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Rudraksha for money and finance problems

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Dear Friend


12 Mukhi Lord Surya Rudraksa supports the wearer with the strength and

brilliance of the Sun allowing wearer to move and function with this Blessing


8 Mukhi Lord Ganesh Rudraksa moves and remves all obstacles on all levels of



7 Mukhi Goddess MahaLakshmi Rudraksa gives wealth in all areas of life


6 Mukhi Lord Kartikeya saves from worldly sorrows


4 Mukhi Lord Brahma gives creative wisdom learning and knowledge


3 Mukhi Lord Agni stops problems before the start in the past present and



This is an Intuitive or Ikshanika Rudraksa Recommendation.........the 3 Mukhi

is intended to stop all problems for you..........the 4 Mukhi to give you

discrimination..............the 6 Mukhi to save from worldly sorrows.....the 7

Mukhi to attract wealth in all areas of life and to pacify Saturn

problems......the 8 Mukhi moves the obstacles so the 7 Mukhi is more effective

and the 12

Mukhi is the center bead on your mala to make you the center of your

universe........makeing all come to you for your needs


for more information please fill out form for free Rudraska and Ratna

Recommendation on www.rudraksha-ratna.com and you can compare this


with our Astologers recommendation


hope this helps you and Family


Thanks and Take Care


Rudra Center America


S R DharmaDeva Arya


In a message dated 1/30/2005 7:36:25 AM Pacific Standard Time,

sos39m writes:






> Hi

> I have big financial problems and many obstacles in money and business

> matters. I want to know which Rudraksha can solve my problems. I want to

> know which Rudraksha is good for business and increase money.



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> Links













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I have big financial problems and many obstacles in money and business

matters. I want to know which Rudraksha can solve my problems. I want to

know which Rudraksha is good for business and increase money.

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