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Ultimate rasayana polyherbal jams

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I have for some years developed a passionate interest into the

rejuvenative effects of the different ayurvedic polyherbal rasayana

jams known as avaleha's/lehya's/lehyam's/leham's.


I have since 2001 tested several of the many modern "varieties" of

formulations of these from different manufacturers from all over

India, primarily the well known classics such as Chyawan Prash and

Brahma Rasayanam, described in the major texts such as the Charaka

Samhita and Astangha Hridaya Samhita.


I used to take Amrit Kalash from MAPI for several years, until I

finally began searching for other formulations. But I still have

a far way to go.


So far, those I found to have impressive and balanced rejuvenative

effects are:


Chyawan Prash


1. NIAM, http://niam.com/corp-web/cprash.htm

Unknown Uttar Pradesh origin, original Charaka Samhita recipe [if

anyone knows the name of the small Indian manufacturer, please drop

me a line]


2. Jiva Ayurveda Pharmacy, Faridhabad (ayurvedic.org)



Brahma Rasayanam


1. Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, India (by far the best and most

balanced) Can anyone top this?



Ashwagandhadi Lehyam


1. Kerala Ayurveda Pharmacy (KAPL) Sahasrayogam recipe without

animal/goat ingredient, do not stimulate sexual desire


I am aware that these "modern" preparations probably do not compare

much with the potency of such rasayanas from the vedic age prepared

by an empowered vaidya, although I nurture a hope that somehow,

somewhere, someone is making these.


I would very much appreciate if anyone with sufficient comparative

experience in this field would see fit to guide me in the right





Ole Alstrup



PS. Right now I am awaiting some ordered samples from Unhja Pharmacy

and Sita Rama Pharmacy.

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Here in Dubai we get various Chawanprash. The one I like is Himani's Sona

Chandi, as it has gold and silver.

What I am more intersted to know is that Maharashi's Amrit Kailash is very

expensive in UK and Germany and probably elswhere. I just wanted to know from

the Forum if this has any advantage over the traditional Chhawanprash from



Ray S Noronha

alstrup <alstrup wrote:


I used to take Amrit Kalash from MAPI for several years, until I

finally began searching for other formulations. But I still have

a far way to go.


So far, those I found to have impressive and balanced rejuvenative

effects are:


Chyawan Prash

1. NIAM, http://niam.com/corp-web/cprash.htm

Unknown Uttar Pradesh origin, original Charaka Samhita recipe [if

anyone knows the name of the small Indian manufacturer, please drop

me a line]


2. Jiva Ayurveda Pharmacy, Faridhabad (ayurvedic.org)


Brahma Rasayanam

1. Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, India (by far the best and most

balanced) Can anyone top this?



Ashwagandhadi Lehyam


1. Kerala Ayurveda Pharmacy (KAPL) Sahasrayogam recipe without

animal/goat ingredient, do not stimulate sexual desire


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Dear alstrup


Last line from your message made this author reply your message.

Unjha pharmacy is 104 years old and makes medicines of provable

quality. Their medicines are more costly as compared to most other

pharmacies. While formulations are quite good, supplies are very

irregular, since production is very little, compared to demand.

Manufacturers not ambitious. Often, patients have to go without

medicine for a few days, if stock does not arrive in time. No

advertizing is needed for their products. Product range is limited to

whatever they have been manufacturing for years. In contrast,

Baidyanath and Dabur have full range.


Their Rajwadi Chyvanpras is what this author has used for his patients

and not a single complaint and all praise for their fine balance of

tests, no acidity and good results (as feedback of patients). The

pharmacy is more well known for Bhaisajya Ratnakara, which many other

manufacturers follow for formulations.


Hope you get chyvanpras from them in time.


Dr Bhate



ayurveda, "alstrup" <alstrup> wrote:


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Dear Dr. Bhate,

Thank you very much for your input about Unjha Pharmacy. I am well

aware of their special status with Rasa Shastra preparations. I am

ordering the Rajwadi CP and also the CP Special they make. Would you

say that the Rajwadi is recommended for general daily use like

normal CP? It comes recommended for body wasting and underweight.

In 2001, during a visit to Bangalore, I purchased a stock of their

Amiri Jivan avaleha, which was I do not find it listed on their

latest product list. Has this particular CP based formulation with

Ras Sindur, Praval, Mandur, Abhrak, Bang bhasma etc been

discontinued or had its product name changed to something else?



