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Dear Anuradha,

Post the Rasi chart ONLY for starters...Lets see.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath




<gjlist >

Monday, April 24, 2000 3:19 AM

[gjlist] Marriage



> Hi, I'm trying to decipher my chart using several posts (two

> posts from Sanjay Rath) that I've seen on the gjlist as a guide. I'm

> new to this so would be interested in your interpretation. Birth

> info: Female, D'3'74, ~4.45a, 17n23, 78e29.


> ---

> "Sanjay Rath" <rath

> "Sanjay Rath" <rath

> "GJLIST" <gjlist, <>

> Re: Second Marriage

> Thu, 16 Mar 2000 17:05:45 +0530


> Jaya Jagannath

> Dear Raghu & all,

> My answers to some of the questions are below:-


> > I understand that one can read the second marriage from the 2nd

> > house (8th

> > from the 7th, or death of the 1st marriage). Does anyone know

> > just how this

> > is done?

> RATH: -

> Let us look at the basics out here first. The signs in the Rasi and

> Navamsa chart have to be studied for marriage.


> A) The seventh house shows the first marriage.

> Thus the seventh house from lagna should show the Physical make

> up of the partner in question and should also show the "Physical

> mating habits" of the person himself.


> B) The Upapada is the Arudha Pada of the 12th house. It is associated

> with the Maya or illusion of this world and things about the effects

> of external environment on the spouse shall be seen from this. For

> example the relationships with Father or mother in Law and other co-

> born are to be seen from this Upapada.


> C) The natural significator is Venus and the seventh Lord from Venus

> has the responsibility to bring the spouse. Thus, the placement of

> this seventh lord from Venus in a movable sign or NavAmsa shall

> indicate that the spouse shall come from a far off place, in a dual

> sign/NavAmsa shall indicate not too far and a fixed sign or division

> shall indicate someone nearby. Other details can be had from the

> nature of this planet and those associating with it.




> A) The end of any house is seen from the second from it. Thus, the

> end of the first marriage is seen from the eighth house which is the

> second from it. Actually this means PHYSICAL SEPARATION.


> In fact if the Upapada is strong, but the seventh house becomes weak

> and eighth house effects are felt, this will mean physical separation

> between the couple and marriage as such may continue to survive in

> this world of illusion. Thus people or outsiders will continue to

> consider the couple as husband and wife when they are physically

> separated.


> B) The second house from the Upapada gives the exact timing of the

> actual breakage of marriage as everyone gets to know that this

> separation, divorce or death of spouse has occured.


> C) The eighth house from Venus will bring those people who will

> activate this breakage of marriage either PHYSICALLY, OR ACTUALLY.



> Having arrived at the eighth house where the end of marriage has

> occured, we examine the seventh from here to find out the possibility

> of re-marriage or the second marriage. Thus,


> A) The second marriage is to be seen from the seventh from eighth or

> second house both in Rasi and Navamsa. This second house is also

> examined for extramarital (Physical) relations outside the first

> marriage. The standard texts give many combinations for this. If Mars

> and Venus associate in a sign of either of them, then this shall

> continue till death. If ketu aspects or conjoins, then this shall be

> checked or controlled. In this manner, this can be examined.


> B) The eighth house from Upapada (being the seventh from the second

> causing break of marriage)shall give the Maya associated with second

> spouse and show the relationships with the parents etc of the second

> spouse.


> C)The second Lord from Venus shall bring the second spouse.


> Q: Do you then read the chart using the 2nd house as the

> > 1st house and

> > then read it?




> A) If the lord of the second is associated with Darapada (A7) then

> the person had physical relationship before the marriage and this by

> itself can be a cause of break of the first marriage.

> In this manner all other things can also be studied.

> >

> > Once you are married once, does that complete the use of the 7th

> > house as

> > the house of marriage?

> No it does not. The seventh house rules the Physical organ of sex and

> this is an aspect of any marriage. The tastes likes and dislikes in

> sexuality or basic sexual instincts do not change. What changes is

> our view and self control over this entire aspect of life. Raghu has

> given a nice reading.



