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Compatibility Analysis of Das Goravani and Girlfriend

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Sunday, July 16, 2000 2:17:50 PM EDT


Re: Compatibility Analysis of Das Goravani and



Das Goravani

May 18, 1960

4:43 AM PDT

Oakland, CA

Lagna: 7 Aries 53



Sept 4, 1971

1PM, GMT -5

Lima, Peru

Lagna: 7 Sagittarius 52


My Comments....................




As promised, here I am, back with my analysis of Das

and his potential mate. As KN Rao has pointed out,

about 80% of a working Astrologer's clientle will be

interested in Relationship matters, regardless of the

Society in which that Astrologer works. I have found

this findinig to be true, in fact for me, I would say,

that about 90% of my personal clientele has been

Relationship oriented. Due to this, and my own

personal struggles in this area of Human Endeavor, I

have labored long and hard, to understand the

Astro-Dynamics of Relationships. After many, many,

many researches, trials and errors, long conversations

with relationship experts, and reading lots of books

on the matter, I think that I have a decent

understanding of the subject.


That said, I think that the late BV Raman wrote an

excellent piece on the subject at hand, in his book,

"Muhurtha, or Electiona Astrology". In it, he

dedicates an entire chapter on relationship

compatibility anaysis, using the time-honored Kuta

System, which will be dealt with here in this article,

but he takes things a step further, adding his own

observations of the subject, borne of a very long

lifetime of practical experience; in addition, those

interested can check out Raman's "The Autobiography of

a Vedic Astrologer", in particular, his chapter called

"Tackilng the Bugbear of Kuja Dosha", in which he

gives an excellent lesson to learn concerning this

peculiar yoga, and how the Indian populace at large

regards it. All of this is what I consider to be

essential reading for any Astrologer wanting to master

the fine art of macthing horoscopes for the purpose of



Based on his writings, KN Rao's comments, my own

Jyotish Guruji, Vishnu Sharma's insights, and my own

experience in this area, I have come to the conclusion

that are several key concerns that have to be dealt

with, in detail, that have a direct bearing on the

issue of Relationship Compatibility. They are:


1. Longevity of the Bride and Groom

2. Longevity of the Marriage/Relationship itself

3.Individual Horoscope Analysis of the Bride and Groom

4. Kuta Analysis Scores, as well as other methods of

Horoscope Macthing

5. Timing, in terms of Dasas and Transits

6. Muhurtha, or Selecting the most Auspicious Time for

initiating the Marriage Ceremony; however, in the

United States, where there are many people that enter

into Relatioships without necessariliy getting

married, this area of analysis may not be necessary; I

have found, in my own studies, that the Western

Astrological method of using a Relationship Chart is

most useful.


I have tried to adhere to the criteria above, and have

have made an attempt to bring this to my analysis of

the compatibility of Das and his girlfriend. I welcome

all commentary regarding this.


Longevity of the Bride and Groom

First, let's consider Das Goravani. His chart has what

I consider to be very strong in the longevity

department - Venus, a Natural Benefic, rises in the

Lagna, with the powerful Hamsa Yoga aspecting his

Lagna. These two points alone suggest good longevity,

but this deduction is clenched when we consider that

his Lagna Lord is subjected to Shubakatari Yoga, being

hemmed in between the Moon and Venus. Further, his

Lagna Lord Mars is not aspected by any Malefics. This

is very good. Now, for his girlfriend, things aren't

as clear-cut - the Lagna Lord Jupiter sits in the 12th

house, with Natural Malefic Saturn aspecting the Moon;

though the Moon is in Aquarius, and Saturn is the

Lagna Lord from the Chandra Lagna, still, the Moon and

Saturn are Enemies, and thus, there has to be some

health-related challenges to be expected, most likely

during the periods of either Saturn or the Moon, which

will be dealt with later. Luckily, she doesn't have

any Malefics aspecting her Lagna itself, this is a

Blessing, and will go a ways to ensure a good measure

of longevity.


Longevity of the Marriage/Relationship itself

This is an important area, to be sure. Jyotish

Classics say, that the duration of the

Marriage/Relationship is to be seen from the 7 and 8

houses, with slight deference given to the 8th. If we

do this, our analysis goes like this: Dasji's 7th

house shows some tension, due to its lord Venus being

subject to Papakatari Yoga in the 1st house. Further,

his 8th lord is also under stress, as the Moon is with

Ketu and aspected fully by Rahu. The 8th house itself,

is not damaged, so to speak, and this helps matters.

