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Conception, Essence of Progress (4 Bhola O.)

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Dear Bhola,


Thanks for your good question to the list regarding conception time

verse birth time, what is important, and so on.


All things are in the unfoldment of the modes of nature. The modes of

nature expand from Divinity in the beginning, and their intermingling

and complex churning are called "life".


All things are in Jyotish's perview.


The conception chart, or Muhurtha, or moment, is completely valid and

important. So if one is able to understand Jyotish properly, they can

pick times for impregnation which are auspicious for them and the

possible child.


The conception chart rules the conception up to birth, and is highly

important because it rules over the developmental phase of the body in

the womb. The birth chart then shows us how that newly developed body

will suffer and enjoy in life outside the womb, which we call "it's

life". But actually, "it's life" began in THIS body at conception.

Therefore, great stress IS layed upon the conception practices in the Puranas.


The Vishnu purana and other Sacred instructions from pure-hearted Saints

and Sages tell us something about how to go about joining together in

order to make love for conceiving auspicious children. I am not expert

on that list of recommendatons, and I won't try to repeat a faulty

abreviated list or anything, plus many things may be culturally odd, or

difficult to arrange, etc., so for various reasons I won't go into that,

but the point is, that ALIGNING oneself with REALITY through

understanding Jyotish and picking proper times is a good idea for

everything important, and doing so is a PRIVELAGE of being a human of a

higher birth. The higher one's birth, the more one enters the plain of

knowledge, and is able to do such things.


As one surrenders to the path of light, or said another way, as one

aligns oneself with truth or God, one is actually aligning oneself with

reality proper. Their gunas and doshas become balanced, which is a sign

of alignment with reality. Actually, if you look into it in detail, for

such persons, you will find they NATURALLY pick better Muhurthas,

without even trying.


If you look into the lives of those who are specifically currently

engaging in activities and seemingly always having bad luck, always

being rejected, always being frustrated, and so on, then you will find

that they naturally pick bad Muhurthas. People who have "bad charts" or

highly challenged charts are misaligned with their own best interests.

So the way that karma comes out in life is in these kinds of

"malalignments of action" in order for them to suffer and learn. Thus

BPHS says basically that the planets deliver our karma to us.


According to one's present state of alignment with Divinity, or in other

words, according to one's chart, one will meet a certain lover or

spouse, copulate at a certain time and place, and accordingly the

Muhurtha of conception is set "by accident". Actually it's no accident

at all. The transits at that time, against the charts of the pair, will

tell the relative virtues and faults of their union, and thus forms the

conception chart of the child. If it is positive and good, then so will

be the growth phase.


Wherever the planets are in transit during that nine months, those

magnetic or other subtle "Jyoti" influences are felt by the developing

flesh in the womb just as they are felt by all atoms and molecules

throughout the Universe. The signs and daily charts of that part are

affecting the growth of the child and all it's formative realities

including the nature of it's every quality and characteristic, but so

also is the nature of the mothers body, which is born of previous Jyoti

influences in some previous period, and thus we are related to our

parents karma, and the karma of the society in which she eats and

breathes etc. In this way we can trace the "material" connection to

parental/societal karma. If she eats the garbage food of our culture,

then our body is built of that quality to some effectual degree, and we

suffer accordingly, or the reverse if the reverse is ruling her actions.


So then, the birth chart represents the moment of "Completion of

Formation" and "Graduation to independence". We read the birth chart

because it pertains to the phase of life which we see and discuss with

each other.


If one conceives a child taking consideration of their own karma, and

what is best for them, and the child, and so on, one is acting like as a

Devic person, and such thoughts and attempts will align one with

Divinity more and more creating a better future, in this and the next life.


Jyotish is an external science directly related to the process of life,

which shows us that aligning ourselves (making Spiritual advancement)

with God, is a good idea for material life, and thus we can realize that

those who are fully devoted to Divinity, and who naturally follow with

their lives, words, actions, etc., the path of Devotion to God, are

already situated in realization of the essence of the Vedas. This is

stated in the Srimad Bhagavatam and also in the Gita.


