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Iran seeks contact with 'Great Satan'

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By Farshid Motahari May 8, 2006, 12:55 GMT

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Tehran - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is indeed always good for a surprise.

Last year he suddenly called for the eradication of Israel from the Middle East, later he proposed relocation of the Jewish state to other places like Alaska, and just recently he ironically remarked that he would hang UN Security Council resolutions 'on the wall.'


But his biggest surprise came on Monday when the foreign ministry disclosed that Ahmadinejad has sent a letter to his political arch- enemy US President George W. Bush via the Swiss embassy in Tehran, which represents the interests of the United States.

The letter is the first direct contact between the presidents of Iran and the US in the last 27 years.


The two states severed diplomatic ties following the 1979 occupation of the American embassy in Tehran by radical students' groups.

Since then the two sides have followed a hostile course with Tehran branding the US a 'Great Satan' and Washington accusing Iran of supporting terrorism and being part of the 'axis of evil' because of its nuclear programme.


'The initiative might sound odd, but is quite smart,' said a political analyst in Tehran.


'Ahmadinejad shows to the world that Iran is not after confrontation with the West over the nuclear dispute, does not want an escalation of the crisis and is even ready to seek contact with Bush who considers Iran as one of the worst enemies of his country,' he added.


The UN Security Council is currently evaluating a draft resolution by the US and the European Union trio Britain, France and Germany which is to threaten Iran with chapter 7 of the UN charter - economic sanctions and even military operations - if the Islamic state does not suspend the uranium enrichment process.


The foreign ministry did disclose any details about the contents of the letter, but said the letter contains proposals on 'how to get out of the fragile status quo of the world.'


'After several European officials and even (UN Secretary General) Kofi Annan called on the US to talk directly with Iran over the nuclear dispute, Ahmadinejad himself took the initiative and made the first step for the contact,' an UN official in Tehran said.

Observers believe that Ahmadinejad's initiative has not been an individual but an unanimous state decision to cool down the tensions over the nuclear dispute, especially as not only the US but also the European Union is gradually losing patience with Iran's antagonistic approach towards international demands to suspend the enrichment process.

'This letter is not only addressed to Bush alone but also to the world public opinion,' Abbas Salimi-Namin, the head of Iran's Historic Studies Office, told the ISNA news agency.

Iranian journalistic circles believe that the letter contains reassurances that Iran's nuclear programme is for peaceful and not military purposes, a reminder that Iran has never initiated a war in the last three decades and a proposal to the US for cooperating with Iran in uranium enrichment.

They further predict that Ahmadinejad has also called in the letter on Bush to withdraw his troops from Iraq and enable a fair solution to the Palestinian issue by allowing a referendum with the participation of all Palestinians, including refugees.

Ahmadinejad is also expected to reiterate the Iranian proposal to hold an international forum to define the term terrorism, not brand freedom-fighters such the Hamas group in Palestine as terrorists, and explore effective ways to fight 'real' terrorism.

Observers, however, doubt that Ahmadinejad has made any concessions on the continuation of Iran's nuclear programme or rejection of Israel's sovereignty.

'The main question is whether the Americans would take the letter seriously, especially as it's written by someone like Ahmadinejad who wants Israel out of the world map, doubts the extent of the Holocaust and does not care about resolutions issued by the Security Council,' a European diplomat in Tehran said.



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Just more examples of his unpredictable and unstable nature - what kind of fool would take his 11th hour change of heart seriously? Rather he is trying to gain a little confidence thinking to bring down the guard a little then - he'll do some nasty thing.


As noted by so many others - Iran must make CLEAR efforts to convince the world [may take more than a few years to do] that they don't want to wipe out Israel and later attack the west for its support of Israel.


Myself - I wouldn't EVER believe a word the President of Iran says in this connection [nor any other replacements from the present group of leaders] - he is well past the point of proving that he is hate and ignorance personified - it's ALL that clear to me!


So whatever way it goes - be not fooled by 11th hour changes of heart...



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Just more examples of his unpredictable and unstable nature - what kind of fool would take his 11th hour change of heart seriously?Rather he is trying to gain a little confidence thinking to bring down the guard a little then - he'll do some nasty thing.


As noted by so many others - Iran must make CLEAR efforts to convince the world [may take more than a few years to do] that they don't want to wipe out Israel and later attack the west for its support of Israel.


Myself - I wouldn't EVER believe a word the President of Iran says in this connection [nor any other replacements from the present group of leaders] - he is well past the point of proving that he is hate and ignorance personified - it's ALL that clear to me!


So whatever way it goes - be not fooled by 11th hour changes of heart...




Islam Is as Islam Does:smash:


By Barbara J. Stock




There are people in <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /><ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">America</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>who still do not realize that our country is at war. :eek2: This is astounding considering all of the threats that Islamic terrorists and leaders have been issuing lately. These unenlightened folks consider President Bush the enemy, so Bush is actually fighting a war on two fronts. One is with Islam, the real enemy, and the other is with American leftists who are more concerned about regaining their power than the safety of the country. Sometimes it’s difficult to sort out which is more dangerous.

In the rush to Bush-bash, the liberals in <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">America</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>are unwittingly handing a victory to Islam. Several retired American generals have joined the left and have publicly spoken out against a sitting president during wartime. Islamics instantly picked up on this fact and referred to this action as a “mutiny” within the American military. Apparently, Islamics don’t realize what “retired” means. Sadly, most of this “mutiny” is due to old-time military men who want to keep an old-time military.

The liberal media report that suicides are up within the military, but they fail to report that the suicide rate within the military is less than half that of the general population. When the Islamics parrot the same fact, it was heralded as a great victory for Islam. Their message was that American soldiers would rather kill themselves than face the brave Muslim warriors. The truth is actually the reverse. Brave Muslim warriors would rather dress as women and blow themselves up killing fellow Muslims praying in a mosque than face an American soldier. Of course, that is not described as suicide by Muslims. Instead, it has been given the colorful label of “martyrdom.” It is never explained by Islamic leaders how praying fellow Muslims in a mosque are a threat to Islam.

The American left insists that we must encourage the “moderate” Muslim clerics to speak out against the terrorists. Those “moderate” clerics are quietly being killed by the much stronger and violent Islamic leaders. It should surprise no one that most non-violent mullahs are afraid to speak out against the slaughter.

Last week in <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Iraq</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>, the sister of the new vice-president was gunned down in the street. Her only crime was being related to a man in the new Iraqi government. Islamics think nothing of killing a helpless woman to send a message. But if pictures of a Muslim are released with a bag on his head, Islamics go crazy with rage. Pages from the Bible are used as toilet paper, but if an infidel accidentally splashes water on a Quran, riots break out.

Then there is <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>. <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"> <ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>claims it has never attacked another country. Technically, <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>committed an act of war when the American embassy was overrun and the Americans within that embassy were taken hostage. Every embassy is considered the sovereign soil of the country that occupies it. Therefore, <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>invaded American soil that day and attacked another country. <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"> <ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>has funded terrorists the world over. Those terrorist groups have blown up embassies, ships, and commercial planes full of innocent people. <ST1:COUNTRY-REGION w:st="on"><ST1:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</ST1:PLACE> </ST1:COUNTRY-REGION>’s largest export is not oil, but state-sponsored terrorism.

The Islamic leaders in Iran feel it is their destiny to start the culture war between Islam and the West. This war will herald the return of the twelfth Imam and his return will signal victory for Islam over the world. Iran has just received missiles from North Korea that can be equipped with nuclear warheads and these missiles can easily reach the capitals of Europe.

Now, like the school-yard bully, Iran is huffing and puffing about revenge if it is attacked. Iran can send armies of suicide bombers and all together those armies could not inflict the damage that American bombers could do to Iran in a week. Iran has thumbed its nose at the United Nations. Perhaps some Iranians have short memories.

In the weeks leading up to the liberation of Kuwait, Iraq was pounded nightly by American bombs. There was a video of an Iranian man standing on the outskirts of his town many miles from the Iran/Iraq border. He was watching the night sky being lit up by the bombs and under his feet he could feel the ground shake. He waved his hands and thanked Allah for not being under those bombs. He said he had never witnessed such power.

Even though our troops are spread around the world, America still possesses this power. Iran may soon be under those bombs and its ground will shake much more than it did when the bombs fell miles away. All of Iran’s clever little weapon systems will not protect it. Designed for show, these weapons will be of little use to it if American might is unleashed. Iran’s cute little boats with high-speed torpedoes will never make it out of the harbor.

Unlike Islamics, America will not target women and children. We will target Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iran must not be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon. One does not allow a small child to play with a loaded gun and the world cannot allow the religiously insane Islamic leaders of Iran to have a weapon that is capable of wiping out millions of people.

Yet, even here in America there are those who feel that it is Iran’s right to have such weapons. More than likely, if President Bush agreed that it was Iran’s right, these same people would jump to the other side of the argument and demand that Iran be disarmed. These misguided folks don’t care what Iran does. They seem to feel it doesn’t concern them. After all, that is the Middle East’s problem, not an American problem. Leftists don’t care what Germany does…sorry, what Iran does. They don’t seem to care that Islamics are slaughtering people all over the world. Leftists ignore that Islam proclaims it will rule the world.

Islam is killing people. Islam is killing non-Muslims and Muslims. Islam is killing old and young. Islam is killing Jews and Christians and Hindus. Islam is moving across the world like a dark, evil cloud. When will the free world realize that Islam is as Islam does?

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Islam Is as Islam Does:smash:


By Barbara J. Stock




There are people in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>:PLACE w:st="on">America</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>who still do not realize that our country is at war. :eek2: This is astounding considering all of the threats that Islamic terrorists and leaders have been issuing lately. These unenlightened folks consider President Bush the enemy, so Bush is actually fighting a war on two fronts. One is with Islam, the real enemy, and the other is with American leftists who are more concerned about regaining their power than the safety of the country. Sometimes it’s difficult to sort out which is more dangerous.

In the rush to Bush-bash, the liberals in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>:PLACE w:st="on">America</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>are unwittingly handing a victory to Islam. Several retired American generals have joined the left and have publicly spoken out against a sitting president during wartime. Islamics instantly picked up on this fact and referred to this action as a “mutiny” within the American military. Apparently, Islamics don’t realize what “retired” means. Sadly, most of this “mutiny” is due to old-time military men who want to keep an old-time military.

The liberal media report that suicides are up within the military, but they fail to report that the suicide rate within the military is less than half that of the general population. When the Islamics parrot the same fact, it was heralded as a great victory for Islam. Their message was that American soldiers would rather kill themselves than face the brave Muslim warriors. The truth is actually the reverse. Brave Muslim warriors would rather dress as women and blow themselves up killing fellow Muslims praying in a mosque than face an American soldier. Of course, that is not described as suicide by Muslims. Instead, it has been given the colorful label of “martyrdom.” It is never explained by Islamic leaders how praying fellow Muslims in a mosque are a threat to Islam.

The American left insists that we must encourage the “moderate” Muslim clerics to speak out against the terrorists. Those “moderate” clerics are quietly being killed by the much stronger and violent Islamic leaders. It should surprise no one that most non-violent mullahs are afraid to speak out against the slaughter.

Last week in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>:PLACE w:st="on">Iraq</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>, the sister of the new vice-president was gunned down in the street. Her only crime was being related to a man in the new Iraqi government. Islamics think nothing of killing a helpless woman to send a message. But if pictures of a Muslim are released with a bag on his head, Islamics go crazy with rage. Pages from the Bible are used as toilet paper, but if an infidel accidentally splashes water on a Quran, riots break out.

Then there is <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>. <st1:country-region w:st="on"> <st1>:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>claims it has never attacked another country. Technically, <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>committed an act of war when the American embassy was overrun and the Americans within that embassy were taken hostage. Every embassy is considered the sovereign soil of the country that occupies it. Therefore, <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>invaded American soil that day and attacked another country. <st1:country-region w:st="on"> <st1>:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>has funded terrorists the world over. Those terrorist groups have blown up embassies, ships, and commercial planes full of innocent people. <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1>:PLACE w:st="on">Iran</st1>:PLACE> </st1:country-region>’s largest export is not oil, but state-sponsored terrorism.

The Islamic leaders in Iran feel it is their destiny to start the culture war between Islam and the West. This war will herald the return of the twelfth Imam and his return will signal victory for Islam over the world. Iran has just received missiles from North Korea that can be equipped with nuclear warheads and these missiles can easily reach the capitals of Europe.