>From the Moon, Rahu sits in the 7th, and 8th lord

Mercury is combusted by the Sun, which is also it's

Enemy. From here, we can see, that Mars aspects fully

the 8th as well, and if not for the fact that Jupiter,

in its role as Natural Benefic, wasn't sitting in a

Kendra from Mars, this condition would have surely

given rise to Kuja Dosha, and would disrupt Marital

Bliss/Prospects considerably. In the Navamsa, the 8th

is under strain - the Moon is aspected by Mars, the

worst planet for a Gemini Lagna, and is hemmed in

between two Malefics, Rahu and the Sun. The 8th lord

is also hemmed in, between Rahu again, and Saturn,

made worse, due to the fact that Saturn inhabits the

Sign of Mars, another Malefic, and the Sign of its

Enemy. Further, Rahu is in the 7th in this Varga

Chart; the saving grace here, is that Jupiter is

rising in the Navamsa, and fully aspects the 7th house

-in fact, Dasji has a very powerful Jupiter, being in

its own Sign 7 times in the Varga Bala. This suggests

a strong Aristha Bhanga, and will go a long way to

nullify, or at the very least, significantly reduce,

marital tensions, and relationship problems. Thus, the

conspicuous presence of Rahu throughout Dasji's

chart(s), can manifest as a marriage with one that is

a foreigner, or some of a different caste, etc. I

think that may be the case here, as the person of

Dasji's attention here hails from



The Lady here has similiar conditions extant in her

chart - Mercury, lord of the 7th house, is both

retrograde and associated with the Sun, though not

combust; still, this association with a Natural

Malefic has to bring some difficulties into the

Relatioship Realms of Life. This becomes more likely

when we note that Papakatari Yoga rears its guly head

again, this time bearing on the 7th house - Saturn and

Ketu are the culprits here, and these two planets,

more than any other planet, represents detachment, or

resisting material things. In this case, we can see

here how there may be problems getting into a

relationship, or somehow, there is the sense of lack,

or not enough...Hmmmmmmmm...her 8th house is posited

by Ketu, and fully aspected by Mars, from the 2nd

house, and carrying the Malefic influenece of Rahu

with it. Since her 8th house is that of Cancer, this

does not bode well at all, as Mars' Sign of

Debilitation is Cancer. Thus, we have Kuja Dosha

again, and unlike the chart of Dasji, where his was

nullified by the presence of Jupiter, this woman's

case is much more virulent. We can see more evidence

of this, when we examine the Chandra Lagna, where Mars

and Rahu now move to the 12th house, and aspects the

7th. Venus, as both a Natural and Functional Benefic

from this Lagna, does help cool things out a bit, by

sitting in the 7th and aspecting the Chandra Lagna

itself; further, Venus is helped by it being in its

own Sign in the Navamsa. Turning now to the Navamsa in

total, we can see that Saturn aspects its own house,

which happens to the 8th, and Jupiter, lord of the

7th, also aspects its own house - all of this is good.

Mars, which rises here, can give problems again,

however, and again, for a Gemini Lagna, Mars is the

worst planet, due to its lordship of difficult houses.



In light of the above, we now have to consider a

principle of Indian Astrology, that is most helpful -

traditionally, whenever one posessed a chart that had

within it certain "defects", the Astrologer was

careful to pair it with someone that also had similiar

"defects", on the logic that two negatives cancel one

another out. This is done specifically with reagard to

Kuja Dosha, but can be extended to areas such as the

ones we are discussing here. Thus, I believe that it

is quite possible that things can go very smoothly

between Das and his intended.


