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Mrityunjaya mantra

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Hi all,


It is regarding Mrityunjaya mantra. From what I heard and read that this

matnra(also yantra) is the best of all, but chanting of this mantra shud be done

very carefully. Infact, one can chant this mantra only if he/she is blessed to

chant this mantra by a Guru, otherwise it will dangerous effects.


A site http://www.shivashakti.com/MRIT.HTM describes it.In it lord shiva says "


There is no mantra as powerful as this for giving siddhi, desired results, and

destroying enemies. It should not be given to the foolish, to the undisciplined,

to those not on the path, to the bad, or those fettered by the five kleshas.

This alone is the very blissful thing destroying enemies. This mantra ls the

powerful King of Mantras, giving the fruit of inituation, like the

wish-fulfllllng tree. Unless one previously prepares this King of Mantra it does

not grant success, therefore one should prepare the mantra using methods

indicated by the Guru. Only those who obtain this method from the Guru's hand

should do this preparation.


This powerful King of Mantras is greater than the Aeon Tree! One should prepare

it 400,000 times, or half that, O Maheshvari. One should never perform this

method less than 100,000 times. One should give a tenth of recitation, a tenth

of homa, a tenth oblation, a tenth sprinkling, and a tenth feeding. All this the

sadhaka should do if he wishes to prepare the mantra. O Ishvari, one should give

dakshina to the Guru as necessary · "


I m very confused. I have severe skin problems and I wanted to pray lord shiva

with this mantra. But I can not start chanting after knowing these complications

of the mantra.

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Dear Dev,


Though I am no authority to speak on this issue, I would like to share my

personal experience in this regard. I have been reciting Mahamrityunjaya mantra

for some time with, what I feel, some excellent results. I have not followed

what some of the literature quotes, as also narrated by you but whenever I

recite the mantra, I try it with full devotion and belief in the powers of the

mantra and Mahamrityunjaya i.e. Lord Shiva. Of course I am not trashing the

literature in any sense. If you can follow what is written, it would be the best

option, but if not, then do it with maximum possible devotion and am sure that

you would see some good results. I do not think there would be any negative

results if you keep your intentions pure.





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>One should never perform this method less than 100,000 times. One

>should give a tenth of recitation, a tenth of homa, a tenth

>oblation, a tenth sprinkling, and a tenth feeding. All this the

>sadhaka should do if he wishes to prepare the mantra. O Ishvari, one

>should give dakshina to the Guru as necessary · "


We are diverting from Ayurveda to Religious scriptures, but cant be



The above "Karmakanda" is written so that the Mantra is not used

for selfish and anti-social purpose. In the thread of old system of

social classes, only Brahmins can give you the Mantra, can perform

pujas, nyasa, sankalpa etc required before starting the reciting of

Mantra say 1,25,000 times. And only they could carry out Tarpana,

Marjana, Bhojana etc at the conclusion of Recital. In order to

sustain this social class, just based on their skills in recital of

Mantras, Pujas, etc. These rules were made.


In mythology, Brahmins are cursed by Godess Laxmi that she wont go to

their houses. Godess Laxmi is the one who gives material affluence.

When sage Bhrugu requested Laxmi to squash her curse, she could not

due to "No powers". As per her suggestion, He created "Astrology", so

that those who practice this, could "ask for their consultation

charges". All other brahmins have to accept what "host" gives

willingly. Hence, some brahmins, invented various procedures

termed "Karma Kanda" to sustain. As per constitution of every

country, right to livelyhood is fundamental. Hence, Brahmins cant be

blamed for this. However, such brahmins are now found only

at "Teerthas", well known pilgrimage centres and despite best efforts

remain just straddling powert line. Over a time, chase for

materialism has diverted modern generation to other professions.


When Guru loves Shishya, he gives powerful Mantras himself, without

Shishya asking. And scriptures allow anyone to recite any mantra,

provided he first recites "Gayathri Manthra" just 10,000 times. That

makes you Brahmin. NOt by birth, but by work. And even if one is by

birth, he should keep up his character, behavior to be

called "Brahmin".


As Vineet has suggested, do not worry about Karmakanda, just recite

the mantra. Correct pronounciation is already available on net. IT is

Bhakti that brings reward, not the "bribing" or buying. The power of

reciting a Mantra, i.e. "Nada-Brahma" has been already broughtout in

some posts by chainitai, in last couple of days.