Now, like the school-yard bully, Iran is huffing and puffing about revenge if it is attacked. Iran can send armies of suicide bombers and all together those armies could not inflict the damage that American bombers could do to Iran in a week. Iran has thumbed its nose at the United Nations. Perhaps some Iranians have short memories.

In the weeks leading up to the liberation of Kuwait, Iraq was pounded nightly by American bombs. There was a video of an Iranian man standing on the outskirts of his town many miles from the Iran/Iraq border. He was watching the night sky being lit up by the bombs and under his feet he could feel the ground shake. He waved his hands and thanked Allah for not being under those bombs. He said he had never witnessed such power.

Even though our troops are spread around the world, America still possesses this power. Iran may soon be under those bombs and its ground will shake much more than it did when the bombs fell miles away. All of Iran’s clever little weapon systems will not protect it. Designed for show, these weapons will be of little use to it if American might is unleashed. Iran’s cute little boats with high-speed torpedoes will never make it out of the harbor.

Unlike Islamics, America will not target women and children. We will target Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iran must not be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon. One does not allow a small child to play with a loaded gun and the world cannot allow the religiously insane Islamic leaders of Iran to have a weapon that is capable of wiping out millions of people.

Yet, even here in America there are those who feel that it is Iran’s right to have such weapons. More than likely, if President Bush agreed that it was Iran’s right, these same people would jump to the other side of the argument and demand that Iran be disarmed. These misguided folks don’t care what Iran does. They seem to feel it doesn’t concern them. After all, that is the Middle East’s problem, not an American problem. Leftists don’t care what Germany does…sorry, what Iran does. They don’t seem to care that Islamics are slaughtering people all over the world. Leftists ignore that Islam proclaims it will rule the world.

Islam is killing people. Islam is killing non-Muslims and Muslims. Islam is killing old and young. Islam is killing Jews and Christians and Hindus. Islam is moving across the world like a dark, evil cloud. When will the free world realize that Islam is as Islam does?


I agree - cent percent...

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Just more examples of his unpredictable and unstable nature - what kind of fool would take his 11th hour change of heart seriously? Rather he is trying to gain a little confidence thinking to bring down the guard a little then - he'll do some nasty thing.


As noted by so many others - Iran must make CLEAR efforts to convince the world [may take more than a few years to do] that they don't want to wipe out Israel and later attack the west for its support of Israel.


Myself - I wouldn't EVER believe a word the President of Iran says in this connection [nor any other replacements from the present group of leaders] - he is well past the point of proving that he is hate and ignorance personified - it's ALL that clear to me!


So whatever way it goes - be not fooled by 11th hour changes of heart...




...the letter was 17 or 18 pages long and covered history, philosophy and religion...




I rather think it was false history - bent philosophy and - apostate religion.


In those 17-18 pages did he disparage the Israelis and the Jews again - did he try to convince Mr. Bush to join him in these well known maledicted perspectives?


Of course we knew that the U.S. isn't that naïve - thank God!



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<TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>Source: Le Monde repost on Chris Floyd - Empire Burlesque</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD vAlign=top>Published: May 9, 2006 Author: Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD vAlign=top></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


<!-- -->Mr George Bush,

President of the United States of America


For sometime now I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international arena -- which are being constantly debated, specially in political forums and amongst university students.


Many questions remain unanswered.


These have prompted me to discuss some of the contradictions and questions, in the hopes that it might bring about an opportunity to redress them. Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the great Messenger of God, Feel obliged to respect human rights, Present liberalism as a civilization model, Announce one’s opposition to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and WMDs, Make “War and Terror” his slogan, And finally, Work towards the establishment of a unified international community – a community which Christ and the virtuous of the Earth will one day govern, But at the same time, Have countries attacked; The lives, reputations and possessions of people destroyed and on the slight chance of the … of a … criminals in a village city, or convoy for example the entire village, city or convey set ablaze.


Or because of the possibility of the existence of WMDs in one country, it is occupied, around one hundred thousand people killed, its water sources, agriculture and industry destroyed, close to 180,000 foreign troops put on the ground, sanctity of private homes of citizens broken, and the country pushed back perhaps fifty years.


At what price? Hundreds of billions of dollars spent from the treasury of one country and certain other countries and tens of thousands of young men and women – as occupation troops – put in harms way, taken away from family and love ones, their hands stained with the blood of others, subjected to so much psychological pressure that everyday some commit suicide ant those returning home suffer depression, become sickly and grapple with all sorts of aliments; while some are killed and their bodies handed of their families.


On the pretext of the existence of WMDs, this great tragedy came to engulf both the peoples of the occupied and the occupying country.


Later it was revealed that no WMDs existed to begin with. Of course Saddam was a murderous dictator. But the war was not waged to topple him, the announced goal of the war was to find and destroy weapons of mass destruction. He was toppled along the way towards another goal, nevertheless the people of the region are happy about it. I point out that throughout the many years of the … war on Iran Saddam was supported by the West.


Mr President, You might know that I am a teacher.



My students ask me how can theses actions be reconciled with the values outlined at the beginning of this letter and duty to the tradition of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the Messenger of peace and forgiveness.


There are prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that have not been tried, have no legal representation, their families cannot see them and are obviously kept in a strange land outside their own country.


There is no international monitoring of their conditions and fate.


No one knows whether they are prisoners, POWs, accused or criminals.


European investigators have confirmed the existence of secret prisons in Europe too.


I could not correlate the abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system.


For that matter, I fail to understand how such actions correspond to the values outlined in the beginning of this letter, i.e.


the teachings of Jesus Christ (PBUH), human rights and liberal values.


Young people, university students and ordinary people have many questions about the phenomenon of Israel.


I am sure you are familiar with some of them.


Throughout history many countries have been occupied, but I think the establishment of a new country with a new people, is a new phenomenon that is exclusive to our times.


Students are saying that sixty years ago such a country did no exist.


The show old documents and globes and say try as we have, we have not been able to find a country named Israel.


I tell them to study the history of WWI and II.


One of my students told me that during WWII, which more than tens of millions of people perished in, news about the war, was quickly disseminated by the warring parties.


Each touted their victories and the most recent battlefront defeat of the other party.


After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed.


Six million people that were surely related to at least two million families.


Again let us assume that these events are true.


Does that logically translate into the establishment of the state of Israel in the Middle East or support for such a state? How can this phenomenon be rationalised or explained? Mr President, I am sure you know how – and at what cost – Israel was established: - Many thousands were killed in the process.


- Millions of indigenous people were made refugees.


- Hundred of thousands of hectares of farmland, olive plantations, towns and villages were destroyed.


This tragedy is not exclusive to the time of establishment; unfortunately it has been ongoing for sixty years now.


A regime has been established which does not show mercy even to kids, destroys houses while the occupants are still in them, announces beforehand its list and plans to assassinate Palestinian figures and keeps thousands of Palestinians in prison.


Such a phenomenon is unique – or at the very least extremely rare – in recent memory.


Another big question asked by people is why is this regime being supported? Is support for this regime in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ (PBUH) or Moses (PBUH) or liberal values? Or are we to understand that allowing the original inhabitants of these lands – inside and outside Palestine – whether they are Christian, Muslim or Jew, to determine their fate, runs contrary to principles of democracy, human rights and the teachings of prophets? If not, why is there so much opposition to a referendum? The newly elected Palestinian administration recently took office.


All independent observes have confirmed that this government represents the electorate.


Unbelievingly, they have put the elected government under pressure and have advised it to recognise the Israeli regime, abandon the struggle and follow the programs of the previous government.


If the current Palestinian government had run on the above platform, would the Palestinian people have voted for it? Again, can such position taken in opposition to the Palestinian government be reconciled with the values outlined earlier? The people are also saying “why are all UNSC resolutions in condemnation of Israel vetoed?” Mr President, As you are well aware, I live amongst the people and am in constant contact with them -- many people from around the Middle East manage to contact me as well.


They dot not have faith in these dubious policies either.


There is evidence that the people of the region are becoming increasingly angry with such policies.


It is not my intention to pose to many questions, but I need to refer to other points as well.


Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime? Is not scientific R&D one of the basic rights of nations.


You are familiar with history.


Aside from the Middle Ages, in what other point in history has scientific and technical progress been a crime? Can the possibility of scientific achievements being utilised for military purposes be reason enough to oppose science and technology altogether? If such a supposition is true, then all scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, engineering, etc.


must be opposed.


Lies were told in the Iraqi matter.


What was the result? I have no doubt that telling lies is reprehensible in any culture, and you do not like to be lied to.


Mr President, Don’t Latin Americans have the right to ask, why their elected governments are being opposed and coup leaders supported? Or, why must they constantly be threatened and live in fear? The people of Africa are hardworking, creative and talented.


They can play an important and valuable role in providing for the needs of humanity and contribute to its material and spiritual progress.


Poverty and hardship in large parts of Africa are preventing this from happening.


Don’t they have the right to ask why their enormous wealth – including minerals – is being looted, despite the fact that they need it more than others? Again, do such actions correspond to the teachings of Christ and the tenets of human rights? The brave and faithful people of Iran too have many questions and grievances, including: the coup d’etat of 1953 and the subsequent toppling of the legal government of the day, opposition to the Islamic revolution, transformation of an Embassy into a headquarters supporting, the activities of those opposing the Islamic Republic (many thousands of pages of documents corroborates this claim), support for Saddam in the war waged against Iran, the shooting down of the Iranian passenger plane, freezing the assets of the Iranian nation, increasing threats, anger and displeasure vis-à-vis the scientific and nuclear progress of the Iranian nation (just when all Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country’s progress), and many other grievances that I will not refer to in this letter.


Mr President, September Eleven was a horrendous incident.


The killing of innocents is deplorable and appalling in any part of the world.


Our government immediately declared its disgust with the perpetrators and offered its condolences to the bereaved and expressed its sympathies.


All governments have a duty to protect the lives, property and good standing of their citizens.


Reportedly your government employs extensive security, protection and intelligence systems – and even hunts its opponents abroad.


September eleven was not a simple operation.


Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess.


Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why aren’t those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial? All governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their citizens.


For some years now, the people of your country and neighbours of world trouble spots do not have peace of mind.


After 9.11, instead of healing and tending to the emotional wounds of the survivors and the American people – who had been immensely traumatised by the attacks – some Western media only intensified the climates of fear and insecurity – some constantly talked about the possibility of new terror attacks and kept the people in fear.


Is that service to the American people? Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic? American citizen lived in constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place.


They felt insecure in the streets, in their place of work and at home.


Who would be happy with this situation? Why was the media, instead of conveying a feeling of security and providing peace of mind, giving rise to a feeling of insecurity? Some believe that the hype paved the way – and was the justification – for an attack on Afghanistan.


Again I need to refer to the role of media.


In media charters, correct dissemination of information and honest reporting of a story are established tenets.


I express my deep regret about the disregard shown by certain Western media for these principles.


The main pretext for an attack on Iraq was the existence of WMDs.


This was repeated incessantly – for the public to, finally, believe – and the ground set for an attack on Iraq.


Will the truth not be lost in a contrive and deceptive climate? Again, if the truth is allowed to be lost, how can that be reconciled with the earlier mentioned values? Is the truth known to the Almighty lost as well? Mr President, In countries around the world, citizens provide for the expenses of governments so that their governments in turn are able to serve them.


The question here is “what has the hundreds of billions of dollars, spent every year to pay for the Iraqi campaign, produced for the citizens?” As your Excellency is aware, in some states of your country, people are living in poverty.


Many thousands are homeless and unemployment is a huge problem.


Of course these problems exist – to a larger or lesser extent – in other countries as well.


With these conditions in mind, can the gargantuan expenses of the campaign – paid from the public treasury – be explained and be consistent with the aforementioned principles? What has been said, are some of the grievances of the people around the world, in our region and in your country.


But my main contention – which I am hoping you will agree to some of it – is: Those in power have specific time in office, and do not rule indefinitely, but their names will be recorded in history and will be constantly judged in the immediate and distant futures.


The people will scrutinize our presidencies.


Did we manage to bring peace, security and prosperity for the people or insecurity and unemployment? Did we intend to establish justice, or just supported especial interest groups, and by forcing many people to live in poverty and hardship, made a few people rich and powerful – thus trading the approval of the people and the Almighty with theirs’? Did we defend the rights of the underprivileged or ignore them? Did we defend the rights of all people around the world or imposed wars on them, interfered illegally in their affairs, established hellish prisons and incarcerated some of them? Did we bring the world peace and security or raised the specter of intimidation and threats? Did we tell the truth to our nation and others around the world or presented an inverted version of it? Were we on the side of people or the occupiers and oppressors? Did our administration set out to promote rational behaviour, logic, ethics, peace, fulfilling obligations, justice, service to the people, prosperity, progress and respect for human dignity or the force of guns.