Individual Analysis of the Bride and Groom

We all know pretty much what Dasji is all about - his

publicly know history as a Bhramin Preist and member

of high standing in the Hare Krishna Organization,

along with his involvement with Astrological Software,

is available to anyoen that wishes to look it up. The

Hamsa Yoga, and the very powerful Budhaditya Yoga are

all testaments to this, and so, anyone that chooses to

spend any time with Dasji, would also have to possess,

at least in some measure, similiar horoscopic

conditions. As for his girlfriend, her chart reflects

much of this - she has the Sun in its own Sign, the

best Planet for a Sag Lagna, and conjoins with

Mercury, thus giving rise to both a Dharma Karma Adi

Pati Yoga, and a Budhaditya Yoga, which is aspected by

Mars by its 8th house aspect; since Mars is lord of

the 5th house of intelligence and discernment, and the

2nd house is key in one being learned as well, we can

see, that this young lady has a considerable

intellect, and should make a very suitable

intellectual equal for Dasji. The 9th house is very

strong, by virtue of 3 planets placed there, and this

suggests a tremendous focus on the Guru, in other

words, religious pursuits. This is bolstered by noting

that her Lagna Lord Jupiter is in the 12th house, and

is aspected by Saturn. Note also that her Moon is

aspected by Saturn, and all of this suggests a very

Spiritual nature, or at the very least, the

inclination for it is stronger than the average.


Dasji, with his Venus in the 1st house, should have

quite a sexual appetite, and had to have been quite a

challenge to keep in check during his more rigorous

days in the Hare Krishna Movement. Venus in the 1st,

according to the great Parasara, gives, among other

things, "skills in the pleasures of the bed". This

placement is very key for Das, and should ideally be

equalled in his mate. When we look to his Lady's

chart, we can see, that Venus conjoins Mercury, the

7th lord, and is aspected by the Moon; this latter

combination, gives one a very high inclination towards

sex and other sensual pleasures; also, please note

that, in the Navamsa, Venus is in a Kendra from both

the Moon and Rahu, Rahu being another very sexual

planet. This again, tallies quite well with Das'

rather Rahu-laden chart. So, sexually, this should be

a good match.


Kuta Analysis and Scores

Thanks to the wizardry of the Goravani Jyotish

Program, it is possible to run Kutas in a flash,

something that took the best of Astrologers a bit of

time to do by hand. The Kuta System, is based entirely

on the Indian Zodiac, know as the Nakshatras, and uses

them in many ways, to arrive at a compatibility

analysis for the couple in question. This technique

has been in use in India for hundreds, if not

thousands, of years, and is still in use today, to

great sueccess, I might add. Dasji has added a much

need feature to this, making it possible for Kuta

calculation for ALL of the planets, including the

Lagna, which brings even more specificity in the

analysis; traditionally, Kutas were run from only the

Moon. I have been conducting some research into this

area, and I will present my findings on this and other

areas shortly, but for now, I will present what I have

come up with for Dasji and his girlfriend...


I have found, that for there to be success in the

relationship, there should be an overall average of

50% or better, in the Kuta analysis; of course, the

higher the percentage, the greater the chances that

things will indeed work out; the lower the percentage,

the less likely things will work out over the long

run. According to the GJ program, Das and Girlfriend

got an overall average of 57%, which is pretty good,

considering the fact that most of the couples I have

seen tend to just break 50%, or, are sometime, just

below it. In light of this, these scores are good.


Timing of Relationship

Of course, all of the above is moot, if one is not in

the right time for a relationship to take place;

Jyotish allows us to be "at the right place, at the

right time", so to speak. Going to Dasji's chart, we

can see that he is in a Mars Dasa, which is the Lagna

Lord. According to KN Rao, the 1st, 5th and 7th houses

are to be considered when analyzing charts for timing

of relationship matters. So, according to Ra then,

Dasji is at the right place and at the right time,

epsecially when you factor the Varga Chart of

Relationship, the Navamsa - in that chart, Mars is in

the 5th house. This Dasa will run until the year 2005,

when Rahu ill begin, so 23 years or so will have to do

with, among other things, relationship concerns. For

the Girlfriend, she is only a day away from the onset

of her Moon Dasa, and the sub-periods of Mercury and

Venus are ideal for marriage. We'll see.


Some other Considerations

Planetary Distances between two charts are important

as well, and I have run them for Dasji and Lady - this

is what I have come up with:


Suns: 4/10

Moons: 1/7

Mars': 3/11

Mercurys: 4/10

Jupiters: 2/12

Venuses: 5/9

Saturns: 6/8


As you can see above, the only problem areas are the

ones concerning Jupiter and Saturn; interestingly

enouugh, these are the two planets that have such a

big impact on Das and Lady respectively. Hmmm...


