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Raghu's letter

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Dandavats Raghu Prabhu


Thank you for your nice email. At the beginning of 1970 i bought my first

astrology book and the Manu Samhita (IN SPANISH). I could not believe that i

had the good luck of finding such a knowledge in Spanish. A great percent of

the best books are written in English and published in English speaking

countries and it takes sometimes 5 years to read them in Spanish. Therefore,

i started my journey to Europe 3 years later (that is how long it took me to

take off from the soil tainted with the Aztec karma). Once in Paris i went

to visit the Hare Krishna temple where a Spaniard devotee told me that Srila

Prabhupada was translating the cream of the Vedas and that if i was in search

for the Vedas i must read his books. That is how Srila Prabhupada and his

ISKCON are my Saviours, i am indebted to them. Yes, i know that you and me

are God Brothers, that is why in some of my previous emails i have say "our

Guru Maharaj". I received his mercy in May 1985. I was there when the

troubles started in the 80's. I went to Mexico for 6 months in 1981 to start

a magazine Astrologia Vedica, which appeared in September, but unfortunately

due to some personal problems i could not keep up with the next issue and i

had to go back to England. In London, devotees suggested that i could start

a similar magazine and we started the preparation but the plans collapsed

after the Mayapur festival of 1982, when the news came about the starting of

the troubles. By July 1983 i visited our Math in Blackheath, outside London

for the first time. I have heard that you visited that center as well. Yes,

it is always good to have lots of protectors, teachers and well wishers. We

need them, especially in our darkest hours.


Few times in my life i have felt EXTREMELY lonely for a long time. I know

that feeling and symptoms very well, we start to talk to our shadow, to the

walls, we feel as if our bad karma has come back with a revenge. The latest

test came to me during my Brihaspati dasa chidra, which for Virgo lagna

brings a good cleansing. Now that i am in my Sani/Bhuda periods, i look back

and say "Wow, i made it". Nevertheless, i took opportunity of my critical

situation, put everything on a balance, saw my limitations and came to the

conclusion that the only way to survive mentaly was to do some research on

Vedic astrology. Going to the local libraries, consult my books, write

notes, study charts, and started to write my first book, which took some 3

years to finish. Now, i am just waiting for the period that is going to

deliver the publishing date.


At one point Sridhar Maharaj wanted me to go to India to learn how to build

up the Vaisnava calendar. I can do it in a 99% but i needed some technical

advise that was difficult to find in the West. Sridhar Maharaj wanted a

local calendar for every center around the world, he said that it was better

for devotees to follow their local calendar, but if not available, then to

follow the one calculated for India. As usual, i never made it to India.

Whenever i had time to go to India, i didnot have money and when i had money,

i didnot have time. At present, i do not have either. So, i continue my

studies from the west. That is my karma, love in separation. I met my Guru

Maharaj through his writings.


Yes, Krishna works in mysterious ways and He responds through His devotees.

That is how i see my own errors in your errors and that is why we are here to

help each other. Yes, i feel blessed as well.


Thanks for your tips:


{=>:-) (person withOUT shaved head and vaisnava tilak)


_o__ (dandavats, which means, bowing like a stick)






Natabara das

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