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Skeptics are only those who Refuse to See the Interconnections

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A chairde,


The western chart can actually support the findings in the Vedic chart,

HOWEVER, it takes a bit of mental reshuffling...and its easier simply to

embrace what the Vedic chart indicates...I'm of the ideology that it

takes quite a bit of "knowing thyself" in order to fully integrate Vedic



As everyone does, I have my life example..


Vedic illustrates me as Libra lagna/Sag Sun...so different from the

Scorp asc./Cap sun in western astro...I never really felt as "heavy" as

that cappy sun would abide by in general personality terms (and infact

dreaded the western interp. of cappy so much that I wished I had been

born something lighter and more airy such as a Gemini)....nor did I feel

as "steamily" mysterious as that Scorp asc. would have me be...yeah, I

dig mysteries and delve into the spiritual...but not in that "atomic"

fashion that Scorp predicts...


Saturn does effect my Sun in Vedic...infact, that big melancholic ball

of lesson producing energy sits 7th from my sun in 9th...yeppers...he's

a heavy load their with Ketu...voila, there's that deep delving into the

mental realms of subtle intelligence...I go as far as the limits of mind

allow...which is up, akin to air, instead of down towards the muladhara

chakra so inherent in the Scorp/Taurean axis (yeah, I'm sensual, but in

that fiery Martian/Aries fashion--to connect and liberate the soul, not

just to re-lease energy out of the body)...so Cappy isn't completely

wrong, but isn't totally correct either...the influence shows up in a

bit of a different fashion than in Western...my philosophies of

liberation come after some hefty self annhiliation (sp?) and

de-construction of everything I get my mind on...of course, with the Sun

and Rahu together in the 3rd I desire this action like crazy...a

voracious appetite for experience in youth is giving away to

wisdom...which can also be found with Venus and Jupie in Aquarius in 4th

in Western chart....sooo it comes together...but again, with Vedic it's

been easier...


My Venus, Jupie and Merc sit in Cappy in Vedic...so yeah, I'm a bit

earthy--an earth Mother, if you will...and my Jupie is much more

restricted than in western...especially the early indicators of

child-hood surrounding family...this can be seen in my western chart

with Jupie inconjunct my moon...some adjustment has to be

made...compromises I don't really enjoy...like with the father

figure--who attempts the overbearing authority (saturn) figure

"role"...I get the goodies from my Mom and follow her (1st in 4th with

the other two benefics--though jupie isn't terribly benefic, the

expansive guy isn't so unhappy there--just a little confined)...and this

coincides with the fact that my Mom's asc is Aquarius in western...so my

western jupie and venus also indicate the "follow" in the footsteps of



Additionally I'm much more of an arbitrator/mediator than my western

chart implies...I've always KNOWN I've had a Libra Lagna...when I was a

kid, I didn't calculate my chart "correctly" under western and came up

with a Libra asc, I really do adore/love peacefulness,

tranquility...atmospheres of beauty with soft music, incense and

corresponding colors put me at ease...I've performed feng shui in my

abode with tremendous results...I was dis-appointed when a western

astrologer applied that I was a Scorp asc...it also didn't jive with my

fieriness...whoa...mine WAS an object throwing..wall kicking, mood of

destruction when my peace was disturbed...which was often with 3

brothers and a father of HIGHLY ARIAN personalities...explains that Mars

opposite my Lagna...so yeah, Mars as co-ruler of Scorp was partially

right...I'm not secretive/vindictive, a Scorpion trait...I'm straight up

with my anger....


There is a ton more I can cross reference, but I'd better stop before I

begin writing a novel...


Alright...so, my point is...Vedic, jyotish, is truly the science of the

soul...the path to self-examination and self-exhumation for the

west...get down and dirty...it's easier that way...here in the west we

make life so much more complicated than it needs to be...inconjuncts,

asteroids, outer planets (they're keen philosophically but they're more

like gravity where they effect pretty much all in a similar fashion--I

won't apply newtons law of gravity to this, but it fits...and less akin

to say particle interaction--which is closer to "home"---where all of

the virtual nuances take place) fixed stars, the list is endless in

western astro...when all you need to do in Vedic to get a deeper meaning

is peer at one of the "harmonic" charts and apply pretty much the same

rules you would the Rashi and Navamsa...


As far as retros go...every-thing is karmic...western astro doesn't make

room for this in its general chart descriptions, and instills a

philosophy of karma to retros and the nodes...what-ever...I read

recently that the body you are inhabiting now is the accumulation of

past actions...I can really jump into that...and the planets--our larger

sisters and brothers floating round our solar systems jiva are

inclusive...we are karma from moment to moment...not just because Saturn

is retro...yeah, sure, that may be a flag saying "Hey buddy, you didn't

learn THIS particular lesson, so lets get to it this time won't ya, so

we can get the heck out of here?"....


also, as far as retros being "bad for health" are concerned, there are

so many other co-factors to indicate this...isolating just one aspect

can be terribly myopic...but, I did that..and heck, still behave that

way on some days...toooooo focussed to see all of the threads...a good

way to memorize though...look at 6th house, where is ruler placed--is

the retro involved with ruler of 6th...ya have to look at yogas too,

there are some good yogas with 6th, 8th and 12th house...look at navamsa

too...my navamsa shows Rahu and Venus in Taurus in 6th...while my Jupie

is in not so good placement from Chandra lagna being 6th from the

moon...if I just peered at that one aspect from Chandra lagna...I'd say,

YIKES wow, I'm destined for bad health (Jupie in cap), particularly

overweightness--which I was as a child...but Venus is there (and she's

retro by the way) with Mercury...I'm an exercise fiend (been so since

the age of 9), veggie-tarian (found this better for weight maintenance,

but more so enjoy the less karma undertaken in the ingestion of other

beings who deserve to live out their lives as we do), in optimal health

and involved in the health sciences (which, btw, I NEVER thought I would

include in my undergrad program--I'm not a nurse, or the doctor

type...but love to inform people about how their bodies function on a

case by case basis and instruct on how to optimize their health...love



Additionally...don't let your-Self become threatened by some of the

elders of jyotish...I've had some run-in's with 'em, and yeah, they can

be pretty caustic...and in my mind, aren't true teachers of the

science...yeah, theirs is a philosophy of guru-ship, which I can

understand...but, I've also come to comprehend that at first you are to

test the guru (Vimalananda via Robert Svoboda indicated something like

this) but also, keep in mind, once the guru passes that test...it's your

turn...a lot of these elders don't even pass the first test, but prefer

the "safety" of sweeping arrogance...this applies to ALL

instructors...even in college...any "knowledge" we have as human beings

is only a small, tiny particle like fraction of all that is contained

within the Universe...


Alright...I'm done...


I apologize in advance for the lengthy post...


I'm in a Saturn/Sun sub and sub-sub period...so third and ninth are



Slante chugat,



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