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Re:Liver cancer cured despite failure of ayurveda

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Cancer does not mean cancelled. Cancer cure is certain. My own

experiment on myself proves that.


If I would not have tried shivambu therapy, today, ten years would

have passed after my death.


The story of my misery began in 1984. My age was aound 42 then. I had

thin but healthy body. My business required 14-15 hours work every

day. Food, dietary habits, lifestyle everything was irregular.

Indigestion and insomnia were my constant companions. When complaints

increased, I consulted a local doctor, who dignosed as 'hyper

acidity' and 'intestinal ulcer'. Treatment was started, chillies and

spices totally removed from the diet for next three months.


Zero result. On the other hand health deteriorated further, disease

becoming more aggressive. Ulceration developed in the moth and on the

tongue. Chronic low fever and swellings appeared on hands and feet.

Due to bitter taste in the mouth, solid food was totally stopped.


I left allopathy. left ayurveda and even tried many homeopathy

treatments. But no difference. From poor, health was going to worst .

>From 62 kg body weight, I dropped to 40-42 kg. Energy level was also

down. On the suggestion of doctor, got admitted in Tata Memorial

Cancer Research Hospital in Mumbai. Gastroscopy and biopsy tests

confirmed swelling and malignant tumor in liver. But by this time,

lack of solid food and various tests carried out on empty stomach had

made me quite weak. I was advised surgery, chemotherapy and

radiation. Being weak due to all the treatment so far, I shuddered at

those words. I knew my body wont take all those excesses.


Dyeing person tries everything. I started shivambu treatment. Dr

Sarvesh Vora (Mumbai) arranged a mass prayer for me. This kindled a

fire of faith in me. Same day I took dischrge from Cancer

Hospital "against medical advice".


Though I had heard and read several things about shivambu therapy, I

had never tried it earlier. Everyday I started drinking shivambu 1.5

to 2 glasses. In the beginning, nausea, vomitting, bitter taste were

experienced; but after 15 days, the mouth ulcers healed. The bleeding

from gums stopped. After spreading thousands of rupees and months of

medical treatment, this tiny relief gave ma a lot of hope and

increased faith.


Now I started disciplined approach. Changed the lifestyle. Early

morning took 5 to 7 glasses of Tulsi+mint decoction. Consumed all the

shivambu produced as a result. After that, carrot juice, cabbage

juice, leafy vegetable soups, fruit juices were taken after every 2

hours. All shivambu produced thereby was also consumed. Thus

throughout the day:

5-6 glasses fruit juices

7 glasses shivambu

7 glasses boiled water


Within a month, I obtained significant relief from inflamation of

stomach, drowsiness, insomnia. I could pay more attention to my

routine work as well as carry out daily treatment with more zeal.


After three months of this plan, a miracle happened one morning. When

I visited the toilet as usual, I got blood clots similar to menstrual

clots, in stool. Whole toilet got soiled with them. I picked up some

clots in a polythelene bag and sent to pathology lab. The reports

arrived in ten days and stated that they were indeed tumors from my

lever. Repeat gastrocopy at Cancer hospital showed "normal" report. I

had won a long tedious war.


Health was improving at a faster rate now. Based on literature and

old experience, along with liquids, I started taking Amalaki

rasayan, chyvanprash and coarsely ground black sesame seeds. This

experiement continued for nearly 15 months without any solid food.


Today I am healthy. I feel I am 40 and not 50 years old. I have

become a miracle story amongst my friends and relatives.


Himmat Somaiya

Somaiya Galery, Jawan Nagar, R. B. Mehta Road

Ghatkopar East, Mumbai 400 077

Ph: 25165161


Above article appeared in `Shivambu Parivar Directory' printed in

1995, by Water of Life Foundation, India. This foundation is founded

by Dr G. K. Thakkar. The directory was published due to painstaking

efforts by Dr Jagdip Shah, MD( Obstetrcs and Gynecology). Despite

being a busy doctor birthing several babies everyday, he is most

active member of Water of Life Foundation, India.


The directory contains addresses and telephone numbers of several

persons (Mumbai and Gujarat) who suffered chronic diseases and

obtained significant relief or cure as the case may be, by using

Shivambu Therapy.


