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Mercury combust

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Dear Lakshmi Friends,


I read in a Vedic Astrology book that Mercury combust does not

impair intelligence usually but impairs the outer significators that

Mercury rules in the Native's chart;i.e., for Gemini rising, Mercury

combust spoils things like 4th house meanings--property, etc.

Mine is combust in the 5th house and with Cancer rising, the third

and twelth houses are affected. In my life, this seems to manifest as

problems with the arms (third house) but intelligence is fine.

Also, combustion of Mercury is said to allow the native to read

energies on the sublte plane; i.e, for reading astrological charts are

picking up intuitive info. So in that case what gets affected is your

more mundane worldly Mercury function, such as being able to write good

newspapaer articles for the New York Times, but for spiritual writing

and subtle pursuits like astrology, Mercury combust is supposed to be

good.Does this fit your experience, Lakshmi? Does your Mercury operate

on a more subtle level? This info is from Hart Defouw's book, some of

it may be from conversation with one of his students. In other words,

the sources may have mixed in my mind ( from Mercury combust?)


take care, David

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste David,”I read in a Vedic Astrology book that Mercury combust does not

impair intelligence usually but impairs the outer significators that Mercury

rules in the Native's chart…”


For me Mercury rules 7th & 10th houses. 7th house is not at all affected as I

have a very supportive husband, who is also a great friend. Is it because

Mercury is stationed in 9th house, and marriage is very much a matter of



When it comes to 10th house, perhaps the combustion shows in the lack of

ambition and “professional smartness”. Anyway, no regrets whatsoever on that

front. I have had very appreciative bosses & colleagues all along, but

strangely I always want to quit….(any guesses when I will?)


“ Also, combustion of Mercury is said to allow the native to read energies on

the sublte plane; i.e, for reading astrological charts are picking up intuitive

info. So in that case what gets affected is your more mundane worldly Mercury

function, such as being able to write good newspapaer articles for the New York

Times, but for spiritual writing and subtle pursuits like astrology, Mercury

combust is supposed to be good.Does this fit your experience, Lakshmi? Does

your Mercury operate on a more subtle level?”


I forayed into Astrology only in the current Rahu-Mercury (together in 9th

house). So, what you say could be true. Intuitive, I have always been, but

definitely more so in Rahu dasa. I was trained to be a journalist, which

ofcourse I never became. Once upon a time, I did write very peppy stuff, with a

lot of humour and lacerating repartee when I was younger and both as a writer &

a debater (despite my stage-fright), I really revelled in my popularity.


But now (Mercury AD)I feel a kind of tiredness with all this…a stubborn

disinclination to pander…a need to rip away masks, and an overwhelming need for

a simpler & more fulfilling way of life. The mind forever quests for something

deeper and silent, something vital and frustratingly elusive…By the way, has it

got anything to do with being forty-one? And, all this happens in Rahu &

Mercury, which are supposed to lure you to materialism! I wonder what would

happen in Jupiter Mahadasa?


Tell me one more thing, David, I have stumbled from Physics to literature to

journalism to banking to IT and love all these subjects. Ofcourse, some less

some more. And, now Astrology. You can add psychology & philosophy on the side.

Though these disparate strands of thought have considerably enriched my

understanding, I keep wondering why I was unable to stick to one subject, and

achieve greatness in it. Combust Mercury?


What do you feel?



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sjvc, lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh> wrote:



> Om Gurave Namah




> Namaste David,


> "I read in a Vedic Astrology book that Mercury combust does not

> impair intelligence usually but impairs the outer significators that Merc=

ury rules in the Native's chart…"




> For me Mercury rules 7th & 10th houses. 7th house is not at all affected =

as I have a very supportive husband, who is also a great friend. Is it becau=

se Mercury is stationed in 9th house, and marriage is very much a matter of =





> When it comes to 10th house, perhaps the combustion shows in the lack of =

ambition and "professional smartness". Anyway, no regrets whatsoever on tha=

t front. I have had very appreciative bosses & colleagues all along, but str=

angely I always want to quit….(any guesses when I will?)




> " Also, combustion of Mercury is said to allow the native to read energie=

s on the sublte plane; i.e, for reading astrological charts are picking up i=

ntuitive info. So in that case what gets affected is your more mundane world=

ly Mercury function, such as being able to write good newspapaer articles fo=

r the New York Times, but for spiritual writing and subtle pursuits like ast=

rology, Mercury combust is supposed to be good.Does this fit your experience=

, Lakshmi? Does your Mercury operate on a more subtle level?"




