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help shatavari not working??

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I am a bit let down .. the shatavari I was taking simoltaneously with

Sam-e for two months prior to just cutting down to the shatavari herb

from Banyan.. and it doesn't seem to be doing its job. I am extremely

irritable, and having lots of hot flashes.. and I am only 30 years old..

My first period came back last month since I have been nursing and it

was excruciatingly painful..I have had hot flashes for about 4 years now

so it is nothing new. however I didn't have them when taking the Sam-e

(for other reasons).


Should I up the dose I am taking of shtavari from one 500mg once a day

to twice a day maybe?? Or should I try the Banyan's Women's Support

product once my shatavari runs out. ??








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Who prescribed the shatavari ... was it based on a full assessment of

your needs? My training and personal as well as client experience is

to almost never recommend taking it alone, particularly when we know

your agni is low and ama is high. Shatavari requires some digestive

fire being a nutrient rich root. Ayurved also recommends usually

taking herbs in combination to address the personalization part of

the gift of ayurvedic medicine to recognize the importance that we

all are different and in different phases of our lives.


Use what you have to use now, and I'd definitely be taking it twice a

day (I don't know in terms of milligrams etc) along with some bitters

and a little pippali or other gentle specific for the agni. Until a

formula can be consulted about, take it along with the yeast tea I

think you mentioned. You have it in tablet form? I'd say chew it or

crush it into the tea if you can! Yes, the women's combo formula may

be good for you, but start where you are. You will need more

personalization in any case.


Would you kindly tell us about Sam-E, and why you were using it? An

alternative Nurse Practitioner whom I highly respect uses it with

clients often, but I haven't learned about it yet. And how is the

soup making going? :)




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Hello again Martha. I got the shatavari idea from a book on postpartum

care. It was so raved about for that in there that I had to try it. It

seemed to really cool me off on the inside as I am very high pitta.

Ever since I got "cleaned out" I have been having bowel movements on a

daily bases if not more then once per day, I have added at least one

extra digestive each day that I never used before, for example, a piece

of fresh ginger root is always in my fridge now, as is a cup of

chamomile tea with digestives part of an everyday night time routine..

both of wich were not before. I get hot flashes but I am only 30 and

my doctor said it could be do to having had 4 children, our body

hormones change. I am to young for menopause she states.


I have no idea what Pippali is. I have no yeast tea that I know of.

But eat lots of cooked and raw veggies in there broth daily - can not

keep up with the family and cooking fresh soups for myself 2 times a day

but the other changes I have made have helped tremendously.


Sam-E I came acrossed to help with the daily energy need and low grade

blues, I have also found it to be very very effective as an all day pain

killer for my fibromyalgia with absolutely no side effects. It is

wonderful and actually from all of my experience with "natural

remedies" has been the Main one I have completely noticed a change in

how I feel. I unfortunately can not afford both shatavari and Sam-E on

a monthly basis.. the two combined would come to over $50 per month. My

budget for herbals is only $20 per month..





I highly recommend Sam-E to my many many people I meet with

fibromyalgia, low grade depression, and low energy. It is a yeast pill

if I am correctly.


doulaminerva wrote:

> Who prescribed the shatavari ... was it based on a full assessment of

> your needs? My training and personal as well as client experience is

> to almost never recommend taking it alone, particularly when we know

> your agni is low and ama is high. Shatavari requires some digestive

> fire being a nutrient rich root. Ayurved also recommends usually

> taking herbs in combination to address the personalization part of

> the gift of ayurvedic medicine to recognize the importance that we

> all are different and in different phases of our lives.




> Would you kindly tell us about Sam-E, and why you were using it? An

> alternative Nurse Practitioner whom I highly respect uses it with

> clients often, but I haven't learned about it yet. And how is the

> soup making going? :)

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Hi Deana,

Sounds like good progress in your life. Re the shatavari, it is more

effective in my experience (and much cheaper) to use in powdered

form. I remember previous posts and talk with Todd about yeast,

wasn't that you? There was an herbal tea recommended on common

kitchen herbs. So you can take the shatavari with that, or add a

pinch cardamom to a tea of equal parts cumin, coriander and fennel

powder for cooling, digestive and gentle hormonal support along with,

althought again, tak eit warm.


Your fibromyalgia I understand is chronic vata pushing pitta into the

muscle tissue IE accumulated pitta acidities driven by high vata

probably from 4 children without proper postpartum recovery. That is

another issue but it indicates need for more than one herb, for the

wisdom to continue to ask the vaidyas for a proper formula for

yourself which would have to be sent. Self massage with warm oil

will be highly advised.


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Deanna wrote: I am to young for menopause she states.




>From what I have read, Menopause can be a 15 - 20 year process. I am 50 and in

peri-menopause. I have been really reading up on this as I think I have

probably been in peri-menopause for about 5 years.


Hot flashes were one of my worst symptoms.


To get off me and one to you. . .


Hot flashes at your age might just be a symptoms of your hormones being out of

wack after a pregnancy. . .as is the blue feeling.


Estrogen is the precursor (the chemical before) to serotonin, which is at the

same level your Sam-e is affecting, which is the same level the anti-depressants

affect. Although I would much rather take Estrogen (bio-identical) or SAM-e

than the antidepressants.


Progesterone effects the GABA receptors in the brain which effects the calmness

of the body.


These are the two hormones that are generally out of wack in women.


How long ago did you have your baby? It does take sometime to get your hormones

back into shape. Since you have had 4 babies, maybe they will just take a

little longer to regulate.


This is probably more than you wanted to know. . .


Take Care






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  • 9 years later...

I started taking Shatavari and within a week, I started experiencing hot flashes. Should I discontinue or take one pill instead of two per day? What causes the hot flashes? I have read about weight gain with this herb. Is that a real concern I should be aware of?

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Guest dr.roumi sinhal

this and other most important topics were left unfolded in India devine it seems.

leet us reopen these.

post your comments regarding uses doses and application of Shatavari.

our rich encient texts are potent enough to remove doubts and implecations.


In the name of Great Lord Dhanwantary. It is absolutely free.

dr.roumi sinhal

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shatawari has always been an most appreciated herb in Ayurveda.

there are strict qualifications attached to its use.

generally it was prescribed particularly during pregnancy to avoid lactation problem after delivery.

it is observed that most of the infentiles do not get enogh milk from mother.

Shatavari was prescribed from the third month of preganancy in powder form appr. 2.5 gms.per day. 

It was supposed that the would be mother shall take it with dry fruits, seasonal fruits , ample amount of milk, ghee and

other nutricious foods otherwise mouth alcers and excessive sweeting with some other side effects were reported.

for other perposes the dose of shatawari was supposed to be reduced up to 90% e.g 250 mg.to 300 mg maximum.

dr. roumi sinhal.


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