Intimidation, insecurity, disregard for the people, delaying the progress and excellence of other nations, and trample on people’s rights? And finally, they will judge us on whether we remained true to our oath of office – to serve the people, which is our main task, and the traditions of the prophets – or not? Mr President, How much longer can the world tolerate this situation? Where will this trend lead the world to?


How long must the people of the world pay for the incorrect decisions of some rulers? How much longer will the specter of insecurity – raised from the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction – hunt the people of the world? How much longer will the blood of the innocent men, women and children be spilled on the streets, and people’s houses destroyed over their heads?


Are you pleased with the current condition of the world? Do you think present policies can continue? If billions of dollars spent on security, military campaigns and troop movement were instead spent on investment and assistance for poor countries, promotion of health, combating different diseases, education and improvement of mental and physical fitness, assistance to the victims of natural disasters, creation of employment opportunities and production, development projects and poverty alleviation, establishment of peace, mediation between disputing states and distinguishing the flames of racial, ethnic and other conflicts were would the world be today? Would not your government, and people be justifiably proud?


Would not your administration’s political and economic standing have been stronger? And I am most sorry to say, would there have been an ever increasing global hatred of the American governments? Mr President, it is not my intention to distress anyone.


If prophet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ishmael, Joseph or Jesus Christ (PBUH) were with us today, how would they have judged such behaviour? Will we be given a role to play in the promised world, where justice will become universal and Jesus Christ (PBUH) will be present? Will they even accept us? My basic question is this: Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world? Today there are hundreds of millions of Christians, hundreds of millions of Moslems and millions of people who follow the teachings of Moses (PBUH).


All divine religions share and respect on word and that is “monotheism” or belief in a single God and no other in the world.


The holy Koran stresses this common word and calls on an followers of divine religions and says: [3.64] Say: O followers of the Book! Come to an equitable proposition between us and you that we shall not serve any but Allah and (that) we shall not associate aught.


With Him and (that) some of us shall not take others for lords besides Allah, but if they turn back, then say: Bear witness that we are Muslims.


(The Family of Imran).


Mr President, According to divine verses, we have all been called upon to worship one God and follow the teachings of divine prophets.


“To worship a God which is above all powers in the world and can do all He pleases.


” “The Lord which knows that which is hidden and visible, the past and the future, knows what goes on in the Hearts of His servants and records their deeds.


” “The Lord who is the possessor of the heavens and the earth and all universe is His court” “planning for the universe is done by His hands, and gives His servants the glad tidings of mercy and forgiveness of sins”.


“He is the companion of the oppressed and the enemy of oppressors”.


“He is the Compassionate, the Merciful”.


“He is the recourse of the faithful and guides them towards the light from darkness”.


“He is witness to the actions of His servants”, “He calls on servants to be faithful and do good deeds, and asks them to stay on the path of righteousness and remain steadfast”.


“Calls on servants to heed His prophets and He is a witness to their deeds.


” “A bad ending belongs only to those who have chosen the life of this world and disobey Him and oppress His servants”.


And “A good and eternal paradise belong to those servants who fear His majesty and do not follow their lascivious selves.


” We believe a return to the teachings of the divine prophets is the only road leading to salvations.


I have been told that Your Excellency follows the teachings of Jesus (PBUH), and believes in the divine promise of the rule of the righteous on Earth.


We also believe that Jesus Christ (PBUH) was one of the great prophets of the Almighty.


He has been repeatedly praised in the Koran.


Jesus (PBUH) has been quoted in Koran as well; [19,36] And surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serves Him; this is the right path, Marium.


Service to and obedience of the Almighty is the credo of all divine messengers.


The God of all people in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, the Pacific and the rest of the world is one.


He is the Almighty who wants to guide and give dignity to all His servants.


He has given greatness to Humans.


We again read in the Holy Book: “The Almighty God sent His prophets with miracles and clear signs to guide the people and show them divine signs and purity them from sins and pollutions.


And He sent the Book and the balance so that the people display justice and avoid the rebellious.


” All of the above verses can be seen, one way or the other, in the Good Book as well.


Divine prophets have promised: The day will come when all humans will congregate before the court of the Almighty, so that their deeds are examined.


The good will be directed towards Haven and evildoers will meet divine retribution.


I trust both of us believe in such a day, but it will not be easy to calculate the actions of rulers, because we must be answerable to our nations and all others whose lives have been directly or indirectly effected by our actions.


All prophets, speak of peace and tranquillity for man – based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity.


Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles, that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world – that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance? Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice? Do you not think that the aforementioned written or unwritten principles are universally respected? Will you not accept this invitation? That is, a genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and His prophets? Mr President, History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive.


God has entrusted The fate of man to them.


The Almighty has not left the universe and humanity to their own devices.


Many things have happened contrary to the wishes and plans of governments.


These tell us that there is a higher power at work and all events are determined by Him.


Can one deny the signs of change in the world today? Is this situation of the world today comparable to that of ten years ago? Changes happen fast and come at a furious pace.


The people of the world are not happy with the status quo and pay little heed to the promises and comments made by a number of influential world leaders.


Many people around the wolrd feel insecure and oppose the spreading of insecurity and war and do not approve of and accept dubious policies.


The people are protesting the increasing gap between the haves and the have-nots and the rich and poor countries.


The people are disgusted with increasing corruption.


The people of many countries are angry about the attacks on their cultural foundations and the disintegration of families.


They are equally dismayed with the fading of care and compassion.


The people of the world have no faith in international organisations, because their rights are not advocated by these organisations.


Liberalism and Western style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity.


Today these two concepts have failed.


Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems.


We increasingly see that people around the world are flocking towards a main focal point – that is the Almighty God.


Undoubtedly through faith in God and the teachings of the prophets, the people will conquer their problems.


My question for you is: “Do you not want to join them?” Mr President, Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things.


Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran



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A wild fire is raging in the world at the moment. Why add more fuel to the fire?

Keep adding the fuel to the fire with these anti this anti that posts. And if the fire starts lapping at your toes, don't complain! These are the laws of the material world are they not?


Label me what you want! Radical sympathiser, extreme religionist! Complete idiot!

Condemn my "conscience" if you choose.


We gotta start listening to the big picture. To the diverse voices in the world. If not this planet is eventually going to be a manifestation of Hell.

The only real enemy is ourselves. We are all in this boat together.


God is one. You choose what sort of consciousness you want!

Thanks for posting this letter, Kulapavana. It has given me something to think about.

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It's like that joke about the hot dog vendor outside the bank. Business is brisk as he services the employees of three office buildings. One day an old friend stops by and asks if he can spot him twenty bucks until Tuesday. "Sorry, Phil," he says. "It would be a violation of my deal with the bank.Really, how's that?" The street peddler explains: "They promised not to sell hot dogs and I promised not to lend money."


We had hoped that when we attacked Iraq and left Iran in business, this would be the agreement: they could sell the Persian rugs while we handle the regional statesmanship. Instead the vaporings of Ahmadinejad on all matters great and small echo bizarrely through the bazaar.


Still, it doesn't do to acknowledge his blithering blather. King Solomon wrote (Proverbs 26:4,5): "Don't answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes." The major commentators explain this to mean that you need to make a judgment. If the foolish argument is advanced in a hostile and thoughtless way, then don't engage or you end up in a shouting match. If he advances it in an intellectual way, then you need to engage, so he does not walk away thinking that he won a debate. Clearly, Ahmadinejad, by that standard, should best be ignored.


But his most recent outburst, whether founded in the garrulous froth of madness or some Machiavellian manufacture of regional tension, is worth our analysis and response. Not because we need to engage him but because there is an absolutely fascinating historical lesson coupled with an exquisite irony, and it serves us well to see that they register.


For some time, he has been tarring Israel as an "illegitimate regime." This has provided a handy new tag phrase for Arab and other agitators, and a quick Google search yields oceans of prose as stilted and purple as Barney the Dinosaur. (The Iranians are not Arabs but Persians. According to Biblical history and Jewish tradition, the Persians stem from Japheth, the third son of Noah, while the Arabs descend from Ishmael, son of Abraham, whose line originates with Shem, first son of Noah.) Several days ago, he added a new wrinkle: Israel is an arbitrary transplant from another continent in contravention of two thousand years of Middle East history.


Well, the Talmud says: "People who insult others use their own flaws for insults." All of us have, at one time or another, been called ignorant by the ignorant and selfish by the selfish. Well, how about this for a classic example of that phenomenon? Ahmadinejad is casting aspersions on a regime for being out of synch with the past two millennia. Okay, let's have a look at his own little operation.


In 1979, his band of Islamic thugs deposed the last Shah, Reza Pahlavi. Shah was the Persian word for monarch, related to such historic titles as Caesar, Czar and Kaiser. (In the guttural Farsi enunciation, it comes out sounding like Shvah, which explains the Talmudic pun of referring to it as Shavur, meaning 'broken' in Hebrew.) The startling thing about this particular kingdom is that it enjoyed the longest consecutive reign in the recorded saga of mankind. Although their power was somewhat eclipsed by the suzerainty of the Ottomans, then the British, it is essentially correct to say that they ruled uninterrupted for 2500 years.


To review: first they were local. They built strength, made a power sharing deal with the Medes, and conquered Babylon (Iraq) about 150 years later. Since Babylon had destroyed the first Temple of Israel, the fate of the Jews was now under Persian control. King Cyrus of Persia gave permission to begin construction on the second Temple. The building was completed under King Darius, and most of the Jews moved back to Israel.


About a century later, the Greeks defeated Persia and stripped its holdings. Then came the Romans, who eventually demolished the second Temple. From that point forward, until the State of Israel emerged 1880 years later, the Jews never again had significant autonomy in their homeland.


So whose claim is weaker? Who is guiltier of spurning history? The Jews who reinstated the government that they lost long ago, but who made sure to rebuild it in ways that reflected the rhythms of the contemporary era? Or the Khomeini clones who tore down the last true monument to ancient civilization and who undid the modernity that that strikingly adaptable kingdom had embraced? Ahmadinejad and his gang managed to wipe out a great legacy and take their people back to the Dark Ages in one paradoxical maneuver.


Here's some advice, Mr. Commoner, Mr. Pretender, Mr. Usurper. Best not to bring up pedigree.

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Guest guest


A wild fire is raging in the world at the moment. Why add more fuel to the fire?


Robertson Robbie Lyrics - Ghost Dance


Crow has brought the message

To the children of the sun

For the return of the buffalo

And for a better day to come

You can kill my body

You can damn my soul

For not believing in your God

And some world down below


You don't stand a chance

Against my prayers

You don't stand a chance

Against my love...

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<table><tbody><tr><td valign="top">Source: Le Monde repost on Chris Floyd - Empire Burlesque</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td valign="top">Published: May 9, 2006 Author: Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td valign="top"></td></tr></tbody></table>


<!-- -->Mr George Bush,

President of the United States of America


For sometime now I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international arena -- which are being constantly debated, specially in political forums and amongst university students.


Many questions remain unanswered.


These have prompted me to discuss some of the contradictions and questions, in the hopes that it might bring about an opportunity to redress them. Can one be a follower of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the great Messenger of God, Feel obliged to respect human rights, Present liberalism as a civilization model, Announce one’s opposition to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and WMDs, Make “War and Terror” his slogan, And finally, Work towards the establishment of a unified international community – a community which Christ and the virtuous of the Earth will one day govern, But at the same time, Have countries attacked; The lives, reputations and possessions of people destroyed and on the slight chance of the … of a … criminals in a village city, or convoy for example the entire village, city or convey set ablaze.


Or because of the possibility of the existence of WMDs in one country, it is occupied, around one hundred thousand people killed, its water sources, agriculture and industry destroyed, close to 180,000 foreign troops put on the ground, sanctity of private homes of citizens broken, and the country pushed back perhaps fifty years.


At what price? Hundreds of billions of dollars spent from the treasury of one country and certain other countries and tens of thousands of young men and women – as occupation troops – put in harms way, taken away from family and love ones, their hands stained with the blood of others, subjected to so much psychological pressure that everyday some commit suicide ant those returning home suffer depression, become sickly and grapple with all sorts of aliments; while some are killed and their bodies handed of their families.


