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tooth infection --- remedies

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I ask for a suggestion .

I felt a bad smell when i cleaned the molar tooth where i had separated


Dentist found an abscess and he drained it.

He suggested me that it would be better to take an antibiotic to stop the


But when i told him that i never did take the antibiotic in my life, he decided

that it would be better to wait for that and at the moment to act

locally with corsodyl gel.

I bought also a natural colluctory with tea tree end lemon oil.

I do a mouth washes with himalayan salt or i put it locally.


The bad smell has not totally desappeared. There is a residual.


What to do more?


I would to avoid the antibiotic,but i don't want to run risks formy tooth in

precarious condition.




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Dear merevita,

One of the simplest remedies for your problem would be gargling with

a mild decoction of triphala 2 to 3 times a day.

This will take care of the infection and also strenghten the teeth

and gums. However you will still need the help of the dentist if the

abscess returns in order to drain it as it is a surgical procedure.

Above procedure alongwith use of herbal toothpowder (if available or

else you can use triphala powder also) if used daily will lead to a

long term solution to your teeth problems.



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Thanks Cybervaidya

How many minutes for decoction?

Has the triphala to be fresh? I have a jar from some years.

How long can the bad smell persist without risk before the assomption of

antibiotic? May i avoid it?

Now i do mouth washes also with sunflower oil with a drop of lemon essential


I am going to add triphala...



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> merevita <merevita

> tooth infection --- remedies

> I felt a bad smell when i cleaned the molar tooth where i had

> separated roots.

> Dentist found an abscess and he drained it.

> He suggested me that it would be better to take an antibiotic to stop

> the infection.



the problem is that dental bacteria can penetrate into the blood and

infect the heart.

if you choose not use antibiotics, you may want to take something to

prevent/inhibit a blood infection.

i use western herbs such as goldenseal and echinacea for this, but

indian herbs such as bhunimba and katuka can be helpful too

not all decay is problematic - you can have arrested decay - but this

won't abscess or progress


essential oils like ti-tree, clove and myrrh can be very helpful when

applied topically, 2-3x/day

i use this after a mouth wash prepared from a tincture of herbs like

prickly ash, echinacea and barberry

1 tsp in a little water held in the mouth for 1 minute, 2-3x/day


herbal powders aren't so good if you have any lesion because they can

be too abrasive

use these after lesions have healed, such as haritaki and vidanga, with

a little licorice


dental problems are a call to attend to your digestion and the nature

of your diet




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Dear Merevita,

There is no fixed duration for gargling.

If you do it regularly for 2 minutes also it is more beneficial than

doing it for 5 minutes sometimes occasionally.

There may be many reasons for the bad smell apart from the infection.

Since your dentist has drained the abscess, you should get relief

from bad smell within a day or two.

As Todd mentioned you may have to work on your digestive system also

if you want complete freedom from bad smell.

The freshness of herbal powder varies from item to item.

However if it is for more than a year I would suggest you buy a fresh




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It is more simple for me to find western products.

goldenseal ---WHAT IS that? I don't find it in the dictionnary.

I USE from 10 days COLLUCTORY WITH TEA TREE OIL without results.It is 10 days

ago that i had the abscess drained

Now i am taking grape fruit solution.


with lecorice , and my teeth now are not white :-((

My digestive system is good. The local problem is coming from the instable

situation- I have a provisory crown from 4 years, Because after operation and

separation of the roots ( mistake of previous dentist that pierced them) the

operator decide not procede to close with a fixed tooth for the precarious

situation of the roots.

How many days can i wait for, before deciding to take the antibiotic that i

would avoid?



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Be caarefull with Tea Tree Oil. There are reports emerging that Tea

tree oil can cause skin sensitisation. The risks appear highest where

old oils being applied to damaged skin consition. Therefore regular

application of high concentrations even on normal skin is not wise.

Research has shown that Tea tree oil causes no Irritation or

Sensitisation at a 1% delution.*


My Martin Watt from "A reference Guide to Precaustions in the use of

Aromatic Extracts from Plants"





> I USE from 10 days COLLUCTORY WITH TEA TREE OIL without results.

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Dear Merita and Christian;

I can share 2 relevant stories here, might be of help.

