can use either method. This might help to end the long

> discussion

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