On the pretext of the existence of WMDs, this great tragedy came to engulf both the peoples of the occupied and the occupying country.


Later it was revealed that no WMDs existed to begin with. Of course Saddam was a murderous dictator. But the war was not waged to topple him, the announced goal of the war was to find and destroy weapons of mass destruction. He was toppled along the way towards another goal, nevertheless the people of the region are happy about it. I point out that throughout the many years of the … war on Iran Saddam was supported by the West.


Mr President, You might know that I am a teacher.



My students ask me how can theses actions be reconciled with the values outlined at the beginning of this letter and duty to the tradition of Jesus Christ (PBUH), the Messenger of peace and forgiveness.


There are prisoners in Guantanamo Bay that have not been tried, have no legal representation, their families cannot see them and are obviously kept in a strange land outside their own country.


There is no international monitoring of their conditions and fate.


No one knows whether they are prisoners, POWs, accused or criminals.


European investigators have confirmed the existence of secret prisons in Europe too.


I could not correlate the abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system.


For that matter, I fail to understand how such actions correspond to the values outlined in the beginning of this letter, i.e.


the teachings of Jesus Christ (PBUH), human rights and liberal values.


Young people, university students and ordinary people have many questions about the phenomenon of Israel.


I am sure you are familiar with some of them.


Throughout history many countries have been occupied, but I think the establishment of a new country with a new people, is a new phenomenon that is exclusive to our times.


Students are saying that sixty years ago such a country did no exist.


The show old documents and globes and say try as we have, we have not been able to find a country named Israel.


I tell them to study the history of WWI and II.


One of my students told me that during WWII, which more than tens of millions of people perished in, news about the war, was quickly disseminated by the warring parties.


Each touted their victories and the most recent battlefront defeat of the other party.


After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed.


Six million people that were surely related to at least two million families.


Again let us assume that these events are true.


Does that logically translate into the establishment of the state of Israel in the Middle East or support for such a state? How can this phenomenon be rationalised or explained? Mr President, I am sure you know how – and at what cost – Israel was established: - Many thousands were killed in the process.


- Millions of indigenous people were made refugees.


- Hundred of thousands of hectares of farmland, olive plantations, towns and villages were destroyed.


This tragedy is not exclusive to the time of establishment; unfortunately it has been ongoing for sixty years now.


A regime has been established which does not show mercy even to kids, destroys houses while the occupants are still in them, announces beforehand its list and plans to assassinate Palestinian figures and keeps thousands of Palestinians in prison.


Such a phenomenon is unique – or at the very least extremely rare – in recent memory.


Another big question asked by people is why is this regime being supported? Is support for this regime in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ (PBUH) or Moses (PBUH) or liberal values? Or are we to understand that allowing the original inhabitants of these lands – inside and outside Palestine – whether they are Christian, Muslim or Jew, to determine their fate, runs contrary to principles of democracy, human rights and the teachings of prophets? If not, why is there so much opposition to a referendum? The newly elected Palestinian administration recently took office.


All independent observes have confirmed that this government represents the electorate.


Unbelievingly, they have put the elected government under pressure and have advised it to recognise the Israeli regime, abandon the struggle and follow the programs of the previous government.


If the current Palestinian government had run on the above platform, would the Palestinian people have voted for it? Again, can such position taken in opposition to the Palestinian government be reconciled with the values outlined earlier? The people are also saying “why are all UNSC resolutions in condemnation of Israel vetoed?” Mr President, As you are well aware, I live amongst the people and am in constant contact with them -- many people from around the Middle East manage to contact me as well.


They dot not have faith in these dubious policies either.


There is evidence that the people of the region are becoming increasingly angry with such policies.


It is not my intention to pose to many questions, but I need to refer to other points as well.


Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime? Is not scientific R&D one of the basic rights of nations.


You are familiar with history.


Aside from the Middle Ages, in what other point in history has scientific and technical progress been a crime? Can the possibility of scientific achievements being utilised for military purposes be reason enough to oppose science and technology altogether? If such a supposition is true, then all scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, engineering, etc.


must be opposed.


Lies were told in the Iraqi matter.


What was the result? I have no doubt that telling lies is reprehensible in any culture, and you do not like to be lied to.


Mr President, Don’t Latin Americans have the right to ask, why their elected governments are being opposed and coup leaders supported? Or, why must they constantly be threatened and live in fear? The people of Africa are hardworking, creative and talented.


They can play an important and valuable role in providing for the needs of humanity and contribute to its material and spiritual progress.


Poverty and hardship in large parts of Africa are preventing this from happening.


Don’t they have the right to ask why their enormous wealth – including minerals – is being looted, despite the fact that they need it more than others? Again, do such actions correspond to the teachings of Christ and the tenets of human rights? The brave and faithful people of Iran too have many questions and grievances, including: the coup d’etat of 1953 and the subsequent toppling of the legal government of the day, opposition to the Islamic revolution, transformation of an Embassy into a headquarters supporting, the activities of those opposing the Islamic Republic (many thousands of pages of documents corroborates this claim), support for Saddam in the war waged against Iran, the shooting down of the Iranian passenger plane, freezing the assets of the Iranian nation, increasing threats, anger and displeasure vis-à-vis the scientific and nuclear progress of the Iranian nation (just when all Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country’s progress), and many other grievances that I will not refer to in this letter.


Mr President, September Eleven was a horrendous incident.


The killing of innocents is deplorable and appalling in any part of the world.


Our government immediately declared its disgust with the perpetrators and offered its condolences to the bereaved and expressed its sympathies.


All governments have a duty to protect the lives, property and good standing of their citizens.


Reportedly your government employs extensive security, protection and intelligence systems – and even hunts its opponents abroad.


September eleven was not a simple operation.


Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess.


Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why aren’t those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial? All governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their citizens.


For some years now, the people of your country and neighbours of world trouble spots do not have peace of mind.


After 9.11, instead of healing and tending to the emotional wounds of the survivors and the American people – who had been immensely traumatised by the attacks – some Western media only intensified the climates of fear and insecurity – some constantly talked about the possibility of new terror attacks and kept the people in fear.


Is that service to the American people? Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic? American citizen lived in constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place.


They felt insecure in the streets, in their place of work and at home.


Who would be happy with this situation? Why was the media, instead of conveying a feeling of security and providing peace of mind, giving rise to a feeling of insecurity? Some believe that the hype paved the way – and was the justification – for an attack on Afghanistan.


Again I need to refer to the role of media.


In media charters, correct dissemination of information and honest reporting of a story are established tenets.


I express my deep regret about the disregard shown by certain Western media for these principles.


The main pretext for an attack on Iraq was the existence of WMDs.


This was repeated incessantly – for the public to, finally, believe – and the ground set for an attack on Iraq.


Will the truth not be lost in a contrive and deceptive climate? Again, if the truth is allowed to be lost, how can that be reconciled with the earlier mentioned values? Is the truth known to the Almighty lost as well? Mr President, In countries around the world, citizens provide for the expenses of governments so that their governments in turn are able to serve them.


The question here is “what has the hundreds of billions of dollars, spent every year to pay for the Iraqi campaign, produced for the citizens?” As your Excellency is aware, in some states of your country, people are living in poverty.


Many thousands are homeless and unemployment is a huge problem.


Of course these problems exist – to a larger or lesser extent – in other countries as well.


With these conditions in mind, can the gargantuan expenses of the campaign – paid from the public treasury – be explained and be consistent with the aforementioned principles? What has been said, are some of the grievances of the people around the world, in our region and in your country.


But my main contention – which I am hoping you will agree to some of it – is: Those in power have specific time in office, and do not rule indefinitely, but their names will be recorded in history and will be constantly judged in the immediate and distant futures.


The people will scrutinize our presidencies.


Did we manage to bring peace, security and prosperity for the people or insecurity and unemployment? Did we intend to establish justice, or just supported especial interest groups, and by forcing many people to live in poverty and hardship, made a few people rich and powerful – thus trading the approval of the people and the Almighty with theirs’? Did we defend the rights of the underprivileged or ignore them? Did we defend the rights of all people around the world or imposed wars on them, interfered illegally in their affairs, established hellish prisons and incarcerated some of them? Did we bring the world peace and security or raised the specter of intimidation and threats? Did we tell the truth to our nation and others around the world or presented an inverted version of it? Were we on the side of people or the occupiers and oppressors? Did our administration set out to promote rational behaviour, logic, ethics, peace, fulfilling obligations, justice, service to the people, prosperity, progress and respect for human dignity or the force of guns.


Intimidation, insecurity, disregard for the people, delaying the progress and excellence of other nations, and trample on people’s rights? And finally, they will judge us on whether we remained true to our oath of office – to serve the people, which is our main task, and the traditions of the prophets – or not? Mr President, How much longer can the world tolerate this situation? Where will this trend lead the world to?


How long must the people of the world pay for the incorrect decisions of some rulers? How much longer will the specter of insecurity – raised from the stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction – hunt the people of the world? How much longer will the blood of the innocent men, women and children be spilled on the streets, and people’s houses destroyed over their heads?


Are you pleased with the current condition of the world? Do you think present policies can continue? If billions of dollars spent on security, military campaigns and troop movement were instead spent on investment and assistance for poor countries, promotion of health, combating different diseases, education and improvement of mental and physical fitness, assistance to the victims of natural disasters, creation of employment opportunities and production, development projects and poverty alleviation, establishment of peace, mediation between disputing states and distinguishing the flames of racial, ethnic and other conflicts were would the world be today? Would not your government, and people be justifiably proud?


Would not your administration’s political and economic standing have been stronger? And I am most sorry to say, would there have been an ever increasing global hatred of the American governments? Mr President, it is not my intention to distress anyone.


If prophet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ishmael, Joseph or Jesus Christ (PBUH) were with us today, how would they have judged such behaviour? Will we be given a role to play in the promised world, where justice will become universal and Jesus Christ (PBUH) will be present? Will they even accept us? My basic question is this: Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world? Today there are hundreds of millions of Christians, hundreds of millions of Moslems and millions of people who follow the teachings of Moses (PBUH).


All divine religions share and respect on word and that is “monotheism” or belief in a single God and no other in the world.


The holy Koran stresses this common word and calls on an followers of divine religions and says: [3.64] Say: O followers of the Book! Come to an equitable proposition between us and you that we shall not serve any but Allah and (that) we shall not associate aught.


With Him and (that) some of us shall not take others for lords besides Allah, but if they turn back, then say: Bear witness that we are Muslims.


(The Family of Imran).


Mr President, According to divine verses, we have all been called upon to worship one God and follow the teachings of divine prophets.


“To worship a God which is above all powers in the world and can do all He pleases.


” “The Lord which knows that which is hidden and visible, the past and the future, knows what goes on in the Hearts of His servants and records their deeds.


” “The Lord who is the possessor of the heavens and the earth and all universe is His court” “planning for the universe is done by His hands, and gives His servants the glad tidings of mercy and forgiveness of sins”.


“He is the companion of the oppressed and the enemy of oppressors”.


“He is the Compassionate, the Merciful”.


“He is the recourse of the faithful and guides them towards the light from darkness”.


“He is witness to the actions of His servants”, “He calls on servants to be faithful and do good deeds, and asks them to stay on the path of righteousness and remain steadfast”.


“Calls on servants to heed His prophets and He is a witness to their deeds.


” “A bad ending belongs only to those who have chosen the life of this world and disobey Him and oppress His servants”.


And “A good and eternal paradise belong to those servants who fear His majesty and do not follow their lascivious selves.


” We believe a return to the teachings of the divine prophets is the only road leading to salvations.


I have been told that Your Excellency follows the teachings of Jesus (PBUH), and believes in the divine promise of the rule of the righteous on Earth.


We also believe that Jesus Christ (PBUH) was one of the great prophets of the Almighty.


He has been repeatedly praised in the Koran.


Jesus (PBUH) has been quoted in Koran as well; [19,36] And surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serves Him; this is the right path, Marium.


Service to and obedience of the Almighty is the credo of all divine messengers.


The God of all people in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, the Pacific and the rest of the world is one.


He is the Almighty who wants to guide and give dignity to all His servants.


He has given greatness to Humans.


We again read in the Holy Book: “The Almighty God sent His prophets with miracles and clear signs to guide the people and show them divine signs and purity them from sins and pollutions.


And He sent the Book and the balance so that the people display justice and avoid the rebellious.