Re Tea Tree (and other essential oils) due to most common growth and

distillation conditions they are likely to have pollutants. Fats and

oils - whether in the cow or the plants when they are being

biologically constructed collect from the environment anything of

lipid like structure, including the petrochemical pollutants, and

concentrate them more than in the rest of the plant matter. I always

advise my clients, if they have not begun organic, to start with

fats, oils, dairy, like that for this reason. Also, most eoils are

distilled at the international standard recipes for temperature and

pressure and cook off many valuable bioconstituents, making them less

valuable therapeutically. Therapeutic grade eoils are not reliably

availble in stores in the west, and must usually be mail ordered.

This as precursor to folloing story #1.


A friend who is student of Ayurveda and many other healling arts,

quite intuitive, and quite the researcher was searching for answers

to nail fungus of long standing. His mother took shock treatment

while pregnant with him, many difficulties to overcome! The fungus

is deeply systemic. He had tried tea tree oil many times and said

each time it "made my meridians burn" and had given this up. I

offered him sample of therapeutic grade/organic and it did not give

this negative experience. However the topical application only

helped partially, used over long time.


Back to dental deep in the bone/abcess, I beleive you need to be very

careful and by this many days conversation should be in professional

care. If it was me, I would have done something like my girlfriend

Har Khar Khalsa when she was rooming with me on a retreat in the

woods in Canada and needed to wait for an appointment. The topical

application of (again therapeutic grade) clove oil on cotton swab

should have been in oil dilution, her gums became very raw until we

used myrrh oil the next day for that complication. I would be taking

personally a strong antibiotic blend of herbs (and/or eoils in

capsules, I have a particular blend tested highly antibacteria,

antiviral and antifungal) and we used it at that time on her feet and

under jaw 4X daily, along with fever support (peppermint oil), and

she chose a total fast on water only (strong constitution, otherwise

broths, diluted fruit juices etc are more appropriate).


VERY IMPORTAnt also; at that time the ayurvedic clinic director

advised her in the necessity of hot/cold compresses on the abcess

every few hours, might have been at least 4 X daily, then a cold wet

cloth wrapped around her kidneys at night (immediately bundled in

warm bedclothes and tucked in) to support excretion of the toxins

stimulated to move out with the topical/localized compresses, to

avoid excess localized dumping of systemic toxins at the abcess

site. As soon as we started the essential oils and comopresses, over

night the abcess went down. But of course you don't stop there. She

did not need to go into town for the medical appointment, but

continued working in these ways for several days.


You must attend to this immediately as a serious problem, in my

opinion, and I have to ask you not to take this information as

substitute for medical care. You are welcome to contact me regarding

the essential oils.


352 378-3660

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> It is more simple for me to find western products.

> goldenseal ---WHAT IS that? I don't find it in the dictionnary.


goldenseal - Hydrastis canadensis

use a tincture with echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia root), 20-30

drops each

also use as a mouth rinse


> Now i am taking grape fruit solution.


graperfruit seed extract (nutribiotic, citracidal) is made with a

preservative/antibiotic (either triclosan or similar) that is

responsible for ALL of its antimicrobial properties - avoid it if you

want to avoid taking antibiotics


> How many days can i wait for, before deciding to take the antibiotic

> that i would avoid?


merevita, its best you should find a qualified practitioner in your

area to help you...


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>graperfruit seed extract (nutribiotic, citracidal) is made with a

>preservative/antibiotic (either triclosan or similar) that is

>responsible for ALL of its antimicrobial properties - avoid it if you

>want to avoid taking antibiotics..


Four days i used it, nobody told me that,mmmmm

Then did i take the antibiotic in the herboristic shop? similar to these we buy

in pharmacy? Without information?

I have noticed that the intestine is blocked.

I did not understand why if it is a natural extract

I give up it immediatly.


I use a sesam oil(30 ml) with lemon essential oil (organic)(2 drops) for massage

gums and in the nostrils.

I take also an enzymatic extract, made by an italian searcher, omeopatic

medicin and iridologist. BN phitoplus composed by the most importants minerals

and vitamines A,E and the group of B, EXTRACTED FROM THE MOUNTAINS herbs.

My friend that studied omeopaty suggests me a nosode that i have ordered

---granuloma dentis injeel ---for injections below skin- It is good for all kind

of teeth -gum infection ..

If all that is not enough i will take hidrastis and echinacea as you tell

°°°I have stopped the colluctory even that the quantity of tea tree oil is 0,5 %

and also I have diluted 50% , but i felt that it is enough , no good sensation

in the thorax.


Thanks for all


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