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Some amazing finds of archaeology, just to whet your whistle for a taste of the

past, that which is verifiable. Please visit all these links and drink the

knowledge they reveal. See it in your minds. Try to picture the people alive,

and their cities thriving. It was all real, because it’s in the ground,

and you can hold these objects. They’re not imaginary or myth.


How about 7000 yr old graves, in Bulgaria, in a place called

“Varna”, that’s right, a Sanskrit word also meaning

“Class” or “Caste”, the city of Varna is where

you’ll find the most GOLD in any archaeological dig EVER. So this is it

folks, here are the ancient people of GOLD, from 7000 yrs ago...



This is my favorite- the celtic collection...go to this link, and select on the

right side “Armor” and such... Then chariots, and so on...then over

on the left, do “Gold”... Explore, enjoy, this stuff is all going to

be roughly 2000 to 3000 yrs old and from all over Germany, England, Ireland, all

of Europe...basically.


Be sure to see the gold helmet, and click on it to enlarge= image 216452

It looks like what they put on Krishna in paintings and so on. It’s from

France and it’s 2500 yrs old.


Next is a site of hunter/gatherer’s living in huts made from the bones of

Mamoth Elephants in what is now the Ukraine. This is way way way old....



And this one is great


It’s about a 9000 year old city in Turkey


How about a 5000 yr old little village in Scotland



Roughly 5000 yrs ago, say around the time of Krishna supposedly, here’s

some stuff that was going on in nearby Egypt, and these rocks didn’t

dissapear, but stuck around, for us to contemplate just how the hell did they

build this stuff way back then...



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