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kemadruma yoga

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Dear All

I’m attaching a chart of a 23 year old woman with kemadruma yoga.

Raman - dirty, sorrowful, doing unrighteous deeds, poor, dependent, a rogue

and swindler.

Charak – bereft of wealth, health, learning, wisdom, wife, progeny, mental

peace, reduces native to a pauper, suffers misery, failures, physical

illness and humiliation


In her chart there is only a tenuous ( in my opinion) cancellation. These

include (please someone advise if these are incorrect or incomplete):-

1. planets in kendras from lagna

2. planets in kendras from Moon.

3. all planets aspecting Moon

4. Moon or Venus occupying a Kendra and aspected by Jupiter

5. strong Moon in Kendra associated with or aspected by benefics (mercury,

Venus, Jupiter)

6. Moon associated with a benefic planet or located between two benefic

planets and aspected by Jupiter

7. Moon occupying its exaltation sign or the house of a very friendly planet

in the navamsha and aspected by Jupiter

8. a full Moon occupying the lagna in conjunction with a benefic planet

9. Moon exalted in 10H and aspected by a benefic

10. at birth Mars and Jupiter are in Libra, Sun in Virgo and Moon in Pisces



In this chart Moon, who is atmakaraka, is in 9H Aries aspected by Venus in

Libra and AL and isolated from the rest of the planets. However, taking

Moon as lagna Mars and Rahu are in 4H and Ketu in 10H. Is this enough to

cancel the kemadruma yoga? Mars is benefic for Leo lagna. Rahu and Ketu???

Rahu is in 6H in rasi!

In navamsha Moon is in 6H with Mars and Maandi.

There is a vesi yoga (another planet, in this case Venus, is in 2H from Sun)

and ? also an Amarla yoga, if we can consider Ketu as a benefic in the sense

that it induces a good character.


vesi – fortunate, happy, virtuous, famous and aristocratic

amala – spotless character , lead a prosperous life and have lasting fame


some details ofher life and nature

She is quietly spoken but also quietly defiant. She hated school because she

felt she knew more than her teachers. She has a insatiably curious mind and

has the facilities to research and understand any subject she takes an

interest in. Her measured IQ is 165. From age 14 she was home schooled and

began to take college credits in a vast and diverse range of subjects.

Currently she is in Sweden studying biological psychology but this may

change at a whim. (Her first language is English).

She is an accomplished actress, singer, ballet dancer and musician (piano

and harp) and the stage was her intended career until the beginning of Rahu

Rahu dasha when she decided almost overnight to take up more academic



She is scrupulously honest – often to her own disadvantage and is non

competitive. She was unpopular at school because she delighted in being

‘different’, in dress manner and interests. She is unforgiving of those who

she considers have betrayed her or let her down. Once she has made up her

mind it is pointless to argue with her.

Her apartment is extraordinarily untidy but she is over- fastidious in

personal hygiene.

She is not interested in acquiring money or many possessions and is

reluctant to get financial help from her parents. She is fiercely

independent and could be described as poor.


Her health so far is good and she is considered attractive (one reviewer

described her as having a face like a Madonna - Venus with AL?) However she

does not consider herself to be pretty. She had acne as a teen.


She does seem to bear a kind of sorrowfulness and is certainly not very

lucky in life. She liked being on the stage because she said, “When I’m

acting I’m not me”. She is also well aware of the sorrows of others.


It seems that the kemadruma yoga has manifested to some degree but to be

tempered somewhat. Wouldn’t most of the manifestations be in Moon dasha?


Please, if any one wishes to make any comments or additions, I would be

happy to hear them.










>"Ramapriya D" <hubli



>[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: [Achyuta Gurukul] please answer

>Thu, 16 Sep 2004 06:55:13 +0400



>The internet is an intriguing, impersonal beast, so let it remain that way.

>Please don't use my name in the subject line, yeah?

>My feel about children would be that you'll either not have them or

>wouldn't get too much happiness from them even if you had. But you should

>take more reasoned takes from the experts hereabouts to either confirm or

>deny this.