> >

> > Greetings,

> >

> > Firstly, a reminder of my period of study: 7 years only.

> >

> > Now to continue.

> >

> > In my experience, this technique does often work perfectly. That

> > is, taking the 2nd house and it's placement attributes, as

> > significators for the second serious long term relationship, with

> > or without children.

> >

> > This means that you take the chart from the second house.

> > Correct. I usually find that this nicely shows the persons

> > relationship to their second long term relationship.

> >

> > Yes, this means you look at the whole chart from that house, but

> > that can get wild, so mainly just see the house, any planets in

> > it, where it's lord has gone, how nicely is that lord placed etc.

> >

> > The 7th house remains what it is however- that is, it dominates

> > this arena of life as the first significator of it so to speak.

> > Generally you will find people have a "hang up" or as we would

> > rather say "some karma to work out" with a certain TYPE of

> > spouse, and they pick this over and over in life. I have done

> > that, as have many others.

> >

> > Here in the West, where we supposedly have "freedom to date

> > spouses", we find that often people don't use that freedom at all

> > very well, and end up in the same sort of situations over and over.

> >

> > I have seen that syndrome over and over in life- shared

> > attributes between all the spouses a person chooses or happens to

> > fall in together with in life. This is the nature of karma, and

> > it works. So the seventh house will tend to indicate the overall

> > nature of the spouses one experiences.

> >

> > Someone I know well has Jupiter in Aquarius in the seventh. Both

> > I, one of his lifelong closest friends, and his wife, both have

> > Moon in Aquarius, and both have prominent strong Jupiters. So he

> > picks Jupiterized Aquarians. True. It's like that. Remember the

> > seventh is contracts too, so it encompasses all persons who are

> > seriously linked into your life in a committed way or binding way

> > (any way where sharing karma together is guaranteed, as opposed

> > to whimsical relating, which is the 11th (one of the houses which

> > generates those impulses that are bad for the path back to

> Godhead)).


> Rath: Just a small addition on what Raghu has already stated: That

> Moon-Jupiter scene is what is the real life effect of Gajakesari.

> Check your own Moon signs and you will find that people with Jupiter

> in this sign in their own birth charts are the ones who have been

> most beneficial for you. They are like Vishnu for you. Ideally, the

> Jupiter in the male chart and Moon in the female chart should be in

> the same sign. This also indicates that when people come together,

> ther is some kind of an intermingling of their aura or charts. People

> having Natal Rahu in your Natal Moon sign shall cause you some sorrow

> or hurt..and so on. Thus, it will be easy to determine a birth date

> range for looking for a good spouse.


> This principle can also be extended to the Navamsa in a chart.

> This is a part of Brighu's & Jaimini teachings. For example if a

> planet is in a sign (A), then any other planet placed in Navamsa (A)

> or transiting Navamsa (A) shall be influenced by it. Let us say Ketu

> is in Pisces, then the transit of the Sun (in any sign) in the

> navamsa of Ketu can cause conception and pregnancy can result. The

> technical term used in this case for Pisces navamsa is KETVAMSA. In

> this manner, the sign occupied by Jupiter in Rasi chart is called

> Guramsa in the Navamsa or the sign occupied by Lagna in Rasi chart is

> called Lagnamsa in the Navamsa. Planets placed in Lagnamsa activate

> the Lagna during their periods or the days ruled by them. In the same

> way the planets placed in Guramsa activate Jupiter during their

> periods or the days ruled by them. So also do planets transiting such

> specific navamsa activate them. Thus the transit of a planet in a

> particular sign maybe for a long time, but its effect on a specific

> other planet in the Rasi chart shall be for smaller periods.


