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Mu's Response to Ajay Nagrecha's GJList Post (Gemstones, Career & Transits)

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My Response to Ajay Nagrecha's GJList Post (Gemstones,

Career & Transits)


7:48 PM 2/7/2004


Hi Ajay,


I saw your email and put in the stack of daily emails

and requests and the like. I


have a bit of time now to address some of your

concerns. I also have a section on a


very popular site containing some of my writings on

Vedic Astrology, if you want to


have a look:




Now, then, to your concerns.


Concerning gemstones, I have to say, being a Westerner

and not having much


direct experience of such things, you're going to have

to take what I say here wigh


a huge grain of salt. But with being said, I referred

to the small, but power-packed,


Sapta Rishi Nadi to see what "they" had to say about

your situation. According to it,


gemstones and precious metals falls under Venus,

Saturn and the Moon (Venus,


jewels, Saturn, the earth, and the Moon, pearls in

particular), along with the Sun


(which represents gold in particular, and other

precious metals in general; the Moon,


of course, rules over silver). According to the rishis

these planets should be


prominent for success in the gemology business.


In that you are also wanting to deal with the

astrological side of the gemology


business, I would think the Nodes, and/or the 8th

house should be prominent.


Your chart does show an interest in, and eventual

success with, astro-gemology


and having a business in this line. The Moon is

prominent in the Lagna (Aries) and


associates with Saturn, ruling the 10th house. The

Moon is in a star of the Sun, and


Saturn is in a star of Venus. So right off the bat,

we're off to a good start.


Venus is in the 5th house, in its own star, and is

associated with Ketu, which is in


the star of the Sun, and both of these planets are in

the Sun's sign, Leo. So we see


jewels and gold again.


The astrological part of it, from where I can see, is

in the Sun-Mercury combination


in the 6th house, both are in the star of the Sun,

ruling gold again. Mercury is the


ruler of Jyotish, and placed in its own, mulatrikona

and exalted signs, it gives a


strong inclination towards astrology. Now note Ketu's

role here, as he aspects


Lagnesh Mars in the 9th and associates with the

"shiny" Venus in the very good 5th


house. Mars is the 8th lord of astrology.


However, there are some flies in the ointment as well.

The 10th house is hemmed in


by Malefics, and 10th lord Sani is greatly harmed,

being both debilitated and Rx. In


Aries, this suggests to me poor planning on your part,

as well as the possibility of


going into business in some way with people who were a

bit shady (10th house


surrounded by "evil" planets, "bad" people?). To make

matters worse, Sani is


associated with the Moon, a most sensitive planet, and

this is a classic


Nishturabashi Yoga, which inclines one towards harsh

speech and thoughts as a


result of the tendency towards depression. Have you

been treated for clinical


depression, and if so, did it begin (or intensify in

treatment) after 1997?


The good news is that Jupiter in your chart is

aspecting the 10th house, and though


it is its debilitation sign, Jupiter being a benefic

it has to help you at least


somewhat. So there is some chance for some relief. You

have Ashvini rising so you


could be interested in medical of the "healling"

professions, as both the maternal


Moon and medical man Saturn is there also.


Your great intelligence is seen in the cluster of

planets in Virgo, the sign of the


intellectual - but your lack of formal eduation is

also shown by these same planets.


The Sun "burns" up Mercury by being combust, and

Mercury is also Rx. Jupiter gets


swept into this also, due to its placement in

Mercury's sign, which has already been


weakend. In the 6th house, it only clinches little if

any formal education. Note


Venus, the 2nd lord, in association with Ketu, a

"mindless" planet.


Because the Moon and Lagna are one and the same here,

Sade Sati would have


been particularly important for you; since Saturn is

there also, it was most likely


especially painful for you on alot of levels as well.

>From what I see here, things took


a decided turn for the worse starting at least in 1997

to the end of 2002-early


2003? This is when I think the lion's share of the

misery, particularly as it relates to


career and business owning, came to bear.


