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Confused convert needs help!

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Namaste Jyotishas,


I am a western astrologer trying to learn vedic, but I'm finging it

very confusing and difficult. I'm reading the brihat parasara hora

sastra, but I find it difficult to see how an astrologer blends

everything to make predictions as accurate as you read about. Is

there some set way of going about it you could demonstrate to me?

Could anybody practically demonstrate these methods on the following

chart of somebody I know (not me)? Thanks.


Eager to learn,


Shane Williams



* 5* 6* 7* MER 8*

* * * * VEN *

* * JUP * MAR * SUN *

* Pi* Ar* Ta* RAH Ge*


* 4* * 9*

* * * *

* SAT * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 3* * 10*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 2* MOO 1* 12* 11*

* * LAG * * *

* KET * * * *

* Sa* Sc* Li* Vi*





** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * KET * * * *

* * * * * *

* * SAG* LAG * LIB* *

* CAP** **VIR *

* * * MOO * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * SCO * * *

* * SAT * * * *

* AQU * LEO *

* * * * * *

* * * TAU * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * MAR * * *

* PIS** **CAN *

* * ARI* * GEM* *

* * * * * *

* * * * SUN * *

* * JUP * * VEN RAH * *

* * * * MER * *

** * * **


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Dear Shane Williams,

At first I just read & read and tried to absorb like a sponge, and then

experiment with different charts & apply principles. But it's still hard

sometimes and then it flows sometimes, & things will start to jump out at you.

Robin Welch




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Om Krishnaaya Namah


Hi Shane,


> everything to make predictions as accurate as you read about. Is

> there some set way of going about it you could demonstrate to me?

> Could anybody practically demonstrate these methods on the following

> chart of somebody I know (not me)? Thanks.


The blending bit is the bit where every astrologer probably finds problems.

It's one thing to note down all the aspects and strength's etc. and another

to translate these to real life manifestations. This is the one single area

which we're all trying to achieve perfection, for I doubt that even a pro

can guarantee 100% accuracy. I'm not a pro, but here's my approach and tips,

FWIW, and after that I'll go through the chart you gave.


The first thing to understand is that in studying the heavens, we are

studying God's art. It is said that art tells something about the artist,

and in this case we're therefore trying to understand God's mind. This

undoubtedly must be difficult. Therefore, activities which (re)establish

ones relationship with God will also help one's practise of astrology.

Therefore, whatever your understanding of God may be, undertaking spiritual

practices in that framework will help. In the Vedic tradition, the most

important of such practises in the Kali Yuga is the chanting of God's Holy

Names. Also important is general good living and particularly, honesty.

Astrologers try to achieve vak siddhi, perfection of speech, whereby

whatever one says is true. Therefore deliberately avoiding lying is



Since Jyotish is a Vedic science, which hopefully you will soon realise is

very effective, it is important to understand other Vedic philosophy. Even

if you don't study any other Vedic scripture, read the Bhagavad-Gita. This

is especially important, because it is pretty much the first scripture which

essentially records the first conversation between God, the Supreme, and an

ordinary man in his normal job face-to face, with no middleman. It

summarises Vedic philosophy.


Now, moving directly to Jyotish, firstly don't read the BPHS to start with.

The BPHS is a conversation between a very spiritually advanced Sage, and his

very spiritually advanced disciple. His spiritually advanced disciple would

have grown up with these things around him, and therefore would have had

some idea of the subject matter. No current translation of this great

classic gives you all the information in a way you can learn from scratch.

Therefore start learning the signs, the planets, the houses and the

planetary aspects. Then learn the Vimshottari Dashas. Some yoga's will also

do nicely. If you can understand these concepts, then later you can move to

Varga's, sign aspects, chara karaka's, other dasha's etc. and learning these

will be much easier and will refine your interpretations. The best book to

start with is Hart deFouw's "Light on Life".


Now here's a suggested approach to a chart, using just the basics mentioned

above. First, try to get an understanding of the person you are dealing with

i.e. how they see things and how their mind works. To do this see which

planets are strong, which are weak, and which of these influence the Lagna

or Moon, along with the Lagna sign itself. The strong planets will show

their positive characteristics, while the weak will show their negative



Now look for Yogas. First just see the general Raja, Dhana, Arishta etc.

yogas. And make sure analyse the strength of these. The more of these yoga's

there are, the more you know about the likely course of the person's life.

