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Ojas Build up and winter blues

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In recent past, we have seen a number of messages regarding loss of

and build up of Dhatus. Ayurveda, being a science of longevity,

considers lifestyle harmonious with seasons of the year. In India,

winter has already set in. Winter is the season ideally suited for

building up of dhatus which support health and strength. This kind of

build-up is necessary for those whose body has slowed down as a

result of depression, disturbed metabolism, loss of dhatus as a

result of excessive indulgence, or simply due to excessive use of

modern medicines given during serious diseases such as Typhoid, T.B.,

etc. While ayurvedic treatments for infertility or aimed at

strong+healthy sperm, ovum, and fetus strech over months, while

allopathy promises results within weeks. Hence Injections given to

excite ovaries/testicles during infertility treatments also cause

loss of ojas, as much as masturbation causes. Conjecture that

pregnancies cause loss of ojas requires a separate post to adress it



What one gains in winter, lasts for all twelve months of the year.

The strength gets increased. The immunity builds up. Indians prepare

different food-tonic items which have long shelf life and can be

taken over these three winter months. Normally one finds extra hunger

and digestive agni during winter. According to second law of

thermodynamics, since body finds a sink of lower temperature in

environment, more work output is produced or more energy is stored in

body, from relatively same food amount. Many of the items prepared

during this season fall under the class of `Rasayana (anti-ageing)'

preparations. Before we adopt any of them, it is necessary to know

their effectiveness, precautions and compatibility of each prakruti.

All family members can use the same suppliment and obtain benefits.

In India, traditionally, Gujaratis prepare "Methipak", "adadiya pak"

especially for winter. Grandmas are experts at making these rasayanas.


While Chyvanprasha is most well known rasayana preparation, a less

well known rasayana we take up here for discussion. Let us see how

Makardhwaj or Purna Chandrodaya Ras are made. When purified mercury

and sulphur are processed together, Kajjali results. This is termed

as Lord Siva's semen. Lord Siva is creator and distroyer both

according to mythology. When Suvarna (Gold) is added to this Kajjali

and mixture is heated at high temperature in furnace, the Chandrodaya

floats at the top, leaving gold at bottom. The strength giving

(Bala) , madhur, ojas build-up and Vishaghna properties of Gold come

in Chandrodaya. This makes it a immunity builder.


In todays fast, tense life ladden with economic tensions, mental

tensions, anxiety, the diseases progress due to worries. This

Chandrodaya Ras is useful in many such problems.


Chandrodaya or Makardhwaj is added to many other Rasayanas including

Chyvanprash. Causes best Rasayana effect in the body. Conversion of

Rasa from digested food to blood dhatu is encouraged. Increases red

blood cells as well as libido. Both men and women can take this and

enjoy happy family life. Author uses it as a tonic for couples

seeking progency, when cause is narrowed down to lack of strong

sperms or ovum.


Makardhwaj increases bala of semen. Both quantity of sperms and their

motility is increased. Only precaution that is necessary while

using it is to regulate the dosage and take it with ghee+honey, to

suppress body heat developed as a result. These medicines should not

be taken in self-medication mode; it is desirable to take them under



Generally waist pain, back pain, inflamation of heel, lack of vigour,

lack of elasticity in muscles, always tired feeling, exhaustion, are

all the complaints which can be tackled by Makardhwaj or Chandrodaya.

The toxin build up in the body as well as sexual weakness are the

problems addressed by these kupi rasayanas. One must take satvic food

while taking rasayanas which adds to health and Ojas. Tamasic foods

cause hyper acidity (Aamlpitta), GERD etc.


The problem of sexual weakness is more common in men while lack of

libido is more common in women. Makardhwaj is seen benificial in case

of women also. Pains, aches and inflamation just before and during

menstruation, reduced menses, swellings as a result of congestive

heart failure (CHF) are the areas where it can be used with benefits.