>Kemadruma is simple - when Mo has no grahas in the 2nd and 12th houses from

>where it is, kemadruma results. It isn't exactly a yoga we should like to





> -

> rajesh


> Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:03 PM

> [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] attn: Ramapriya_D,

>please answer



> Dear Ramapriya



> What about children, i could not understand your comments.


> Also, eloborate kemadruma yoga, i could not comrehend that.

> thanks


> Rajesh



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Dear Gili,


Amongst different starta of yogas, viz; Chandra, Surya, Nabhasha,

etc. The Chandra Yogas reveal our mental make up, and secondly

enhance or feeble other good yogas. It does not make one prince or

peacent, but give tendencies of specific features, native experience

through out life. There are enumerable charts of celebrities having

such undesireable yogas in their charts. The destiny of anyone can

not hinges upon just one yoga. Only net result of all positive and

negative factors in the chart may hint the shape of luck. It might

possible that some negative yogas are overcome by few strong positive

yogas, or vice versa. Secondly a strong lagna and lagnesh can ward

off thousands of dosh in chart. And finally the effect of yogas

(except Nabhash & Mahapurush yogas) are subject to relevent dasha and

transit of involved planets.


You have discussed kema-druma yoga, and also described their

cancellation criterion. But here benefic means, natural benefic

planets only. The most effetive cancellation is the presence of

powerful natural benefics in quadrant(1,4,7,10) to the Moon.


People having kem-druma yoga, generally suffer on account of their

aloof nature and emperience mental agony off and on. If the Sun also

falls in quadrant to such a Moon then false ego become constraint in

the path of success and happiness. If the Jupiter is in 6th or 8th to

such a Moon, then intense unstablility and fluctuation in life is



The yoga seems worse in the chart of night time birth with waning

Moon, and/or when the Moon is in either 1st or 7th house in malefic



You delineated the info about mentioed girl in such a great detail

that for a moment I thought, 'is it you?'


Any way, sorry I could not get the chart, thus can't say any more.

Please past the chart as text file or if possible send complete birth








, "gilimary alvey"

<lopamudraxxx@h...> wrote:

> Dear All

> I'm attaching a chart of a 23 year old woman with kemadruma yoga.

> Raman - dirty, sorrowful, doing unrighteous deeds, poor, dependent,

a rogue

> and swindler.

> Charak – bereft of wealth, health, learning, wisdom, wife, progeny,


> peace, reduces native to a pauper, suffers misery, failures,


> illness and humiliation


> In her chart there is only a tenuous ( in my opinion)

cancellation. These

> include (please someone advise if these are incorrect or


> 1. planets in kendras from lagna

> 2. planets in kendras from Moon.

> 3. all planets aspecting Moon

> 4. Moon or Venus occupying a Kendra and aspected by Jupiter

> 5. strong Moon in Kendra associated with or aspected by benefics


> Venus, Jupiter)

> 6. Moon associated with a benefic planet or located between two


> planets and aspected by Jupiter

> 7. Moon occupying its exaltation sign or the house of a very

friendly planet

> in the navamsha and aspected by Jupiter

> 8. a full Moon occupying the lagna in conjunction with a benefic


> 9. Moon exalted in 10H and aspected by a benefic

> 10. at birth Mars and Jupiter are in Libra, Sun in Virgo and Moon

in Pisces



> In this chart Moon, who is atmakaraka, is in 9H Aries aspected by

Venus in

> Libra and AL and isolated from the rest of the planets. However,


> Moon as lagna Mars and Rahu are in 4H and Ketu in 10H. Is this

enough to

> cancel the kemadruma yoga? Mars is benefic for Leo lagna. Rahu

and Ketu???

> Rahu is in 6H in rasi!

> In navamsha Moon is in 6H with Mars and Maandi.

> There is a vesi yoga (another planet, in this case Venus, is in 2H

from Sun)

> and ? also an Amarla yoga, if we can consider Ketu as a benefic in

the sense

> that it induces a good character.

> .

