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Vox's stuff...( Ketu Syndrome)

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In a message dated 06/26/2000 8:41:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time,



<< Getting close to other people they feed off the

information the other persons personality and life provide, and then

they dream on that, then they pull back to their own reality. This is

very tiring, hence Ketu causes people ultimately to recluse to avoid the

stimulation of contact. >>


:). Hi Das, thanks for your analysis. What you're saying here is very

similar to the analysis of a person whose Western chart shows a badly

afflicted, but strong Neptune; a perpetual identity crisis based on an

underdeveloped Self, and you are absolutely right.


But here's the problem I have: Everyone does this. Everyone bases their

self-perception on their environment. We're not born with identities, they

are created for us by the world we inhabit. So a person percieves himself to

be outgoing or introverted, good at Chess, say, because he wins a lot,

successful because he is his big house or his beautiful wife, his job or his

good looks.


Of course, this is completely illusory, because none of those things are

really there, they are invented, interpretive signals that tell him how to

act, and these socialized signals are what tell us how to behave towards him.

He is the Boss, for example, he is Dad. Self-concept and self-perception

drives everything he does, an illusion fueling another illusion, a picture of

the future or of the past...neither of these things exist either. There is no

difference between Dad or Boss or House or Car, or Sales Rep or Beauty Queen,

they're all just mind-pictures, either personal or collective illusions.

Reality in many ways is completely arbitrary, based on sensory input and



So when I do this...what you call "feeding off of other people's

personalities", it is the only way for me to understand what is expected of

me. I have to understand the entire illusion of where I am. I am not doing

this so much for myself or my own survival; I'm doing it because I feel

responsible for other people's feelings and I want to tread carefully around

their illusions, since this is what they are most attached to, this is where

they are driven by love. I worry I am going to ruin everything for them if I

can't see the terrific picture they made. I want to participate in the

picture and make others happy, since I already know my destiny, which is to

be dead.


This is, as a matter of fact, how I seem to end up thrown into managerial

positions and other weird situations in which people think I know things that

I really do not, much to my immense terror and surprise. Or to put it more

succinctly, there is something i do know that is true, but I can't tell them

this particular thing because it would ruin everything for them. I can't say,

you know, none of this is real, you are working through a pattern and once it

falls away you won't even remember why any of this is important because you

will be nothing once again, just a bright unending in a sea of endlessness.




I guess that's Ketu.





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