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Leson-4 Answers

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Pujya Gurudev and List Members,

I have given my answer to Lesson-4 below. Please corect and guide my

understanding.My earlier answer for lesson-3 has not been reviewed. I request

the gurus to kindly correct my earlier assignment .


Ans1) Planetary Positions of K.N.Sriram, born on 19 June 1977 at 12:38 p.m, Bombay, India.

Ravi - Mithuna - 4deg 20

Chandra - Kataka - 2 deg 29 - Own House, Vargothama

Kuja - Mesha -16 deg 11 - Own House

Budha - Vrishabha - 21 deg 47

Guru - Vrishabha - 23 deg33

Sukra - Mesha - 18deg 40

Sani - Kataka - 20 deg 17

Rahu - Kanya - 27 deg 22 Vargothama

Kethu - Meena - 27 deg 22 Vargothama

Lagna - Kanya - 3 deg 49


Planets other than Chandra and Kuja are not in own house exaltation, debilitation or moolatrikona.



Ans2) Characters of Planets.

I have passed the major period of Guru and Sani and I am currently running the

major period of Budha. I have given the analysis for these 2 planets throughout

the analysis of other planets (as they are the dasa lords of the period which I

know very well about).


Ravi : Being the lord of the 12th in rasi, it is in the 10th wherein he has

Digbala(directional strength).Also , he is in the 10th house in Navamsa also (

in Scorpio for Aquarius Navamsa lagna).Ravi represents the King, government

etc. All the organizations I have worked till now were government

organizations. While in India, I did my undergraduate project in a defence

research company(owned by government),after finishing my B.E, I worked in a

research institute owned by the government and now while doing my masters, my

research is being funded by u.s government agency. Further , ravi in gemini

can give professions related to the intellectual mercury or the

air/communications. My b.e and m.s was focussed on wireless communication and

my present research is on the atmosphere. I was not running ravi dasa or

antaradasa (vimshottari) during the time when i was/am employed , but still the

results manifested.This could be because the position of the sun will show a

lifelong trait/characteristic. Also , the sun in a kendra for a dual rasi lagna

will aspect by rasi drishti the lagna and hence transfers his traits to the

lagna , making it a lifelong feature. Sun in Gemini is also good for astrology

(satya Jatakam). Just as the Sun represents the soul, the core of our being,

the placement of the sun in the 10th house , will make the the native try to go

to the core into whatever area he is pursuing. Ravi dasa/antaradasa will help

in the fructification of these results. I started studying the occult in the

antaradasa of ravi, mahadasa of sani. Being flanked by Deva Guru Guru in the

12th from his house and the manah karaka Moon in his 2nd house, the native will

get the right cooperation from his guru and the mind.But, this interpretation

could be wrong. A planet usually gets strength if the planets in the kendras

from it are also strong and benefic. I don't know whether the same can be

applied if benefics flank the planet (2 , 12 houses).This does result in a

shubhakartari yoga as well as vasi and vesi yogas for the sun.But, for planets

other than the sun and moon, i don't know whether a shubhakartari yoga for the

planet will just promote the good significations for the planet or even

strengthen it.The sun also represents temples.During ravi dasa/antaradasa, the

native will have opprotunites to visit temples. Further, the Sun is in the 4th

from the karakamsa in the navamsa Chakra.This could indicate residence in

temples/ a thatched hut (Jaimini Sutra). Ravi Dasa between the age of 64 - 70

can fructify these indications.As the sun is upward looking and he is in the

10th house, the native will be interested in higher ideals/goals/career,

especially during his periods and subperiods.This was true during the already

passed ravi antaradasa of sani dasa when the native was highly competitive in

studies and extra-curricular activities .


Chandra: .The moon is in his own house and hence strong.But, it is also quite

close to the sun(around 28 degrees) and hence has negligible ayanabala .Being a

malefic , he is in his own house in 6 divisional charts and exaltation in 2 of

the divisional charts. The moon represents the mind.Being in his own house, the

mind is quite strong and it is also aspected by Guru and Budha (rasi drishti )