I think you will make out well; transit Saturn will be

moving into your 4th and


aspecting your 10th in Oct of this year, while at the

same time, transit Jupiter will


have already moved into Virgo, conjunct its natal

position and also aspecting the


10th. In that Saturn is aspecting its own house and

Jupiter's natural benefic


influence will be there, it has to bring a rise in

your business owning efforts.


What is going to be very important for you is for you

to carefull plan ahead as much


as you can, and to be VERY careful of who you decide

to go into business with.


Also, you must be very careful to make sure everything

is above board and legal,


and that you comply with all the laws in the area.

DON'T take any shortcuts.


Finally, look at your Navamsa - Sun is exalted (gold)

with Navamsa Lagnesh (career


in precious metals, jewels, using astrology in the

process, etc) Mercury, and


Venus-Saturn are in Leo (jewels again, vide Sapta

Rishi Nadi). Jupiter is exalted,


making its transit much more powerful. Mars associates

with Navamsa 10th lord


Jupiter, giving strong independent tendencies, along

with success with anything


that is found in the ground, like jewels. And the

Moon, representing pearls, is in the 7th in your

Navamsa. In your Rasi, your Moon is still very bright

and powerful, suggesting again success from things

like pearls, etc, and success and gains through women.


Because of the transit of the Nodes right now, it

would be a very good idea not to


make any decisions in haste. Try and think about

something for at least a day


before making any moves. This will save you lots of



Hope all of this helps.






--- "Ajay P.Nagrecha" <eyelite wrote:

> Dear Mark, et al,


> This is a basic question.....


> I am basing myself here on the assumption of what I

> perceive to be right,

> so I would request all the learned members to

> correct me if wherever

> anomalous information be contained.


> I am beginning to understand that the birth chart

> provides us with a

> persons basic capacity to perform. In my opinion,

> the birth chart does

> little more than provide us with data showing the

> limit that the person can

> achieve or exert in his lifetime., on the basis of

> his planetary placements.


> The Mahadasas are periods which show us the

> lifespan / lifetime of the

> person and are able to rate for us the capacity of

> the performance, based

> on his limitations of kundali, during the periods of

> his life. Often, this

> may be percieved as generally good or bad based on

> the Mahadasa and its

> factoring with the original capacity of a kundali.


> Gochara or transits represent the extra boosts or

> retardations that will

> affect the occurences/output of a being based on his

> limitations of kundali

> and his mahadasas.


> Now my question is this, if one were to prescribe a

> gemstone for a person,

> would one do so on the basis of affecting temporary

> performance of the

> mahadasa or view the basic kundali (as is done) and

> therefore affect the

> entire lifespan?


> In the case of planets that are combust or

> retrograde, do we have hopes of

> revival? Assuming a planet was retrograde, its

> output would be...? helpful?

> is this possible? and if so, by wearing a gemstone,

> do we magnify the

> effect of its retrogressive capacity or do we help

> it overcome the

> "retrogressive effect" and exert a more benefic

> aspect / affectation?


> I am a member of this list, and am planning to open

> a jewellery shop as my

> livelihood having failed in almost every other

> vocation. Since I am also

> planning to offer gemstones on sale, I am wondering

> if I may gain more

> knowledge in this realm and help it further by doing

> the right

> dispensation. In as far as my own calling is

> concerned, I am on this as a

> last effort since almost every other means of

> livelihood has crumpled in

> the past eight years. (hey with a retro merc, I got

> no formal higher

> education, and still am a Mensa member)


> I have yet to meet a person who could guide me

> vocationally despite living

> in a city which lays claim to housing some of the

> best astrologers, like BV

> Raman, RG Rao (Nadi) and a host more. Academically,

> they have fantastic

> knowledge of this science but seldom has it helped,

> in my two bit opinion

> anyone overcome reality because I believe Astrology

> is either incomplete or

> irrelevant now, since we go through Prarabdh Karma,

> and that astrology's

> greatest benefit is that it would help a non

> materialistic person

> understand what his karmic debt balance dictated.


