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Irregular periods and very heavy bleeding (Raktapradar)

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Dear Deana and Bharathi


The chances of pregnancy while one is nursing a baby were remote in

past, but nowadays these things are possible due to our diet and



In response to posts by you and Bharathi, following general

recommendations are given.


Motherhood is Godhood but excess bleeding is the curse women suffer

generally after first delivery or during pre-menopause. Pre-menses or

during menses pain, clots, foul smelling discharge, long lasting

periods coupled with heavy flows is generally attendant with excess

bleeding. Loss of bloods also makes them anemic. Irregular menstruation,

weakness, fatigue, body pain, headache, breathing problem are also

sometimes present in addition.


Modern science advises removal of uterus so that the problem stops

whatever be the cause (Fibroids, endometriosis) or taking birth

control pills to tame the cycles and flow quantity. Modern birth

control pills are hormones and one should check whether they are

synthetic or derived from plants or animals.


Ask the users of 'Premarin' in U.S. if they know the source

of those hormones!


It is only in India that women do not submit to modern

science meekly, but alternatives in Ayurveda, Homeopathy,

Naturopathy are fully explored first.


In ayurveda, this condition is termed `Rakta-pradara' or

simply "pradara", a more common term. Indian name in Gujarati

language is `Lohiva' or `Ratva'. If instead of blood discharge,

whitish, sticky discharge, it is termed `Shwet-pradara'. Modern

science, having a battery of equipment for exploring the physics and

chemistry of human body, links this excess discharge with thickening

of uterus lining. This thickening occurs as a result of inadequate

progesterone. Thick lining gives rise to higher flow, clots etc.

Modern science offers birth control pills to regulate irregularity of

cycles and limit the flow. If a period is delayed, the endometrium

keeps thickening. Author strongly believes, which has been expressed

adequately in his earlier posts that the hormone imbalance has its

roots in spinal epidurals given during C-sections, or lack of post-

partum massage, fomentations and Gondh-laddus containing ginger,

ghee, dry-fruits etc. This post partum treatment returns both uterus

and hormones to natural balance. The nature insures that cycles will

not restart till adequate breast feed is going on. Estrogen now works

on making milk rather than thickening the endometrium.


If a problem becomes older, modern medicines often stop working. But

in majority of cases involving Vatic disorders (which include hormone

imbalances), ayurvedic treatments controls even serious diseases.

Only requirement is that the treatment must be continued slowly and

for long time, with patience. Ayurveda has cures for many serious

diseases including cancers, infertility, AIDS. The patient must

observe strict diet controls and life-style restrictions. Ayurveda

contains treatments for all problems, affordable and easily

accessible by general population. Women suffer more from Vatic

disorders, since they have one more seat of Vata, i.e. uterus.


After normal delivery, the secretion of prostaglandis hormone (which

is activated following the pressure of child's head on vaginal

walls) returns the utesrus to normal contracted shape in about five

weeks. In C-section, however, this secretion is reduced causing

reduction of elasticity of muscles which govern contraction. Hence

uterus walls remain slightly separate, allowing some fluids to

accumulate. The decomposition of these fluids (due to vaginal

acidity) sometimes causes foul smelling discharge, gas escaping

during sex. This problem is termed "Yoni-Vyapad" in ayurveda and

requires more personalized treatment. Rakta pradar is driven by Vata

and Pitta unbalance combination.


Let us return to the treatment of excess clotty bleeding, if one

wants to avoid hysterectomy. The first herb which come to the mind is

Daru-haridra. A decoction of Daru-haridra, (or its extract

termed `Rasvanti'), Ardusi, Nagarmoth, Bhilamo(MARKING NUT),

Bilvaphala, Chirait, when taken along with honey, cures waist pain,

reduces bleeding during menorrhagia as well as piles.


Daruharidra, the main stay herb is normally used in problems of head,

ear and mouth. It is also a good herb for breaking bladder stones and

clearing up urinal passages. To cure Raktapradara, green Daruharidra

juice with honey is often used if fresh herb is available. Its other

usages include dyscentry, dyscentry with blood, indigestion, old

fever, debility. It is blood purifier due to its `Rakta-shodhak'

property. Ingestion of Daruharidra juice (along with Shilajit

Rasayan) or its application on skin makes skin clean and smooth.


Daruharidra powder, along with Rasvanti, Indrajav, Ativish, Neem

leaves fresh juice or dry powder, powder of Kutaj bark, punarnava

(satodi is another name) roots powder, green giloy, Mandur Bhasma and dry ginger

powder. Take

everything 10 gms each. Mix and keep powder ready and take 3-6 gms

daily twice a day. This is anti-haemorrage mixture. Will reduce the

amount of bleeding.