Friendship of Lagna and Moon Sign Lords are importatn

as well. This is what I got:


Rasi Chatrts -

Lagnas: Friends

Moons: Same (therefore, Friends)


Navamsa Charts -

Lagnas: Same (therefore, Friends)

Moons: Same (therefore, Friends)


The Satkalatra Yoga is key as well; classically

defined as Venus, Mercury or Jupiter conjoining or

aspecitng the 7th lord, OR, whenever any two of these

planets conjoin with or aspect each other, anywhere in

the chart. This yoga signifies that one will come

accross a person that is truly in love with them, and

that is noble in character. I guess it's pretty safe

to say, that nobility of character and true love

aren;t easy to come by these days, especially in the

American environment; I have found this yoga to be

very important in relationship matters. In both cases

under consideration, Dasji and his ladyfriend have

Satkalatra Yogas in their charts, again confirming

that thier union should be a good one.


Finally, they have a good Nakshatra balance, with both

of them having a good focus on Dharma and Kama aims.

This is the icing on the cake, and in fact, I have

been a good bit of study into this area as well. More

to come concerning this - please stay tuned.


And so, this concludes by findings on the Relationship

Compatibility Analysis of Dasji and his Girlfriend.


Comments, Please.................



Mu'Min M. Bey







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Hi Dave,


I was referring to the Davison Relationship chart; I

have that I get much better results with it.




--- DaveBirr wrote:

> Mu When you referred to the relationship chart,were

> you referring to the

> Davison relationship chart or composite chart?Dave

> Birr






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Dear Mu

You have worked hard . I like this style of analysis where you give the

couple all the pros and cons and let them decide for themselves .

How have your predictions for marital affairs gone in the past ?

Best regards




> Mu'Min Bey <mumin_bey

> gjlist <gjlist >; Das Goravani <Das

> [gjlist] Re: Compatibility Analysis of Das Goravani and


> Sunday, 16 July 2000 15:23


> Sunday, July 16, 2000 2:17:50 PM EDT


> Re: Compatibility Analysis of Das Goravani and

> Girlfriend

> Data

> Das Goravani

> May 18, 1960

> 4:43 AM PDT

> Oakland, CA

> Lagna: 7 Aries 53


> Girlfriend

> Sept 4, 1971

> 1PM, GMT -5

> Lima, Peru

> Lagna: 7 Sagittarius 52


> My Comments....................


> All,


> As promised, here I am, back with my analysis of Das

> and his potential mate. As KN Rao has pointed out,

> about 80% of a working Astrologer's clientle will be

> interested in Relationship matters, regardless of the

> Society in which that Astrologer works. I have found

> this findinig to be true, in fact for me, I would say,

> that about 90% of my personal clientele has been

> Relationship oriented. Due to this, and my own

> personal struggles in this area of Human Endeavor, I

> have labored long and hard, to understand the

> Astro-Dynamics of Relationships. After many, many,

> many researches, trials and errors, long conversations

> with relationship experts, and reading lots of books

> on the matter, I think that I have a decent

> understanding of the subject.


> That said, I think that the late BV Raman wrote an

> excellent piece on the subject at hand, in his book,

> "Muhurtha, or Electiona Astrology". In it, he

> dedicates an entire chapter on relationship

> compatibility anaysis, using the time-honored Kuta

> System, which will be dealt with here in this article,

> but he takes things a step further, adding his own

> observations of the subject, borne of a very long

> lifetime of practical experience; in addition, those

> interested can check out Raman's "The Autobiography of

> a Vedic Astrologer", in particular, his chapter called

> "Tackilng the Bugbear of Kuja Dosha", in which he

> gives an excellent lesson to learn concerning this

> peculiar yoga, and how the Indian populace at large

> regards it. All of this is what I consider to be

> essential reading for any Astrologer wanting to master

> the fine art of macthing horoscopes for the purpose of

> Compatibility.