> If one were to assume it gave the power to change

> or even fully comprehend

> the depth or gravity of life as it unfolds, we would

> be better as a race.

> For whatever its worth, we would not have say a Das

> / Roik (pardon me for

> bringing this up)

> scenraio where, the best of knowledge, impeccable

> skills and extremely

> intelligent output could not help the person within

> to manifest harmoniously.


> I am another Das / Roik, only a worser version who

> is going through

> periods of alternating lunacy and sanity and am

> writing this in one of my

> slightly saner periods. After all, we arent all

> equipped with a powerful

> sun to hold out in bad times.


> Anyone care to comment on the gemstone scenario?

> and any other advice

> appreciated.


> d.o.b: 27 September 1969, Chennai (Madras), India,

> 19:29 hrs IST.


> BTW, the titling read Dear Mark et al, because I am

> beginning to

> understand what Mark is doing finally. At first, I

> was believed he was moon

> fixed. but I realised, the moon is the most dynamic

> body and here is a man

> who has undertaken to analysing its movement, a job

> I can consider

> equivalent to stress testing a speeding ferrari

> which doesnt stop, so you

> do it as it runs, and analyse it lap after lap after

> lap on the circuit.


> Thank you


> Ajay,

> Bangalore India.





Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer

Priority Email: jedimu11

AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu


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Hello dear Mu,


I tried to send you email at your mumin_bey but I got mailer

delivery status fail. Can I have your correct email adress please.


Thanks and best wishes.......................Amar Puri.



>Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey



>[GJ] Mu's Response to Ajay Nagrecha's GJList Post (Gemstones,

>Career & Transits)

>Sat, 7 Feb 2004 17:24:20 -0800 (PST)


>My Response to Ajay Nagrecha's GJList Post (Gemstones,

>Career & Transits)


>7:48 PM 2/7/2004


>Hi Ajay,


>I saw your email and put in the stack of daily emails

>and requests and the like. I


>have a bit of time now to address some of your

>concerns. I also have a section on a


>very popular site containing some of my writings on

>Vedic Astrology, if you want to


>have a look:




>Now, then, to your concerns.


>Concerning gemstones, I have to say, being a Westerner

>and not having much


>direct experience of such things, you're going to have

>to take what I say here wigh


>a huge grain of salt. But with being said, I referred

>to the small, but power-packed,


>Sapta Rishi Nadi to see what "they" had to say about

>your situation. According to it,


>gemstones and precious metals falls under Venus,

>Saturn and the Moon (Venus,


>jewels, Saturn, the earth, and the Moon, pearls in

>particular), along with the Sun


>(which represents gold in particular, and other

>precious metals in general; the Moon,


>of course, rules over silver). According to the rishis

>these planets should be


>prominent for success in the gemology business.


>In that you are also wanting to deal with the

>astrological side of the gemology


>business, I would think the Nodes, and/or the 8th

>house should be prominent.


>Your chart does show an interest in, and eventual

>success with, astro-gemology


>and having a business in this line. The Moon is

>prominent in the Lagna (Aries) and


>associates with Saturn, ruling the 10th house. The

>Moon is in a star of the Sun, and


>Saturn is in a star of Venus. So right off the bat,

>we're off to a good start.


>Venus is in the 5th house, in its own star, and is

>associated with Ketu, which is in


>the star of the Sun, and both of these planets are in

>the Sun's sign, Leo. So we see


>jewels and gold again.


>The astrological part of it, from where I can see, is

>in the Sun-Mercury combination


>in the 6th house, both are in the star of the Sun,

>ruling gold again. Mercury is the


>ruler of Jyotish, and placed in its own, mulatrikona

>and exalted signs, it gives a


>strong inclination towards astrology. Now note Ketu's

>role here, as he aspects


>Lagnesh Mars in the 9th and associates with the

>"shiny" Venus in the very good 5th


>house. Mars is the 8th lord of astrology.


>However, there are some flies in the ointment as well.