The article translated by:

Dr Bhate




ayurveda, "leethe9" <lethe9@g...> wrote:

> One thing we don't do well here in the West is palliative care for


> dying. My 89 year old grandmother just found out she has lung cancer

> and is too frail for chemo and radiation. She weighs maybe 88 pounds

> or so. The doctors have said they will make sure she is in no pain,

> but I really do not believe them, because they couldn't do that with

> her arthritis, so how will they do that with lung cancer? I don't


> what stage she is in, but hospice is already setting up to deal with

> her in her nursing home and they usually don't step in here unless a

> doctor has estimated a person will live 6 months or less. What kind


> palliative care is appropriate in such a case? My grandmother has

> always been a woman of strong spiritual beliefs and I think that


> somewhat when facing death.

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This is fascinating. Is shivambu an herb? I am not sure my grandmother

would try anything, she seems to be ready to die. Her room is kept

very hot and she is always complaining of cold. She has absolutely no

body fat left as far as I can tell and her arms are about one and one

half inch in diameter. I can put my thumb and finger around the widest

part. She is throwing up everything and looks as if she is starving to

death. I have persuaded her to allow me to bring her a little yogurt

today. She does not like the oversugared kind that is popular here,

but will eat plain yogurt with a few herbs for flavor. It seems to

help soothe her stomach. I only got here yesterday from where I live

and judging by the look of her, I am not sure she will live out the

month. I wish I lived closer to her. It is a 4 hour drive and I have

very limited resources. She is in a nursing home and as far as I can

tell they are taking good care of her. My aunt and uncle go see her

every day. And I come up when I can manage it. She has outlived her

two oldest sons and almost lost a third one to a heart attack a couple

of years ago and since then she has been saying that it is not right

that the mother should outlive the children. It breaks my heart to see

her and I am really not sure of the correct action in this case. I

selfishly want her to live forever and she, I think, is ready to go.


On 6/30/05, Shirish Bhate <shirishbhate wrote:

> Cancer does not mean cancelled. Cancer cure is certain. My own

> experiment on myself proves that.


> If I would not have tried shivambu therapy, today, ten years would

> have passed after my death.

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shivambu is urine therapy.








Darla Wells <lethe9 wrote:

This is fascinating. Is shivambu an herb? I am not sure my grandmother

would try anything, she seems to be ready to die. Her room is kept

very hot and she is always complaining of cold. She has absolutely no

body fat left as far as I can tell and her arms are about one and one

half inch in diameter. I can put my thumb and finger around the widest

part. She is throwing up everything and looks as if she is starving to


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Dear Darla;

Perhaps by the time this is posted she will have left the body. As

Ganga Stone puts it, in her well done book, "Start the Conversation -

the Book about Death You have been waiting to Read", there is no

death. She is preparing quickly now, to move to another place, where

you won't be able to see her, but she will still be as real as ever.

Tell her, say your goodbyes, and bless her for this most peaceful

blissful journey of release.




> Darla Wells <lethe9@g...> wrote:

> This is fascinating. Is shivambu an herb? I am not sure my grandmother

> would try anything, she seems to be ready to die. Her room is kept

> very hot and she is always complaining of cold. She has absolutely no

> body fat left as far as I can tell and her arms are about one and one

> half inch in diameter. I can put my thumb and finger around the widest

> part. She is throwing up everything and looks as if she is starving to

> death.

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I agree. She is saying her goodbyes and I believe the end will come

shortly after she is done. We had the best visits while I was up there

the last few days. She is more afraid of forgetting her past than of

dying. She is uncomfortable but does not appear to be in any major

amount of pain. She is coughing up blood and cannot take water as it

makes her sick. All the dead are with us forever in one form or

another. I believe she will reincarnate quickly or not at all.


My daughter was born a month after my father's death and I sincerely

believe he and she are somehow the same person. I was not certain

about the idea of reincarnation until then, but there have been some

unmistakeable signs. They never encountered one another in life and I

did not raise her around anyone who could tell her stories about him,

and their tastes and aptitudes are so similar as to be scary. She had

a bad wreck on his birthday last year and walked out without a

scratch. They say many of the same things. It is a strange thing in

life to raise someone who was a parent in another life. None of the

family is pregnant that I know of and she is such a strong Christian

that her own belief may keep her from coming back to us. Has anyone

else had a similar experience? I am normally a very down to earth

person and not a flake and really believe this based on what I have

seen with my daughter with my own eyes.




On 7/4/05, doulaminerva <martha wrote:

> Dear Darla;

> Perhaps by the time this is posted she will have left the body. As

> Ganga Stone puts it, in her well done book, "Start the Conversation -

> the Book about Death You have been waiting to Read", there is no

> death. She is preparing quickly now, to move to another place, where

> you won't be able to see her, but she will still be as real as ever.

> Tell her, say your goodbyes, and bless her for this most peaceful

> blissful journey of release.

> Namaste;

> Martha

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