Regarding personal experience. The author lost two educational years

due to chronic illness, having no allopathic or ayurvedic solution,

except that the problems were Karmic. A 20 year old Yoga teacher gave

him golden advice, a Mantra, and that fetched him health, which he

donates today religiously. Last 30 years the author has no experience

of even headache, leave aside cough, cold, fever, etc. This is

experience, not provable in any laboratory, by clinical trials, or

can appeal to any logic.



Dr. Bhate

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I'm looking for a good CD version of the Mrityunjaya mantra, preferably one

accompanied by music. If anyone on the list can suggest one, I would be most

grateful. Thank you.



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It is perfectly OK to chant the mantra(there are certain classes of

mantra that should not be chanted without proper initation) for

healing. If you want all the promised results (as detailed in the

phalasruti) then initiation is needed; but not for simple healing.


On a personal note, this was the first mantra that I had practiced

very rigorously; I was in my undergrad with a chronic liver disease

(went to over 20 allopaths with no avail); a few days of chanting

this mantra healed me of my ailment(which BTW was deemed incurable).

Some key notes


1) For best results chant during 3-6 am(the effects of mantra are 10

fold during this time)


2) Concentration is key; if you get up early in the morning and chant

it half-drowsily, it does not do much good. Take some strong tea.


3) When chanted continously for 2-3 hours with concentration (this is

more important than devotion IMHO), one feels very energetic and can

even skip meals LOL


4) The effect of the mantra is on the astral body; so it is a good

idea to pursue holistic healing(esp. ayurveda) in tandem.


There is a good CD version of the mantra by Karunamayi Amma

(www.karunamayi.org)- this is the most correct pronounciation that I

have come across(Amma mentions the syllables in the mantra that have

great power.).



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Dear Dr. Bhate:


wonderful remarks !.

may God allow you to keep us enlightened with such wonderful pieces

of writting!


Jai Shree Ram




ayurveda, "Shirish Bhate"

<shirishbhate> wrote:

> As Vineet has suggested, do not worry about Karmakanda, just recite

> the mantra. Correct pronounciation is already available on net. IT


> Bhakti that brings reward, not the "bribing" or buying. The power


> reciting a Mantra, i.e. "Nada-Brahma" has been already broughtout


> some posts by chainitai, in last couple of days.


> Regarding personal experience. The author lost two educational


> due to chronic illness, having no allopathic or ayurvedic


> except that the problems were Karmic. A 20 year old Yoga teacher


> him golden advice, a Mantra, and that fetched him health, which he

> donates today religiously. Last 30 years the author has no


> of even headache, leave aside cough, cold, fever, etc. This is

> experience, not provable in any laboratory, by clinical trials, or

> can appeal to any logic.


> REgards

> Dr. Bhate

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Dear Bonnie:


In brief , God is only one, but he has unlimited manifestations. Lord

Shiva is one of them.


The only law we have to follow is the performance of our duties

(dharma), but not to be attached to the fruits. (Bhagawad Gita).


Keep common sense always :)

Hope this helps


chai nitai


ayurveda, "bonniect" <bonniect@c...>


> Just out of curiosity, who is Lord Shiva?

> Is it against the laws of God to be devoted to another?

> Bonnie

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Dear Bonnie:


I forgot to add the original text and meaning, in case you don't have




Om tryambakam yajamahe

sugandhim pushtivardhanam

uurvarukamiva bandhanaan

mrityor mukshiya maamritaat.





We worship the three-eyed One (Lord Siva) Who is fragrant and Who

nourishes well all beings; may He liberate us from death for the sake


immortality even as the cucumber is severed from its bondage (to the



The Maha-Mrityunjaya Mantra is a life-giving Mantra. It wards of

death and accidents of all descriptions. Besides, it has a great

curative power. It is a Moksha mantra also. It is Lord Shiva's

Mantra. It bestows long life, peace, wealth, prosperity, satisfaction

and immortality.




the message 1702 is worth to considerer , if you haven visit the

page yet, please pay a visit to


Hope all your transcendental wishes are fulfil !! and when you reach

the highest don't forget us -:)


Chai nitai





ayurveda, "bonniect" <bonniect@c...>


> Just out of curiosity, who is Lord Shiva?

> Is it against the laws of God to be devoted to another?

> Bonnie

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