” All of the above verses can be seen, one way or the other, in the Good Book as well.


Divine prophets have promised: The day will come when all humans will congregate before the court of the Almighty, so that their deeds are examined.


The good will be directed towards Haven and evildoers will meet divine retribution.


I trust both of us believe in such a day, but it will not be easy to calculate the actions of rulers, because we must be answerable to our nations and all others whose lives have been directly or indirectly effected by our actions.


All prophets, speak of peace and tranquillity for man – based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity.


Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles, that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world – that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance? Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice? Do you not think that the aforementioned written or unwritten principles are universally respected? Will you not accept this invitation? That is, a genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and His prophets? Mr President, History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive.


God has entrusted The fate of man to them.


The Almighty has not left the universe and humanity to their own devices.


Many things have happened contrary to the wishes and plans of governments.


These tell us that there is a higher power at work and all events are determined by Him.


Can one deny the signs of change in the world today? Is this situation of the world today comparable to that of ten years ago? Changes happen fast and come at a furious pace.


The people of the world are not happy with the status quo and pay little heed to the promises and comments made by a number of influential world leaders.


Many people around the wolrd feel insecure and oppose the spreading of insecurity and war and do not approve of and accept dubious policies.


The people are protesting the increasing gap between the haves and the have-nots and the rich and poor countries.


The people are disgusted with increasing corruption.


The people of many countries are angry about the attacks on their cultural foundations and the disintegration of families.


They are equally dismayed with the fading of care and compassion.


The people of the world have no faith in international organisations, because their rights are not advocated by these organisations.


Liberalism and Western style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity.


Today these two concepts have failed.


Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems.


We increasingly see that people around the world are flocking towards a main focal point – that is the Almighty God.


Undoubtedly through faith in God and the teachings of the prophets, the people will conquer their problems.


My question for you is: “Do you not want to join them?” Mr President, Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things.


Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran



Le Monde's release of PDF version - here



Well this does nothing to address the Iranian endeavor to attain a nuke - all this does is lecture the U.S. about things that the Iranian president thinks are unjust [to befool stupid individuals into thinking that he is right or something] - but what about HIS injustices and HIS well known words of hate?


This letter is quite a kick at the world if you ask me!

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For the return of the buffalo


You know Kula-pavana, normally I don't like to post on these Islamic topics. I can get real fire and brimstone.And very passionate. Maybe I should stick to song lyrics.

It's funny,years ago, on my spiritual questioning and journey I spent a couple of years with some fundamentalists of the western kind. During that time my entire record collection left my hands. The collection was the true spiritual journey.

Kulu-pavana, you are the reason I posted the Bono lyrics in the Lay Down Your Guns Thread. Why? Because one time on a thread I saw you post some Jon Anderson lyrics. In all my years living in this one horse town, I have never met anyone who also like's Jon Anderson. You were the first! Thank God for the internet.


Justice to the left of you

Justice to the right

Speak when you are spoken to

Don't pretend you're right

This life's not for living

It's for fighting and for wars

No matter what the truth is

Hold on to what is yours


(yes-hold on(a rare touch of sarcasm))



You can mend the wires

You can feed the soul apart

You reach

It can happen to you

It can happen to me

It can happen to everyone eventually


(Yes-It can happen)

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<table><tbody><tr><td valign="top">Source: Le Monde repost on Chris Floyd - Empire Burlesque</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td valign="top">Published: May 9, 2006 Author: Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td valign="top"></td></tr></tbody></table>


<!-- -->Mr George Bush,

President of the United States of America


For sometime now I have been thinking, how one can justify the undeniable contradictions that exist in the international arena -- which are being constantly debated, specially in political forums and amongst university students.


Many questions remain unanswered.


The brave and faithful people of Iran too have many questions and grievances, including:...opposition to the Islamic revolution, transformation of an Embassy into a headquarters supporting, the activities of those opposing the Islamic Republic...increasing threats, anger and displeasure vis-à-vis the scientific and nuclear progress of the Iranian nation (just when all Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country’s progress), and many other grievances that I will not refer to in this letter.


Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda Mahmood Ahmadi-Najad

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran



Le Monde's release of PDF version - here


See - he just doesn't get it - what a loser!


He expects the west to support the Islamic :uzi: revolution? He must be - :crazy2:


Of course he does mention the nuclear issues and what does he say:


The brave and faithful people of Iran too have many questions and grievances, including...increasing threats, anger and displeasure vis-à-vis the scientific and nuclear progress of the Iranian nation

So that means Iran is to continue with the program because:


all [brave and faithful] Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country’s progress

So that ain't the kick in the face!? They ain't gonna stop because all brave and faithful Iranians are united in this? brave and faithful - what does that portend? Is he saying that they are prepared for a fight over this?


all [brave and faithful] Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country’s progress - Is that true? Or rather - is it that any dissenters in Iran are made to 'go away'?


He writes this:


I could not correlate the abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system.


So what goes on in Iran with those individuals/groups that are in opposition to the Islamic :uzi:revolution - or - those opposing the Islamic Republic? What is the treatment and fate of these individuals and groups? How can we know?


How then does he justify the Iraq insurgents and their routine abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system? What about when his Islamic :uzi:revolution group abducted hostages in 1979 - was this guy there? What provisions of a judicial system is he using to justify that to the world?


I rather think that this guy better start to confront himself - because all this external confrontation - isn't going to be to his credit at the end of the day.


Let us not forget that for our wise understanding - such matters are recorded within the vedic texts - that even the demon Kings Hiranyakashipu and Vena spoke wise-sounding words and [at times] made what sounded like good arguments - but - what were their basic programs?


They wanted to cause everyone to serve them and their 'god-like' aspirations and - those individuals which got in their way - well we all know what happened to them right?


The Islamic :uzi: revolution is being advanced by despots - who like king Vena and king Hiranyakashipu [and like communism] - will terrorize everyone into submission - they have 'impersonal' designs on you and me - they would kill us for what we think and believe - if it is not the state enforced ideology!


They want to place everyone into the service of their :uzi: revolution - without any question answered on their part.


The truth is - for them - the service to the :uzi: revolution is more important than service to God!


Yes - there may be many things wrong with 'western ways' - yet - nothing like the bent programs these fascists are pushing.


He says of 9/11:


some Western media only intensified the climates of fear and insecurity – some constantly talked about the possibility of new terror attacks and kept the people in fear.

Is that service to the American people? Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic? American citizen lived in constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place.


It isn't the media which seeds and cultivates this fear - it is the [reported] continual threats being made by central figures of the Islamic :uzi: revolution which is keeping alive a constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place.

Some believe that the hype paved the way – and was the justification – for an attack on Afghanistan.

Who believes that - him? His whole premise here is so flawed that it's a joke. 9/11 - which he 'claims' to have denounced - was enacted by the leaders of the then Afganistan - so - what fact can he possibly be trying to displace in saying it was a media conspiracy that caused the invasion of Afganistan?

So too - is he really gloating in saying - Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic?


If the president of Iran thinks that the U.S. is going the wrong direction in bringing the 9/11 thugs to justice - why aren't they out there hunting for them too? Why aren't they even helping? We know why...


Then the issues of his hate for Israel and the Jews - was made more obvious:


After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed.


Again let us assume that these events are true.

Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime?


So that is not anything but the same attempt at a justification for his hate and ignorance and - he calls himself a teacher too! :eek4:


Now in these words - we see him make a clear threat:


All prophets, speak of peace and tranquillity for man – based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity.

Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles [and by radical and revolutionary force if needed?], that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world – that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance? Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice? Do you not think that the aforementioned written or unwritten principles are universally respected? Will you not accept this invitation? That is, a genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and His prophets? Mr President, History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive....Can one deny the signs of change in the world today? Is this situation of the world today comparable to that of ten years ago? Changes happen fast and come at a furious pace.

These are very curious words aren't they!

He is giving a veiled ultimatum of his own - by saying - that the U.S. government [and others] is repressive and cruel - which shall not survive - in this veiled threat [and warning of attack?] he wrote - Can one deny the signs of change in the world today? Is this situation of the world today [what situation that is - he doesn't say!] comparable to that of ten years ago? Changes happen fast [what changes?] and come at a furious pace ["furious" is that an ill catch word here?]

The people of the world are not happy with the status quo and pay little heed to the promises and comments made by a number of influential world leaders.

Oh he's the real authority here - right? How he thinks he can speak for "the people of the world" - don't pay heed to any of his promises [that he and his could do better] - though one aught to pay close heed to his comments - in some troubled minds - he is an influential world leader.

He is clearly canvassing for so-called malcontented people everywhere - to be candidates - to come and kill for his Islamic :uzi: revolution?

Even in western prison houses - they have operatives - who are seeding their propagandas to offensively malcontented people - yes - for their cause they'll go to prison to do this! They may call it an Islamic prison ministry - but it isn't like that in all cases as to be that - they wouldn't be proselytizing within prisons.

They look for violent and disaffected individuals for conversion into their apostate interpretations of Islam.

Many people around the wolrd ["wolrd" - is that a typo in a letter from a president to a president?] feel insecure and oppose the spreading of insecurity and war and do not approve of and accept dubious policies.

Is he intending to be a self-appointed counter-point to this alleged situation? What of his dubious policies - in his Islamic :uzi: revolution?


Liberalism and Western style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity.

Today these two concepts have failed.

There it is - he's saying that Liberalism and Western style democracy have failed - a very blanket judgement [he objectively knows nothing of these] and - he is thus saying that his Islamic :uzi: revolution shall help the world realize the ideals of humanity - that is what I hear in this.

Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems.

So what is that? Another veiled warning?

We increasingly see that people around the world are flocking towards a main focal point – that is the Almighty God.


My question for you is: "Do you not want to join them?" Mr President, Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things.


So was that a pre-justification of a widespread "Islamic :uzi: revolution" - a warning that he and his nation are to fight against - the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems - that have in their opinion failed - are they to hasten the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems?


Yes - the world may be gravitating towards faith in the Almighty - but - it won't be what he's selling!

Yes the world is changing [for the good] - but not in the direction that they are trying to incline it into. They are a threat to that new direction that is emerging!

My basic question is this: Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world? Today there are hundreds of millions of Christians, hundreds of millions of Moslems and millions of people who follow the teachings of Moses (PBUH).

All divine religions share and respect on word and that is “monotheism” or belief in a single God and no other in the world.

He speaks of interacting with the world and yet he clearly has no respect for any non-biblical faith - because it's not so-called monotheism? Is he saying that he and his Islamic :uzi: revolution would fight Hinduism [and others] - as perceived threats to - the Almighty and justice and the will of God?

He says people who follow the teachings of Moses - just why can't he say "Jews" in this connection?

What makes a faith montheistic in his mind? We believe in 'a single God - that is 'ONE' yet he would see Lord Krishna as a false infidel god - so again - he's said something and - it really only makes his maledicted position - that much clearer.


He writes:


Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice?

If that be the case then - why isn't there a real unity - within Islam and - even within the Arab world? They all accept these things - don't they?


What an overtly simplistic and pointless viewpoint!


I don't think that he has any desire for real - peace, friendship and justice...


As we can see - this letter - rather than assuage the issues - hastened them...


At last - I mention this one 'predictive' [or is it 'threatening'?] point he makes:


History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive

Of course HIS government shall discover that [not] soon enough...?

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...the letter was 17 or 18 pages long and covered history, philosophy and religion...




I rather think it was false history - bent philosophy and - apostate religion.


In those 17-18 pages did he disparage the Israelis and the Jews again - did he try to convince Mr. Bush to join him in these well known maledicted perspectives?


Of course we knew that the U.S. isn't that naïve - thank God!




In those 17-18 pages did he disparage the Israelis and the Jews again - did he try to convince Mr. Bush to join him in these well known maledicted perspectives?

Well of course he did...by writing:

After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed.

Six million people that were surely related to at least two million families.

Again let us assume that these events are true.

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You know Kula-pavana, normally I don't like to post on these Islamic topics. I can get real fire and brimstone.And very passionate. Maybe I should stick to song lyrics.

It's funny,years ago, on my spiritual questioning and journey I spent a couple of years with some fundamentalists of the western kind. During that time my entire record collection left my hands. The collection was the true spiritual journey.

Kulu-pavana, you are the reason I posted the Bono lyrics in the Lay Down Your Guns Thread. Why? Because one time on a thread I saw you post some Jon Anderson lyrics. In all my years living in this one horse town, I have never met anyone who also like's Jon Anderson. You were the first! Thank God for the internet.


