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Dear members of the list.


Pranams to all of you. Yesterday, the BBC TV showed a programe about

Cahokia. The Cahokia Indians were put in a reservation many years ago and

continued their traditions. In my view, the life in the reservation helped

to keep them together and now they want to go back to their sacred lands.

According to the programme which showed computerized images of how their land

used to look, they had many pyramides which now many of them can be seen as

mounds. Moundsville City in Alabama has about 100 of those mounds. Like

Jerusalem and Mecca, Cahokia on the banks of the Mississipi river was the

most important center extending for miles. From 1000 to 1050 AC, there was a

period of expansion in Cahokia but also a period of ritual human killings.

Apparently, they used to link human sacrifices with good harvests. My

feeling is that the Cahokia people were following a natural religion (worship

of nature with the offerings of the products of the harvests, like grains,

roots, leaves, fruits etc) but later on, the "baddies and the uggliest" took

power and started the tamasic religion of human sacrifices. I could even say

that they (the ugliest) were the ancestors of the Aztecs, which took over the

Valley of Mexico in the XIV century. The Aztecs used to perform huge

"tamasic Yagyas' (low class ceremonies) in Tenochtitlan (present Mexico City)

and according to the chronicles, in one of those ceremonies the Aztecs

priests extracted alive, the hearts of some 40 000 unfortunated prisoners.

Those ceremonies were performed to worship demoniac entities, in order to

continue in power. I have to say that when the Spaniards arrived in Mexico

there were two kinds of brujos (tantrics, chamans, wizards, merlins, witches

etc); the white ones practicing white (positive) magic and the black ones

practicing black (negative) magic. The black brujos were helping and

advising the aztec leaders and the white ones were in hidding preserving

their tradition for better days. Not all the Aztecs were bad, only few and

in power were manipulating the show. Nevertheless, the collective karma was

affecting all of them. When the Spaniards took over the situation on 21

August 1521, they took over themselves the Aztec karma as well. In 1810, the

Mexican revolution separated Mexico from Spain and in 1910 we saw another

revolution. The interesting thing is that according to tradition, Mexico is

ruled by Capricorn (too many mountains) and the present transit of Ketu,

Uranus and Neptune in that sign, has produced many drastic and positve

changes. For the past 8 years, Mexico has had a guerrilla war in the

southeast due to the explotation of poor Indians by the corrupted state, and

for the past 71 years, the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) has

been in power, causing corruption and injustices wholesale. On 1 July 2000,

the Mexicans had enough and voted for the opposition, and Mr Fox won the

election. He will take the presidential chair on 1 December starting a clean

up and turists will be more safe to visit that exotic, mystical and beautiful

country. The name of Fox may be American but Nahuatl as well. i hope that

Mexicans finally end the payment of the Aztec karma and that a new positive

era is beginning.


Going back to the Cahokia Indians, the interesting thing for us as

astrologers is that their mounds were alineated to the four corners (north,

south etc) and used wooden poles to mark with theri shadow, the equinoxes and

solstices. Even now they perform beautiful dances during their festive days

celebrating the planting and harvest seasons. Their religion claim that the

4 direction rule the world. Something similar to the basics of vedic



I hope that this is not boring for you.


Best wishes & thank you for listening.


Natabara Das

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