Then see some of the specific yoga's e.g. Ashubha Mala, Chandra-Mangala,

Kala-Sarpa, Lakshmi etc. You get a better idea of the person's destiny, and

also the (in)auspiciousness and importance of a planet, depending on how

many Yoga's it participates in.


Now go house to house, analysing each house in terms of occupants, aspects

to it, and also do the same to it's Lord and the karaka. Then come's the fun

bit - now you can try blending all that to make a story of a person's



Having done all the houses and having understood (to some extent) the kind

of karma's in the chart, you then get the fun and riveting job of timing the

ripening of these karmas, through the Dasha's. Crosschecking dashas with

transits is good, and deFouw covers that in a basic way. That's how it's all

meant to work.in theory.


The practise is just a little more difficult :-) Let's now take the chart

you have given.


First off let me say that what has been given is in-fact rather inadequate

for a good reading. At least the Vimshottari Dashas and the Navamsha should

be given. But since this is more about trying to get some sort of fixed

methodology for reading a chart (this is actually impossible as things will

eventually jump out at you), I'll go through the above steps (this paragraph

is of course my way of saying don't blame me for bad interpretations :-))


OK, so we have a major traffic jam in the eighth and furthermore Scorpio is

rising with the Moon in it, suggesting an extremely strong interest in Death

and the occult, such as tarot, astrology, runes etc. That Venus conjoins an

exalted Rahu in the eighth, in association with the eighth Lord supports

this interpretation and also suggests an extremely high level of passion,

and a very sexually motivated person. This is also a secretive person, who'

ll do anything to keep secrets but will also put in effort trying to get at

others secrets. Some other general traits of Scorpio which are confirmed

elsewhere are that the person may have problems in their relationship with

their parents, and may have a heterodox view on religious matters, rejecting

traditional ideas. Strong ambitions, which are unsatisfied at their place of

birth, so they may travel. There is the occupation of a weak moon which

makes a person rather fickle, and also there is an aspect of a powerful

Mars, which gives strength, boldness and goal-focused energy, but also makes

the person rash, irritable and aggressive. Combining this with the fickle

Moon we see a person who may get frustrated and irritated very easily, and

the expressions of this may be rather nasty, but they calm down just as

quickly. In trying to fulfil ambitions, they'll put in all that is



Now we go to the more predictive side. There's no major raja etc. yoga's,

suggesting an ordinary person.duh! Shasha Yoga of the Pancha Mahapurusha

Yogas turns up and of the "miscellaneous yogas", we see some partially

completed - Shakata - suggesting many up's and down's, a Dur Yoga (the weak

tenth one) - showing general difficulties in career, perhaps a sort-of

Kemadruma - again giving just general difficulties, as it's not a fully

fledged Kemadruma. On a more positive note, we see nice combinations like

Viparita Raja Yoga, showing a sudden rise in life and a partial Budhaditya

showing intelligence. We get the picture of quite an intelligent person,

whose life filled be filled with major "ups and downs", and while the

successful times maybe very enjoyable, the difficult times will also be very

bad. (Actually there's a lot more to Yogas, but I ain't got a lot of time

now). Now we got to the houses. The first house is aspected by it's own lord

and Saturn. It is occupied by a weak but beneficial Moon. Generally one

might say that the native's health is good and stable. However, the Moon is

in the Lagna, debilitated and aspected by two natural malefics, therefore

some lunar health problems perhaps associated with the lungs and breathing,

such as asthma or bronchitis may be present.


Moving on two house number two - wealth, family, eyesight etc. - Occupied by

Ketu, but aspected by the three natural benefics, Venus, Mercury and it's

Lord Jupiter (who occupies the (sixth) suggests that while there may be

problems in wealth sometimes, esp. debt (the sixth), there is a lot of

wealth and any problems will be under control. With regards to family, Ketu'

s presence suggests "something weird", but considering all the benefic

influences, and the fact that Ketu is strong in Sagittarius appears to

suggest that there will be eventual family happiness. Ketu, however is not

so good for the health, and in the second, may influence the eyesight (esp.

the right eye). As the Lord of the second is in the sixth of disease

(aspected by Saturn), and the Sun is in the eighth conjunct the Rahu and the

eighth and twelfth Lords, it seems as if there may be defects in Vision.


Third House.aspected by none, it's Lord strong in the fourth, it's karaka

Mars strong in the seventh, suggests that the native will have younger

siblings, and will also have many short journeys in life. It also suggests

the native is very confident and makes one rather bold and outgoing. They

don't put with something they don't want to put up with. Younger siblings

are probably male, mainly due to the lack of feminine influences. As Mercury

is strong (and participating in a Viparita Raja Yoga), there is brilliant

writing ability, as well as general communication abilities.