Ole Alstrup

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Hi Ray,


The Himani product look very modern and commercial, I must admit I

doubt it has any significant potency. Is Himani an established

pharmacy brand, I never heard of them before. What other CP's did

you compare it with and what is your experience?


To give you some information about Maharishi Amrit Kalash, which was

my introduction into the world of ayurvedic avaleha's; I used it

exclusively between 1997-2001. I have since then used it on and off

for longer or shorter periods, while using other avalehas.

Examining the label of MAK, you will find that the ingredients

appears to be a cross between Chyawan Prash and Brahma Rasayana


What I have consistently found is that the MAK-4 jam formula has a

very specific energetic effect on the hypothalamus/pituitary/pineal

(soma) region of the brain, inducing a unique kind of sustained

somatic sensation. (The effect is clearly perceived to be in the

middle part of the brain where the pituitary/hypothalamus/pineal

glands are situated) This experience is felt more clearly in the

beginning stages of taking the preparation, but it's a very clear

tangible experience.

So far, I am speculating that the cause of this effect is to be

found in specific unique combinations of herbs in the formulation

itself, as other classical ayurvedic formulations which contain most

of the same herbs do not exhibit this particular effect.

OOf course, other factors that can affect the results are [1]

preparation of each herb(which is done extremely carefully by the

people who supply MAPI and [2] relative doses of each herb.

MAPI probably has the best large scale manufacturing quality

standards in the world.

Unfortunately, there are no available references from ayurvedic

texts on the specific effects of the MAK-4 formula, according to one

book by Prof. Hari Sharma, the MAK-4 formula came from Vaidya Balraj

Maharshi in AP who received it from his own ayurvedic guru, but that

is all I have been able to gather and Vaidya Maharshi left the body

several years ago and so far I have not been able to gather more

information. All this information is seemingly kept confidential by


I have not been able to locate any research which examines this

particular MAK-4 effect, I am not sure if my own personal experience

is unique, however I am certain that other people who regularly use

MAK would have experienced something similar. (I should mention that

I do not practise TM meditation or are involved with the TM Movement)

The "problem" with this somatic effect on a daily basis for long

periods is that it makes you very meditative and open. It is a very

good spiritual rasayana for people who live in a harmonious sattvic

environment, but I have found it is not good if you want to live in

the world, as it makes you very sensitive and open to outside

energetic influences.

Chyawan Prash is a much more physical rasayana while Brahma Rasayana

tend to have some of the same medhya promoting qualities of Amrit

Kalash. The BR from AVSK is very balanced and really clears your

sense perception, while others (AVP/SNA etc) can make you you very


Btw, the MAK sold in India is not the same as the export version,

the domestic is made with white refined sugar instead of really

ayurvedic jaggery. (!) The price in India is also very high, apx.

1200 INR for a set including the MAK-5 tablets.


Ole Alstrup

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Hi Ole

I wonder if Amrit Kalash did work for you? It appears to be quite



25 years ago I drank some thee called "Soma Thee from India". Is gave

an amazing amound of energy. Unfortunately I do not know who did

manifacture it. Maybe somebody of this list know more?




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  • 3 years later...

I used Maharishi Amrit Kalash for about four months several years ago. Since then I have used it occasionally from time to time.


I had an absolutely amazing experience. I am a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and I had heard a lot about how good it is for your health. So this is why I started taking it.


I found that after about two months of taking both MAK4 and MAK 5 as recommended (take MAK 5 half an hour after MAK 4 twice a day) I was on a permanent "high". I was soooo happy and my brain was like someone turned on a really bright light inside. It was such an excellent experience!


On the other hand, I found that it did not help much at a physical level and it was very expensive so I discontinued it. The mental benefits continued for months afterwards.


Since I was looking to improve my health (I felt tired all the time) I tried Chyavan Prash from Dabur. It was o.k. Later I tried Bheem Chyavan Prash by Yogiraj Jayant in Toronto, Canada. That was a lot better! Yogiraj-ji prepares it privately in his Ashram in Kanv, India. Kanv is deep in the Himalaya mountains. Yogiraj-ji says it is more effective because he (his disciples) pick the herbs in the wild and prepare the Chyavan Prash right away, while the herbs are still fresh.


I have used both MAK and CP from time to time for their respective benefits with good results. I find that the "high" I get from MAK happens within a week for me so I rarely take it for more than two or three weeks at a time.

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