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Saturn Remedies - Updated/Expanded

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Dear All,


Namaste. I see interesting discussions going in this regard. I thought it

might be appropriate to update/expand the list based on the feedback so that

it will be easier for people to access all info in one go.


Basically the remedies fall into 3 groups with respect to Saturn : i) to

Lord Hanuman, ii) to Lord Shiva and iii) to Shani himself. The fourth group

can be general and miscellaneous remedies.


Group 1 : To Lord Hanuman


a. Last year, I was advised to offer 1kg of Til Oil (Gingeley oil) to

Hanuman Temple on 12 Saturdays after sunset. The oil can must be accompanied

by Tamboola (Betel Leaves, nuts) and if possible a rupee/dollar coin. I was

advised not to pray for any specific outcome - just prostrate, do the offer

and come back. I have also heard of people continuing this practice

throughout Saturn's bad period.


b. I have seen chanting Hanuman Chalisa is also prescribed as remedy for



c. Sometimes, Panchmukhi (or Ekadashamukhi) Hanumat Kavacham is prescribed

to be chanted daily or at least on Saturday. This is preferably done after

Hanumat Puja (Ashtottara/Sahasranama). Those who needs stutis/kavachams on

Lord Hanuman may refer to http://sanskrit.gde.to.


Group 2 : To Lord Shiva


I am not quite sure which form of Shiva (Murtham) is attributed to Shani as

people cite different forms such as Mrutyunjaya, Sharabeshwara etc. Perhaps

Mrutyunjaya is the most commonly used but interestingly Mrutyunjaya form is

also used for Rahu afflictions.


a. Chanting Rudram (prefereably in the form of Rudraikadashini - i.e.

chanting Rudram once and chanting one para of Chamakam and repeating this

process 11 times) is said to be an effective remedy to ward off any evil -

not just Saturn related - and it elevates the mind of person who is chanting

it. I have heard that Rudram, like Devi Mahatmyam, should never be attempted

without proper initiation by a Sat Guru. I was told these words came from

Sri. Sringeri Acharya himself. So, it is better not ask for more troubles

while trying to solve an existing trouble.


b. Mrutyunjaya Mantra Japam (tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim puShTi vardhanam

urvArukamiva bandhanAn mRRityor mukshIya mAmRRitAt) is often prescribed. I

was advised to chant the mantram for 28 times standing on a wooden plank

facing north for 40 days twice a day after bath. Some people continue this

practice for several mandalas (40-day cycle). Some people also advise

Mrutyunjaya Homam - though this is normally done for severe health problems.


c. Chant Shiva Sahasranamam for 40 days (1 mandala or as long as you wish)

facing north. One could also augment with Mrutyunjaya stutis like

Mrutyunjaya stotram, Mrutyunjaya kavacham etc. Many such stutis are

available in the above website.


d. In Tamil, there is a 10-stanza stuti called "Pachchai Pathigam" by

ThiruGYAna Sambandhar. This poem is sung in praise of Lord Darbharanyeshwara

of Thiru Nallar (Shani Parihara Sthalam near Karaikkal, Tamil Nadu, India).

This is believed to be an effective remedy for Saturn doshas and gochara.

For those interested, this has been published in the recent issue of the

magazine "GYAna Alayam" (July 2004 issue).


e. Sometimes, wearing a specific Rudraksha is prescribed (e.g. 14-mukhi).


Group 3 : To Lord Shanaishcara himself


a. Visit Navagraha shrines on Saturdays and perform archana to Saturn.


b. Chant Shani stutis (e.g. Ashtottaram, Sahasranamam, Kavacham, etc.)

daily - or at least on Saturday.


i) Many of the Sanskrit stutis is available in the above website.

ii) LIFCO has published a book in Tamil containing many of Shani Stutis

including Sahasranama - Stotram/Namavali, Ashtottaram - Stotram/Namavali,

Kavachams, several Stutis, procedure for doing a Shanti Homam for Shani and

procedure for observing Shani Vrat on Saturdays (as given in Skanda

Puranam), etc.

iii) There is another book titled "Jayamangala Stotram" by Sengkalipurama

Anantarama Dikshitar (2 volumes) containing several stutis on navagrahas.


c. Donate Sesame Seeds/Black Cloth on Saturday. Sometimes donating Black

Urad Dal, Iron Vessels etc. are also done.


d. Wear a gem stone (e.g. Blue sapphire or alternatives) after thorough

analysis of the chart. I have also seen recommendation to donate the same

instead of wearing.


e. In extreme cases, Shani Shanti Homa/Yajnas are also prescribed. This may

even involve donation of animals. The book published by LIFCO contains

details of the same.


f. Observe fasting on Saturdays - this may just be a fasting with some Shani

Stutis or observe the Shani Vrat procedure mentioned in Skanda Puranam. The

above book gives details of the same.


g. Pilgrimage to Thiru Nallar and/or Suryanar Koil - both in Tamil Nadu,

India. Pilgrimage to Tirupati is also suggested sometimes.


Group 4 : General and Miscellaneous Remedies


This group consists of remedies in general - not specific to Saturn alone.


a. Chant Vishnu Sahasranamam daily. This is considered to be the best remedy

for all evils.


b. Chant Venkateshwara (Lord Balaji) Stutis/Sahasranama/Archana on



c. In Vaishnavite sampradaya, Lord Sudarshan is considered to be an

embodiment of all planets and the Supreme Protector against all evils. So

chanting Sudarshan stutis like Sudarshana Ashtottaram - Stotram/Namavali,

Sahasranama - Stotram/Namavali, ShaTkam, Ashtakam, Panchayuta Stotram,

ShodasAyuta stotram, Kavcham should be useful. Sudarshana Homam can also be



d. There is a combined sloka of Lord Nrusimha/Sudarshana. This contains the

moola mantra of Lord Nrusimha in the middle and flanked by Sudarshana mantra

before and after. This mantra is also said to be very effective protector.


oM sahasrAra hum phaT kshraum oM iim ham

ugram vIram mahAviShNum jvalantam sarvato mukham

nRRisimham bhIShaNam bhadram mRRityu mRRityum namAmyaham

ham iim oM kshraum sahasrAra hum phaT svAhA ||


For those who are interested, several Vishnu/Sudarshana stutis are available

in http://sanskrit.gde.to as well as http://www.prapatti.com.


e. There are a few other stutis which are said to be effective in protection

against evils/planetary afflictions:


i) mAngalya stavam from Vishnu Dharmottara Puranam

ii) Kolaru Pathigam - a 10-stanza poem by ThiruGYAna Sambandhar to ward of

all planetary afflictions.


f. In my opinion, one has to take into account how Shani's afflictions

manifest and augment/replace the above remedies with appropriate remedies.

For example, if it manifests in the form of severe health problems, then:


i) one could perform japa/homam of Sudarshana Mala Mantram (Roga Nivarana).

ii) one could chant apAmArjana stotram from Vishnu Dharmottaram. This is

said to be a very effective remedy - this invokes different forms of Vishnu

and seeks protection against diseases.

iii) Pray Lord Vaidyanatha and/or perform Mrutyunjaya Homam

iv) Pray Lord Subrahmanya perhaps with Subrahmanya Bhujangam of Shri



If Shani's affliction manifests in the form of marital problems, then one


i) pray Bhavani/Gauri/Durga

ii) pray Jambhukeshvara



Thanks & Regards,





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