>The 10th house is hemmed in


>by Malefics, and 10th lord Sani is greatly harmed,

>being both debilitated and Rx. In


>Aries, this suggests to me poor planning on your part,

>as well as the possibility of


>going into business in some way with people who were a

>bit shady (10th house


>surrounded by "evil" planets, "bad" people?). To make

>matters worse, Sani is


>associated with the Moon, a most sensitive planet, and

>this is a classic


>Nishturabashi Yoga, which inclines one towards harsh

>speech and thoughts as a


>result of the tendency towards depression. Have you

>been treated for clinical


>depression, and if so, did it begin (or intensify in

>treatment) after 1997?


>The good news is that Jupiter in your chart is

>aspecting the 10th house, and though


>it is its debilitation sign, Jupiter being a benefic

>it has to help you at least


>somewhat. So there is some chance for some relief. You

>have Ashvini rising so you


>could be interested in medical of the "healling"

>professions, as both the maternal


>Moon and medical man Saturn is there also.


>Your great intelligence is seen in the cluster of

>planets in Virgo, the sign of the


>intellectual - but your lack of formal eduation is

>also shown by these same planets.


>The Sun "burns" up Mercury by being combust, and

>Mercury is also Rx. Jupiter gets


>swept into this also, due to its placement in

>Mercury's sign, which has already been


>weakend. In the 6th house, it only clinches little if

>any formal education. Note


>Venus, the 2nd lord, in association with Ketu, a

>"mindless" planet.


>Because the Moon and Lagna are one and the same here,

>Sade Sati would have


>been particularly important for you; since Saturn is

>there also, it was most likely


>especially painful for you on alot of levels as well.

>From what I see here, things took


>a decided turn for the worse starting at least in 1997

>to the end of 2002-early


>2003? This is when I think the lion's share of the

>misery, particularly as it relates to


>career and business owning, came to bear.


>I think you will make out well; transit Saturn will be

>moving into your 4th and


>aspecting your 10th in Oct of this year, while at the

>same time, transit Jupiter will


>have already moved into Virgo, conjunct its natal

>position and also aspecting the


>10th. In that Saturn is aspecting its own house and

>Jupiter's natural benefic


>influence will be there, it has to bring a rise in

>your business owning efforts.


>What is going to be very important for you is for you

>to carefull plan ahead as much


>as you can, and to be VERY careful of who you decide

>to go into business with.


>Also, you must be very careful to make sure everything

>is above board and legal,


>and that you comply with all the laws in the area.

>DON'T take any shortcuts.


>Finally, look at your Navamsa - Sun is exalted (gold)

>with Navamsa Lagnesh (career


>in precious metals, jewels, using astrology in the

>process, etc) Mercury, and


>Venus-Saturn are in Leo (jewels again, vide Sapta

>Rishi Nadi). Jupiter is exalted,


>making its transit much more powerful. Mars associates

>with Navamsa 10th lord


>Jupiter, giving strong independent tendencies, along

>with success with anything


>that is found in the ground, like jewels. And the

>Moon, representing pearls, is in the 7th in your

>Navamsa. In your Rasi, your Moon is still very bright

>and powerful, suggesting again success from things

>like pearls, etc, and success and gains through women.


>Because of the transit of the Nodes right now, it

>would be a very good idea not to


>make any decisions in haste. Try and think about

>something for at least a day


>before making any moves. This will save you lots of



>Hope all of this helps.






>--- "Ajay P.Nagrecha" <eyelite wrote:

> > Dear Mark, et al,

> >

> > This is a basic question.....

> >

> > I am basing myself here on the assumption of what I

> > perceive to be right,

> > so I would request all the learned members to

> > correct me if wherever

> > anomalous information be contained.

> >

> > I am beginning to understand that the birth chart

> > provides us with a

> > persons basic capacity to perform. In my opinion,

> > the birth chart does

> > little more than provide us with data showing the

> > limit that the person can

> > achieve or exert in his lifetime., on the basis of

> > his planetary placements.

