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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Help

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Hi Amanda . May I first suggestion is that you find a good Ayurvedic

Physician in your area. If this is not possible than there are a few things

you can try. Kanchnar Guggul is the number one herbal formula for your

condition. (Check out Gynecology below) You can buy it online. The second

thing I would add is a tsp. of Shatavari twice a day. I have had a few

clients get pregnant with Shatavari. I really don't like making these kind

of suggestions because it is important that you be monitored. If you can

find a Doctor to monitor your hormones you might be able to add pregnenolone

and/or a progesterone creams down the line. Bless You . Noel ..





Rasa (taste): Bitter, Astringent, Sweet, Pungent

Virya (action): Heating

Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent

Guna (quality): Dry, light

Dosha effect: K-, balances all 3 dosha

Dhatu (tissue): Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Fat, Bone, Reproductive

Srota (channel): Circulatory, Lymphatic, Eliminator



Tannins, Alkaloids- sennoside, Ascorbic acid, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin C,

Mucilage, Essential oils- camphene, eugenol, gingerols, Alkaloids- piperine,

piperlongumine, Steroids-guggulsterones that are lipid soluble, oleoresins


Ayurvedic Action

Amanashak- destroys ama and adhesions, Granthiarbudanashaka- destroys

tumours, growths and cancers, Vranaropana- heals ulcers, Bhagandara- used in

fistula-in-ano, Striroga- beneficial in menstrual disorders associated with

high kapha, Raktapitta- internal bleeding disorders.


BioMedical Action



GROWTHS: Kanchanar guggul is a specific for clearing all growths and fluid

based accumulations in the body. It specifically reduces swellings, lumps-

soft/hard/palpable/fixed/moveable- by drying the excess kapha. It is a

favoured formula in cancer deriving from excess kapha.


THYROID: It is also a specific herb for hypo/hyper thyroid. It has a

balancing activity on the thyroxine production; increasing any deficient

production and decreasing any excess. It also clears swellings in the neck

and goitre.


LYMPH: It is a specific herb for swollen lymph nodes, cervical adenitis,

scrophularia or swollen glands in general. It effectively flushes the

lymphatic system of toxins, sluggishness and accumulated wastes. Also may be

beneficial where the sinuses are congested because of the sluggish lymphatic

system. It is a powerful decongestant.


GYNAECOLOGY: Used for polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, and

vaginal discharge. It is a fantastic remedy for treating endometriosis- the

Kanchanar astringes the bleeding whilst the other ingredients scrape and

eliminate the adhesions.


SKIN: In inflammatory skin disorders with oozing this is a very effective

formula. When the toxins are obstructing the deeper tissues of medas and the

Lipid layer then Kanchanar guggul is the appropriate formula.


OBESITY: When there are signs of excess weight with a sluggish lymphatic

system this is appropriate.



+ Turmeric, Myrrh and Frankincense for growths and cancers

+ Punarnava guggul for lymphatic congestion and oedema

+ Shatavari, Roses in gynaecology




.. This is THE anti-kapha formula when there is such a degree of stagnation

that the ama has congealed to form a palpable mass.

.. The Kanchanara is very astringent and dries the kapha and clears the Lipid


.. Guggul scrapes the adhesive tissue away from the channels

.. The Triphala, Trikatu, Varuna, Elaichi and Twak all aid the digestion and

elimination of the excess kapha by enkindling the digestive fire as well as

clearing the toxins out through the urinary channel and the bowel.



: Pregnancy or any dryness in the body



2-3 tablets 3 x/day



Sharangdhar samhita, khand 2, adhyaya 7, pg.no. 161.


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