If there is vaginal pain along with yellowish, whitish, reddish,

brownish or blackish discharge containing clots, use a mixture of

Daruharidra, Rasanjan, Nagarmoth, Bhilamo (marking nut), Chirait,

Ardusi, Belkphal each 10 gms and make decoction. For decoction use 2

cups of water (100 ml each) and add 2 tsp of powder. Slow boil till ¼

cup remains and drink after straining. This will reduce the vaginal

pain, pains resulting from sex.


Another easy cure is `China fruit' termed Niranjan Phal in Sanskrit.

This is like a beetle nut. When soaked overnight in a cup of water,

it swells. Crush it and squeeze its juice and drink on empty stomach

first thing in the morning. The blood issuing through uterus, piles,

ulcers or nose, all discharges reduce slowly with this. This juice

extraction can be repeated in the evening also. If the fibroids are

not malignant, this treatment will take care of bleeding and pain. As the

name implies, the herb fruit is availabel in China. This is one

exceptional foreign herbal derivation which author uses.


A ras shastra formulation reported in `Vaidyak Chikitsa Sar' and

frequentlyly used by author is termed `Shonitargal Ras'. It contains

herbs to form new red blood cells also. During pregnancy, sometimes a little

spotting is OK. If there is little more bleeding, it will be taken care by this

formulation. Author gives this to pregnant women if they have previous history

of abortions. One or two tablets (depending

on patients prakruti) of this, along with 1-2 tabs of Chandrakala Ras

is an effective treatment of rakta pradara. This will avoid

hyesterectomy and serious other problems which arise as a result of

hysterectomy itself.


Another very well known ayurvedic medicine in "Pradara" is

Ashokarishtam, helps in both reducing the bleeding as well as 'Shwet

Pradara'. IT is a uterine tonic, strengthening uterine walls and

muscles. The name 'Asoka' means giving no room for 'Shoka'

or 'complaints'. It treats feet burning, inflamations of private

parts and reduces pitta. Take at least for three to four months.


A mixture of Shatawari, Nagkesar and Aamalaki powders, taken with

powdered crystal sugar twice or thrice a day also comes to the mind

as a general tonic. One remedy, told to the author by a grand ma is

burning the woolen cloth and take ash 2 gm thrice a day with water.


In addition, all the home remedies to reduce pitta unbalance, such as

early morning walk on grass (having dew drops), Heem of Cumin seed,

Fennel seed, Coriander seeds, avoiding hot spicy foods, chillies,

excess salt, drinking milk with sugar, sopaked dates or black dried

grapes, taking Gulkand are supportive treatments. Gulkand reduces

pitta most rapidly. Praval pishti, when mixed in Gulkand effectively

reduces pitta in a weeks time. Aswagandha ksheer pak, described in

earlier posts, along with Sheelajit Rasayan tablets help reduce Vata,

Pitta and preserve body strength despite loss of blood.


The treatment for Rakta Pradara must be continued for three

consecutive cycles. One can use certain ayurvedic oils to strengthen

and contract both uterus and vaginal muscles thereafter.


The medicines such Chandrakala Ras, Ashokarishtam, Shonitargal Ras

may be obtained from allayurva.com or other online sites.


Comments offered here on the limitaions of modern science should not

be taken personally by allopaths on this list. Modern science has

offered explaination in terms of physics and chemistry of body

dynamics. Ayurveda spends more energy on finding cures rather than

explainations. Though this list is mainly for discussion of ayurveda,

corresponding view by modern science, will also help all of us in

understanding the miseries and providing better solutions.


Dr Bhate




ayurveda, Deana <squeekyme@c...> wrote:


> I was hoping to get some answers here too I am breastfeeding as


> and my son is almost 10 months old. I started getting my period


> when he was 7months old but now I have not gotten it for this

month.. 8

> days past due. Is it because he is nursing more? I am definately


> pregnant.


> Hugs

> Deana


> bharathi_ganapathi wrote:


> >

> >

> > I am a mom of a 2 year old (through a c-section )and after

> > breastfeeding her for 18 months my periods are highly irregular


> > heavy even lasting for a month or more with clots too. My


> > has fallen to 10.

> > I would like regulate my menstrual cycle and lighten the flow.

