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The effectiveness of Mantras chanted on behalf of another??

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Dear Manoj ,

I do agree with you, A person translation to suit what he likes can not change

the truth.

Inder Jit Sahni


Manoj Pathak


Friday, July 06, 2001 6:41 PM

Re: [gjlist] The effectiveness of Mantras chanted on behalf of




Dear Ravinder,


If the lord of 12th is in the 12th or 6th house then the Upa-pada for that

particular case would be in the 12th house itself. However, there is another

theory which suggests that it would fall in the 9th house, but I dont

to it.







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Dear Manoj,


The many kind words of your good self and others has been heartwarming. I'm

finding peace and joy in chanting and meditating, and I know without a doubt

that "All is Well" no matter what the outer circumstances.


My Son has been put on Valium and some other medications to assist him with

withdrawal and has today managed to cut down on this other (dreadful) drug.

I spoke to him earlier and he was quite elated that he'd managed to go 6 hrs

without it...so God only knows how much he's been taking? I tried to

encourage him that maybe tomorrow he could try for 12 hrs, but that panic'd

him so I thought I'd better not push it.


I am truly grateful to you all! I had it in my mind that remedial mantras

were somewhat different to conventional prayers in that it was the vibration

of the sound (on the chanter) that had the desired effect. I now see things

in a different light and I realise that, as we're all intimately connected,

the benefit can be there for those we hold in our "awareness" at the time of



All is Well



PS: I put the birth data up previously Manoj, if you haven't picked it up

I'll send to you.


> Dear Wendy,


> Keep doing Maha-mrityunjaya mantra for your son. Lets have a look at his

> chart.


> Sincere prayers offered by the person himself or on his behalf does work


> all our best wishes are with you.


> regards,


> Manoj

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Wendy,


I am praying also, with all of my heart, and tearfully, for you and

your son. Please keep us posted.

Love from another mother,





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Dear Robin,


Many thanks for your kind words. It is indeed a very deep hole he has to

climb out of and his Saturn bhukti continues until June 2002. But he is

trying and has managed to cut down on the morphine medication (with the help

of valium). It's a long way home for him, but I'm with him every step of the

way and with God's good help he'll make it safely.


He was very bady injured in a motor vehicle accident when he was a teenager

and suffers still from his leg that was severely injured...almost died a

year or so ago with osteomylitis (resistant bone infection)...circulation is

bad and he's been rushed to hospital several times with collapsed lung as a

result of deep vein thrombosis. DVT in this leg is a common thing...he's

supposed to take warfrin to prevent the blood clotting, but often doesn't

take it...russian roulette :-(


But emotionally he's a lot better than he was since he's managed to reduce

his intake of morphine, physically too I think.


We do the best we can!


Regards, Wendy



> Dear Wendy,


> I am praying also, with all of my heart, and tearfully, for you and

> your son. Please keep us posted.

> Love from another mother,

> Robin

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supposed to take warfrin to prevent the blood clotting, but often doesn't>>


Dear Wendy,

Garlic is a natural blood thinner, so when Andrew doesn't take warfarin he

might take garlic (in foods or in capsule form) since it not only thins the

blood (as does aspirin which is recommended for cardiac and high blood pressure

patients), it also has high levels of sulphur (which element clears up bacterial

and fungal infections).


As for morphine versus valium, I opt for morphine! A friend had to take

morphine for extreme pain following an operation, and I warned him about its

adddictive effects...he conferred with his doctor who said, "This is helpful to

you now but it only helps with your pain and when that subsides we will take you

off morphine, and you will not be addicted to it." That's exactly how it went,

too. As with morphine, I do hear stories about valium, so caution is the best

route to take.


Then there are the millions of mothers who go through childbirth without

painkillers, who do Lamaze breathing instead of screaming from torturous pain,

just to save the doctor's ears! How do these mothers do that! I was one, but I

still don't know how I did that--if there ever was a next time, I'd probably

scream the doctor's ears right off his head! He was lucky I just followed

instructions--but my husband thought I didn't have so much pain since I didn't

scream...I found this out, years later. Next time, you'll hear me in Australia!


Sorry for digressing. Love to you and your son--and to all our listmembers,



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