Justice to the left of you

Justice to the right

Speak when you are spoken to

Don't pretend you're right

This life's not for living

It's for fighting and for wars

No matter what the truth is

Hold on to what is yours


(yes-hold on(a rare touch of sarcasm))



You can mend the wires

You can feed the soul apart

You reach

It can happen to you

It can happen to me

It can happen to everyone eventually


(Yes-It can happen)



Jon Anderson and the band YES [and later vangelis] - very thoughtful music indeed...

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When the king protects the citizens from the disturbances of mischievous ministers as well as from thieves and rogues, he can, by virtue of such pious activities, accept taxes given by his subjects. Thus a pious king can certainly enjoy himself in this world as well as in the life after death. [sB 4.14.17]


That was spoken by - cruel King Vena - a very long time ago - these are very proper sounding words - spoken by a demon.


My insignificant enemies the demigods have combined to kill my very dear and obedient well-wisher, my brother Hiranyaksa. Although the Supreme Lord, Visnu, is always equal to both of us—namely, the demigods and the demons—this time, being devoutly worshiped by the demigods, He has taken their side and helped them kill Hiranyaksa. [sB 7.2.6]


So here the demon seemingly speaks truth and then - he contradicts himself.


He knew that God takes the side of the demigods - not becasue of the worship they offer - but rather - because the demons are usually doing something which is a threat to everyone.


In the next verse we see an example of the delusions he suffered:


The Supreme Personality of Godhead has given up His natural tendency of equality toward the demons and demigods. Although He is the Supreme Person, now, influenced by maya.... [sB 7.7.8-8]


The demon even encouraged his servants to go on a terror campaign:


Thus the demons, being fond of disastrous activities, took Hiranyakasipu’s instructions on their heads with great respect and offered him obeisances. According to his directions, they engaged in envious activities directed against all living beings. [sB 7.2.13]


This is what these Islamic revolutionary types are like - these present day terrorists - being fond of disastrous activities - they'll take the president of Iran's [and other terrorist's] instructions on their heads with great respect and according to their directions - they'll engage in envious activities directed against all living beings.


Hiranyakasipu made a nice speech and in Srimad Bhagavatam we can see that - so what do we make of his seemingly clear understanding of things and - his abject violence atrocities and offences?


The demon's own envy was the cause and - it was thus his greatest enemy! Isn't it so for all souls?


I wonder if these terrorists ever see that they too are terminal with envy.


The president of Iran can make any speech he wants - he as the leader of a radical nation has made his real views very clear - all his high-sounding words about global inequality are just so much hot air.


For me - there is nothing which he can [at some later point now] say [or write] which shall convince me that he has changed - his ideas are just too bent...

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You know Don, I said that we gotta listen to all the diverse voices in the world. The forum is a good place, slowly realizing mine is not the only voice.:eek:


Music is great. Wish I still had those old records to see what they were really saying. Wish the fundamentalists who convinced me to get rid of them had listened to them too. In the early days they may have even realised their similar style to Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast, and done a bit of head banging with me. Something happened a couple of years later, and I started to drift off to the Wonderous Stories and melodies of Jon Anderson. They(fundamentalists) did not care to listen, they did not understand(Jon).


Anyhow, please excuse me for the tangent;let's back to the theme of the conversation.;)

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You know Don, I said that we gotta listen to all the diverse voices in the world. The forum is a good place, slowly realizing mine is not the only voice.:eek:


Music is great. Wish I still had those old records to see what they were really saying. Wish the fundamentalists who convinced me to get rid of them had listened to them too. In the early days they may have even realised their similar style to Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast, and done a bit of head banging with me. Something happened a couple of years later, and I started to drift off to the Wonderous Stories and melodies of Jon Anderson. They(fundamentalists) did not care to listen, they did not understand(Jon).


Anyhow, please excuse me for the tangent;let's back to the theme of the conversation.;)



Depending on where you live there are 'used record stores' - where you may find most of the old style vinyl records of these bands - for reasonable prices too.


Get a good turntable and use musicmatch to make them into MP3s...



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Anyhow, please excuse me for the tangent;let's back to the theme of the conversation.;)

Yes the letter - a :crazy2: threat from a :crazy2: person.


Of course he wasn't really writing to Mr. Bush for any other reason but through pretence - to get publicity for a crazy 'statement' from him to the world - the west in particular.


All his talk about injustice and failed western democracies is what it is - a :crazy: justification for his plans to cause and hasten - the shattering and fall of the...liberal democratic systems


Simple people may hear him and think - 'oh this guy really knows the world's ills and he cares' - but - what they don't see [or won't see] is that he really knows very little and cares only about his unfettered Islamic revolution and an global Islamic Republic.

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It's like that joke about the hot dog vendor outside the bank. Business is brisk as he services the employees of three office buildings. One day an old friend stops by and asks if he can spot him twenty bucks until Tuesday. "Sorry, Phil," he says. "It would be a violation of my deal with the bank.Really, how's that?" The street peddler explains: "They promised not to sell hot dogs and I promised not to lend money."


We had hoped that when we attacked Iraq and left Iran in business, this would be the agreement: they could sell the Persian rugs while we handle the regional statesmanship. Instead the vaporings of Ahmadinejad on all matters great and small echo bizarrely through the bazaar.


Still, it doesn't do to acknowledge his blithering blather. King Solomon wrote (Proverbs 26:4,5): "Don't answer a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes." The major commentators explain this to mean that you need to make a judgment. If the foolish argument is advanced in a hostile and thoughtless way, then don't engage or you end up in a shouting match. If he advances it in an intellectual way, then you need to engage, so he does not walk away thinking that he won a debate. Clearly, Ahmadinejad, by that standard, should best be ignored.


But his most recent outburst, whether founded in the garrulous froth of madness or some Machiavellian manufacture of regional tension, is worth our analysis and response. Not because we need to engage him but because there is an absolutely fascinating historical lesson coupled with an exquisite irony, and it serves us well to see that they register.


For some time, he has been tarring Israel as an "illegitimate regime." This has provided a handy new tag phrase for Arab and other agitators, and a quick Google search yields oceans of prose as stilted and purple as Barney the Dinosaur. (The Iranians are not Arabs but Persians. According to Biblical history and Jewish tradition, the Persians stem from Japheth, the third son of Noah, while the Arabs descend from Ishmael, son of Abraham, whose line originates with Shem, first son of Noah.) Several days ago, he added a new wrinkle: Israel is an arbitrary transplant from another continent in contravention of two thousand years of Middle East history.


Well, the Talmud says: "People who insult others use their own flaws for insults." All of us have, at one time or another, been called ignorant by the ignorant and selfish by the selfish. Well, how about this for a classic example of that phenomenon? Ahmadinejad is casting aspersions on a regime for being out of synch with the past two millennia. Okay, let's have a look at his own little operation.


In 1979, his band of Islamic thugs deposed the last Shah, Reza Pahlavi. Shah was the Persian word for monarch, related to such historic titles as Caesar, Czar and Kaiser. (In the guttural Farsi enunciation, it comes out sounding like Shvah, which explains the Talmudic pun of referring to it as Shavur, meaning 'broken' in Hebrew.) The startling thing about this particular kingdom is that it enjoyed the longest consecutive reign in the recorded saga of mankind. Although their power was somewhat eclipsed by the suzerainty of the Ottomans, then the British, it is essentially correct to say that they ruled uninterrupted for 2500 years.


To review: first they were local. They built strength, made a power sharing deal with the Medes, and conquered Babylon (Iraq) about 150 years later. Since Babylon had destroyed the first Temple of Israel, the fate of the Jews was now under Persian control. King Cyrus of Persia gave permission to begin construction on the second Temple. The building was completed under King Darius, and most of the Jews moved back to Israel.


About a century later, the Greeks defeated Persia and stripped its holdings. Then came the Romans, who eventually demolished the second Temple. From that point forward, until the State of Israel emerged 1880 years later, the Jews never again had significant autonomy in their homeland.


So whose claim is weaker? Who is guiltier of spurning history? The Jews who reinstated the government that they lost long ago, but who made sure to rebuild it in ways that reflected the rhythms of the contemporary era? Or the Khomeini clones who tore down the last true monument to ancient civilization and who undid the modernity that that strikingly adaptable kingdom had embraced? Ahmadinejad and his gang managed to wipe out a great legacy and take their people back to the Dark Ages in one paradoxical maneuver.


Here's some advice, Mr. Commoner, Mr. Pretender, Mr. Usurper. Best not to bring up pedigree.



:) Your historically correct post places this in its proper perpsective :cool:

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normally I don't like to post on these Islamic topics. I can get real fire and brimstone.And very passionate. Maybe I should stick to song lyrics...


same here, but if the voices of reason and peace are not heard, darkness will prevail. unless we speak out against injustice, we are guilty too...


and on that note, some more good lyrics:



"I listened hard but could not see

Life tempo change out and inside me.

The preacher trained in all to lose his name;

The teacher travels, asking to be shown the same.

In the end, we'll agree, we'll accept, we'll immortalize

That the truth of the man maturing in his eyes,

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,

As a moment regained and regarded both the same,

Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,

A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you.


And you and I climb, crossing the shapes of the morning.

And you and I reach over the sun for the river.

And you and I climb, clearer, towards the movement.

And you and I called over valleys of endless seas. "


Yes - "And you and I"

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same here, but if the voices of reason and peace are not heard, darkness will prevail. unless we speak out against injustice, we are guilty too...


and on that note, some more good lyrics:



"I listened hard but could not see

Life tempo change out and inside me.

The preacher trained in all to lose his name;

The teacher travels, asking to be shown the same.

In the end, we'll agree, we'll accept, we'll immortalize

That the truth of the man maturing in his eyes,

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,

As a moment regained and regarded both the same,

Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,

A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you.


And you and I climb, crossing the shapes of the morning.

And you and I reach over the sun for the river.

And you and I climb, clearer, towards the movement.

And you and I called over valleys of endless seas. "


Yes - "And you and I"


David Bowie:


"A Better Future"

Please don't tear this world asunder

Please take back

this fear we're under

I demand a better future

Or I might just stop wanting you

I might just stop wanting you

Please make sure we get tomorrow

All this pain and all the sorrow

I demand a better future

Or I might just stop needing you

I might just stop needing you

Give my children sunny smile

Give them moon and cloudless sky

I demand a better future

Or I might just stop loving you,

loving you, loving you

When we talk, we talk to you

When we walk, we walk to you

From factory to field

How many tears must fall

Down there below

Nothing is moving


I might just stop wanting you

I might just stop needing you

I might just stop loving you

I demand a better future

I demand a better future

I demand a better future

For I might just stop loving you,

loving you, loving you

I demand a better future

I demand a better future

I demand a better future

For I might just stop loving you, loving you, loving you

I demand a better future [from the Album Heathen]




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See - he just doesn't get it - what a loser!


He expects the west to support the Islamic :uzi: revolution? He must be - :crazy2:


Of course he does mention the nuclear issues and what does he say:


The brave and faithful people of Iran too have many questions and grievances, including...increasing threats, anger and displeasure vis-à-vis the scientific and nuclear progress of the Iranian nation

So that means Iran is to continue with the program because:


all [brave and faithful] Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country’s progress

So that ain't the kick in the face!? They ain't gonna stop because all brave and faithful Iranians are united in this? brave and faithful - what does that portend? Is he saying that they are prepared for a fight over this?


all [brave and faithful] Iranians are jubilant and collaborating their country’s progress - Is that true? Or rather - is it that any dissenters in Iran are made to 'go away'?


He writes this:


I could not correlate the abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system.


So what goes on in Iran with those individuals/groups that are in opposition to the Islamic :uzi:revolution - or - those opposing the Islamic Republic? What is the treatment and fate of these individuals and groups? How can we know?


How then does he justify the Iraq insurgents and their routine abduction of a person, and him or her being kept in secret prisons, with the provisions of any judicial system? What about when his Islamic :uzi:revolution group abducted hostages in 1979 - was this guy there? What provisions of a judicial system is he using to justify that to the world?


I rather think that this guy better start to confront himself - because all this external confrontation - isn't going to be to his credit at the end of the day.


Let us not forget that for our wise understanding - such matters are recorded within the vedic texts - that even the demon Kings Hiranyakashipu and Vena spoke wise-sounding words and [at times] made what sounded like good arguments - but - what were their basic programs?