> >

> > I have found this system works very well. Taking the 2nd for

> > second, 9th for 3rd, 4th for 4th, marriages etc. But they must

> > be serious and long term. Not whimsical...there has to have been

> > serious emotional entanglement and commitment, at least

> > attempted, for a good amount of time, otherwise they show up

> > elsewhere.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Das Goravani

> >

> Best Regards,

> Sanjay Rath

> Sri Jagannath Vedic Center

> 152-B Pocket-C, Mayur Vihar Ph-2, Delhi,

> INDIA 110091.Tel:+91-11-2489531

> Website: http://www.sjvc.net


> ---


> >"Sanjay Rath" <srath

> >gjlist

> ><gjlist >, "Varaha Mihira Jyotish List"

> <varahamihira >

> >[gjlist] Dharma & Marriage

> >Sun, 23 Apr 2000 20:02:40 +0530

> >

> >JAYA JAGANNATHDear Jyotisha,

> >Jaya Jagannath

> >

> >The paper presented by me on the one day seminar on Jyotish hosted

> by the Brahmin Samaj, Faridabad (Haryana, India) is given below. I

> hope you find it interesting. Of course, what I spoke was completely

> extempore and was on Satya/Maya and the Arudha Pada vs. Ist/7th

> house; Horoscope of Sri Ram to understand Mangalik Dosha and some

> other points on how some astrologers are peddling the "perceived

> differences" between the Maharishi's Parasara & Jaimini to sell their

> ware....

> >

> >I hope it was recorded and will try to get it for you (incase you

> are interested).

> >

> >Best Wishes

> >Sanjay Rath

> >

> >

> >

> >---

> ---------

> >

> > Marriage

> >Dharma is the foundation of marriage

> >By Sanjay Rath (Feb 2000)

> >

> >

> >Bhagavan Sri Krishna teaches that the first signs of the fall in

> Dharma is the corruption of women: Extract from: Bhagavat Gita-As it

> is by Srila Prabhupada

> >

> >

> > adharmäbhibhavät kåñëa

> >

> > praduñyanti kula-striyaù

> >

> > stréñu duñöäsu värñëeya

> >

> > jäyate varëa-saìkaraù


> >

> >When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Kåñëa, the women of

> the family become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O

> descendant of Våñëi, comes unwanted progeny. (BG:1.40)

> >

> >

> >

> >Dharma is examined in the ninth house and the one-ninth division of

> signs is called Navamsa. Parasara advises us to examine this

> divisional chart (Navamsa) for spouse as it is the fruit/gains of

> Dharma. Thus the 11th sign from the 9th house is the 7th house which

> shows gains/increase of Dharma and the 12th sign from the 9th house

> in the 8th house which shows loss/decrease of Dharma. Thus, marriage

> indicates an increase of Dharma while widowhood symbolizes a

> destruction of Dharma. In these tense in Hindu wedding the son-in-law

> is regarded as Vishnu as his coming to the family has led to an

> increase in Dharma.

> >

> > The Sun is a significator of Dharma and hence Maharishi

> Jaimini teaches that the Sun can never be a malefic for Upapada

> (Arudha of 12th house symbolizing the Vivaha Mandapa[1]). Rahu is the

> greatest enemy of the Sun and causes its eclipse. Thus Rahu

> symbolizes destruction of Dharma and also widowhood. Saturn is an

> enemy of the Sun and significator of the 8th house (ruling

> widowhood/break in marriage) whereas Jupiter is a friend of the Sun

> and saves marriages by giving children. In fact Chanakya[2] Niti[3]

> teaches that a person who is not desirous of having children should

> not marry. Venus (ruling semen) shows sexuality and physical beauty

> whereas Mars shows the destruction of semen /preservation and

> indicates Brahmacharya[4] thus Mars causes the first error (dosha) on

> the significator of natural procreation. Ketu is always opposite to

> Rahu and both Parasara and Jaimini teach that it causes marriage. In

> fact it indicates the bestiality in man which is controlled by

> worshipping Lord Shiva as Pasupati[5]. The Moon is a significator of

> mother hood and will surely give marriage whereas Mercury the bastard

> son of the Moon indicates Adharma or children etc. born outside

> marriage and thus, obstructs or break the purity of marriage

> relationship. Thus, Jaimini teaches that if Moon & Mercury are in

> mutual trines in the Navamsa the character may fall and marriage vows

> maybe broken while if Mercury is aspected by Jupiter (the pure

> representative of Vishnu) then purity prevails and marriage vows will

> be kept.