> I forayed into Astrology only in the current Rahu-Mercury (together in 9t=

h house). So, what you say could be true. Intuitive, I have always been, bu=

t definitely more so in Rahu dasa. I was trained to be a journalist, which o=

fcourse I never became. Once upon a time, I did write very peppy stuff, with=

a lot of humour and lacerating repartee when I was younger and both as a wr=

iter & a debater (despite my stage-fright), I really revelled in my populari=


>Namaste lakshmi,

I don't know that much but have some things to share.



> But now (Mercury AD)I feel a kind of tiredness with all this…a stubborn d=

isinclination to pander…a need to rip away masks, and an overwhelming need f=

or a simpler & more fulfilling way of life. The mind forever quests for some=

thing deeper and silent, something vital and frustratingly elusive…By the wa=

y, has it got anything to do with being forty-one? And, all this happens in =

Rahu & Mercury, which are supposed to lure you to materialism! I wonder what=

would happen in Jupiter Mahadasa?

> Age 41 has a meaning in Western Astrology that corresponds to your feeli=

ngs. It is said to be a time when the higher mind can flash great insight t=

o you about the real meaning of your life and what you want to do, correspon=

ding roughly to the mid-life crisis. I was told by a Joytisha that Rahu does=

indeed have something to do with Jyotish because it is "looking to the futu=

re" and that Mecury is a significator for astrology, so combined with Rahu, =

that points to Vedic according to those views, especially when the 9th house=

of spirituality, the guru and education is involved. I suspect of course th=

at the list members may disagree with this.



> Tell me one more thing, David, I have stumbled from Physics to literature=

to journalism to banking to IT and love all these subjects. Ofcourse, some =

less some more. And, now Astrology. You can add psychology & philosophy on t=

he side. Though these disparate strands of thought have considerably enrich=

ed my understanding, I keep wondering why I was unable to stick to one subje=

ct, and achieve greatness in it. Combust Mercury?



> Again, what do I know, but Rahu may be involved, as Rahu moves from thing=

to thing, as Sanjay has written. He writes in the recent lesson that the re=

medy for Rahu is deep introspection and reflection. I myself am confounded =

by this same trait, of moving from thing to thing, and it happens so subtley=

I am not even sure when or why it happened. It is very disheartening to me =

this Rahu business. I do have the combust mercury too with Rahu aspecting it=

from the first house.



> What do you feel?



> Regards,

> Lakshmi


> Blessing and Peace, May we both find healing for these issues.









> Send FREE Valentine eCards with Greetings!

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Dear Lakshmi,

Combust planet gets very strong influence of the sun, so it is a sort

of angry and agitated. So combustion would never be lethal, since surya

is not destructive graha but crura, it just overheats the planet and

bring some angers and problems in the area. On the other hand, it can be

blessing in disguise. All combustion depends on the state of Surya. As

far as I understood, being Dhanu lagna, surya is Dharma ruler and

combustion of Budha would "attract" 10th and 7th houses more towards

dharmic work and 9th house affiars. So it is good. You would give up

ordinary education for the sake of spiritual education. So no more great

phylosophy about combust graha. It has some burning pain given by sun,

but not so destructive. It would obey the Sun, as the servent obeys the

King..Judge carefully

Best wishes,


Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Guru of Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

Email address: ahimsa


web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

Cell Phone: 38163793182

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Lakshmi

How can I lose something that I do not own? It is like saying that the beggar

lost a kingdom!!! Intelligence is called Dhi and is ruled by Brihaspati. What

is combustion? It is the placement of a planet BEHIND the Sun and what is

ECLIPSE? It is the placement IN FRONT OF the Sun. The Sun represents the ruling

powers. Thus, in the Mahabharata battle, the Sun (Karna) was on the side of

Duryodhana. The most crucial stage in the battle was when arjuna was to fulfill

his promise of killling his sons murderer within a day, else commit suicide and

we see how the eclipse came to his rescue. Thus, the eclipse which indicates

major political changes in the land where it occurs did occur in North India

and the result was that from that very moment, the tide changed in favor of the



In contrast, when a planet is behind the Sun, the ruling powers shall become

stronger by supressing the matters ruled by the planet. For example Mercury is

the power to learn and this is very important for growth. Thus Mercury rules

the natural upachaya and those people who learn through out their lives are

growing, others are not. When the combustion od Mercury occurs, such people

normally stop learning, especially when this happens in transit. On the other

hand, if Mercury is ahead of the Sun, it gains "EXTRA RAYS" and then the

learning ability is far inexcess of what is natural. Such people learn fast and

grow fast.


