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horoscope compatibility

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Dear Das, thank you for sharing your understanding of relationships,

it was beautiful. Your ability to capture and explain the hilarious tragedy

of our human condition is a great blessing. Also, thank you for staying

live on the net. As always, with much appreciation for all of your sharing,


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  • 16 years later...
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Re what Manu asked:


>If a person carrying bad yogas for married life finds another horoscope

perfectly matching for him/her , will he/she still suffer from those


yogas and will not have good married life or his/her partner's yogas

will nullify the effect of bad yogas in his/her horoscope and both will

lead a happy life.



I think that the yogas in one's chart will bear their fruit. But, birds

of a feather get along better... so it's important that people be

matched for who they are, not who they are not.


In other words, biker chicks like biker guys, and knarly people get

along best with other knarly people....


And proper Virgos need really tidy guys, and leader types need that

vibration...and so on. So it's not that we throw out common sense when

we hit Jyotish, rather, we bring the two together.


So Jyotish lets us see who is who and so on, but we should still think

like we used to. So if someone has problems, without Jyotish you would

think, let's find someone similar to them in some way, something

complimentary, so that they can get along. Sometimes it's to find some

sort of proper compliment, and other times it's finding someone similar.

Between these two it usually goes.


But in general we find someone similar. So their should be "agreement".

Like my spouse and myself both prefer quiet. It's pretty important to

not match a loud person with a soft person, right?


Many people cannot stand me, and many cannot stand her. So you see, when

we're together, we're happy, but it's based on alot of "weird" that we

both share and agree with. We get alot of stares, because we're both

different, but we get along together. Tons of people really dislike her,

but I don't. And lot's of people dislike me, but she doesn't. My

devotion to liberation, fixation with death, love of quiet, religion,

really intense discussions about bitter truth, and so on, turn most

people OFF big time. But not her. So see, God brought together me and

someone who matches me, but individually, we hardly match anybody at

all. She has terrible marital karma in her chart. TERRRIBLE. But she's

VERY MARRIED and is rather happy about it. We're having a pretty good,

but rocky, relationship. So that's how it goes. It's our karma to

struggle in this arena of life, but spots of happiness and being

generally satisfied enough to go on in life is there for us, me and her,

but her chart, at first glance, is like, well, really bad. And one

famous astrologer looked at mine and pronounced immediately "You will

NEVER have happiness in marriage". OK, thanks buddy. I've had tons of

happiness in relationships, and marriage. Sure, I've also had tons of

unhappiness and angry moments, and frustrations, and so on, but that's

how we learn about the truth- through struggle and dissapointment. It's

not easy being purified of material desire, but that is what's

important. So avoiding all pain, hmmm, is that we want to do?, at ANY

price? I think not. Our goals should be otherwise.


My oldest brother and his wife appear to fight constantly. But they

NEVER talk of separating nor do they say they're upset. It's THEIR WAY.

Every member of their five person family, has debilitated Mars. They all

act frantic all the time. But for them this is "NORMAL". When they come

in, they ask "Where the HELL have YOU been?", and that's considered

friendly.... ;-)


Personally, I cannot STAND being around them. It's WAY too heavy for me.

I cannot find out how to turn my stereo down LOW enough. I wrestle with

the line of inaudibility. Isn't that hilarious? But in the car I like it

so loud that I wrestle with not blowing out my speakers... so weirdoes

need weirdos. That's what astrology helps us to do...match the strangers

to the strangers, and the straight up proper good karma folks too. Let

birds of a feather flock together.


Every "couple" I know has lots of hard stuff to face, usually daily.

Relationships are hard work. Those who can love, accept, forgive, and

serve, in other words, tend to have better relationships, because they

are relationship capable beings. Those who cannot do this, who are only

selfish, projecting problems onto others, and so on, they can never have

good relationships.


So I personally see, without astrology, that some people have what it

takes to "relate" to others, and some do not.


With astrology, we can see why the extreme ones are extreme. So it

depends on the nature of the affliction- how strong it is, whether the

person will have SOME married life which is nice, or NONE at all. The

people I know who have SERIOUS relating problems, and hence no marriage

at all, or only bad stuff constantly, have rather marked afflictions to

the 7th or other things.


Karma is one thing, but our mood is another. That we can adjust somewhat

by our own will. So come what may materially, but the conscious

embodied person must always remember that relationships are material in

the sense of "having someone" here and now. Our bodies are all made up

of the changing material energy, but our conscious selves go on and on.

