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Yogi and Ava Yogi point

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As a new boy to this group I would like to start a dicussion on the

yogi and ava yogi point. I do not look at a chart until I know what

the yogi and ava yogi planet is. I do this as I consider ava yogi in

particular to be a planet that will cause trouble, even if it is well



For example I have exalted Venus in the 2nd house with 7th lord Sun,

(I was born in Kumbha). This has given me a very beautiful and

hardworking wife I met while overseas. In the sub periods of Venus

though, I have suffered nothing but misery as Venus is ava yogi. I

was nearly killed in Sun/Venus and I'm now under Moon/Venus and my

parents have lost everything after losing a court battle to try and

re-claim money stolen from them. Moon, 6th lord is in the 7th house

so Venus in is the 8th house from Moon!! is it any wonder exalted

Venus has brought exalted problems.


I also think planets situated in the nakshatras of the ava yogi

become malefic also. Planets situated in the nakshatras of the yogi

planet become benefic and bring good results. I would like to post

the chart of rock star Michael Hutchence from INXS who committed

suicide by hanging himself from his hotel door. They are still not

sure whether he was getting his jollies or actually meant to kill

himself. I have no idea of how to get a chart from my program onto

this page.


He was born in Makara with 8th lord and ava yogi Sun in the lagna on

ashtami day with karla sarpa yoga, he also died on ashtami day! He

had the 7th lord Moon in the 10th in Libra and Mars, Venus and lagna

lord Saturn in the 12th house!!! Is it any wonder he was a world

famous lover!!! Yogi planet Jupiter was in the 11th of gains in the

sex sign Scorpio. Also lagna cusp and 6th and 8th lord were in the

Nakshatra of uttrashadha which is ruled by ava yogi Sun. I haven't

seen much mentioned about yogi and ava yogi in books but in practice

I have solved many mysteries about charts that at first appear



George Bush Jnr has Ava yogi Mars in the 2nd house and it will be

interesting to see the results of when it transits natal Sun very

soon in his 12th house. I can't see how he can win the Presidency

running Saturn Major period and Mars bukti but thats another


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