One should pick auspicious times for all important Muhurthas, or,

another way, is to actually try to be in a state of Grace, or service to

Divinity, in which case one will automatically pick good times. The

meter then is sincerity to serve. There is no kidding or fooling God.

You can fool yourself and others too, and in this way be deluded, but

real sincerity is recognized by God, and so is everything else.

According to the degree we've suffered and want to be actually rectified

and devoted, to that degree we are rewarded. This is stated in the Gita.


Jyotish is a mechanical process for approaching alignment, and it does

not require the client of an astrologer to even be a Theist. So, Jyotish

doesn't guarantee alignment with God as commonly used where one person

helps another for a fee, but that will still work to some degree for the

client, since they will be getting proper instruction should the

astrologer be somewhat realized in truth. This is how the Rakshashas in

the scriptures were able to accomplish alot- they used Vedic knowledge,

but were in their hearts not surrendered to Vishnu. "Yantra" or

mechanics, can be used by anyone. The Universe is mechanical.


The pure heart is the best guide. Paramatma will not lie to you, but you

have to be listening and you can only do that through devotion. Or you

can use Astrology to make timing choices, or both.


Therefore, yes, it is wise to avoid certain periods of time and favor

others for conceiving a child or any other important work (karma). I

personally think that there are entire periods of time up to even 2, 3,

4 or 5 years where it's not favorable to conceive if one is fixed in

this way. So then it can be strange to apply. How much one wants to

choose, can create challengs if that favor goes with certain placements

of the slower planets, ie, if one doesn't want a child with a Strong

Saturn for example, or a weak one, depending on preferrence.


By picking the conception times, we are doing a type of alignment, or

worship, or prayer, and it is all of these, and thus we create more

auspiciousness for ourselves, the child, and society. It is a very good



If one cannot figure out how to do that or doesn't have the books, can't

get the info from anyone, etc., then the simple guideline for all things

is like this:


Pick a time which is full of auspiciousness according to what you can

perceive. According to the nature of the moment of conception, so is the

chart. This is like reading Omens. It completely matters everything

about WHERE the conception takes place. It should be the RIGHT home, the

RIGHT room, facing the right direction, etc. There should be Grace. The

couple should pray or do what they feel is actual alignment with the

Divine. Some will pray, some will chant, some will meditate, do yoga,

whatever, according to their modes and beliefs.


Always remember that each moment is always telling everything about

itself in all omens and all manner of movement of the matter present at

that time and place. The slightest thing is telling. You could say that

"if the woman blinks, there will be a mole somewhere on the childs

body". These kinds of connections are very real. That's just an analogy,

but the fact is, EVERYTHING is interrelated and very telling. Old house

verse new, hotel verse home, in th car, on the ground, standing up, day

and night, mood in the bodies of the couple, their mindframes at the

time, EVERYTHING matters.


So again, sincerity, and use of Divinely Revealed Knowledge, BOTH can

guide us towards more and more auspiciousness for ourselves now and in

the future. Children are the reappearing souls who died, back to reap

the results of their pasts and continue their process or progress. So as

we ALL engage in auspicious thoughts and deeds, we gradually shape a

better future for the world. Those who are serious, at some point, leave

this world, which is the aim.


Parenting is thus a responsibility. So yes, one should not take it

whimsically. If you do, you may get a whimsical child. Whatever you are,

is calling the souls who will cling to you for so many years. In this

way our lessons come back to us, so if we are not needing heavy lessons,

we don't get difficult children. On the other hand, if we are ready for

a really heavy lesson that might finally break our attachment, then we

may get such difficulties. The same child of great difficulty, say

deformed or retarded, may for one be a karmic reaction to cause

suffering to teach them, and for another may be God's final blow of

Mercy to finally free the soul from attachment to this plane of life.

Therefore judgement of others burdens in life is usually impossible on a

"karmic" level. This extends to things other than children, such as

judging someones wealth status, brain power, etc., as all things may be

being caused by higher things, or lower things, so judgement is useless

to the spiritually progressing, but FOLLOWING and TRYING TO DO IT

ourselves, is called for completely, as is trying to teach these

standard understandings.


Hari Om,


das goravani

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