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Zam the Jazzman

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Zam sounds like an original alright. It strikes me the main question is:

when will She come into his life? A few things seem to point to sometime

soon -- of course this may not be Her (almost a religious label there, but

then for true romantics, love is a religious experience), but it should be



Look at 7L Mars in navamsha at 17Ta46. 1) Watch when Jupiter transits that

point in April. With Saturn also transiting in Taurus, that gives the

whole 7L a boost. 2) Also, that transiting Jupiter will be trining natal

Ketu and since Ketu's dispositor is Venus, that's another boost for love

fortunes. 3) Transiting Rahu will be exactly trining the Asc/Dsc in April

so there's more force -- again owing to the nodes natal involvement with

Venus. 4) Minor progressed Asc will be conjunct minor prgogressed 7H

Saturn too, FWIW. No comment on the dashas -- they don't look that

promising, but they don't always...


A couple of things you missed that tend to put the brakes on finding a

partner. Compare navamsha with natal chart: big time afflictions. D-9

Saturn (6Ar14) is almost exactly trine (ie. harmonically resonant) with

natal 7L Mars(5Le18); and D-9 Ketu (27Ta09) is exactly trine natal Venus

(27Vi58). Adds fuel to the idea that his partner will be a different age,

possibly different culture, and underlines his whole compulsive approach

(nodes) to finding a mate. And it also bogs down the whole mate-seeking

process to boot.


Also note that Venus is in a two degree conjunction with Mercury, the 12th

lord. This dussthana lord conjunction is a big barrier to the quick

resolution of the eternal quest for the reproductive partner.


As you mentioned, Venus is a bit "twisted" (nothing wrong with being

different, or green, or whatever) in the midpoints. But there's loads more

problems there: Pl=Ve/Ne (longing without attainment in love, tragic love,

renunciation); Ne=Su/Ve (wrong ideas about true love, disappointment in

love); and Sa=Su/Mo (inhibitions, loneliness, difficulties with opposite

sex). I mean, this guy is in search mode permanently -- and these midpoint

pictures (a western technique, begging your pardon, all) suggest that he

might be looking for something he can never find.


>From one romantic to another, I wish Zam all the best. I mean, I wouldn't

want to see another jazz afficiando go loveless in this incarnation. All

those slow ballads shouldn't go to waste!




PS Charlie Parker played Buddha's blues in a most mercurial way...ahhh



and 01:53 PM 12/5/00 -0800, you wrote:

>Tuesday, December 05, 2000


>Re: My Buddy Zam's Western and Vedic Charts, PLEASE

>READ; Comments, Please…




>The other day, I posted a chart for comment; since no

>one took a bite, I'll offer some comments…feel free to

>jump in…



>Zamani "Zam" Feelings

>Sep 19, 1968

>10:23 AM


>Brooklyn, NYC


>Western chart: Placidus, Asc 9 Scorp

>Vedic chart; Lahiri, 16 Libra


>A Little Background…

>My buddy Zam is serious Jazz enthusiast…his faves are

>Coltrane, Marsalis (Wynton), Louie Armstrong, and

>Miles Davis. He's a big cut-up, always cracking jokes,

>this and that. He's been into all sorts of

>metaphysical things since he was a young buck, back

>when he had to heal himself from the ravages of food



>He's been into this telepersonal and internet

>personal thing now for the past 3 years….he's in the

>hunt for THE ONE…in that 3 year period, he's met,

>talked to, andor gone out with, no less than 3,000



>No BS.


>He's got entire books of phone numbers and stuff, it's

>almost scary.


>Anyway, he's good people, and I'm honored to call him

>a friend.


>Western analysis

>The first thing that you see about this chart is the 4

>planet cluster in Virgo, 3 of them in the 11th, and,

>to top it all off, there's the rare Sun-Uranus-Pluto

>triple conjunction…you can really stop right here.

>Here's a guy that's into things that the average joe

>on the block would think is at the very least,

>whacked, and he'll seek out others like him. The

>cerebral element here is really emphasized, by noting

>the strength of the Sign Virgo, and Mercury being

>opposed to Saturn.


>But, this runs in direct contradiction to the

>Moon-Neptune square. In the 10th, the Moon is very

>prominent, in Leo, no less…this suggests a "King

>Complex" - lots of drama, pageantry, and with the Sun

>in Virgo, we can expect a lot of this to by toned down

>a bit, perhaps leaning towards wanting to be

>recognized for being on the ball, so to speak.