When both body and mind slow down, Makardhwaj is seen to bring back

the dynamism, vigour and optimism in mind. The extra energy

generated causes dhatu buildup, desire to live usefully (Jijivisha

in Sanskrit). Author finds that this formulation becomes very useful

in peri and post-menopausal phase. Due to possibilities of more contribution to

society in this life period, author terms it as `second

sun-rise in life'. While we are discussing health of women, it is

also necessary to discuss the body and strength build up for

children, a topic in the forefront of women mind. Author finds that

moms always sideline their own problems and are more curious for the

welfare of their children. Hence followind recommendations are

addressed to moms.


Mix one date with rice starch, grind it while adding a little water.

When fine paste is done, give it to small children for 2-3 times a

day to make them strong and healthy. Slowly you can add one almond,

two cashew nuts, half a piece of akhrot to build ojas. This paste can

be given after child is approximately six months old. If child is

being fed milk, dates and other dry fruits can be boiled in the

milk+equal water till only milk part remains.


Dissolve 5-10 drops of basil leaves juice in water and let child

drink it daily for healthy muscles and bones. They will learn to walk

early. A mixture of jaggery and onion given to a child with teeth

daily helps in increasing height. Children are often not able to

grow well due to intestinal parasites. Giving vavding (Viodanga) with

buttermilk or decoction of dry ginger relieves child from worms,

albeit slowly. Giving child milk with saffron, nutmeg, mace, poppy

seeds, cardamon & pepper root helps in digestion so that they grow

also well. Children beyond age 1 year can be given `Rasayan Churna'

¼ - ½ tsp with honey. Whereever two dosages are given with a hyphen

in between, they should be taken as starting dose and maximum dose



Problems of respiratory system also surface during winter, mainly due

to cold temperature. Some start panting after going up just two

floors on a staircase. Such people can take 1 tsp Arjun bark Churna,

add it to a mixture of 1 cup milk and 1 cup water, boil on low heat

till 1 cup remains. Strain, add a little sugar, cardamom and drink.

For those who have no time for boiling straining etc. Arjunarishtam 3

tsp can be taken with equal water twice a day. When breathing

difficulties exist due to Asthma and other allergies, one tsp of

Haridra Khand powder mixed with 3-4 pinches of Praval Pishti gives a

significant relief. Ephedra, derived from an Asiatic shrub, contains

ephedrine, a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system to

relax bronchial tubes.


The effect of Ephedrine, a brocho-dilator of modern science, can be

obtained by Kantakari Avaleha. This acts better than Ephedrine.

Liquid formulations such as Somasava, Kanakasava, Draksharishta and

Bharangyadi Quath all can be mixed in equal proportions and taken 1-2

tsp with equal water to achieve the relief from allergies. The

breathing difficulties can be gradually brought under control with

the use of Sitopaladi Churna or Talisadi Churna. For those suffering

severely from allergies, three classical medicines containing gold

are Suvarna Vasant Malti, Swas-kas Chintamani and Mahalaxmivilas Ras.

Take 1 tablet of each, pound them together, divide into two equal

proportions and lick with ghee+honey morning and at bedtime. The

swelling of the bronchi tube is brought under control as also new

energy is given to lungs. The disease does not progress once this is

started. In sharp contrast, the broncho dilator pumps slowly bring in

drug tolerance and make increased dependence on drug gradually.


Wishing healthy winter to all

Dr Bhate

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Dear Dr Bhate,


Thank you immensely for this informative post on these not so well

known facets of Ayurveda. Are Makaradhwaj and Suvarna Malti contra-

indicated for exessive pitta (which is probably why you recommend to

take these only during winter)?


For those who want to purchase this, Marakadhwaj is available at





And Suvarna Malti at (check herbal products)




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  • 5 years later...

Hello Dr Bhate,

I have a question related to chandrodaya ras.

I was once prescribed laxodap followed by purna chandrodaya ras.

this was as of cure to my exhaustion, always feeling tired. also to cure digestion power + pimples. and of course ojas.

Can you please diagnose the situation from above mentioned medicines and help me to buy them?

as I am not in India currently; and I am having problem with acne kind of pimples/boils!!! --- (a few some times only on my face) and also feel like need power / ojas.


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