> Based on his writings, KN Rao's comments, my own

> Jyotish Guruji, Vishnu Sharma's insights, and my own

> experience in this area, I have come to the conclusion

> that are several key concerns that have to be dealt

> with, in detail, that have a direct bearing on the

> issue of Relationship Compatibility. They are:


> 1. Longevity of the Bride and Groom

> 2. Longevity of the Marriage/Relationship itself

> 3.Individual Horoscope Analysis of the Bride and Groom

> 4. Kuta Analysis Scores, as well as other methods of

> Horoscope Macthing

> 5. Timing, in terms of Dasas and Transits

> 6. Muhurtha, or Selecting the most Auspicious Time for

> initiating the Marriage Ceremony; however, in the

> United States, where there are many people that enter

> into Relatioships without necessariliy getting

> married, this area of analysis may not be necessary; I

> have found, in my own studies, that the Western

> Astrological method of using a Relationship Chart is

> most useful.


> I have tried to adhere to the criteria above, and have

> have made an attempt to bring this to my analysis of

> the compatibility of Das and his girlfriend. I welcome

> all commentary regarding this.


> Longevity of the Bride and Groom

> First, let's consider Das Goravani. His chart has what

> I consider to be very strong in the longevity

> department - Venus, a Natural Benefic, rises in the

> Lagna, with the powerful Hamsa Yoga aspecting his

> Lagna. These two points alone suggest good longevity,

> but this deduction is clenched when we consider that

> his Lagna Lord is subjected to Shubakatari Yoga, being

> hemmed in between the Moon and Venus. Further, his

> Lagna Lord Mars is not aspected by any Malefics. This

> is very good. Now, for his girlfriend, things aren't

> as clear-cut - the Lagna Lord Jupiter sits in the 12th

> house, with Natural Malefic Saturn aspecting the Moon;

> though the Moon is in Aquarius, and Saturn is the

> Lagna Lord from the Chandra Lagna, still, the Moon and

> Saturn are Enemies, and thus, there has to be some

> health-related challenges to be expected, most likely

> during the periods of either Saturn or the Moon, which

> will be dealt with later. Luckily, she doesn't have

> any Malefics aspecting her Lagna itself, this is a

> Blessing, and will go a ways to ensure a good measure

> of longevity.


> Longevity of the Marriage/Relationship itself

> This is an important area, to be sure. Jyotish

> Classics say, that the duration of the

> Marriage/Relationship is to be seen from the 7 and 8

> houses, with slight deference given to the 8th. If we

> do this, our analysis goes like this: Dasji's 7th

> house shows some tension, due to its lord Venus being

> subject to Papakatari Yoga in the 1st house. Further,

> his 8th lord is also under stress, as the Moon is with

> Ketu and aspected fully by Rahu. The 8th house itself,

> is not damaged, so to speak, and this helps matters.

> >From the Moon, Rahu sits in the 7th, and 8th lord

> Mercury is combusted by the Sun, which is also it's

> Enemy. From here, we can see, that Mars aspects fully

> the 8th as well, and if not for the fact that Jupiter,

> in its role as Natural Benefic, wasn't sitting in a

> Kendra from Mars, this condition would have surely

> given rise to Kuja Dosha, and would disrupt Marital

> Bliss/Prospects considerably. In the Navamsa, the 8th

> is under strain - the Moon is aspected by Mars, the

> worst planet for a Gemini Lagna, and is hemmed in

> between two Malefics, Rahu and the Sun. The 8th lord

> is also hemmed in, between Rahu again, and Saturn,

> made worse, due to the fact that Saturn inhabits the

> Sign of Mars, another Malefic, and the Sign of its

> Enemy. Further, Rahu is in the 7th in this Varga

> Chart; the saving grace here, is that Jupiter is

> rising in the Navamsa, and fully aspects the 7th house

> -in fact, Dasji has a very powerful Jupiter, being in

> its own Sign 7 times in the Varga Bala. This suggests

> a strong Aristha Bhanga, and will go a long way to

> nullify, or at the very least, significantly reduce,

> marital tensions, and relationship problems. Thus, the

> conspicuous presence of Rahu throughout Dasji's

> chart(s), can manifest as a marriage with one that is

> a foreigner, or some of a different caste, etc. I

> think that may be the case here, as the person of

> Dasji's attention here hails from

> Peru.Hmmmmmmmmm.........................


