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Bhringaraj, beauty herb

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We had interesting discussion on the topic of premature baldness.

Some remedies were suggested by Dr Venu Gopal (Msg# 3748,3753,3766).

Several earlier posts on the subject of male/female pattern hair

loss, their connection to hormonal changes, mineral content in food,

etc are discussed in earlier messages (3199, 2961, 2516, 2263, 2206,

2196, 1873, 1210, 920, 531).

Despite good suggestion, alstrup expects further stronger more

effective therapy in one of his recent posts. Hair grow above the

brain, and any problem related to brain requires long term treatment

with patience.

The objective of this post is not to give any further miracle

treatment, but to put forward a point that hair loss in most cases is

only a symptom of some other diseases, based on Vata and Pitta

prakopa, as suggested by Dr Venu Gopal. In fact an experienced Vaidya

will judge the pulse by looking at hair only! One can look up so many

ayurveda sites on the net and check the hair column when doing 'self

dosha test'!


Another objective is to bring out all the uses where Bhringaraj can

be put to. It is very useful herb.


"What should I do to remain energetic and look beautiful?" is an

important question which many patients pose to a Vaidya. Everyone

likes to remain youthful. Many use cosmetics these days; however, to

look good, it is necessary to apply your mind to diet and lifestyle,

in addition to cosmetics. To keep the body fit and looks good, super

power has given us many herbs. Though human body is the most

beautiful and complex creation of the super power, harmony with

natutre, ayurvedic lifestyle is a must to keep it so.


Amongst various herbs entering the cosmetics department, Bhringaraj

comes readily to the mind. It is an excellent hepato tonic. These

days the liver diseases have increased in number. Liver is the mother

who guards our health to maximum, while kidney is father who protects

from evil influence of toxins. Underfunctioning liver causes slowing

down of agni, the digestive power. The reduced digestion causes

fatigue, exhaustion and weakness, which spoils beauty. Increase of

acidity of digestive track, mucous and stickiness in stools, jaundice

etc are consequences. Use of bhringraj reduces the swelling of liver

and kindles true hunger, the digestive agni. Smoking, alcohol, bettle

leaves chewing, excess of tea-coffee increase liver burden, but

Bhringraj causes adequate bile secretion. In most of the stomach

diseases, Aamdosha is the dominating dosha. Worms and undesirable

microbes grow in such ama and cause low stomach pain, piles, sounds

in the intestines after food, bloating, flatulation, foul smell in

flatulation. Under these circumstances, fresh juice of Bhringraj

leaves can be taken every morning empty stomach, 2-3 ml, for three to

six weeks. This improves tone of liver, spleen and digestion. If the

dose is exceeded, vomiting or vomiting sensation can occur. The

swelling on oesophagous occurs when one takes hot, spicy, fried or

foods containing chillies for long time. This swelling progresses

into peptic ulcer into stomach or duodenum. This can result into

ulceration as well as hiatus hernia. In all these cases fresh

bhringaraja juice (swaras in traditional texts) gives very beneficial

results. Those who can not obtain or make fresh juice, can bring

leaves, let them dry in shade and make powder. This powder must be

mixed in fresh leaves juice to make small tablets. The tablets can be

taken about 250 mg empty stomach and at bed time as a liver tonic.


The Bhringraj is a well known hair tonic, helping to stop hair loss.

If hair are turning gray prematurely, the color will return to

natural. Increases R.B.C. in blood. Due to reduced exhaustion one can

easily go on staircases without panting. Bhringraj also helps in

elimination of worms. The anxiety reduces for those doing intelligent

work. Due to improvement in the liver tone, the blemishes on face

also ligten and bringing natural color to the face. The raw

undigested ama reduces, helping dissolving the extra `Meda'. What is

not well known about Bhringaraj is that it helps in dissolving

this `Meda' albeit very slowly. Urine, sweat and motions eliminate

the extra `Meda'. In all ayurvedic texts, Bhringaraj is praised as a

Rasayana and causing Vajikarana. Bhringaraj, if used properly, can

reduce sexual weakness, by improving liver. Liver has an important

role in sexual life. Bhringaraj is almost an elixir in several other

respects. Thus migraine headache, vertigo, the heat getting rejected

(burning sensation) through feet soles and palms, feverish feeling

but thermometer shows normal temperature, whole body is felt as hot

only by patients, etc are some of ailments, where Bhringaraj is the

herb of first choice.


Bhringraj is useful not only as hair grower, but also in night-

blindness. One shloka in ancient texts translates thus:

A person who takes bhringaraj swarasa early morning empty stomach,

and keeps certain food restrictions (Pathya), he becomes strong and

with rich semen (Bal and Veerya yukta) and lives hundred years. This

experiment can be carried out for about two months every year, when

fresh bhringraj leaves are available plenty. Few other receipe using

Bhringaraj are as follows:


1. If one takes Amalki, sesame seeds and bhringaraj juice in the

same order, he will not have any ailments of five senses.


2. The well known medicine Sutshekhar Ras used for hyper

acidity, GERD, (amlapitta, vidagdha ajirna) is also made by using

fresh juice of bhringaraja as binder. Aarogyavardhini Ras is another

medicine for liver, prepared by using Bhringaraj swaras as binder,

though many pharmacies use neem juice also as binder, reducing cost.

This tablet differs in cost according to bhasmas used in preparation,

and almost 200% variation can be seen in Indian pharmacies.


3. Well known medicine for worms of all types, i.e. Krumi Kuthar

is also made by using Bhringaraj fresh juice as binder.


Thus Bhringaraj reduces Kapha, increases Haemoglobin, strengthens

bones, and acts as tonic for eyes, brain, intestines, liver, spleen.

The Bhringaraj oil is best hair tonic. While Brahmi oil makes brain

cool, Amalki oil makes hair very smooth, Bhringaraj oil reduces

dandruff, removes old hair and grows fresh hair. The pores in the

scalp open due to this oil. Hence the name `Keshranjan'.


Few more uses of this king herb are also in order. Useful in skin

diseases too. Gives Relief in Leucoderma. Along with other medicines,

acts as supportive in epilepsy, (Apasmara, achaki, khech etc), excess

urination (Mutratisar). With ajwain powder, it is powerful pitta



Gargling with Bhringaraj decoction helps in tooth pain, gum bleeds,

pain, swelling.


In response to the querry by Alstrup, author would say that

Bhringaraj and Jatamasi will make an excellent combination, and what

is offered is best remedy that can be communicated over the net,

where real problems of patient, the root cause of hair loss can not

be ascertained. However, the combination is not harmful in any manner.


Dr Bhate

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