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Dharma & Marriage

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Jaya Jagannath


The paper presented by me on the one day seminar on Jyotish hosted by the

Brahmin Samaj, Faridabad (Haryana, India) is given below. I hope you find it

interesting. Of course, what I spoke was completely extempore and was on

Satya/Maya and the Arudha Pada vs. Ist/7th house; Horoscope of Sri Ram to

understand Mangalik Dosha and some other points on how some astrologers are

peddling the "perceived differences" between the Maharishi's Parasara & Jaimini

to sell their ware....


I hope it was recorded and will try to get it for you (incase you are



Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath







Dharma is the foundation of marriage

By Sanjay Rath (Feb 2000)



Bhagavan Sri Krishna teaches that the first signs of the fall in Dharma is the

corruption of women: Extract from: Bhagavat Gita-As it is by Srila Prabhupada



adharmäbhibhavät kåñëa


praduñyanti kula-striyaù


stréñu duñöäsu värñëeya


jäyate varëa-saìkaraù



When irreligion is prominent in the family, O Kåñëa, the women of the family

become polluted, and from the degradation of womanhood, O descendant of Våñëi,

comes unwanted progeny. (BG:1.40)




Dharma is examined in the ninth house and the one-ninth division of signs is

called Navamsa. Parasara advises us to examine this divisional chart (Navamsa)

for spouse as it is the fruit/gains of Dharma. Thus the 11th sign from the 9th

house is the 7th house which shows gains/increase of Dharma and the 12th sign

from the 9th house in the 8th house which shows loss/decrease of Dharma. Thus,

marriage indicates an increase of Dharma while widowhood symbolizes a

destruction of Dharma. In these tense in Hindu wedding the son-in-law is

regarded as Vishnu as his coming to the family has led to an increase in Dharma.


The Sun is a significator of Dharma and hence Maharishi Jaimini

teaches that the Sun can never be a malefic for Upapada (Arudha of 12th house

symbolizing the Vivaha Mandapa[1]). Rahu is the greatest enemy of the Sun and

causes its eclipse. Thus Rahu symbolizes destruction of Dharma and also

widowhood. Saturn is an enemy of the Sun and significator of the 8th house

(ruling widowhood/break in marriage) whereas Jupiter is a friend of the Sun and

saves marriages by giving children. In fact Chanakya[2] Niti[3] teaches that a

person who is not desirous of having children should not marry. Venus (ruling

semen) shows sexuality and physical beauty whereas Mars shows the destruction of

semen /preservation and indicates Brahmacharya[4] thus Mars causes the first

error (dosha) on the significator of natural procreation. Ketu is always

opposite to Rahu and both Parasara and Jaimini teach that it causes marriage. In

fact it indicates the bestiality in man which is controlled by worshipping Lord

Shiva as Pasupati[5]. The Moon is a significator of mother hood and will surely

give marriage whereas Mercury the bastard son of the Moon indicates Adharma or

children etc. born outside marriage and thus, obstructs or break the purity of

marriage relationship. Thus, Jaimini teaches that if Moon & Mercury are in

mutual trines in the Navamsa the character may fall and marriage vows maybe

broken while if Mercury is aspected by Jupiter (the pure representative of

Vishnu) then purity prevails and marriage vows will be kept.


Scorpio is the natural eighth house of the zodiac and if Mercury &

Venus are in Scorpio Navamsa then the person is of very loose morals. In this

manner the various rules/dictums given in the classical literature can be






(Some Birth details are with held for obvious reasons)


Chart1: Female born on 31st January 1951.


Chart 1 is the Navamsa of a Lady born in a Brahmin family. The sixth Lord Mars

is in the ninth house aspected by Rahu. Rahu also eclipse the Sun and Moon in

Lagna. Thus fall in Dharma is to occur. Ketu, signifying sexuality is in the

seventh house as the 7th Lord Jupiter and seventh house are both afflicted by

Saturn (a dire malefic signifying and ruling the 8th house). Both Venus and

Mercury are in Scorpio (specific combination for Low morals). The second house

from Navamsa Lagna in Cancer aspected by Mars & Venus by Rasi drishti. Thus all

planets point at one thing-fall of Dharma and excessive uncontrolled sexuality.