They wanted to cause everyone to serve them and their 'god-like' aspirations and - those individuals which got in their way - well we all know what happened to them right?


The Islamic :uzi: revolution is being advanced by despots - who like king Vena and king Hiranyakashipu [and like communism] - will terrorize everyone into submission - they have 'impersonal' designs on you and me - they would kill us for what we think and believe - if it is not the state enforced ideology!


They want to place everyone into the service of their :uzi: revolution - without any question answered on their part.


The truth is - for them - the service to the :uzi: revolution is more important than service to God!


Yes - there may be many things wrong with 'western ways' - yet - nothing like the bent programs these fascists are pushing.


He says of 9/11:


some Western media only intensified the climates of fear and insecurity – some constantly talked about the possibility of new terror attacks and kept the people in fear.

Is that service to the American people? Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic? American citizen lived in constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place.


It isn't the media which seeds and cultivates this fear - it is the [reported] continual threats being made by central figures of the Islamic :uzi: revolution which is keeping alive a constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place.

Some believe that the hype paved the way – and was the justification – for an attack on Afghanistan.

Who believes that - him? His whole premise here is so flawed that it's a joke. 9/11 - which he 'claims' to have denounced - was enacted by the leaders of the then Afganistan - so - what fact can he possibly be trying to displace in saying it was a media conspiracy that caused the invasion of Afganistan?

So too - is he really gloating in saying - Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic?


If the president of Iran thinks that the U.S. is going the wrong direction in bringing the 9/11 thugs to justice - why aren't they out there hunting for them too? Why aren't they even helping? We know why...


Then the issues of his hate for Israel and the Jews - was made more obvious:


After the war, they claimed that six million Jews had been killed.


Again let us assume that these events are true.

Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime?


So that is not anything but the same attempt at a justification for his hate and ignorance and - he calls himself a teacher too! :eek4:


Now in these words - we see him make a clear threat:


All prophets, speak of peace and tranquillity for man – based on monotheism, justice and respect for human dignity.

Do you not think that if all of us come to believe in and abide by these principles [and by radical and revolutionary force if needed?], that is, monotheism, worship of God, justice, respect for the dignity of man, belief in the Last Day, we can overcome the present problems of the world – that are the result of disobedience to the Almighty and the teachings of prophets – and improve our performance? Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice? Do you not think that the aforementioned written or unwritten principles are universally respected? Will you not accept this invitation? That is, a genuine return to the teachings of prophets, to monotheism and justice, to preserve human dignity and obedience to the Almighty and His prophets? Mr President, History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive....Can one deny the signs of change in the world today? Is this situation of the world today comparable to that of ten years ago? Changes happen fast and come at a furious pace.

These are very curious words aren't they!

He is giving a veiled ultimatum of his own - by saying - that the U.S. government [and others] is repressive and cruel - which shall not survive - in this veiled threat [and warning of attack?] he wrote - Can one deny the signs of change in the world today? Is this situation of the world today [what situation that is - he doesn't say!] comparable to that of ten years ago? Changes happen fast [what changes?] and come at a furious pace ["furious" is that an ill catch word here?]

The people of the world are not happy with the status quo and pay little heed to the promises and comments made by a number of influential world leaders.

Oh he's the real authority here - right? How he thinks he can speak for "the people of the world" - don't pay heed to any of his promises [that he and his could do better] - though one aught to pay close heed to his comments - in some troubled minds - he is an influential world leader.

He is clearly canvassing for so-called malcontented people everywhere - to be candidates - to come and kill for his Islamic :uzi: revolution?

Even in western prison houses - they have operatives - who are seeding their propagandas to offensively malcontented people - yes - for their cause they'll go to prison to do this! They may call it an Islamic prison ministry - but it isn't like that in all cases as to be that - they wouldn't be proselytizing within prisons.

They look for violent and disaffected individuals for conversion into their apostate interpretations of Islam.

Many people around the wolrd ["wolrd" - is that a typo in a letter from a president to a president?] feel insecure and oppose the spreading of insecurity and war and do not approve of and accept dubious policies.

Is he intending to be a self-appointed counter-point to this alleged situation? What of his dubious policies - in his Islamic :uzi: revolution?


Liberalism and Western style democracy have not been able to help realize the ideals of humanity.

Today these two concepts have failed.

There it is - he's saying that Liberalism and Western style democracy have failed - a very blanket judgement [he objectively knows nothing of these] and - he is thus saying that his Islamic :uzi: revolution shall help the world realize the ideals of humanity - that is what I hear in this.

Those with insight can already hear the sounds of the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems.

So what is that? Another veiled warning?

We increasingly see that people around the world are flocking towards a main focal point – that is the Almighty God.


My question for you is: "Do you not want to join them?" Mr President, Whether we like it or not, the world is gravitating towards faith in the Almighty and justice and the will of God will prevail over all things.


So was that a pre-justification of a widespread "Islamic :uzi: revolution" - a warning that he and his nation are to fight against - the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems - that have in their opinion failed - are they to hasten the shattering and fall of the ideology and thoughts of the liberal democratic systems?


Yes - the world may be gravitating towards faith in the Almighty - but - it won't be what he's selling!

Yes the world is changing [for the good] - but not in the direction that they are trying to incline it into. They are a threat to that new direction that is emerging!

My basic question is this: Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world? Today there are hundreds of millions of Christians, hundreds of millions of Moslems and millions of people who follow the teachings of Moses (PBUH).

All divine religions share and respect on word and that is “monotheism” or belief in a single God and no other in the world.

He speaks of interacting with the world and yet he clearly has no respect for any non-biblical faith - because it's not so-called monotheism? Is he saying that he and his Islamic :uzi: revolution would fight Hinduism [and others] - as perceived threats to - the Almighty and justice and the will of God?

He says people who follow the teachings of Moses - just why can't he say "Jews" in this connection?

What makes a faith montheistic in his mind? We believe in 'a single God - that is 'ONE' yet he would see Lord Krishna as a false infidel god - so again - he's said something and - it really only makes his maledicted position - that much clearer.


He writes:


Do you not think that belief in these principles promotes and guarantees peace, friendship and justice?

If that be the case then - why isn't there a real unity - within Islam and - even within the Arab world? They all accept these things - don't they?


What an overtly simplistic and pointless viewpoint!


I don't think that he has any desire for real - peace, friendship and justice...


As we can see - this letter - rather than assuage the issues - hastened them...


At last - I mention this one 'predictive' [or is it 'threatening'?] point he makes:


History tells us that repressive and cruel governments do not survive

Of course HIS government shall discover that [not] soon enough...?


<!-- attribution -->"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a long, rambling missive to US President George W. Bush this week. It ended on a somewhat ominous note that seemed to some Islamic scholars to constitute a declaration of war against the US."




So I was already saying that in my disection of his letter on May 10 - so I wasn't the only person to see those veiled threats. I think my critical analysis is spot on!



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The Apocalyptic Message of President Ahmadinejad to President Bush


By: Mr Imani




Iran's President Ahmadinejad, a veteran of the Islamic Republic's repressive Revolutionary Guard, took office 3 August 2005, after a surprise win in a June sham presidential election -- there are no democratic elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran. All candidates are prescreened by the Guardian Council before they are allowed to run for office.

In practice, a president of Iran is already chosen through a farce process of giving the voters a chance to elect one of the men hand-picked from the regime's functionaries, as was the case with President Ahmadinejad.

No sooner did President Ahmadinejad emerge from obscurity and assumed his new role as the head of the Executive Branch of the Islamic regime in Iran than he unleashed a torrent of venomous rhetoric against the********><!--D(["mb","United \nStates \nand Israel. \n


He proclaimed, "Israel \nmust be wiped off*the map," and that the Holocaust was a fabricated myth. \nHe went a step farther*and threatened Muslim leaders with consequences if \nthey appeased Israel, \n"Any leader in the*Islamic umma (community) who recognizes \nIsrael \nfaces the wrath of*his own people."


His hateful \nrhetoric*aside, President Ahmadinejad has reported on events that are \nterribly strange, to say the*least: Behaviors and statements that raise \nserious questions about his mental*state. \nDuring his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in September of 2005, \nfor*instance, he claimed to have been enveloped by a light that made the \nentire*audience focused on him for the duration without anyone blinking. \n


More recently,*during his visit to \nSaudi*Arabia, \nKing Abdullah was*unable to move away, because of the strength of force \nemanated* from Iran\'s \npresident, so he contends. President Ahmadinejad\'s repeated claims to his \nspecial connection with the*supernatural forces, specifically those of the \nShiite theology, need to be*scrutinized with added concerns. ",1]);//-->*********> United States and Israel.


He proclaimed, "Israel must be wiped off the map," and that the Holocaust was a fabricated myth. He went a step farther and threatened Muslim leaders with consequences if they appeased Israel, "Any leader in the Islamic umma (community) who recognizes Israel faces the wrath of his own people."


His hateful rhetoric aside, President Ahmadinejad has reported on events that are terribly strange, to say the least: Behaviors and statements that raise serious questions about his mental state. During his speech at the United Nations General Assembly in September of 2005, for instance, he claimed to have been enveloped by a light that made the entire audience focused on him for the duration without anyone blinking.


More recently, during his visit to Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah was unable to move away, because of the strength of force emanated from Iran's president, so he contends. President Ahmadinejad's repeated claims to his special connection with the supernatural forces, specifically those of the Shiite theology, need to be scrutinized with added concerns.********><!--D(["mb","


Most \nrecently, President*Ahmadinejad has baffled the world by his 18-page letter \naddressed to*President George W Bush. Lay people and experts alike are at a \nloss in their*attempt to understand and decipher the significance, if any, \nof the letter -- a*hodgepodge of religious, philosophical, historical and \nvictimization phraseology*that seem to bear very little relation to the \npresent difficulties confronting*the Islamic Republic of Iran on one side \nand the United States of America and*much of the free world on the other. \n


\nThe \nenigma is not hidden*in the letter.* \nIt’s in the act of writing it.* \nThe mere sending of the letter--to the most powerful man on earth \n(President Bush) has epochal historical precedence.*


In my view, \nPresident*Ahmadinejad’s letter can be better understood when examined \nwithin his frame of*mind and system of belief. The*letter constitutes \nanother exercise*in a series of summons, invitations or ultimatums from a \nperson who considers*himself a spokesman for Islam to a wayward ruler...in \nthis instance President Bush.


\nThis approach dates back to \nProphet Muhammad himself who first*called upon the infidels to embrace his \nfaith or face his violent*wrath. President \nAhmadinejad believes he is doing what the Prophet Mohammad commands him to \ndo. \nHe also revered point of emulation, the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the \nfounder of* the Islamic Republic of Iran, also addressed a similar letter \nto another infidel, contemporary ruler, of his time; the former Secretary \nGeneral of the Soviet* Union Mikhail Gorbachev.* Khomeini suggested \nthat Gorbachev embrace Islam.",1]);//-->*********>


Most recently, President Ahmadinejad has baffled the world by his 18-page letter addressed to President George W Bush. Lay people and experts alike are at a loss in their attempt to understand and decipher the significance, if any, of the letter -- a hodgepodge of religious, philosophical, historical and victimization phraseology that seem to bear very little relation to the present difficulties confronting the Islamic Republic of Iran on one side and the United States of America and much of the free world on the other.


The enigma is not hidden in the letter. It’s in the act of writing it. The mere sending of the letter--to the most powerful man on earth (President Bush) has epochal historical precedence.


In my view, President Ahmadinejad’s letter can be better understood when examined within his frame of mind and system of belief. The letter constitutes another exercise in a series of summons, invitations or ultimatums from a person who considers himself a spokesman for Islam to a wayward ruler...in this instance President Bush.


This approach dates back to Prophet Muhammad himself who first called upon the infidels to embrace his faith or face his violent wrath. President Ahmadinejad believes he is doing what the Prophet Mohammad commands him to do. He also revered point of emulation, the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, also addressed a similar letter to another infidel, contemporary ruler, of his time; the former Secretary General of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Khomeini suggested that Gorbachev embrace Islam.********><!--D(["mb"," \n


The founder of Islam*Muhammad has ordained; "Invite them to \nembrace Islam. If they refuse, then war*upon them."* Employing this \npractice, Islam subdued Persia \nand other parts of*the world by the force of the sword. Perhaps \nIran’s \nnew presidential letter to President Bush follows the same strategy where he \nchallenges him and the*people of the \nUnited \nStates \nto renounce the Christian faith and attain salvation by*embracing Islam. \n"Will you not accept this invitation?" asks President Ahmadinejad in \nthe*letter.