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  • 5 years later...

the below response was very good.


but i live in australia and currently there is no way i could get all those powders from anywhere. can you suggest any home remedy?


i am 29 years old and since this year i have problems of irregular periods. first they dont start on time and when they start they dont stop.. last time i was bleeding for a month and finally doctor gave me hormonal tablets. even this time periods started 10 days late and now its already 15 days i am still bleeding. i have started taking decoction of corriender seeds, have sauf water and carrot juice. but nothing seems to help.

i am desperately trying for preganancy but this irregualar periods are making it worst. any help is really appreciated.






Dear Deana and Bharathi


The chances of pregnancy while one is nursing a baby were remote in

past, but nowadays these things are possible due to our diet and



In response to posts by you and Bharathi, following general

recommendations are given.


Motherhood is Godhood but excess bleeding is the curse women suffer

generally after first delivery or during pre-menopause. Pre-menses or

during menses pain, clots, foul smelling discharge, long lasting

periods coupled with heavy flows is generally attendant with excess

bleeding. Loss of bloods also makes them anemic. Irregular menstruation,

weakness, fatigue, body pain, headache, breathing problem are also

sometimes present in addition.


Modern science advises removal of uterus so that the problem stops

whatever be the cause (Fibroids, endometriosis) or taking birth

control pills to tame the cycles and flow quantity. Modern birth

control pills are hormones and one should check whether they are

synthetic or derived from plants or animals.


Ask the users of 'Premarin' in U.S. if they know the source

of those hormones!


It is only in India that women do not submit to modern

science meekly, but alternatives in Ayurveda, Homeopathy,

Naturopathy are fully explored first.


In ayurveda, this condition is termed `Rakta-pradara' or

simply "pradara", a more common term. Indian name in Gujarati

language is `Lohiva' or `Ratva'. If instead of blood discharge,

whitish, sticky discharge, it is termed `Shwet-pradara'. Modern

science, having a battery of equipment for exploring the physics and

chemistry of human body, links this excess discharge with thickening

of uterus lining. This thickening occurs as a result of inadequate

progesterone. Thick lining gives rise to higher flow, clots etc.

Modern science offers birth control pills to regulate irregularity of

cycles and limit the flow. If a period is delayed, the endometrium

keeps thickening. Author strongly believes, which has been expressed

adequately in his earlier posts that the hormone imbalance has its

roots in spinal epidurals given during C-sections, or lack of post-

partum massage, fomentations and Gondh-laddus containing ginger,

ghee, dry-fruits etc. This post partum treatment returns both uterus

and hormones to natural balance. The nature insures that cycles will

not restart till adequate breast feed is going on. Estrogen now works

on making milk rather than thickening the endometrium.


If a problem becomes older, modern medicines often stop working. But

in majority of cases involving Vatic disorders (which include hormone

imbalances), ayurvedic treatments controls even serious diseases.

Only requirement is that the treatment must be continued slowly and

for long time, with patience. Ayurveda has cures for many serious

diseases including cancers, infertility, AIDS. The patient must

observe strict diet controls and life-style restrictions. Ayurveda

contains treatments for all problems, affordable and easily

accessible by general population. Women suffer more from Vatic

disorders, since they have one more seat of Vata, i.e. uterus.


After normal delivery, the secretion of prostaglandis hormone (which

is activated following the pressure of child's head on vaginal

walls) returns the utesrus to normal contracted shape in about five

weeks. In C-section, however, this secretion is reduced causing

reduction of elasticity of muscles which govern contraction. Hence

uterus walls remain slightly separate, allowing some fluids to

accumulate. The decomposition of these fluids (due to vaginal

acidity) sometimes causes foul smelling discharge, gas escaping

during sex. This problem is termed "Yoni-Vyapad" in ayurveda and

requires more personalized treatment. Rakta pradar is driven by Vata

and Pitta unbalance combination.


Let us return to the treatment of excess clotty bleeding, if one

wants to avoid hysterectomy. The first herb which come to the mind is

Daru-haridra. A decoction of Daru-haridra, (or its extract

termed `Rasvanti'), Ardusi, Nagarmoth, Bhilamo(MARKING NUT),

Bilvaphala, Chirait, when taken along with honey, cures waist pain,

reduces bleeding during menorrhagia as well as piles.


Daruharidra, the main stay herb is normally used in problems of head,

ear and mouth. It is also a good herb for breaking bladder stones and

clearing up urinal passages. To cure Raktapradara, green Daruharidra

juice with honey is often used if fresh herb is available. Its other

usages include dyscentry, dyscentry with blood, indigestion, old

fever, debility. It is blood purifier due to its `Rakta-shodhak'

property. Ingestion of Daruharidra juice (along with Shilajit

Rasayan) or its application on skin makes skin clean and smooth.