> >

> > The Mahadasas are periods which show us the

> > lifespan / lifetime of the

> > person and are able to rate for us the capacity of

> > the performance, based

> > on his limitations of kundali, during the periods of

> > his life. Often, this

> > may be percieved as generally good or bad based on

> > the Mahadasa and its

> > factoring with the original capacity of a kundali.

> >

> > Gochara or transits represent the extra boosts or

> > retardations that will

> > affect the occurences/output of a being based on his

> > limitations of kundali

> > and his mahadasas.

> >

> > Now my question is this, if one were to prescribe a

> > gemstone for a person,

> > would one do so on the basis of affecting temporary

> > performance of the

> > mahadasa or view the basic kundali (as is done) and

> > therefore affect the

> > entire lifespan?

> >

> > In the case of planets that are combust or

> > retrograde, do we have hopes of

> > revival? Assuming a planet was retrograde, its

> > output would be...? helpful?

> > is this possible? and if so, by wearing a gemstone,

> > do we magnify the

> > effect of its retrogressive capacity or do we help

> > it overcome the

> > "retrogressive effect" and exert a more benefic

> > aspect / affectation?

> >

> > I am a member of this list, and am planning to open

> > a jewellery shop as my

> > livelihood having failed in almost every other

> > vocation. Since I am also

> > planning to offer gemstones on sale, I am wondering

> > if I may gain more

> > knowledge in this realm and help it further by doing

> > the right

> > dispensation. In as far as my own calling is

> > concerned, I am on this as a

> > last effort since almost every other means of

> > livelihood has crumpled in

> > the past eight years. (hey with a retro merc, I got

> > no formal higher

> > education, and still am a Mensa member)

> >

> > I have yet to meet a person who could guide me

> > vocationally despite living

> > in a city which lays claim to housing some of the

> > best astrologers, like BV

> > Raman, RG Rao (Nadi) and a host more. Academically,

> > they have fantastic

> > knowledge of this science but seldom has it helped,

> > in my two bit opinion

> > anyone overcome reality because I believe Astrology

> > is either incomplete or

> > irrelevant now, since we go through Prarabdh Karma,

> > and that astrology's

> > greatest benefit is that it would help a non

> > materialistic person

> > understand what his karmic debt balance dictated.

> >

> > If one were to assume it gave the power to change

> > or even fully comprehend

> > the depth or gravity of life as it unfolds, we would

> > be better as a race.

> > For whatever its worth, we would not have say a Das

> > / Roik (pardon me for

> > bringing this up)

> > scenraio where, the best of knowledge, impeccable

> > skills and extremely

> > intelligent output could not help the person within

> > to manifest harmoniously.

> >

> > I am another Das / Roik, only a worser version who

> > is going through

> > periods of alternating lunacy and sanity and am

> > writing this in one of my

> > slightly saner periods. After all, we arent all

> > equipped with a powerful

> > sun to hold out in bad times.

> >

> > Anyone care to comment on the gemstone scenario?

> > and any other advice

> > appreciated.

> >

> > d.o.b: 27 September 1969, Chennai (Madras), India,

> > 19:29 hrs IST.

> >

> > BTW, the titling read Dear Mark et al, because I am

> > beginning to

> > understand what Mark is doing finally. At first, I

> > was believed he was moon

> > fixed. but I realised, the moon is the most dynamic

> > body and here is a man

> > who has undertaken to analysing its movement, a job

> > I can consider

> > equivalent to stress testing a speeding ferrari

> > which doesnt stop, so you

> > do it as it runs, and analyse it lap after lap after

> > lap on the circuit.

> >

> > Thank you

> >

> > Ajay,

> > Bangalore India.

> >

> >



>Mu'Min M. Bey

>Western and Vedic Astrologer

>Priority Email: jedimu11

>AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu


>Join the Pan Astrological Forum, Where Freedom in Astrological Thought

>Lives! Just send a blank email to panastroforum-




> Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.






>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat

>: gjlist-



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