>Still, with the Moon-Neptune thing very strong,

>there's the suggestion of confusion, particularly with

>regard to the Parental Situaion. On other fronts, this

>square could lend itself to musical/artistic lines.


>Saturn is Retrograde. This is a very powerful signal,

>that almost always suggests that there is a legacy of

>inferiority feelings taken on early in life, due to

>unfinished business with the Father. Indeed, his

>parents broke up when he was about 10.


>Venus is in the 12th, in Libra, opposed Saturn, and

>conjunct Mercury - this calls attention, in a big way,

>to the Relationship Profile; note that Venus rules the

>7th. This all suggests that there is some level of

>un-practicality about what he's looking for in a mate

>- IDEALISM runs high.



>AP + Uranus = A/M: speaks to being unusual, being

>proficient with computers (he owns about 5 of them, in

>his home, plus a lot of other gadgets), being

>shocking, and perhaps a law unto himself, all of this

>coming forward into public thrust


>Venus = Jupiter/Neptune: Clearly, this is an echo of

>the Venus in the 12th, opposed Saturn Retrograde,

>Venus ruling the 7th; this midpoint picture calls

>attention to the idealism in love and romance - in

>fact, "romance" would be the word I would use to

>describe his inner, private world. This same picture

>corroborates the Artistic focus.


>Mercury = Neptune/Pluto: This picture is an echo of

>the Virgo stellium - the Occult reigns supreme here.

>This also suggests a hyper-sensitive respiratory

>system, perhaps allergies? Note that Saturn is also at

>this same midpoint, and Saturn is in the 6th house,

>and ruling the 3rd. Hmmm…


>There is an overwhelming emphasis on Earth Signs, with

>a very strong Saturn…this guy studies A LOT, and will

>want confirmation for everything…also, note that most

>of planets are above the horizon, calling attention to

>his being potentially "victimized" by the lack of

>Parental Mooring, so to speak, especially with regard

>to his Dad…Hmmm…


>One last thing before moving on to the Vedic Chart;

>Venus-Saturn contacts almost always brings in themes

>of romantic/sexual involvement with one that is

>conspicuously older or younger; and, this same combo

>calls attention to a delayed emotional maturity.

>There's a lot to discuss here…


>Vedic analysis

>Ok, the first thing we see here is the Kala Sarpa

>Yoga, all of the planets hemmed in between Rahu and

>Ketu….in my researches, I have found that KSY suggests

>upheaval, obsession, compulsion, in the areas that the

>Nodes fall in. In Zam's case, the Nodes falling in the

>health axis highlights his "thing" for naturopathic

>healing as well as his inherent body weakness.

>Following up on this, is the fact that Lagna Lord

>(ruler of the Asc) is in the 12th house, along with 3

>other planets - Ketu, the Sun, and Mercury. Mercury

>here is very important, as it is in exaltation, and is

>the 9th lord. This, along with the other planets in

>the 12th suggests strong potential for Spiritual



>Saturn is debilitated in the 7th, and is same in the

>Navamsa; this says all kinds of problems in the

>relationship area of life - frustrations, and so on.

>Note that the 7th lord is in the 11th house of

>multiple partners, and is associated with Jupiter.

>Parasara says, that whenever the 7th lord is with or

>aspected by Venus or Jupiter, there will be many

>spouses, or, in this case, girlfriends. Case in point,

>right here. Plus, put with that the Venus in

>debilitation in the 12th - malefics here will make it

>hard for Zam to make the transition over to celibacy

>and so on.


>The Moon is in the 10th, in its own Sign; this is

>perhaps the best placement in the entire chart, and

>may come to save the day regarding Zam's search for

>the one…this placement also corroborates Zam's thing

>for Music and Art.


>Mercury is Vargottoma in this chart, the mental things

>is going through the roof here…damn…


>Venus is Vargottoma as well, but in the worst way…this

>adds to the relationship rig…


>Finally, note that the Nodes are right smack dab on

>Zam's MEP (Maximum Effective Point); this brings all

>of those "otherworldly" energies right down on him,

>and makes him interested in all things Occult. This

>position of the Nodes, without benefics interceding,

>aren't good for his health, and in their periods and

>sub-periods could definitely brings illness.


>Well, those are my comments; your turn…


>Comments, Please…











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