In the light of this, we can have a "FEW TYPES" of Budha-Aditya Yoga. Here,

aditya is the power to work and earn money for a happy life. In the

Budha-aditya Yoga, the learner learns quickly the skills etc required to excell

in his practise/work. If Mercury is behind the Sun in degrees, then he continues

to follow what is taught; if ahead of the Sun, he tries one-upmanship on this

superiors; if behind the Sun, he fails to learn much and is just copying his

superios; if in front of the Sun, he learns a lot and also develops his own

methods to work better.


IN FRONT of the sun for exterior planets like Mars, Saturn & Jupiter means

opposite or Retrograde. Thus, a retrograde planet (except venus) gets extra

rays or is capable of doing better than what is being taught and shall surpass

or excel others in his line. Venus when direct is excellent.

With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- lakshmi ramesh


Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:51 AM

Re: [sjvc] Mercury combust

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste David,”I read in a Vedic Astrology book that Mercury combust does not

impair intelligence usually but impairs the outer significators that Mercury

rules in the Native's chart…”


For me Mercury rules 7th & 10th houses. 7th house is not at all affected as I

have a very supportive husband, who is also a great friend. Is it because

Mercury is stationed in 9th house, and marriage is very much a matter of



When it comes to 10th house, perhaps the combustion shows in the lack of

ambition and “professional smartness”. Anyway, no regrets whatsoever on that

front. I have had very appreciative bosses & colleagues all along, but

strangely I always want to quit….(any guesses when I will?)


“ Also, combustion of Mercury is said to allow the native to read energies on

the sublte plane; i.e, for reading astrological charts are picking up intuitive

info. So in that case what gets affected is your more mundane worldly Mercury

function, such as being able to write good newspapaer articles for the New York

Times, but for spiritual writing and subtle pursuits like astrology, Mercury

combust is supposed to be good.Does this fit your experience, Lakshmi? Does

your Mercury operate on a more subtle level?”


I forayed into Astrology only in the current Rahu-Mercury (together in 9th

house). So, what you say could be true. Intuitive, I have always been, but

definitely more so in Rahu dasa. I was trained to be a journalist, which

ofcourse I never became. Once upon a time, I did write very peppy stuff, with a

lot of humour and lacerating repartee when I was younger and both as a writer &

a debater (despite my stage-fright), I really revelled in my popularity.


But now (Mercury AD)I feel a kind of tiredness with all this…a stubborn

disinclination to pander…a need to rip away masks, and an overwhelming need for

a simpler & more fulfilling way of life. The mind forever quests for something

deeper and silent, something vital and frustratingly elusive…By the way, has it

got anything to do with being forty-one? And, all this happens in Rahu &

Mercury, which are supposed to lure you to materialism! I wonder what would

happen in Jupiter Mahadasa?


Tell me one more thing, David, I have stumbled from Physics to literature to

journalism to banking to IT and love all these subjects. Ofcourse, some less

some more. And, now Astrology. You can add psychology & philosophy on the side.

Though these disparate strands of thought have considerably enriched my

understanding, I keep wondering why I was unable to stick to one subject, and

achieve greatness in it. Combust Mercury?


What do you feel?



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Shri Sanjay,


Namaste. Thanks for a wonderful new perspective on combustion of planets &

Budhaditya. I just finished reading the “Jupiter Vs Mercury” article from

Varahamihira archives, as suggested by Sailesh. It’s mind blowing. I am still

trying to grasp & work out the various leads given by you & Narasimha.


But, I kept going back to one line …that Jupiter in Simhasanamsa can give

knowledge of previous births. I think your Jupiter is also in Simhasanamsa.

Guruji, what has been your experience? Did the knowledge affect any of your

actions in the present birth?