The fourth.Saturn in own sign, aspected by Rahu shows a working class

background, and a very traditional strict family. As mentioned, the native

may rebel against traditional religious values etc. they were brought up

with in childhood. However the fact that both Lords of the fourth are

strong, and Venus participates in a Viparita Raja Yoga with it's friend

Mercury, suggests a lot of material luxuries.big homes, nice cars etc. The

Moon's extreme weakness and the strength of the fourth Lords suggests a

healthy and long-lived mother, but the native's own relationship with their

mother may have problems.


The fifth has no aspects, but it's Lord (and karaka) Jupiter is in the sixth

aspected by Saturn, and this suggests problems in the kids department. There

is a huge sex-drive indicated in this chart (as I'll elaborate on soon), yet

it appears as if the native either won't have kids till later on in life, or

may not have them at all (which is what I'd bet based on just what my mind

pushes me to.call it intuition. Perhaps that's the weird Ketu in the



The sixth.Occupied by Jupiter, aspected by Saturn (into debilitation sign),

while it's Lord Mars is pretty strong. Saturn suggests that there may be

problems with minor diseases, but the benefic factors suggest nothing

serious, and conquering enemies and other wonderful defeats of the bad

things the sixth represents.


The seventh is occupied by a strong Mars (Kuja Dosha), hemmed-in between

benefics, while the Lord is quite strong in the eighth.where shall I start?

The first Lord in the seventh suggests foreign travel and residence. This is

supported by the fact that the seventh and twelfth Lord Venus conjoins a

very strong Rahu, in the eighth (with the tenth Lord - career develops in

foreign places). Also strong eleventh Lord - gains in foreign places. So

perhaps the native will live somewhere foreign.


Mars in the seventh in Taurus, seventh Lord Venus in Gemini in the eighth

with Rahu and the Lord of the eighth and twelfth, Scorpio Moon and Lagna.It

all adds upto a really, really highly sexed person. Very passionate. Strong

Mars in the seventh suggests that relationships may be problematic, and

partners may be bossy and masculine, like the native. This could potentially

lead to spouses feeling as if their individuality is submerged (add in the

Scorpio). So there are some difficulties there. But, other strengths of the

seventh suggest eventual happiness in relationships. The Lord of the

seventh, also karaka Venus conjunct Rahu in the eighth suggests a foreign

spouse. (As a side note, it is interesting to find that homosexual people's

charts also tend to show highly passionate tendencies, with Rahu strongly

influencing the relationship factors - seventh, Lord and karaka).


Strong eighth emphasis as mentioned gives a very lusty person, with an

interest in the occult. Strong eighth Lord and Saturn suggests good



Ninth Lord very weak, coupled with the other factors mentioned suggests a

religious deviant, with no respect for their religion, leaders etc. Also as

the karaka for the father, the Sun is in the eighth, conjunct eighth Lord

and Rahu, at best the father may have been very sickly, or more likely, may

have died relatively early.


And on you go.


I'm out of time now, but I really hope this has helped, not just you but

also anybody feeling lost. To get into timing, you'd get into dasha's and

transits, perhaps something we could discuss later, but for now, hopefully

you can start on some charts.


Let me know how wrong I've gone!






P.S. Hope everybody had a nice Holi and Gaura Purnima yesterday.

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Namaste Sir


a MILLION thanks for the brilliant tips and excellent reading you

prepared! i am absolutely stunned to see how accurate vedic astrology

is. if that is what you do with an incomplete chart then i'd love to

see what you do with a proper one! your reading is completely



> strong interest in Death

> and the occult, such as tarot, astrology, runes etc.


this person does have an interest in new age books about

reincarnation and tarot. he also visits many psycics.


> this interpretation and also suggests an extremely

> high level of passion,

> and a very sexually motivated person. This is also a


very true. this person has had many partners in the past and

continues to like sex a lot.



> their parents, and may have a heterodox view on

> religious matters, rejecting

> traditional ideas. Strong ambitions, which are

> unsatisfied at their place of

> birth, so they may travel. There is the occupation


yes, this person was born into a religious family, but hates

traditional religion, and also has travelled many times. he lives in

a foreign country.



> Moon we see a person who may get frustrated and

> irritated very easily, and

> the expressions of this may be rather nasty, but

> they calm down just as

> quickly. In trying to fulfil ambitions, they'll put

> in all that is

> necessary.



very true.


