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May 4th

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Well, the big day is upon us so soon.


Someone sent me that thing I wrote awhile back about it, and I think

when reading it, wow, I must have been having a bad day. Pretty heavy



I wish to again say what I've said before that I am a nothing

astrologer. I have some abilities on personal charts in certain areas of

life that interest, but mundane world predictions is not something I

know much about.


In any case, I feel that these are key times. I am very aware of the

internet and computer technologies, and I can tell you, and many of you

know, that lately, in the last year, there has been a sudden sort of

critical mass reached in the interconnectivity of technologies with

themselves- like it's becoming completely normal for any company to be

able to access and share it's data in any way anywhere- the ability to

reach into databases freely from one place, and to present e-commerce

the way it's happening on the web, is rocking the soul of the economies

of the world. It's quite heavy. Hence, the rocketing up and down of the

stock markets. It's an unsettling time of unsurity because of massive

changes in the fields of electronic information.


The TV, newspapers, and other technological advancements which preceeded

the internet also had this effect. Now more than ever, the people's of

the world are aware of each other. The position of America materially,

is visually and in every way available to everyone. So we have

situations like an Indian businessman stepping over a cow in the streets

in Delhi, while talking on his cell phone.


Because modern life offers such a diversion into Raja Guna, such as the

capabilities of cell phones, portable computers, travel, TV, etc., etc.,



It is more possible than ever to forget the more basic realities. It's

kindof like the world in general is having it's gross materialism

expansion time in a big way, or trying to. Some are really reaping the

fruits, and others are hungry for them and not getting them.


I got a call today that one prominent OPENLY VEDIC astrologer just

filmed a TV show, kindof a major one that we all have access to, which

will air in late June, in which he is blind tested, and he wins, big

time. It's going to come off that he won. It's going to be quite

convincing I'm told. The blind test audience members are real, it was

all real, and he did great, I'm told.


I see "Sheer Karma" cosmetic ads from Maybeline, the big cosmetics maker

here in the West, and "Karma Bracelets" for sale in large chain

department stores. It's becoming a little bit vogue to be into the

"Rahu" side of life as it's seen here- dressing like you've got an

"Eastern" touch... it's becoming fashionable. It seems there is a trend

towards interest in these matters again, as there was in the sixties



Sometimes little things happen with big effects. For example, on May

4th, something may happen, which is actually the trigger to something

major. But we may not know what that event was. Like for example, the

event whereby one lone Jewish man went into Nazi headquarters and shot

an officer to death, is what seemingly led to "Crystal Night" in

Germany, which seemingly was the blow that ushered in all-out Jewish

hatred there in the 40's- the event that opened the pent up subtle

battle that, into all out battle. So I mean, sometimes singular events

have large places in history, once the dust settles and we have time to

review "what really happened". Maybe it's a bad example. I'm not a

history expert. I'm also not European or Jewish and respect the greater

knowledge many have of this set of events over me. But my point is that

one thing leads to another at times.


I don't know for sure anything big will happen on May 4th. Of course I



One famous astrologer of prominent position wrote a letter about my last

letter on this matter, and he blasted me as a paranoid fanatic trying to

disturb others.




I personally am experiencing some of the most intense times of my life

during these transits. Right now half the zodiac by Lordship sits on my

Venus- the lords of the whole "right side" of my chart, lords of the 8th

through the 1st. On the day and hour that Saturn exactly sits on my

Venus, at that same hour, Venus enters that Aries two in transit. Hmmm.

What's the chances of that happening?


GJ3 is coming along well.


Seems this thing is pretty good eh?


Although it's getting curioser and curioser, I have the Gita and it's

teachings, so I'm fine. How about you?


One interesting thing: You know, so many people worldwide are now

connected by TV and internet- so if something major does happen, and if

there's also some simultaneous popularizing of "Hindu" or "New Age"

answers to the problems, then we may see a Spiritual Explosion. Imagine

the day when the world is suffering something big, and then around that

time some network decides to put up some popular Gurus preaching to

"help the people"... imagine if tons of people started applying

something new in their lives because of it, like a softening of the

hearts caused by calamity and introspection. That would of course be



In San Francisco, in 88, when the big quake hit, I lived there. Clearly,

at that time, people for awhile were so much softer and kinder- the TV

hosts and everybody seemed to have a "pull together" consciousness. So

that is the benefit of calamity, that it causes us to go deeper.


Thanks for listening. As the great astrologer who blasted me said "May

4th will pass like any other day".


I hope not.


Das Goravani, Pres.

Dancing Moon Inc.

2852 Willamette St

PMB 353

Eugene OR 97405






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