President \nBush has repeatedly called Islam a “religion of peace.” Has this mistaken idea \nemboldened Mr. Ahmadinejad?*Has \nthis acknowledgement by President*Bush*caused \nIran\'s \npresident*to issue his summons?. Is history repeating itself?* Is a \nsummon of*convert ideology a prelude to use of force, as has been the \ncase*in numerous Islamic conquests?


What \nmakes matters*terribly dangerous are the modern instruments of force and \nthe willingness to*use them. Centuries ago, the sword in the hand of the \nIslamists carved a huge*empire. Now, with the weapons of mass destruction, \nthe entire world is at*peril.


If we*dig a little deeper into \nthe history books, we observe such an invitation was*also sent (at the time \nconsidered to be a powerful man) the King of Kings, the*Light of Aryans, \nYazdgird the III, King of Persia.* Perhaps that was the defining moment for \nIslam and its conquest of the world. ",1]);//-->*********>


The founder of Islam Muhammad has ordained; "Invite them to embrace Islam. If they refuse, then war upon them." Employing this practice, Islam subdued Persia and other parts of the world by the force of the sword. Perhaps Iran’s new presidential letter to President Bush follows the same strategy where he challenges him and the people of the United States to renounce the Christian faith and attain salvation by embracing Islam. "Will you not accept this invitation?" asks President Ahmadinejad in the letter.


President Bush has repeatedly called Islam a “religion of peace.” Has this mistaken idea emboldened Mr. Ahmadinejad? Has this acknowledgement by President Bush caused Iran's president to issue his summons?. Is history repeating itself? Is a summon of convert ideology a prelude to use of force, as has been the case in numerous Islamic conquests?


What makes matters terribly dangerous are the modern instruments of force and the willingness to use them. Centuries ago, the sword in the hand of the Islamists carved a huge empire. Now, with the weapons of mass destruction, the entire world is at peril.


If we dig a little deeper into the history books, we observe such an invitation was also sent (at the time considered to be a powerful man) the King of Kings, the Light of Aryans, Yazdgird the III, King of Persia. Perhaps that was the defining moment for Islam and its conquest of the world.********><!--D(["mb","


It is*said nearly 1,400 years \nago that Umar Ibn Al Khattab, the*second of four Islamic Caliphs sent a \nletter to King*Yazdgird III of Persia*to \ncommit Bei\'at (Joining with caliph and accepting Islam.) Umar wrote, "Once upon \na time your land ruled half the known world but what has it come down to now? \nYour troops are defeated on all fronts and your nation is bound to collapse. I \noffer*you a way to rescue yourself. Start praying to Allah, a single union \nGod, the*only God who created everything \nin the universe. We bring you and the world his message. Worship, Allah the only \ntrue God."


If we*replace King*Yazdgird III, \nwith*President Bush, Persia \nwith*the United*States, \nand*Persians with United \nStates \ncitizens, and the signature of Umar with Ahmadinejad, the new*president of \nthe Islamic Republic, the outcome could look horrific.


But there was \nalso King Yazdgird III response to Umar. Mentally replace Yazdgird\'s name \nwith* President Bush and Ahura Mazda with Jesus Christ, and then you\'ll get \nthe* picture:


"In* the name of Ahura Mazda, creator of Life \nand* Intelligence:

You, in your letter wrote that you want to* \ndirect us towards your God,*Allah without having the true knowledge of who \nwe* are and who we worship. It is amazing that you occupy the position of \nCaliph*(Ruler) of Arabs, yet your knowledge is the same as a lowly Arab \nrambler,*roaming in deserts of Arabia",1]);//-->*********>


It is said nearly 1,400 years ago that Umar Ibn Al Khattab, the second of four Islamic Caliphs sent a letter to King Yazdgird III of Persia to commit Bei'at (Joining with caliph and accepting Islam.) Umar wrote, "Once upon a time your land ruled half the known world but what has it come down to now? Your troops are defeated on all fronts and your nation is bound to collapse. I offer you a way to rescue yourself. Start praying to Allah, a single union God, the only God who created everything in the universe. We bring you and the world his message. Worship, Allah the only true God."

If we replace King Yazdgird III, with President Bush, Persia with the United States, and Persians with United States citizens, and the signature of Umar with Ahmadinejad, the new president of the Islamic Republic, the outcome could look horrific.

But there was also King Yazdgird III response to Umar. Mentally replace Yazdgird's name with President Bush and Ahura Mazda with Jesus Christ, and then you'll get the picture:

"In the name of Ahura Mazda, creator of Life and Intelligence:

You, in your letter wrote that you want to direct us towards your God, Allah without having the true knowledge of who we are and who we worship. It is amazing that you occupy the position of Caliph (Ruler) of Arabs, yet your knowledge is the same as a lowly Arab rambler, roaming in deserts of Arabia********><!--D(["mb",", \nand*the same as a desert tribal man!

"You suggest we worship a \nunited and*single God without knowing that for thousands of years Persians \nhave worshiped*the mono God and they pray to him five times a \nday!

"When we*established the tradition of hospitality and good \ndeeds in the world and we*waved the flag of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good \nDeeds, in our hands, you and your ancestors were roaming the deserts, eating \nlizards, for you had nothing else to feed yourselves and burying your innocent \ndaughters alive." (An old Arab tradition, because they preferred male children \nto* female)

"You behead God\'s children, even the prisoners of war, \nrape*women, attack the caravans, mass murder, kidnap people\'s wives and \nsteal their* property! Your hearts are made of stone; we condemn all these \nevils which you*do. How can you teach us \nGodly*Ways \nwhen*you commit these actions”?


"Is it Allah who commands you to \nmurder,*pillage and to destroy? Is it you the followers of Allah who do \nthis in his*name? Or is it both”?


”Tell us. With all your \nmilitary campaigns, barbarianism, murder and pillage in*the name of Allah O \nAkbar, what have you taught to this Muslim Army? What*knowledge have you \ntaught the Muslims that you also insist on teaching it to*non-Muslims? What \ncultures have you learned from your Allah, now that you want to force teach it \nto others?"


"I beg you to remain with your Allah O Akbar in your deserts \nand do not* move close to our civilized cities, for your beliefs are \'much \nfearful\' and your behavior is \'Most Barbaric\'!"


Thus*the war began \nand the Arab army under its ruthless commander, Sa\'d ibn Abi*Waqqas \napproached. The Persian Army was defeated in the decisive*“Battle of \nQadisiyah”. Rostam Farokhzad, the courageous Iranian general was murdered \nand*Yazdgird\'s last attempt to gather forces to counter attack fell short, \nhence*Islam\'s defining moment was born. ",1]);//-->*********> , and the same as a desert tribal man!


"You suggest we worship a united and single God without knowing that for thousands of years Persians have worshiped the mono God and they pray to him five times a day!


"When we established the tradition of hospitality and good deeds in the world and we waved the flag of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds, in our hands, you and your ancestors were roaming the deserts, eating lizards, for you had nothing else to feed yourselves and burying your innocent daughters alive." (An old Arab tradition, because they preferred male children to female)


"You behead God's children, even the prisoners of war, rape women, attack the caravans, mass murder, kidnap people's wives and steal their property! Your hearts are made of stone; we condemn all these evils which you do. How can you teach us Godly Ways when you commit these actions”?


"Is it Allah who commands you to murder, pillage and to destroy? Is it you the followers of Allah who do this in his name? Or is it both”?


”Tell us. With all your military campaigns, barbarianism, murder and pillage in the name of Allah O Akbar, what have you taught to this Muslim Army? What knowledge have you taught the Muslims that you also insist on teaching it to non-Muslims? What cultures have you learned from your Allah, now that you want to force teach it to others?"

"I beg you to remain with your Allah O Akbar in your deserts and do not move close to our civilized cities, for your beliefs are 'much fearful' and your behavior is 'Most Barbaric'!"

Thus the war began and the Arab army under its ruthless commander, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas approached. The Persian Army was defeated in the decisive “Battle of Qadisiyah”. Rostam Farokhzad, the courageous Iranian general was murdered and Yazdgird's last attempt to gather forces to counter attack fell short, hence Islam's defining moment was born.********><!--D(["mb","

The*Arabs had come to \nconvert the Persians by hook or by crook. "La ilah ilallah Mohammed \n

ur*Rasulallah" \n(There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet.)


Those \nwho*resisted uttering those words were faced with death or burdened with \nheavy taxes*and other unjust punishments.


It*is the belief in \nthe same \'Allah\' that brought upon the Iranian people the*greatest \ncatastrophe of the Islamic revolution. This is also the same belief*that \nbrought the twin towers down in the United*States \nof America. \n


This belief in this Allah will not stop until the entire world \nbows to its will.


Will \nAmerica \nfollow Persia?* In many ways, \nAmerica \nresembles the great, ancient Persian \nEmpire. Like \nthe ancient Persian \nEmpire once \nwas, the United \nStates is \nnow the greatest government in the world. Like the Persians who were the first \nworld managers and the most tolerant empire-builders, \nAmerica, with \nits rich constitution, is also the most tolerant and benevolent nation in the \nworld.",1]);//-->*********>


The Arabs had come to convert the Persians by hook or by crook. "La ilah ilallah Mohammed

ur Rasulallah" (There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet.)

Those who resisted uttering those words were faced with death or burdened with heavy taxes and other unjust punishments.

It is the belief in the same 'Allah' that brought upon the Iranian people the greatest catastrophe of the Islamic revolution. This is also the same belief that brought the twin towers down in the United States of America.

This belief in this Allah will not stop until the entire world bows to its will.

Will America follow Persia? In many ways, America resembles the great, ancient Persian Empire. Like the ancient Persian Empire once was, the United States is now the greatest government in the world. Like the Persians who were the first world managers and the most tolerant empire-builders, America, with its rich constitution, is also the most tolerant and benevolent nation in the world.********><!--D(["mb","* \n*

\nAncient \nPersian kings released the Jews*from Babylonian captivity, financed the \nreestablishment of their nation, and*restored their national religion. \n(Zionists, they were!) The United \nStates \nhas basically done the same.*The United States*is*the \nreincarnation of Persia, \nan extension of the Achaemenid*Empire.


Tyrannical Islam eviscerated \nthe*spiritual life of tolerant old \nPersia. \nIs history going to repeat itself? It has taken*decades for the Persians \n(modern Iranians) to recover their spirit.* Zoroastrianism, the original \nIranian religion, was not an effective barrier*against the radical religion \nfrom the Arabian \nDesert. \n


\nIs \nChristianity going to withstand Islam on its*second rush of world \nconquest?


The United \nStates \nas it stands for democracy*is the last haven of hope for \nwhich*humanity can*flourish. Today, after 1,400 years, Islam is again \nthe*greatest threat to the existence of the free world and the civilization \nof*Christianity.* Persians underestimated the destructive power of \nIslam; let*us hope and pray that the \n",1]);//-->*********>

Ancient Persian kings released the Jews from Babylonian captivity, financed the reestablishment of their nation, and restored their national religion. (Zionists, they were!) The United States has basically done the same. The United States is the reincarnation of Persia, an extension of the Achaemenid Empire.

Tyrannical Islam eviscerated the spiritual life of tolerant old Persia. Is history going to repeat itself? It has taken decades for the Persians (modern Iranians) to recover their spirit. Zoroastrianism, the original Iranian religion, was not an effective barrier against the radical religion from the Arabian Desert.


Is Christianity going to withstand Islam on its second rush of world conquest?

The United States as it stands for democracy is the last haven of hope for which humanity can flourish. Today, after 1,400 years, Islam is again the greatest threat to the existence of the free world and the civilization of Christianity. Persians underestimated the destructive power of Islam; let us hope and pray that the********><!--D(["mb","United \nStates \ndoes NOT underestimate the destructive power of*Islam the second time.





Amil \nImani is an Iranian-born American Citizen and pro- democracy activist living in \nthe United \nStates of America. \n*Imani is a columnist, literary translator, poet, and novelist, who speaks \nout for the struggling people of his native land, \nIran. \n*His website is www.amilimani.com</div></div></div>\n\n</div>",0]);D(["ce"]);//-->*********> United States does NOT underestimate the destructive power of Islam the second time.




Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American Citizen and pro- democracy activist living in the United States of America. Imani is a columnist, literary translator, poet, and novelist, who speaks out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran.

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