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i would be here on posting the facets of various lagnas in the next

few weeks.

The first sign of the zodiac is mesha or aries. Mesha is a chara

rasi, a fire sign and ruled by mars. Aswini 4 quarters, Bharani 4

quarters and Krittika 1 quarter are the nakshatras governing the

sign. The people born in this sign are usually of reddish complexion,

quick to temper and are dynamic leaders.

The lagna is one of the fortunate lagnas as the great benific Jupiter

is bhagya lord for this lagna. The lagna natives enjoy the fruits of

many a raja yogas precisely for the same reason.

Venus and mercury are malefics for this lagna. Saturn though a

problematic planet for this lagna is neverthless a partial benific as

he is also the 10 lord. Great military commanders , doctors and

leaders are born in this lagna.

Ketu in 12th for this lagna gives moksha. This lagna has moon and sun

as fourth and fifth lords. Thus they would be closer to their mother

and would have trouble with their father(mutual disagreements.).

Jupiter with mars in 10th for this lagna is a great blessing. Jupiter

in lagna gives a great nature. Jupiter with sun in kendras is

rajayoga and gives name and fame. Moon with jupiter in kendras is

also highly desirable. The combinations to be avoided are definetely,

mars with mercury and mars with saturn. Rahu combining with this

combination is even more bad.Saturn in lagna is also not very

fortunate as it is the debiltiation sign for saturn.

One good example i can think of mesha lagna born is The great subhash

chandra bose who was a great freedom fighter for indian independence.

I can go on and on, but i would like esteemed list members to discuss

the same in detail.

Kind regards

partha sarathy

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One small doubt on Aries sign. Since the combination of Moon as the 4L and Sun

as the 5L gives Rajyoga, what will be the final result if Moon gets combust?


It may be:

- Since Moon, the sthira karaka for Mother is week, the native will not get

happiness from mother. And because the combustion is because of Sun (sthira

karaka of father), the father is responsible for that.

- It will give rajyoga due to combination of lords of quadrant and trine. But,

because Moon is afflicted, the strength of rajyoga is very weak.

- Also, Moon signifies mind. So, the native, at times, may loose confident and

power to fight with the odd situations of the life.

- Since, this denotes Amavasya birth, this combination in trines to lagna

indicates that the native will be the worshipper of Goddess Kali.

- More depend upon the dispositor of Moon's sign lord and its strength in D-9.


Please correct wherever I'm wrong.




Gopal Krishan Doda






vedic astrology

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 6:54 PM

[vedic astrology] MESHA LAGNA(ARTICLE)

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Dear Gopal and other friends,


I have Leo Lagna and the yogkaraka Mars (lord of 4th and 9th) and Jupiter (lord

of 5th) are conjuct together in the 3rd house of Libra. Does this constitute a

Rajyog? What will be the friuts of this rajyog? When will it be realised?


Here is the birth data:


Birth Data:26 August 1982Location: Plainfield, New Jersey, USA 74.24W

40.38NTime: 5:55am (5 hours west or behind GMT, no daylight saving)

As 15:33 Le P.Phalguni VeSu 09:17 Le Magha KeMo 09:47

Sc Anuradha SaMa 20:13 Li Vishakha JuMe 04:12 Vi

U.Phalguni SuJu 11:41 Li Swati RaVe 21:05 Cn Aslesha

MeSa 25:31 Vi Chitra MaRa 18:27 Ge Ardra RaKe 18:27

Sg P.Shadya Ve


Rashi Chart******************************************************* **

* * ** * * * *

* * * * * * *

* * * ME 04:12 * * * * * SA

25:31* VE 21:05* * *JU 11:41 * * SU 09:17

* * * *MA 20:13 7 * AS 15:33 * 3 RA

18:27* * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * *

* * * * * * * *

* * * * 5 * * * **

* * ** * MO 09:47 8 * 2

* ** * * **

* * * 11 * * * * *

* * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * *

* * * * * *KE 18:27 9 *

* 1 * * * * * *

* * * 10 * * 12 * * * *

* * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * *

** * * **

******************************************************* Navamsa

kundli:Lagna LeoShani LeoChandra VirgoKetu virgoShukra

CapricornGuru CapricornBudh AquariusRahu PiscesMangal

AriesRavi Gemini



Thanks a lot,



Gopal Krishan

vedic astrology

Thursday, November 08, 2001 10:32 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] MESHA LAGNA(ARTICLE)



One small doubt on Aries sign. Since the combination of Moon as the 4L and Sun

as the 5L gives Rajyoga, what will be the final result if Moon gets combust?


It may be:

- Since Moon, the sthira karaka for Mother is week, the native will not get

happiness from mother. And because the combustion is because of Sun (sthira

karaka of father), the father is responsible for that.

- It will give rajyoga due to combination of lords of quadrant and trine. But,

because Moon is afflicted, the strength of rajyoga is very weak.

- Also, Moon signifies mind. So, the native, at times, may loose confident and

power to fight with the odd situations of the life.

- Since, this denotes Amavasya birth, this combination in trines to lagna

indicates that the native will be the worshipper of Goddess Kali.

- More depend upon the dispositor of Moon's sign lord and its strength in D-9.


Please correct wherever I'm wrong.




Gopal Krishan Doda






vedic astrology

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 6:54 PM

[vedic astrology] MESHA LAGNA(ARTICLE)

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Hello Krishna,


Sine the houses involved in making this Rajyoga are 4th, 5th and 9th, it

indicates the results as fortunate (9th house) , wealthy (5th and 9th house)

and general happiness, home, vehicles (4th house). However, there are other

points ehich should also be considered while predicting the final results.


- Jupiter is also the lord of 8th (dusthana) house.

- The yoga itself is in 3rd house (a malefic house) as it is 8th from 8th house.

- 3rd house is also 12th from 4th house. As Mars (lord of 4th house) is going to

its 12th house, this weakens the yoga.

- This yoga is further aspected by Rahu from 11th house.

- 3L Venus goes to 12th house (again dusthana).

- Ashtakwarga gives 21 points to sign Libra

- In D-9, Jupiter gets debilitated in 6th house conjunct with Venus. Venus in

6th house is also not good.


All the above factors make this yoga (especially because of Jupiter) very weak.

However, Mars is in own sign Aries in D-9. Also, since Mars is in the 3rd

house, it will give you fighting spirit. The conjunction of Jupiter with Mars

shows that you will not hesitate to fight (or argue / debate) over the matter

of spirituality; for dharma. Argala of Lagna Lord Sun from the Lagna adds

authoritative, charming and powerful personality.






Krishna Savani

vedic astrology

Friday, November 09, 2001 11:59 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] MESHA LAGNA(ARTICLE)

Dear Gopal and other friends,


I have Leo Lagna and the yogkaraka Mars (lord of 4th and 9th) and Jupiter (lord

of 5th) are conjuct together in the 3rd house of Libra. Does this constitute a

Rajyog? What will be the friuts of this rajyog? When will it be realised?


Here is the birth data:


Birth Data:26 August 1982Location: Plainfield, New Jersey, USA 74.24W

40.38NTime: 5:55am (5 hours west or behind GMT, no daylight saving)

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