Last week, during a chat with Visti, we had a very interesting dialogue about

similar experiences. That boy is a minor revelation! I must check out his






Sanjay Rath <sanjayrath > wrote:


om gurave namah------------------------Dear Lakshmi

How can I lose something that I do not own? It is like saying that the beggar

lost a kingdom!!! Intelligence is called Dhi and is ruled by Brihaspati. What

is combustion? It is the placement of a planet BEHIND the Sun and what is

ECLIPSE? It is the placement IN FRONT OF the Sun. The Sun represents the ruling

powers. Thus, in the Mahabharata battle, the Sun (Karna) was on the side of

Duryodhana. The most crucial stage in the battle was when arjuna was to fulfill

his promise of killling his sons murderer within a day, else commit suicide and

we see how the eclipse came to his rescue. Thus, the eclipse which indicates

major political changes in the land where it occurs did occur in North India

and the result was that from that very moment, the tide changed in favor of the



In contrast, when a planet is behind the Sun, the ruling powers shall become

stronger by supressing the matters ruled by the planet. For example Mercury is

the power to learn and this is very important for growth. Thus Mercury rules

the natural upachaya and those people who learn through out their lives are

growing, others are not. When the combustion od Mercury occurs, such people

normally stop learning, especially when this happens in transit. On the other

hand, if Mercury is ahead of the Sun, it gains "EXTRA RAYS" and then the

learning ability is far inexcess of what is natural. Such people learn fast and

grow fast.


In the light of this, we can have a "FEW TYPES" of Budha-Aditya Yoga. Here,

aditya is the power to work and earn money for a happy life. In the

Budha-aditya Yoga, the learner learns quickly the skills etc required to excell

in his practise/work. If Mercury is behind the Sun in degrees, then he continues

to follow what is taught; if ahead of the Sun, he tries one-upmanship on this

superiors; if behind the Sun, he fails to learn much and is just copying his

superios; if in front of the Sun, he learns a lot and also develops his own

methods to work better.


IN FRONT of the sun for exterior planets like Mars, Saturn & Jupiter means

opposite or Retrograde. Thus, a retrograde planet (except venus) gets extra

rays or is capable of doing better than what is being taught and shall surpass

or excel others in his line. Venus when direct is excellent.

With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- lakshmi ramesh


Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:51 AM

Re: [sjvc] Mercury combust

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste David,”I read in a Vedic Astrology book that Mercury combust does not

impair intelligence usually but impairs the outer significators that Mercury

rules in the Native's chart…”


For me Mercury rules 7th & 10th houses. 7th house is not at all affected as I

have a very supportive husband, who is also a great friend. Is it because

Mercury is stationed in 9th house, and marriage is very much a matter of



When it comes to 10th house, perhaps the combustion shows in the lack of

ambition and “professional smartness”. Anyway, no regrets whatsoever on that

front. I have had very appreciative bosses & colleagues all along, but

strangely I always want to quit….(any guesses when I will?)


“ Also, combustion of Mercury is said to allow the native to read energies on

the sublte plane; i.e, for reading astrological charts are picking up intuitive

info. So in that case what gets affected is your more mundane worldly Mercury

function, such as being able to write good newspapaer articles for the New York

Times, but for spiritual writing and subtle pursuits like astrology, Mercury

combust is supposed to be good.Does this fit your experience, Lakshmi? Does

your Mercury operate on a more subtle level?”


I forayed into Astrology only in the current Rahu-Mercury (together in 9th

house). So, what you say could be true. Intuitive, I have always been, but

definitely more so in Rahu dasa. I was trained to be a journalist, which

ofcourse I never became. Once upon a time, I did write very peppy stuff, with a

lot of humour and lacerating repartee when I was younger and both as a writer &

a debater (despite my stage-fright), I really revelled in my popularity.


But now (Mercury AD)I feel a kind of tiredness with all this…a stubborn

disinclination to pander…a need to rip away masks, and an overwhelming need for

a simpler & more fulfilling way of life. The mind forever quests for something

deeper and silent, something vital and frustratingly elusive…By the way, has it

got anything to do with being forty-one? And, all this happens in Rahu &

Mercury, which are supposed to lure you to materialism! I wonder what would

happen in Jupiter Mahadasa?


Tell me one more thing, David, I have stumbled from Physics to literature to

journalism to banking to IT and love all these subjects. Ofcourse, some less

some more. And, now Astrology. You can add psychology & philosophy on the side.

Though these disparate strands of thought have considerably enriched my

understanding, I keep wondering why I was unable to stick to one subject, and

achieve greatness in it. Combust Mercury?


What do you feel?



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Dear sanjay,


I am sending my chart in text form.

I want to know the remedy for my badhakesh mercury.

I have read your book on remedial measures in vedic astrology.Similarly I have

Ketu in 4rth house and mars aspecting the Lagna, Dose that mean somesort of



I will be eagerly waiting for your reply.

Thanking You

Sudhir Bhuasri.