> The Lady here has similiar conditions extant in her

> chart - Mercury, lord of the 7th house, is both

> retrograde and associated with the Sun, though not

> combust; still, this association with a Natural

> Malefic has to bring some difficulties into the

> Relatioship Realms of Life. This becomes more likely

> when we note that Papakatari Yoga rears its guly head

> again, this time bearing on the 7th house - Saturn and

> Ketu are the culprits here, and these two planets,

> more than any other planet, represents detachment, or

> resisting material things. In this case, we can see

> here how there may be problems getting into a

> relationship, or somehow, there is the sense of lack,

> or not enough...Hmmmmmmmm...her 8th house is posited

> by Ketu, and fully aspected by Mars, from the 2nd

> house, and carrying the Malefic influenece of Rahu

> with it. Since her 8th house is that of Cancer, this

> does not bode well at all, as Mars' Sign of

> Debilitation is Cancer. Thus, we have Kuja Dosha

> again, and unlike the chart of Dasji, where his was

> nullified by the presence of Jupiter, this woman's

> case is much more virulent. We can see more evidence

> of this, when we examine the Chandra Lagna, where Mars

> and Rahu now move to the 12th house, and aspects the

> 7th. Venus, as both a Natural and Functional Benefic

> from this Lagna, does help cool things out a bit, by

> sitting in the 7th and aspecting the Chandra Lagna

> itself; further, Venus is helped by it being in its

> own Sign in the Navamsa. Turning now to the Navamsa in

> total, we can see that Saturn aspects its own house,

> which happens to the 8th, and Jupiter, lord of the

> 7th, also aspects its own house - all of this is good.

> Mars, which rises here, can give problems again,

> however, and again, for a Gemini Lagna, Mars is the

> worst planet, due to its lordship of difficult houses.



> In light of the above, we now have to consider a

> principle of Indian Astrology, that is most helpful -

> traditionally, whenever one posessed a chart that had

> within it certain "defects", the Astrologer was

> careful to pair it with someone that also had similiar

> "defects", on the logic that two negatives cancel one

> another out. This is done specifically with reagard to

> Kuja Dosha, but can be extended to areas such as the

> ones we are discussing here. Thus, I believe that it

> is quite possible that things can go very smoothly

> between Das and his intended.


> Individual Analysis of the Bride and Groom

> We all know pretty much what Dasji is all about - his

> publicly know history as a Bhramin Preist and member

> of high standing in the Hare Krishna Organization,

> along with his involvement with Astrological Software,

> is available to anyoen that wishes to look it up. The

> Hamsa Yoga, and the very powerful Budhaditya Yoga are

> all testaments to this, and so, anyone that chooses to

> spend any time with Dasji, would also have to possess,

> at least in some measure, similiar horoscopic

> conditions. As for his girlfriend, her chart reflects

> much of this - she has the Sun in its own Sign, the

> best Planet for a Sag Lagna, and conjoins with

> Mercury, thus giving rise to both a Dharma Karma Adi

> Pati Yoga, and a Budhaditya Yoga, which is aspected by

> Mars by its 8th house aspect; since Mars is lord of

> the 5th house of intelligence and discernment, and the

> 2nd house is key in one being learned as well, we can

> see, that this young lady has a considerable

> intellect, and should make a very suitable

> intellectual equal for Dasji. The 9th house is very

> strong, by virtue of 3 planets placed there, and this

> suggests a tremendous focus on the Guru, in other

> words, religious pursuits. This is bolstered by noting

> that her Lagna Lord Jupiter is in the 12th house, and

> is aspected by Saturn. Note also that her Moon is

> aspected by Saturn, and all of this suggests a very

> Spiritual nature, or at the very least, the

> inclination for it is stronger than the average.


> Dasji, with his Venus in the 1st house, should have

> quite a sexual appetite, and had to have been quite a

> challenge to keep in check during his more rigorous

> days in the Hare Krishna Movement. Venus in the 1st,

> according to the great Parasara, gives, among other

> things, "skills in the pleasures of the bed". This

> placement is very key for Das, and should ideally be

> equalled in his mate. When we look to his Lady's

> chart, we can see, that Venus conjoins Mercury, the

> 7th lord, and is aspected by the Moon; this latter

> combination, gives one a very high inclination towards

> sex and other sensual pleasures; also, please note

> that, in the Navamsa, Venus is in a Kendra from both

> the Moon and Rahu, Rahu being another very sexual

> planet. This again, tallies quite well with Das'

> rather Rahu-laden chart. So, sexually, this should be

> a good match.