> showing intelligence. We get the picture of quite an intelligent


> whose life filled be filled with major "ups and downs", and while


> successful times maybe very enjoyable, the difficult times will

also be very

> bad.


true again. the person is intelligent, and has definitely had lots of

up's and downs.



> some lunar health problems perhaps associated with the lungs and


> such as asthma or bronchitis may be present.


yes, bad asthma since childhood.




> problems in wealth sometimes, esp. debt (the sixth), there is a lot


> wealth and any problems will be under control. With regards to


yes, he is very rich now, and is on a six-figure salary.


family, Ketu'

> s presence suggests "something weird", but considering all the


> influences, and the fact that Ketu is strong in Sagittarius appears


> suggest that there will be eventual family happiness. Ketu, however



yes, this person is gay. he was confused at first and didn't find

happiness in normal relationships. but now hes been with his

boyfriend for three years and is very happy. so it is wierd.



is not

> so good for the health, and in the second, may influence the

eyesight (esp.

> the right eye). As the Lord of the second is in the sixth of disease

> (aspected by Saturn), and the Sun is in the eighth conjunct the

Rahu and the

> eighth and twelfth Lords, it seems as if there may be defects in




he does have problems with his sight, and is short-sightted badly in

the right eye.



> the native is very confident and makes one rather bold and

outgoing. They

> don't put with something they don't want to put up with. Younger


true again.



> are probably male, mainly due to the lack of feminine influences.



has four younger brothers. no sisters.



As Mercury

> is strong (and participating in a Viparita Raja Yoga), there is


> writing ability, as well as general communication abilities.



he was told by a tarot reader ten years ago that he will write, but

didn't believe her. but many, including myself think he's an

excellent writer.




> The fourth.Saturn in own sign, aspected by Rahu shows a working


> background, and a very traditional strict family. As mentioned, the



father was a builder, mother a housewife. it was a strict and very

traditional working class family



> Mercury, suggests a lot of material luxuries.big homes, nice cars

etc. The


yes, he's enjoyed many nice cars, and has a very nice apartment at

the moment, as well as two other homes.


> Moon's extreme weakness and the strength of the fourth Lords

suggests a

> healthy and long-lived mother, but the native's own relationship

with their

> mother may have problems.



mother is still alive in her eighties, but the native doesn't get on

with her. they haven't spoken or written in three years.



soon), yet

> it appears as if the native either won't have kids till later on in

life, or

> may not have them at all (which is what I'd bet based on just what

my mind

> pushes me to.call it intuition. Perhaps that's the weird Ketu in the

> second).



as he's gay, you are right, he won't have kids.



> serious, and conquering enemies and other wonderful defeats of the


> things the sixth represents.


he overcomes all obstacles that life throws at him.



> The first Lord in the seventh suggests foreign travel and

residence. This is

> supported by the fact that the seventh and twelfth Lord Venus

conjoins a

> very strong Rahu, in the eighth (with the tenth Lord - career

develops in

> foreign places). Also strong eleventh Lord - gains in foreign

places. So

> perhaps the native will live somewhere foreign.


he was born in chile, and travels around the world regularly. he's in

california right now.



> all adds upto a really, really highly sexed person. Very

passionate. Strong


yes, true.



> Mars in the seventh suggests that relationships may be problematic,


> partners may be bossy and masculine, like the native. This could


definitely masculine!



> seventh, also karaka Venus conjunct Rahu in the eighth suggests a


> spouse. (As a side note, it is interesting to find that homosexual


> charts also tend to show highly passionate tendencies, with Rahu


> influencing the relationship factors - seventh, Lord and karaka).


both your readings are right. many partners have been foreign

including the current one, and he is gay!



> Ninth Lord very weak, coupled with the other factors mentioned

suggests a

> religious deviant, with no respect for their religion, leaders etc.


yes, since childhood he's criticised the traditional values he was

brought up with.


likely, may

> have died relatively early.



his father died when he was 7.


i am completely amazed by what you can tell from his chart. you must

have vac siddi already! do you do astrology professionally. where are

you based? do you have a website?


Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to learning from

you in future,


Shane Williams.

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Om Krishnaaya Namah


Hello Shane,


Thanks for your response with details.


> have vac siddi already! do you do astrology professionally. where are

> you based? do you have a website?



Not a pro. Don't have a website. Live in England.


Good Luck with Jyotish,



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