This Lady has lost all morals and has had all sorts of men in her life.


Chart 2 : Female born on 30th May 1954 at 7:40' PM at Delhi, India.


In Chart 2 The Lagna is subject to Papakartari Yoga between Rahu, Mars and

Saturn indicating a life of some kind of bondage. The ninth Lord Moon is all

placed in the sixth house showing a fall in Dharma. Venus in the 8th house is

also very evil for marriage. In the Navamsa Saturn is in Capricorn Navamsa

aspected by Ketu (Rasi Drishti) indicating either adultery or Tapaswi (Sanyasi)

depending on whether Jupiter is strong. Jupiter is afflicted by Rahu's aspect

both in Rasi and Navamsa and is placed in a Dusthana (8th & 12th) in both Rasi &

Navamsa. Thus Jupiter is afflicted. In the Navamsa it is under Papakartari Yoga

between Saturn & Rahu. In female horoscopy Jupiter is the significator of

husband and unless this is strong, married life will not be present or not




Venus is in the second house aspected by Mars from the eighth showing

ability (or talent!) for all kinds of sex. Both debilitated Moon and Mercury are

in Scorpio indicating excessive illegal sexuality and conjoined with Rahu shows

the extensive nature of these activities. Her life is a sad story of

exploitation and rape finally leading to the infamous profession of




There are various remedial measures given for solving marriage

problems like delay in marriage, divorce etc. Some of them are very tamasic like

black magic and others give temporary results. When it is clearly established

that Dharma alone protect the purity/marriage then the highest and surest remedy

lies in increasing Dharma. Bhagwan Vishnu sits in the ninth house of Dharma and

worshipping him with the Astakshari mantra "OM NAMO NARAYANAYA" or meditating

with the mantra " OM TAT SAT" is the best remedy. In addition, a gemstone of the

Lord of ninth house (in Rasi Chart) and fasting on days ruled by the Lord of

Upapada can be prescribed.











[1] Vivaha means marriage and mandapa means the place where this is solemnized

through Vedic rituals.


[2] Kautilya better known as Chanakya was the able administrator and Minister of

Chandragupta Maurya. His work on administration named "Artha Shastra" is the

greatest of kind.


[3] Niti means code of conduct or behavior.


[4] celibacy


[5] Pasu: Animal; Pati: Lord; Thus pasupati means Lord of all animals including






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Wow, Sanjay,

Your paper on Dharma and Marriage is fascinating. I have 7th lord Sun

conjunct Rahu in 11th and aspected by exalted Saturn (who is conjunct Venus

in 9th). Mars is in lagna thus aspecting 7th and 8th. However, Jupiter is

exalted and Rx in 6th. How would Jupiter affect the marriage/dharma

situation? Do you see exalted Jupiter Rx functioning as as if debilitated,

thus malefic, or just somewhat different? Am currently in Jupiter/Saturn

dasa/bhukti. I'm rather curious about the exalted retrograde planet and your

opinion of that.

You know what else is funny? I have Moon in 7th, and sometimes it is

hard to know reading the chart from Chandra Lagna, who is being affected, the

spouse or the self. I would be interested in hearing from others with Moon

in 7th--actually, hearing about experiences from people with Moon in

different houses and interpreting the charts from Chandra Lagna would be



Robin Welch

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I too have Moon in 7th. From my perspective, I interpret this to mean that

my mind is very invested in relationships and the others in my life (which

has been the case). Moon in a kendra aspecting the 1st is a strong

position and would make that person exhibit typical attributes of the moon

such as emotion, intuition, changeability...


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