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Venus at 29 degrees

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Could someone tell me if my venus at 29' 14" in the 11th house

in the sign of cancer, will actually start to show characteristics of



I have read and researched my venus in its sign and house and i

must say when i have been in relationships the Leo attributes

seem to be more relavant


Although i can identify with the cancerian traits somewhat it

would seem that the leo influence is felt by me somewhat.


Anyway is this something that can manifest due to the placement

being almost Leo. You know on the cusp


DOB: 16th june 1970

TOB 12:07 pm

POB: Melbourne Australia


Feedback would be invaluable

NB. I base this solely on Western interpretations!!!!!




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jared wrote:


> Hi


> Could someone tell me if my venus at 29' 14" in the 11th house

> in the sign of cancer, will actually start to show characteristics of

> leo


******hello this is from my experience with western astrology that the

29th degree is a very karmic or anaretic degree that there is

issues/events that cannot be avoided this lifetime that must be

completed the 29th degree always relates with the sign pisces and 12th

house and sometimes it is referred to as the last ditch degree!~!~ also

the feeling with a planet at 29 degrees is "one can't get enough" a

planet at the 29th degree is probably your void planet or latest degree

planet make sure you realize i did not say "void of course" but just

void have researched the void planets and this is my information about

a venus void or venus latest degree i feel whatever is our void

planet that is where in the chart we must let go of what this planet

represents and spiritualize it!~!~

anyway Venus void using some of Buz Myers thoughts and my own research


Venus void seems to be trying to let go

void planets seem to have a function of letting go and spiritualizing

their void planet

Venus void is talking about relationships these people many times start

a relationship

only to void it out and let go!~!~Buz found many times Astrologers like

to rip these people

a new face because they are the one's who do not know how to relate on

our terms!~!~

Buz felt the opposite~he felt Venus void's did know how to relate as he

saw how a Venus

void actually took a relationship exactly for what it was at the

time and enjoyed it

he observed

that when a Venus void walked away from a relationship they would not

experience any

emotions again until they re-connected once more with that person So a

Venus void is not

pulling on that person 24 hours a day a Venus void relates until the

person with them walks

out the door and then they disconnect You think that it is okay to think

this way until

another person comes along and asks you when are you going to make a

relationship and

give in to it~Then you think possibly your doing something wrong!

In past lifetimes this Venus void knew the importance

of love this lifetime they need to learn balance with their love~ Venus

voids can be married to a person many many years but they have their own

unique way

in which they relate to their personal relationships

It is the person with Venus void who is the easiest to relate to

because when you

are there they are relating to you when your not there they do not~have

you ever been in a relationship that does not put external pressure when

you were not there? Venus void is

spiritualizing and letting go of Venus the collectible goods on earth,

material things~material things separate from them think about what is

said about Taurus people when they die you cannot get into their houses

for months--ghosts--they want it all LOL So you come in with Venus void

next life

cause you were a Taurus your last life and you connected to too much

and you have to

this time give up your collections and possessions So these people are

the ones who give

away all the things they collected, they own, they value, and they

really understand it is not

theirs this lifetime See how much better an explanation this is then

telling these Venus

Void's they are doing it wrong!~!~


now a venus at 29 degrees of cancer i would think any planet at 29

degrees of cancer would be emotional but we have to remember the pisces

influence so this may make the person not as open with their emotions

but a planet at 29 degrees cancer could have emotional outbursts if the

person did not have regular releases of all that pent up


aslo i would look at the decans and dwads to further define this venus it

is the gemini dwad and pisces decan making it a moon/mercury/neptune

venus there would be more intellect connected to this venus there

would also be an interest i would think in psychology/emotional or

psychic aspects of life this could indicate a person that is good with

creative writing and or this person might be good with teaching younger

children now did you have many changes of home? or have you traveled

alot? believe me this degree is very different than a 0 degree leo


am praying i have not stepped out of line as this is vedic list and i did

not use it if this is not proper please tell me and i shall not post

anymore using western astrology thanks for listening and please inform

me of your rules by the way was is a chitra? cannot find this word in my

vedic books thanks so very much in white light and love, cheri

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