..Hence the native will train his mind to work according to the scriptural

injunctions as well as the guru's instructions.Being aspected by griha drishti

by Kuja who is conjoined with Sukra, the native will have lusty and passionate

(sukra ) thoughts especially during the periods of Kuja and Sukra.Sukra Dasa is

between the ages of 44 and 64. The saving grace is that Sukra is in the 8th

house in which she will help the native to control one's senses(COVA).To

control these thoughts, the native should fast on thriteeya as the 3rd house

represents one's sexual desire.The native should pray to narasimha (kuja) on

thriteeya to control such thoughts.The moon is associated with saturn, who is

lord of the 5th house representing one's purvapunya karma.The moon also

represents grace and care. Being aspected by kuja, the to the point man, who is

in conjunction with sukra, the artistic and eloquent person,the the native

would like to exhibit both these traits, though his actual mental trait will be

governed by guru and benefic mercury giving a spiritual, logical and true

understanding of the world and fair view.Being in association with Sani, can

lead to moroseness or detachment. Infact, during 1989 August to 1990 October,

the native felt extreme detachment and began to question his existence .This

was during Sani Dasa and Chandra Bhukthi. The indication of

gloominess/depression has not manifested because of the aspect of Guru. Due to

the strength of the manah karaka, the native excelled in his studies during the

period of Sani Dasa and Chandra Bhukthi. But, he is also associated with the

indicator for nerves Sani, who also happens to be the 6th lord (the lord of

disease ) and aspected by Kuja which can lead to inflammation of the nerves. On

March 5th 1990 at 7:05 a.m, bangalore, india, the native had a epileptic attack

and he fainted(this was the third attack). On that day, Kuja and rahu were in

Capricorn , Kuja being close to 180 degrees from natal Chandra .Capricorn also

happens to be the Arudha Lagna as well as A8.The conjunction of the malefics in

A8 ,especially the lord of the 8th in the natal chart and directly aspecting the

Moon who is already afflicted by the 6th lord could have been a reason for the

attack. Subsequently, the native lost his lucid memory and in the final exam a

month later, he just forgot key facts (which he knew very well till the day of

his attack) and consequently he didn’t come out in flying colors as he used to

in his earlier exams. Thus, the same Chandra Bhukthi gave both the

significations (malefic as well as a strong planet). The 11th house stands for

elder co-born and Moon, a female planet in the 11th in strength gave me an

elder sister.


Kuja : He is in his own house Mesha in the 8th house. This gives rise to Sarala

Yoga which makes the native brave. The native is not physically brave, but

often stands up for his cause even though he may be fighting a higher and

powerful authority. In the navamsa, Mars is with the Atmakaraka Guru in the

sign of Leo, the sign of the Atman.The native has his strength(mars ) in his

spiritual conviction and has coasted many a difficulty because of that. During

the periods of Mars, the native can expect quarrels and activation of some of

his tamasic traits (mars is a malefic and he is strong in his own house), be

intelligent (lord of 3rd house aspecting the 3rd) and may suffer some

mental/nervous troubles (mars aspecting the conjunction of sani and chandra

from 8th house).


Budha : he is the lord of the lagna and he is in the 9th house.The lords of all

the kendras and the 1st house(thrikona) are conjoined together in the 9th

house. The pillar of the native’s life will lie on Dharma and as long as the

native does his Dharma, he will be protected. Whenever I tried to go on an

adharmic path, I was unsucessfull right from the beginning of the adharmic act

and so I had to stop doing the adharmic act. Budha, the planet indicating fair

view in conjunction with Guru the planet representing wisdom and happiness has

made people approach me for a fair and impartial view quite often. Budha- guru

combination is the combination of the spiritual master and prince (student).

The native will learn well from his masters and I have had the fortune of

meeting and serving many saints/sannyasis and being instructed by them from a

young age. The native also has a jolly and happy-go-lucky disposition (Budha).

Budha is also the Amatyakarak and he also represents friends and relatives. I

have got very good advice from my friends and some of my friends have led me to

the spiritual path. Budha is also in the 12th from Karakamsa and is the planet

representing Ishta Devata. Thus, my friends(Amatya) led me to God.I am

currently running Budha Dasa from 1997 march till 2013. Being in the 9th, the

house of higher education, Budha has given me higher education . I had to

travel abroad for education (as 9th also signifies travel) in the antardasa of

Kethu , who is in the 7th house (another house for travel) in Pisces indicating

travel in which seas have to be crossed.Currently, I am running Budha Das and

Sukra Bhukthi. Sukra , the lord of the 9th and 2nd in 8th with 8th lord made

me take heavy debts to finance my first semester expenses(4 lakhs), of which I

am yet to pay back half of it. Sukra is in the same position in Navamsa, albeit

much worse as he is in debilitation. Thus, sukra bhukthi is making the native

being able to just survive and not being able to pay back the remaining loan

nor afford the simplest of comforts ( and sometimes even necessities). The

native does not have finances to buy books also and has to rely on library

resources. But, sukra also happens to be the lord of 11th in 10th from moon and

the native did get a scholarship from second semester (though just sufficient to

cover living expenses).The relegation of the 2th lord to 8th has made the

native just able to manage his expenses(hand to mouth existence). Being in the

12 from dasa lord has also made the current phase of life quite pricky

..Curiously, during the same period, I became the founder member of a

vedicsociety in which we organize lectures by distinguished saints and also

conduct weekly kirtan, bhagavad gita class etc. I could not figure out how this

could happen in sukra bhukthi (sukra in the horoscope is not concerned with

leadership and can spoil spiritual nature of the native due to his relegation

to the 8th house).Sukra Bhukthi lasts till Future bhukthis of Budha dasa,

especially ravi, chandra and guru will prove to be fruitful due to their

favorable disposition. Budha also represents commiunication. Being the lord of

10th, the native’s career will be related to electronics, communication,

atmosphere (Budha) etc. Being sideward looking, the native is interested in

knowledge during Budha dasa.