> >

> > Scorpio is the natural eighth house of the zodiac and if

> Mercury & Venus are in Scorpio Navamsa then the person is of very

> loose morals. In this manner the various rules/dictums given in the

> classical literature can be understood.

> >

> >

> >

> >Illustrations

> >(Some Birth details are with held for obvious reasons)

> >

> >Chart1: Female born on 31st January 1951.

> >

> >Chart 1 is the Navamsa of a Lady born in a Brahmin family. The sixth

> Lord Mars is in the ninth house aspected by Rahu. Rahu also eclipse

> the Sun and Moon in Lagna. Thus fall in Dharma is to occur. Ketu,

> signifying sexuality is in the seventh house as the 7th Lord Jupiter

> and seventh house are both afflicted by Saturn (a dire malefic

> signifying and ruling the 8th house). Both Venus and Mercury are in

> Scorpio (specific combination for Low morals). The second house from

> Navamsa Lagna in Cancer aspected by Mars & Venus by Rasi drishti.

> Thus all planets point at one thing-fall of Dharma and excessive

> uncontrolled sexuality. This Lady has lost all morals and has had all

> sorts of men in her life.

> >

> >Chart 2 : Female born on 30th May 1954 at 7:40' PM at Delhi, India.

> >

> >In Chart 2 The Lagna is subject to Papakartari Yoga between Rahu,

> Mars and Saturn indicating a life of some kind of bondage. The ninth

> Lord Moon is all placed in the sixth house showing a fall in Dharma.

> Venus in the 8th house is also very evil for marriage. In the Navamsa

> Saturn is in Capricorn Navamsa aspected by Ketu (Rasi Drishti)

> indicating either adultery or Tapaswi (Sanyasi) depending on whether

> Jupiter is strong. Jupiter is afflicted by Rahu's aspect both in Rasi

> and Navamsa and is placed in a Dusthana (8th & 12th) in both Rasi &

> Navamsa. Thus Jupiter is afflicted. In the Navamsa it is under

> Papakartari Yoga between Saturn & Rahu. In female horoscopy Jupiter

> is the significator of husband and unless this is strong, married

> life will not be present or not happy.

> >

> >

> > Venus is in the second house aspected by Mars from the

> eighth showing ability (or talent!) for all kinds of sex. Both

> debilitated Moon and Mercury are in Scorpio indicating excessive

> illegal sexuality and conjoined with Rahu shows the extensive nature

> of these activities. Her life is a sad story of exploitation and rape

> finally leading to the infamous profession of prostitution.

> >


> > There are various remedial measures given for solving

> marriage problems like delay in marriage, divorce etc. Some of them

> are very tamasic like black magic and others give temporary results.

> When it is clearly established that Dharma alone protect the

> purity/marriage then the highest and surest remedy lies in increasing

> Dharma. Bhagwan Vishnu sits in the ninth house of Dharma and

> worshipping him with the Astakshari mantra "OM NAMO NARAYANAYA" or

> meditating with the mantra " OM TAT SAT" is the best remedy. In

> addition, a gemstone of the Lord of ninth house (in Rasi Chart) and

> fasting on days ruled by the Lord of Upapada can be prescribed.

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >---

> -----------

> >

> >[1] Vivaha means marriage and mandapa means the place where this is

> solemnized through Vedic rituals.

> >

> >[2] Kautilya better known as Chanakya was the able administrator and

> Minister of Chandragupta Maurya. His work on administration

> named "Artha Shastra" is the greatest of kind.

> >

> >[3] Niti means code of conduct or behavior.

> >

> >[4] celibacy

> >

> >[5] Pasu: Animal; Pati: Lord; Thus pasupati means Lord of all

> animals including man.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




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> gjlist-





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