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pregnancy --vomiting????

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My duaghter 20 yrs first month geting severe nuasea --hates

food----thus tired.

experts may plz advice some--- sugest some general ayurvedic meds can

b given in this early stages---.I am an homeo dr--and heared ayurveda

can do lot in this case--tanx in advavance--

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Congratulations to your daughter for becoming complete woman at an

early age.


The vitiation of pitta (as a result of changing hormone levels) is the driving

force for nausea. Author suggests two simple drinks which will reduce the

problem. Alternate the drinks, say

every four hours. Do not eat solid food until body starts retaining it.


1. This drink is called Heem and details are given in another message

by author:




2. Ginger drink: Take 4 cups of water (cup means 100 ml) and keep on fire to

bring it

to boil. In the meanwhile, take 2 inch piece of fresh ginger root, peel

it and cut into thin slices. Add to the boiling water and reduce heat

to simmer. After 15-20 minutes strain, add crystal sugar and little

coarsely ground cinamon. after it cools to luke warm temperature, add half a

lemon juice and drink. You can add

honey instead of crustal sugar, but only after water has cooled to luke warm



If someone tells that ginger is 'hot' and should not be taken during

pregnancy, do not worry. After boiling, ginger looses its 'hot' property and

addition of crystal sugar/honey, lemon changes the pictutre, and as you are

going to alternate between the two drinks every four hours, no such fear be kept

in mind.


Drink these only from 6 am to 6 pm, ending with heem. thus schedule:


6 am: ginger drink

10 am: heem

2 pm: ginger drink

6 pm: heem


at 10 pm you can try sweetened milk. the day you start retaining this

milk, reduce ginger drink and heem you can continue at reduced



Phal Ghrutam 1 tsp in milk twice a day will also help not only keeping nausea to

minimum, but also help fetus grow healthy. You may see this mentioned in group

file 'Medicine_chest.doc' after clicking on the file name. File name will appear

on screen after clicking on




1/2 tsp of ground cummin seeds can be held in mouth if above program is

unable to bring the problem to manageable level.


Other than this or any other ayurvedic/homeopathic suggestions from any

one else, do not try allopathic tablets/capsules for this. Harms caused

to fetus are never tested in a clinical trial of large magnitude.



Dr Bhate


ayurveda, drkidr <no_reply> wrote:


> My duaghter 20 yrs first month geting severe nuasea --hates

> food----thus tired.

> experts may plz advice some--- sugest some general ayurvedic meds can

> b given in this early stages---.

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One strategy is to keep something in the stomach at all times, and

many women find that eating smaller, more frequent meals is helpful

(especially as the uterus expands into the abdominal cavity and

reduces stomach volume). To this extent, it may be helpful to have

oat or rice cakes beside the bed, or some rice porridge to eat first

thing in the morning. Spicy and stimulating foods and beverages

should be avoided, and many pregnant women find that they cannot

tolerate chilies, garlic and coffee. The recommendation to avoid

spicy, warming foods is also recommended, as per Dr Bhate's comments,

and includes members of the nightshade family (e.g. eggplant,

peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, chilies), black pepper, papaya, curd, etc.


For morning sickness I rely on dipanapachana or aromatic digestive

herbs such as Anise, Fennel, Coriander, Caraway, and Dill seed.

Equal parts of the seeds are crushed and boiled in water for 5-10

minutes, approximately 1 generous tsp of the seed mixture per cup of

water. A small finger of fresh chopped ginger can be added and

boiled as well. When cool the tea can be sweetened with little maple

syrup or honey.


If there is a lot of heartburn herbs such as marshmallow and slippery

elm are hlpful, and more recently, Deglycyrrhized Licorice (DGL),

which is excellent to soothe irritated mucus membranes without any

risk of disturbing fluid balance - for this 1-2 tabs can be chewed as



Sometimes there are other GI issues that can promote morning

sickness, such as poor fat digestion and constipation. If fatty

foods cause distress then increasing the consumption of bitter-

tasting foods before meals - i typically would recommend something

like bitter green salad made with endive, dandelion greens, etc, but

might also use a few drops of something like Oregon Grape root

tincture (very similar to Daruharidra). For constipation i typically

increase the fiber content in the diet by increasing leafy greens,

unhulled hemp seeds or reconstituted prunes prepared with a little

cinnamon, cardamom and clove (a little ghee can added, if desired).

Figs are particularly rejuvenating and energizing food and you cook

these up with the prunes for added benefit - speaking of which the

Goji or wolfberry berry here is very much warranted, and has the

added benefit of stabilizing blood sugar.


In the European/American herbal traditional is a strong history of

using teas made with Red Raspberry and Nettle during pregnancy -

apart from the effect they have on "toning" the uterus, they are very

rich in minerals and can help to create electrolyte imbalances that

can promote the nausea in a viscious cycle relationship.


Also note that if she is taking a prenatal vitamin these can cause

stomach upset within an hour after consumption.


best... todd caldecott


On 1-Feb-06, at 9:23 AM, ayurveda wrote:

> pregnancy --vomiting????


> My duaghter 20 yrs first month geting severe nuasea --hates

> food----thus tired.

> experts may plz advice some--- sugest some general ayurvedic meds can

> b given in this early stages

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Hi dr,

I Dont know where u are staying but if u are in India,try to get Drakshadi

Kwath (kashayam) give this 15 ml.diluted with 45 ml boiled and then cooled to

room temperature water, every 2-3 hr. mixed with 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp sugar. This

preparation can show wonderfull effect and is useful in 95% of the cases.

however if the climate is hot give her Maha dhanwantharam Gulika(Garbha

rakshini) once daily in jeera water.(can be prepared by boiling half tsp cummin

seed with half litre water)

It will take only 2 days in most cases to get rid of the vomiting.


Dr. Suresh

Abu Dhabi.


drkidr <no_reply> wrote:

My duaghter 20 yrs first month geting severe nuasea --hates

food----thus tired.

experts may plz advice some--- sugest some general ayurvedic meds can

b given in this early stages---.I am an homeo dr--and heard ayurveda

can do lot in this case--tanx in advavance--

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Dear sir,


Give her Madeephala rasayanam 3 spoons 3 times/day.This is the best medicine

for pregnant woman.Completely safe and can be used for long time.Her vomitings

will be controled in 3-4 days.Promotes appetite, and good digestion.Will not be

any Nausea.this is a well reputed house hold medicine in every house of


Dr.Venu Gopal Rao.T





drkidr <no_reply> wrote:

My duaghter 20 yrs first month geting severe nuasea --hates

food----thus tired.

experts may plz advice some--- sugest some general ayurvedic meds can

b given in this early stages---.I am an homeo dr--and heared ayurveda

can do lot in this case--tanx in advavance--

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