Guru : Indicative of wisdom, he is situated in one of the houses signified by

him (9th house). This position will give knowledge of scriptures. Being tha

Atmakarak and in conjuction of Amatyakarak in the 9th house , he gives rise to

Raja Sambandha Yoga. During Budha Dasa, I had the association of great saints

(not politicians). Jupiter is also a jeeva planet and he is in Taurus (which if

my memory does not fail me) represents curing of diseases(why? – I don’t know).

He also aspects the 2nd house (speech) by Rasi drishti. Hence, the native’s

speech can help(cure) people (jeevas) to alleviate their distress (disease).

The native is often approached by people who are stressed and though the native

possesses no skills as a doctor/healer, people become happy after speaking to

the native.


Sukra : As said earlier, the position of the sukra as the 2nd and 9th lord in

the 8th is quite bad for finances and comforts(sukra). Sukra, the planet of

passions in conjunction with Kuja in rasi and Rahu in Navamsa will also give

rise to sensual desires which may be unorthodox . Sukra also represents fine

taste for living and décor and the native does not have such tastes due to the

placement of Sukra. During Sukra’s sub-period in Sani Dasa, the native did well

in his studies in the second half of the antara. During the current period, the

native is performing quite well in studies coming up with original ideas in

some areas ( 8th stands for research and sukra has the power to reinvigorate –

give old topics a fresh undestanding which is what I have been doing).


Sani :

Indicating nerves, he gave me nervous disease ( 3 attacks of epilepsy so far) ,

the combinations for which have been discussed above. Sani also stands for

rags/old clothes. During Sani Dasa, I wore old clothes(of my cousins etc) as my

mother could not afford new clothes for me. Sani, is associated with Moon, the

indicator of mother. Throughout Sani Dasa, my mother had to face misery in the

form of a drunkard husband (my father) who had to split the salary between the

bar and house. Sani, the giver of misery and sorrows played his role in the

material front whereas in spiritual front I kept growing in Sani Dasa. However,

in spite of financial wants, due to the aspect of Jupiter on Sani (conjoined

with Moon), I was always contented and happy (mentally).


Rahu: Rahu in the first house has made me unconventional (not irreligous).But,

due to the rasi drishti aspect of guru on my arudha lagna, people view me as

orthodox, though I am not. The kalasarpa yoga has given frustration sometimes.

The period of rahu Bhukthi in Sani Dasa was especially frustrating

(educationally).But, it was also the period of my starting to chant Hare

Krishna Maha Mantra and also studying astrology deeply. Rahu will give the

nature of the sign he is posited in.He is in a sign ruled by Budha and in a

nakshatra ruled by Kuja. Whenever rahu gets associated with kuja, the native

will be obstinate and maybe obdurate. This is true with me(Hitler also had Rahu

influenced by Kuja). Being associated with Budha will make Rahu give the results

of Budha. Rahu is also the planet of duplicity and the native can be

duplicitous. But, however, the griha drishti of jupiter can make the native

desire to be straight forward.


Kethu : The planet of renunciation in the 7th is not conducive for marriage.

Kethu in the spiritual Pisces is also conducive to growth of spirituality.

Kethu during its period can give association with Christians (as Kethu

represents Christians /foreigners while Rahu represents Muslims) as well as

journey to distant lands.During budha dasa and kethu bhukthi, the native

traveled to u.s for education . Kethu being part of Kalasarpa yoga will also

give a downfall as per dictums of KSY. This can happen during Kethu Dasa

between 2015 and 2022 A.D. The kalasarpa yoga will be broken at the age of

43(COVA) towards the end of Kethu Dasa and during Kethu Dasa, the native’s

relation with others (7th) might be affected.


Some events which I could not observe from my horoscope :

1) My father is an alcoholic and he used to cause lot of commotion and

anguish at home(during Sani Dasa). I could not find out about this from my

horoscope. Hope , the Gurus can guide me in this or through future lessons.


Thanking the gurus for giving a wonderful and insightful lesson and reading a

long mail written by a neophyte,


Your sishya




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