Daruharidra powder, along with Rasvanti, Indrajav, Ativish, Neem

leaves fresh juice or dry powder, powder of Kutaj bark, punarnava

(satodi is another name) roots powder, green giloy, Mandur Bhasma and dry ginger

powder. Take

everything 10 gms each. Mix and keep powder ready and take 3-6 gms

daily twice a day. This is anti-haemorrage mixture. Will reduce the

amount of bleeding.


If there is vaginal pain along with yellowish, whitish, reddish,

brownish or blackish discharge containing clots, use a mixture of

Daruharidra, Rasanjan, Nagarmoth, Bhilamo (marking nut), Chirait,

Ardusi, Belkphal each 10 gms and make decoction. For decoction use 2

cups of water (100 ml each) and add 2 tsp of powder. Slow boil till ¼

cup remains and drink after straining. This will reduce the vaginal

pain, pains resulting from sex.


Another easy cure is `China fruit' termed Niranjan Phal in Sanskrit.

This is like a beetle nut. When soaked overnight in a cup of water,

it swells. Crush it and squeeze its juice and drink on empty stomach

first thing in the morning. The blood issuing through uterus, piles,

ulcers or nose, all discharges reduce slowly with this. This juice

extraction can be repeated in the evening also. If the fibroids are

not malignant, this treatment will take care of bleeding and pain. As the

name implies, the herb fruit is availabel in China. This is one

exceptional foreign herbal derivation which author uses.


A ras shastra formulation reported in `Vaidyak Chikitsa Sar' and

frequentlyly used by author is termed `Shonitargal Ras'. It contains

herbs to form new red blood cells also. During pregnancy, sometimes a little

spotting is OK. If there is little more bleeding, it will be taken care by this

formulation. Author gives this to pregnant women if they have previous history

of abortions. One or two tablets (depending

on patients prakruti) of this, along with 1-2 tabs of Chandrakala Ras

is an effective treatment of rakta pradara. This will avoid

hyesterectomy and serious other problems which arise as a result of

hysterectomy itself.


Another very well known ayurvedic medicine in "Pradara" is

Ashokarishtam, helps in both reducing the bleeding as well as 'Shwet

Pradara'. IT is a uterine tonic, strengthening uterine walls and

muscles. The name 'Asoka' means giving no room for 'Shoka'

or 'complaints'. It treats feet burning, inflamations of private

parts and reduces pitta. Take at least for three to four months.


A mixture of Shatawari, Nagkesar and Aamalaki powders, taken with

powdered crystal sugar twice or thrice a day also comes to the mind

as a general tonic. One remedy, told to the author by a grand ma is

burning the woolen cloth and take ash 2 gm thrice a day with water.


In addition, all the home remedies to reduce pitta unbalance, such as

early morning walk on grass (having dew drops), Heem of Cumin seed,

Fennel seed, Coriander seeds, avoiding hot spicy foods, chillies,

excess salt, drinking milk with sugar, sopaked dates or black dried

grapes, taking Gulkand are supportive treatments. Gulkand reduces

pitta most rapidly. Praval pishti, when mixed in Gulkand effectively

reduces pitta in a weeks time. Aswagandha ksheer pak, described in

earlier posts, along with Sheelajit Rasayan tablets help reduce Vata,

Pitta and preserve body strength despite loss of blood.


The treatment for Rakta Pradara must be continued for three

consecutive cycles. One can use certain ayurvedic oils to strengthen

and contract both uterus and vaginal muscles thereafter.


The medicines such Chandrakala Ras, Ashokarishtam, Shonitargal Ras

may be obtained from allayurva.com or other online sites.


Comments offered here on the limitaions of modern science should not

be taken personally by allopaths on this list. Modern science has

offered explaination in terms of physics and chemistry of body

dynamics. Ayurveda spends more energy on finding cures rather than

explainations. Though this list is mainly for discussion of ayurveda,

corresponding view by modern science, will also help all of us in

understanding the miseries and providing better solutions.


Dr Bhate




ayurveda, Deana <squeekyme@c...> wrote:


> I was hoping to get some answers here too I am breastfeeding as


> and my son is almost 10 months old. I started getting my period


> when he was 7months old but now I have not gotten it for this

month.. 8

> days past due. Is it because he is nursing more? I am definately


> pregnant.


> Hugs

> Deana


> bharathi_ganapathi wrote:


> >

> >

> > I am a mom of a 2 year old (through a c-section )and after

> > breastfeeding her for 18 months my periods are highly irregular


> > heavy even lasting for a month or more with clots too. My


> > has fallen to 10.

> > I would like regulate my menstrual cycle and lighten the flow.

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