> vesi – fortunate, happy, virtuous, famous and aristocratic

> amala – spotless character , lead a prosperous life and have

lasting fame


> some details ofher life and nature

> She is quietly spoken but also quietly defiant. She hated school

because she

> felt she knew more than her teachers. She has a insatiably curious

mind and

> has the facilities to research and understand any subject she takes


> interest in. Her measured IQ is 165. From age 14 she was home

schooled and

> began to take college credits in a vast and diverse range of


> Currently she is in Sweden studying biological psychology but this


> change at a whim. (Her first language is English).

> She is an accomplished actress, singer, ballet dancer and musician


> and harp) and the stage was her intended career until the beginning

of Rahu

> Rahu dasha when she decided almost overnight to take up more


> pursuits.


> She is scrupulously honest – often to her own disadvantage and is


> competitive. She was unpopular at school because she delighted in


> `different', in dress manner and interests. She is unforgiving of

those who

> she considers have betrayed her or let her down. Once she has made

up her

> mind it is pointless to argue with her.

> Her apartment is extraordinarily untidy but she is over- fastidious


> personal hygiene.

> She is not interested in acquiring money or many possessions and is

> reluctant to get financial help from her parents. She is fiercely

> independent and could be described as poor.


> Her health so far is good and she is considered attractive (one


> described her as having a face like a Madonna - Venus with AL?)

However she

> does not consider herself to be pretty. She had acne as a teen.


> She does seem to bear a kind of sorrowfulness and is certainly not


> lucky in life. She liked being on the stage because she said, "When


> acting I'm not me". She is also well aware of the sorrows of others.


> It seems that the kemadruma yoga has manifested to some degree but

to be

> tempered somewhat. Wouldn't most of the manifestations be in Moon



> Please, if any one wishes to make any comments or additions, I

would be

> happy to hear them.

> Love,

> Gili








> >"Ramapriya D" <hubli@h...>

> >

> ><>

> >[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: [Achyuta Gurukul] please answer

> >Thu, 16 Sep 2004 06:55:13 +0400

> >

> >Rajesh,

> >The internet is an intriguing, impersonal beast, so let it remain

that way.

> >Please don't use my name in the subject line, yeah?

> >My feel about children would be that you'll either not have them


> >wouldn't get too much happiness from them even if you had. But you


> >take more reasoned takes from the experts hereabouts to either

confirm or

> >deny this.

> >Kemadruma is simple - when Mo has no grahas in the 2nd and 12th

houses from

> >where it is, kemadruma results. It isn't exactly a yoga we should

like to

> >have.

> >Cheers,

> >Ramapriya

> >

> > -

> > rajesh

> >

> > Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:03 PM

> > [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] attn:


> >please answer

> >

> >

> > Dear Ramapriya

> >

> >

> > What about children, i could not understand your comments.

> >

> > Also, eloborate kemadruma yoga, i could not comrehend that.

> > thanks

> >

> > Rajesh


> _______________

> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

> http://search.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200636ave/direct/01/

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Dear Rajesh,


First of all, i dont know what is the sample size you have taken to

come to the percent conclusion but still lets us not equate it to how

many people have it and how many dont.


Secondly even if we take the asseration of so much percentage then

also there are a lot of other factors needs to seen once we talk

about any single yoga. The chart has to looked in totality not from

one yoga. The main point here is that it is difficult to find a KY

with no benefic aspects, argalas, other yogas, good dashas etc. Hence

it is important we see the chart as a whole even if we are

concentrating on one yoga.


I hope the above helps.






, "rajesh" <rrgupta97> wrote:

> Dear All:


> The chance that moon does not have the five planets Ju, Sa, Mar, Ve

> and Mercury, next to it is 40%.


> For example, Jupiter not being next to moon is 83% (10 out of 12

> probability). If you multiply, 0.83*.83*.83*.83*.83. It comes to 0.4


> Now, my question, if 40% population has kemadruma yoga, are they

> going through:

> bereft of wealth, health, learning, wisdom, wife, progeny, mental

> peace, reduces native to a pauper, suffers misery, failures,


> illness and humiliation.

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