> Kuta Analysis and Scores

> Thanks to the wizardry of the Goravani Jyotish

> Program, it is possible to run Kutas in a flash,

> something that took the best of Astrologers a bit of

> time to do by hand. The Kuta System, is based entirely

> on the Indian Zodiac, know as the Nakshatras, and uses

> them in many ways, to arrive at a compatibility

> analysis for the couple in question. This technique

> has been in use in India for hundreds, if not

> thousands, of years, and is still in use today, to

> great sueccess, I might add. Dasji has added a much

> need feature to this, making it possible for Kuta

> calculation for ALL of the planets, including the

> Lagna, which brings even more specificity in the

> analysis; traditionally, Kutas were run from only the

> Moon. I have been conducting some research into this

> area, and I will present my findings on this and other

> areas shortly, but for now, I will present what I have

> come up with for Dasji and his girlfriend...


> I have found, that for there to be success in the

> relationship, there should be an overall average of

> 50% or better, in the Kuta analysis; of course, the

> higher the percentage, the greater the chances that

> things will indeed work out; the lower the percentage,

> the less likely things will work out over the long

> run. According to the GJ program, Das and Girlfriend

> got an overall average of 57%, which is pretty good,

> considering the fact that most of the couples I have

> seen tend to just break 50%, or, are sometime, just

> below it. In light of this, these scores are good.


> Timing of Relationship

> Of course, all of the above is moot, if one is not in

> the right time for a relationship to take place;

> Jyotish allows us to be "at the right place, at the

> right time", so to speak. Going to Dasji's chart, we

> can see that he is in a Mars Dasa, which is the Lagna

> Lord. According to KN Rao, the 1st, 5th and 7th houses

> are to be considered when analyzing charts for timing

> of relationship matters. So, according to Ra then,

> Dasji is at the right place and at the right time,

> epsecially when you factor the Varga Chart of

> Relationship, the Navamsa - in that chart, Mars is in

> the 5th house. This Dasa will run until the year 2005,

> when Rahu ill begin, so 23 years or so will have to do

> with, among other things, relationship concerns. For

> the Girlfriend, she is only a day away from the onset

> of her Moon Dasa, and the sub-periods of Mercury and

> Venus are ideal for marriage. We'll see.


> Some other Considerations

> Planetary Distances between two charts are important

> as well, and I have run them for Dasji and Lady - this

> is what I have come up with:


> Suns: 4/10

> Moons: 1/7

> Mars': 3/11

> Mercurys: 4/10

> Jupiters: 2/12

> Venuses: 5/9

> Saturns: 6/8


> As you can see above, the only problem areas are the

> ones concerning Jupiter and Saturn; interestingly

> enouugh, these are the two planets that have such a

> big impact on Das and Lady respectively. Hmmm...


> Friendship of Lagna and Moon Sign Lords are importatn

> as well. This is what I got:


> Rasi Chatrts -

> Lagnas: Friends

> Moons: Same (therefore, Friends)


> Navamsa Charts -

> Lagnas: Same (therefore, Friends)

> Moons: Same (therefore, Friends)


> The Satkalatra Yoga is key as well; classically

> defined as Venus, Mercury or Jupiter conjoining or

> aspecitng the 7th lord, OR, whenever any two of these

> planets conjoin with or aspect each other, anywhere in

> the chart. This yoga signifies that one will come

> accross a person that is truly in love with them, and

> that is noble in character. I guess it's pretty safe

> to say, that nobility of character and true love

> aren;t easy to come by these days, especially in the

> American environment; I have found this yoga to be

> very important in relationship matters. In both cases

> under consideration, Dasji and his ladyfriend have

> Satkalatra Yogas in their charts, again confirming

> that thier union should be a good one.


> Finally, they have a good Nakshatra balance, with both

> of them having a good focus on Dharma and Kama aims.

> This is the icing on the cake, and in fact, I have

> been a good bit of study into this area as well. More

> to come concerning this - please stay tuned.


> And so, this concludes by findings on the Relationship

> Compatibility Analysis of Dasji and his Girlfriend.


> Comments, Please.................


> Peace,

> Mu'Min M. Bey

> Mu






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