Sanjay Rath


Saturday, February 09, 2002 11:53 AM

Re: [sjvc] Mercury combust


om gurave namah------------------------Dear Lakshmi

How can I lose something that I do not own? It is like saying that the beggar

lost a kingdom!!! Intelligence is called Dhi and is ruled by Brihaspati. What

is combustion? It is the placement of a planet BEHIND the Sun and what is

ECLIPSE? It is the placement IN FRONT OF the Sun. The Sun represents the ruling

powers. Thus, in the Mahabharata battle, the Sun (Karna) was on the side of

Duryodhana. The most crucial stage in the battle was when arjuna was to fulfill

his promise of killling his sons murderer within a day, else commit suicide and

we see how the eclipse came to his rescue. Thus, the eclipse which indicates

major political changes in the land where it occurs did occur in North India

and the result was that from that very moment, the tide changed in favor of the



In contrast, when a planet is behind the Sun, the ruling powers shall become

stronger by supressing the matters ruled by the planet. For example Mercury is

the power to learn and this is very important for growth. Thus Mercury rules

the natural upachaya and those people who learn through out their lives are

growing, others are not. When the combustion od Mercury occurs, such people

normally stop learning, especially when this happens in transit. On the other

hand, if Mercury is ahead of the Sun, it gains "EXTRA RAYS" and then the

learning ability is far inexcess of what is natural. Such people learn fast and

grow fast.


In the light of this, we can have a "FEW TYPES" of Budha-Aditya Yoga. Here,

aditya is the power to work and earn money for a happy life. In the

Budha-aditya Yoga, the learner learns quickly the skills etc required to excell

in his practise/work. If Mercury is behind the Sun in degrees, then he continues

to follow what is taught; if ahead of the Sun, he tries one-upmanship on this

superiors; if behind the Sun, he fails to learn much and is just copying his

superios; if in front of the Sun, he learns a lot and also develops his own

methods to work better.


IN FRONT of the sun for exterior planets like Mars, Saturn & Jupiter means

opposite or Retrograde. Thus, a retrograde planet (except venus) gets extra

rays or is capable of doing better than what is being taught and shall surpass

or excel others in his line. Venus when direct is excellent.

With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- lakshmi ramesh


Saturday, February 09, 2002 2:51 AM

Re: [sjvc] Mercury combust

Om Gurave Namah


Namaste David,”I read in a Vedic Astrology book that Mercury combust does not

impair intelligence usually but impairs the outer significators that Mercury

rules in the Native's chart…”


For me Mercury rules 7th & 10th houses. 7th house is not at all affected as I

have a very supportive husband, who is also a great friend. Is it because

Mercury is stationed in 9th house, and marriage is very much a matter of



When it comes to 10th house, perhaps the combustion shows in the lack of

ambition and “professional smartness”. Anyway, no regrets whatsoever on that

front. I have had very appreciative bosses & colleagues all along, but

strangely I always want to quit….(any guesses when I will?)


“ Also, combustion of Mercury is said to allow the native to read energies on

the sublte plane; i.e, for reading astrological charts are picking up intuitive

info. So in that case what gets affected is your more mundane worldly Mercury

function, such as being able to write good newspapaer articles for the New York

Times, but for spiritual writing and subtle pursuits like astrology, Mercury

combust is supposed to be good.Does this fit your experience, Lakshmi? Does

your Mercury operate on a more subtle level?”


I forayed into Astrology only in the current Rahu-Mercury (together in 9th

house). So, what you say could be true. Intuitive, I have always been, but

definitely more so in Rahu dasa. I was trained to be a journalist, which

ofcourse I never became. Once upon a time, I did write very peppy stuff, with a

lot of humour and lacerating repartee when I was younger and both as a writer &

a debater (despite my stage-fright), I really revelled in my popularity.


But now (Mercury AD)I feel a kind of tiredness with all this…a stubborn

disinclination to pander…a need to rip away masks, and an overwhelming need for

a simpler & more fulfilling way of life. The mind forever quests for something

deeper and silent, something vital and frustratingly elusive…By the way, has it

got anything to do with being forty-one? And, all this happens in Rahu &

Mercury, which are supposed to lure you to materialism! I wonder what would

happen in Jupiter Mahadasa?


Tell me one more thing, David, I have stumbled from Physics to literature to

journalism to banking to IT and love all these subjects. Ofcourse, some less

some more. And, now Astrology. You can add psychology & philosophy on the side.

Though these disparate strands of thought have considerably enriched my

understanding, I keep wondering why I was unable to stick to one subject, and

achieve greatness in it. Combust Mercury?


What do you feel?



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