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I have had many gurus in life! For those who might wish to read this!!

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Dear Ranjan Saheb


I follow this message board (together with two other popular

Jyotish groups on ) with a keen interest, and appreciate the

contributions from experienced Jyotishis such as yourself. The

opportunity to gain an insight into the techniques adopted in chart

analysis and to learn of the combinations (as per the classics) that

hold strength in this present time from those who have `tried and

tested' is a boon to avid beginners like myself. Without such a

resource, my learning would be confined to books and vulnerable to

erroneous interpretations. This is especially the case when one

resides in a city (London) where Joyitishis themselves are rare,

thus eliminating any hope for guidance from an experienced Jyotishi

or `Guru'.


Jyotish is a very deep, vast and challenging art as well as a

science, and this is what leaves most, especially those that `place

it neatly' in either category, disillusioned by the results of their

efforts. Intuition is a facet much talked about nowadays in social

sciences such as economics, where mere mathematical or statistical

inference has proven to be insufficient in deriving an accurate

theorem: the ability to intuitively combine an array of factors in

reaching a final assessment is crucial. This very same principle

applies to Jyotish, and I have realised (through your

recommendations) that the quickest way to develop this intuition is

by collecting and analysing as many charts as possible. This in

itself adds a wholly unique dimension to the study, enabling one to

apply creative faculties that gradually establish and embed a

personalised approach to chart analysis.


I have noticed the recent trend for gross misinterpretation, and

although I have not once detected any malice in your writings, the

metaphoric/ambiguous and highly technical style in which you write

can convey an aura of arrogance to those not -so -well versed in

English. It seems that the majority of the abuse directed at

yourself is as a result of misguided insecurities and poor judgement

of the use of English. Therefore, I would encourage you to overlook

such outbursts and continue to commit the time and mental energy in

passing on your knowledge through this medium, so young,

inexperienced aspirants such as myself can reap the benefits.


Thank you and with best regards,





, "rohiniranjan" <rrgb@s...>



> Dear SSS ji,


> I have never ever claimed publicly or privately that I am super-

> knowledgeable in astrology or the slave language you refer to.


> the contrary!!


> But, why such animosity, oh bearer of Lord Siva in your goodname,

> simply based on what I never said, but what you misperceive or


> to be the case? ;-)


> Then again, RR-bashing seems to have become a favourite trend on


> message board and strangely on some other boards where a lot more

> accomplished jyotishis have experienced worse, in these current

> troubled times! But then again, I say, it is better to experience


> mouth-grenade (or keyboard atombomb!) than a real one (Middle


> Hey maybe it is because of recent Diwali that the fireworks are


> going off in the incendiary souls, all over the place :-)


> "I may seem to be amused personally but am truly sad for Ma


> and Baba Siddhidata Ganapati at the same time",


> RR




> , "sarasalai_siva"

> <sarasalai_siva@h...> wrote:

> >

> > , "rishi_2000in"

> > <rishi_2000in> wrote:

> > >

> > > RRji,

> > > Some of us not so young (interms of age), marvel at the rate


> > > change of the learning process when we look at the present

> > > generation, they seem to show a remarkable ability and agility


> > > their learning curve when compared to the time when we were


> to

> > > sweat and search for knowledge, now they are fast and

> > > sure....pitfalls and traps abound for them but they adapt


> I,

> > > for one,admire this change in the overall learning process.

> > > The same may not be true for this complex art and acience that

> > > jyotish is.

> > > But let us give them the youngsters their due and relish that

> they

> > > have this opportunity which was lacking earlier.

> > > Regards

> > > rishi

> >

> >

> > || Jaya Jagannatha ||

> >

> >

> > Hellow RR,

> >

> > Your Lagna is Scorpio , there mercury is retrograding .

> > This is bad (to astrology too ). You are not so knowledageable


> > astrology

> > as you think.

> >

> > Retro mercury may give diplomatic , tactful or even cunning

> > nature /virture - ( in writing ??)

> >

> > No doubt your exalated jupiter gives dharmic virture.

> >

> > Pls note I am not expert in slave master's language .

> > I went to school till grade 10.

> >

> > sarasalai_siva

> >


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Maniv ji,


Your kind words are very gratefully welcome. I will continue to do my

best, though at times, prevailing negativity in this world of ours

may get me down at times, but when I have sentiments like yours as my

Kavach, negativity evaporates, just as it did from this message



You are right, intuition can be an important ally of even left-

brained jyotishis, often helping them without their knowledge. Our

passion and sincerity can only get rewarded, one way or another. Why

else would we believe that astrology works!


Since you mention London, I have heard that somewhere around London

or even in it exists a British Jyotish Society (I think Komilla

Sutton is one of the leaders, but please check). I have really found

that even a small local study group can really work wonders in one's





, "maniv1321" <maniv1321>



> Dear Ranjan Saheb


> I follow this message board (together with two other popular

> Jyotish groups on ) with a keen interest, and appreciate the

> contributions from experienced Jyotishis such as yourself. The

> opportunity to gain an insight into the techniques adopted in chart

> analysis and to learn of the combinations (as per the classics)


> hold strength in this present time from those who have `tried and

> tested' is a boon to avid beginners like myself. Without such a

> resource, my learning would be confined to books and vulnerable to

> erroneous interpretations. This is especially the case when one

> resides in a city (London) where Joyitishis themselves are rare,

> thus eliminating any hope for guidance from an experienced Jyotishi

> or `Guru'.


> Jyotish is a very deep, vast and challenging art as well as a

> science, and this is what leaves most, especially those that `place

> it neatly' in either category, disillusioned by the results of


> efforts. Intuition is a facet much talked about nowadays in social

> sciences such as economics, where mere mathematical or statistical

> inference has proven to be insufficient in deriving an accurate

> theorem: the ability to intuitively combine an array of factors in

> reaching a final assessment is crucial. This very same principle

> applies to Jyotish, and I have realised (through your

> recommendations) that the quickest way to develop this intuition is

> by collecting and analysing as many charts as possible. This in

> itself adds a wholly unique dimension to the study, enabling one to

> apply creative faculties that gradually establish and embed a

> personalised approach to chart analysis.


> I have noticed the recent trend for gross misinterpretation, and

> although I have not once detected any malice in your writings, the

> metaphoric/ambiguous and highly technical style in which you write

> can convey an aura of arrogance to those not -so -well versed in

> English. It seems that the majority of the abuse directed at

> yourself is as a result of misguided insecurities and poor


> of the use of English. Therefore, I would encourage you to overlook

> such outbursts and continue to commit the time and mental energy in

> passing on your knowledge through this medium, so young,

> inexperienced aspirants such as myself can reap the benefits.


> Thank you and with best regards,


> Maniv

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Rohini Saheb/ Gordon


Thank you for the details of the London based Jyotish Groups.


It is exciting to learn of the existence of people with a similar

passion in London, and I will endeavour to contact these

organisations soon.





, GWBrennan@a... wrote:


> The London based Jyotish groups are:


> British Associatiojn for Vedic Astrology - _www.bava.org_

> (http://www.bava.org)


> Sri Jagannath Centre - London group - contact _gwbrennan@a..._

> (gwbrennan@a...)


> Regards


> Gordon





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