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Sv: Narayana Dasa calculations(Corrections)

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Om Krishna Guru


Yes Visti knows you mean well, however Visti can't go about giving right

readings using wrong dasa's but right horoscopes.


Visti found that in both techniques, Prana Dasa's of Cn occured during the same

time, and this was a lucky escape for Visti indeed.


The Dasa's in the first mail were actually the dasa's that Visti had used to

predict the events before they actually had happened, in which the only change

was the use of Gemini Prana Dasa instead of Leo dasa.


Actually both Prana dasa's could give the event, however Gemini Prana dasa' was

better at describing the circumstances of the event, regards the party, the

surroundings, etc.


I hope you'll forgive Visti for his blunderings, and maybe advance to stop

talking about him in 3rd person perspective.


Best wishes, Visti.




<gjlist >

Saturday, January 06, 2001 5:33 PM

Re: [gjlist] Narayana Dasa calculations(Corrections)



> Visti Larsen wrote:


> > As per my previous calculations, it seems that i had made a blunder of the

> > Dasa calculations.


> Honestly, I have not understood the intricacies in the letters from Visti, nor

> can I learn enough to appreciate the arguments. All I see is this:


> Visti presents an evaluation that seems to show how well jyothish fits facts.


> Visti now says the previous evaluation was based on wrong calculations. Yet


> arguments fitted the facts!


> Visti now presents the correct calcs and again shows how well they fit the

> facts!


> Round pegs fit into round holes. Square pegs can also fit into round holes, if

> the diagonal equals the diameter!


> There are weighted dolls that always stand up if tilted. Is jyothish something

> like that? always finds an explanation, no matter what and how?


> Every astrologer has experienced the strange phenomenon of having given


> readings based on a false horoscope! After two pegs of whisky I can perhaps

> analyze a person better than after 2 hours of studying the horoscope!


> is perhaps more important than all "derived" rules! It is better to study than

> to proclaim what one has to retract!


> Cold water for Visti, but I hope he understands that I mean well!


> regards

> Mani




> gjlist-





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Hi Visti,


I kept to the 3rd person to emphasize an astrological problem, not wishing to

attack you in any way! It is always my question: is it astrology that "predicts"

or the astrologer? Is the horoscope an open book or only a gateway to the Akasha





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<It is always my question: is it astrology that "predicts"

or the astrologer? Is the horoscope an open book or only a gateway to the Akasha



without Astrologer is nothing but a bundle of papers. No doubt it is astrologer

who predicts with the use of astrology. Question looks tricky to me. will you

please elaborate?

Inder Jit Sahni






Sunday, January 07, 2001 12:00 AM

Re: Sv: [gjlist] Narayana Dasa calculations(Corrections)



Hi Visti,


I kept to the 3rd person to emphasize an astrological problem, not wishing to

attack you in any way! regards










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