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RV: yogi point

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-----Mensaje original-----

De: jorge baquero <deva

Para: gjlist <gjlist >

Fecha: Viernes 7 de Abril de 2000 9:29 AM

Asunto: [gjlist] yogi point



>Dear list members,

>Could any of you give some information about Yogi Point, Ava Yogi,

Duplicate Yogi, Yogi Star, how are they calculated and what is the use of


















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Om Krishnaaya Namah


Hi Jorge,


I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure there is an

article about the Yogi point stuff in "Hindu Astrology

Lessons" (edited) by Rick Houck. In brief, these are

points related to prosperity. To calculate the Yogi

point, convert the Sun and Moon longitude's into 360º

format, and then add them together and that add

93º20'. See what Nakshatra, this longitude comes to,

and this is the Yoga point with it's Lord being the

Yogi. Add 186º40' to this to get the Avayoga point and

it's Lord is the Avayogi. The Yogi promotes wealth and

prosperity, while the Avayogi is bad for these things.

What you want (although, maybe not) is a strong Yogi,

and a weak Avayogi. A strong Yogi is good for

prosperity while a weak one is not so good, while a

strong Avayogi is bad for prosperity, while a weak one

is not so bad. Then you just have to integrate these

points and planets into analysis. So, a Yogi who

participates in Dhana Yoga's is helpful, while an

Avayogi in Dhana Yoga's weakens the Yoga, or if it's

in a Daridra Yogi, it strengthens it. Dasha's of

Planets, associating with nice strong Yogi's will

obviously be wealth giving, while those with Strong

Avayogi's will be detrimental to prosperity. You get

the picture. To take an example, you may remember a

document sent by Richard DiNucci to the list, about

the Parivrittidwaya Hora chart. From this, let's take

the first example chart:



* 1* 2* 3* 4*

* LAG * MOO * * *

* VEN * MAR * * *

* Pi* SAT Ar* Ta* Ge*


* SUN 12* * 5*

* RAH * * *

* MER * * *

* Aq* * Ca*

************* *************

* 11* * KET 6*

* * * *

* * * *

* Cp* * Le*


* 10* 9* 8* PLU 7*

* * NEP * * *

* * * * *

* Sa* Sc* JUP Li* URA Vi*




Degree......3° Gem


Yogi Star...Mrgashira


This guy is in his twenties (actually just entered

thirties), and began his own business about two years

ago. Despite being in his twenties, he is on a REALLY

high income. Look at his chart and you see that Yogi

Mars is very strong, in his own Dhana Bhava, and is

participating in a Chandra Managala Yoga. While there

is Saturn there, he gets Neecha Bhanga in a number of

ways and so is perhaps not that bad (if not helpful as

Lord of 10 and 11). We see that on the other hand,

Ketu is weaker as the Avayogi, since he in the sixth

in Leo (Sun - remember the Sun and Moon told on him).


Hope it's helped,






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The info. on yogi and ava yogi was great, but I

was wondering, what would happen if the Yogi and Ava

yogi planets are conjunct??


Saravanan Markandeyan


--- Pursottam Dabasia <pursottam_dabasia


> Om Krishnaaya Namah


> Hi Jorge,


> I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure there is an

> article about the Yogi point stuff in "Hindu

> Astrology

> Lessons" (edited) by Rick Houck. In brief, these are

> points related to prosperity. To calculate the Yogi

> point, convert the Sun and Moon longitude's into

> 360º

> format, and then add them together and that add

> 93º20'. See what Nakshatra, this longitude comes to,

> and this is the Yoga point with it's Lord being the

> Yogi. Add 186º40' to this to get the Avayoga point

> and

> it's Lord is the Avayogi. The Yogi promotes wealth

> and

> prosperity, while the Avayogi is bad for these

> things.

> What you want (although, maybe not) is a strong

> Yogi,

> and a weak Avayogi. A strong Yogi is good for

> prosperity while a weak one is not so good, while a

> strong Avayogi is bad for prosperity, while a weak

> one

> is not so bad. Then you just have to integrate these

> points and planets into analysis. So, a Yogi who

> participates in Dhana Yoga's is helpful, while an

> Avayogi in Dhana Yoga's weakens the Yoga, or if it's

> in a Daridra Yogi, it strengthens it. Dasha's of

> Planets, associating with nice strong Yogi's will

> obviously be wealth giving, while those with Strong

> Avayogi's will be detrimental to prosperity. You get

> the picture. To take an example, you may remember a

> document sent by Richard DiNucci to the list, about

> the Parivrittidwaya Hora chart. From this, let's

> take

> the first example chart:


> *************************************************

> * 1* 2* 3* 4*

> * LAG * MOO * * *

> * VEN * MAR * * *

> * Pi* SAT Ar* Ta* Ge*

> *************************************************

> * SUN 12* * 5*

> * RAH * * *

> * MER * * *

> * Aq* * Ca*

> ************* *************

> * 11* * KET 6*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * Cp* * Le*

> *************************************************

> * 10* 9* 8* PLU 7*

> * * NEP * * *

> * * * * *

> * Sa* Sc* JUP Li* URA Vi*

> *************************************************


> Yogi........Mars

> Degree......3° Gem

> Avayogi.....Ketu

> Yogi Star...Mrgashira


> This guy is in his twenties (actually just entered

> thirties), and began his own business about two

> years

> ago. Despite being in his twenties, he is on a


> high income. Look at his chart and you see that Yogi

> Mars is very strong, in his own Dhana Bhava, and is

> participating in a Chandra Managala Yoga. While

> there

> is Saturn there, he gets Neecha Bhanga in a number

> of

> ways and so is perhaps not that bad (if not helpful

> as

> Lord of 10 and 11). We see that on the other hand,

> Ketu is weaker as the Avayogi, since he in the sixth

> in Leo (Sun - remember the Sun and Moon told on

> him).


> Hope it's helped,


> Pursottam





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> http://mail..co.uk

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>Hope it's helped,





namaste, Pursottam.


It certainly is of benefit to me. Thank you for taking time to post this.


...namaste, David


David LaGrone Your AdvoCare Distributor

P. O. Box 832736 (972) 930-0802

Richardson, TX 75083-2736 E-mail: dvdlagr

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Om Krishnaaya Namah


Hello Saravanan


>>what would happen if the Yogi and Ava yogi planets

are conjunct??<<


Well, the first thing to remember is that this is an

additional technique. I don't know where I saw or read

this line, but when somebody was using make-up,

somebody else said "make-up should be used to enhance

beauty, not as a substitute", and it's similar in this

case. Use it to enhance analysis after seeing the

Dhana and Raja Yoga's, house analysis, Hora chart etc.

But then also remember that even when conjunct, these

two planets won't be in the same situation. What's a

friend for one planet, may be an enemy for another, so

check it out completely. Also, bear in mind even if

the planets are conjunct, the two points are still

gonna be different. Use them as well.


Hope this is helpful,






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