If we are right with Divinity, then we will have no problems, even in

the midst of many so called problems. Nobody is guaranteed anything. We

have to be incredibly humble to be actually happy.


So accepting one's chart, and accepting that life is really for

frustration and becoming transcendental by that impetus, we can turn our

attitudes to gold, then start giving as fully as possible, to everyone

around us, then watch the happiness return in the form of appreciation

from others, and this is relating properly- to give and give- then

others want to give back.


Afflictions to the marital arena of one's chart can be seen rather

better as:








of who to choose from. In other words, again, let the birds of a feather

flock together. I have a much easier time relating to my second spouse

than my first. So I have lived this personally. It's a matter of overall

lineups and matching. I am a very odd person, and I'm quite convinced

that I am not easy to be around between workaholism and some knarly

habits..and lack of desire to be involved in "normal" things of the

world that people usually do including farting around constantly, meat

eating, not believing in Krishna, and so on, well anyway, even I found

somebody. So, nearly anybody can find somebody. That's true on one level.


But "happiness" and "satisfaction" and so on, are risky words. We get it

somewhat, but never really fully. That's not what life is for, and

that's not what this place is best at delivering to us Jivas. This is

not a shopping market life. Rather, it's more better seen as a Federal

Prison with lots of trees inside. Big deal. It's still prison. We're

still here to pay and learn and rectify. Rectification is saintliness or

becoming Divine in nature, eternal, transcendental, free from false

desires, born of the temporary, and so on.


I hope my sharing has helped.




Das Goravani

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Dear Manu,

In respect to your questins about relationships here is a bit on what my

experiences have shown me. \


If one persons horoscope is afflicted in regards to marriage then the others

is also, they horoscopes complement each other that what. Even if there are

blemishes to the 7th house, etc the people can be happy in thier marriage if

the man is possessed of self esteem and the woman is secure within herself,

if either one of these are not good then people will suffer in thier

marriage when faced with the other person regardless of the 7th house

because the amount of happiness a person expereiences in a relationship is

largel a reflection of themselves.


AN affliction to the 7th house. etc. can indicate the native not getting

along with their spouse, or it could mean difficulties happening to the

spouse that cause the native sadness, or difficulteis coming into the life

after marriage.


I find that at least in the US where there are love marriages, compatibility

readings can benefit the couple to give them an understanding of what is

happeining so that they can tolerate it better, be more acepting of thier

partner, and do what they can to try to creatye more happiness. BUt in cases

when i have had a horoscope of someone with an afflicted 7th house and an

afflicted personality, when they where matcheted with someone they had a

good compatibility with, they would feel no attraction. WHen it comes to

love, the stronger attractions ussually just have more projection of needs

and lack onto a perons who can't fullfil them and so these relationships

usually don't give the metnal peace and family life that is condicive to a

balanced life.


I hope that bit on a very vast subject answers your question to some small



Take Care,




Interested in learning more about Vedic Astrology? www.vedic astrology.net


manu smith <manu_smith

<gjlist >

Monday, May 08, 2000 1:19 PM

[gjlist] horoscope compatibility



> namaste all,

> There is a discussion going on Horoscope compatibity on

> www.rediff.com(a very popular Indian site) - In astrology section .Found

> some of the points good . A quick question --

> If a person carrying bad yogas for married life finds another horoscope

> perfectly matching for him/her , will he/she still suffer from those bad

> yogas and will not have good married life or

> his/her partner's yogas will nullify the effect of bad yogas in his/her

> horoscope and both will lead a happy life.




> ASTROLOGY i.e.horoscope compatibility OR WE HAVE TO CARRY THEM FOR ALL OUR

> LIFE ? )


> One more question how much is responsible the bad yoga(Kuja dosha or so)


> the death of the partner . Are the stars/yogas of a dying person mainly

> responsible or the spouse star's also play a significant role ?


> Comments are welcome.


> regards

> -manu

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> gjlist-



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Namaste all,

Thanks a lot Das for presenting your thoughts in such a nice

way . It always happens to me that when I loose all my hopes I get something

.. When I didn't get any comment on this list , I thought I asked a too

elementry question for you gurus to answer and didn't check the mail box for

last 2-3 days. But Today when I checked it , I got 3 reply's from das ,

wonder ful . But Das, still my second question is unanswered ( Question

regarding the death of the spouse/partner). Please shed some light on this








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