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menstrual cycle pains, Fibroids, Vatic Pains -2

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ayurveda, "heera1974" <heera1974>


> Hi;

> My wife has severe cramps and pains during menstruation. The pains

> are mainly in the lower abdomin. The pains are severe during the

1st and 2nd day of the cycle and subside later. She is also a

diabetic and is undergoing treatment for the same.



Inadequate menses quantity, spotting, cramps, bleeding with pains,

intense back/waist pains headache, before start of a cycle and on

first day, delayed menses etc. problems are caused by inadequate Apan

Vata. Inadequate Haemoglobin or blood impurities (like diabetes)

aggravates the problem further. While diabetes needs to be tackled as

a background disorder, the menses problems can be tackled in

parallel, with no interaction between medicines, if managed properly.

Hence, if you are not taking any allopathic medicines, the following

recommendation remains applicable. Ayurvedic anti-diabetic medication

can be taken along with what follows.


In such problems, the medicines made from Aloe Vera (Ghrut kumari in

Sanskrit, Bangala) give very good cure. Hence the name `Kumari' which

means menstruating daughter. The extract (satva) of this plant is

known as `Eliyo' in Gujarati and `Eliya' in other indian languages.

Being warm, hot and sharp in Guna, it increases blood circulation to

uterus. This causes excitation of uterus cells and increases its

contractions. Harmone Prostaglandis also is needed for this action.

This in turn causes starting of menses, if stopped for few weeks.

Apana Vata implies reduced blood and signal circulation to pelvic

area organs causing their sluggishness.


The medicnes in which Aloe Vera is a principle ingredient are known

under the name:

Kumari Aasav No. 1, Rajapravartini Vati, Kanya Lohadi Vati. The last

one, as the name implies causes increase of Haemoglobin/circulation.

However, They should be taken under supervision of a practitioner,

since dosage has to be decided considering intensity of the disorder,

prakruti, type of disorder etc. The pregnant women should not take

these medicines, even if they want to have abortion. Best advice that

can be given to you is to contact a nearby practitioner.



Nowadays a number of women suffer from formation of fibroids.

According to Message 1405 on our messageboard, the fibroids can be

dissolved by Yoga, diet and lifestyle. This is indeed very

encouraging addition to present Ayurvedic knowledge. Due to the

present trend of Acharyas to solve problems without medicines, the

author of message 1405 is requested to post the detailed

recommendations on the board.


According to Acharya Bhavprakash, Aloe Vera dissolves the tumors

like fibroids. Hence in problems like uterian tumors: fibroids,

ovarian cysts, the formulations of Aloe Vera become useful. In

moderate and simple fibroids/cysts (less than a centimeters size),

Kumari Aasav alone 15 ml with equal warm water after meals should be

taken for three months and then sonography check can be performed to

compare with old report. Of course, the experienced Vaidyas can judge

the progress by manual checks. Ayurveda did not have any complex

testing required by modern medical science. The hardness of the organ

to the touch and other checks were used to diagnose most complex



The Aloe Vera also acts on liver, spleen and enliven their function

to higher efficiency. Increased hunger, digestion are first results

to be seen. Increased efficiency of large intestines including colon

aids the excreation process, relieving the patient from constipation.

Some Vaidyas from Amritsar and Surat (in India) prepare a pickle of

Aloe Vera to give to Anorexia patients.


For irregular and painful menses, there are three accupressure points

in the `below navel' area. One is just five centimeters below navel

located centrally. Other two are 5 centimeter horizontally on either

side of a point which is 10 centimeters vertically below navel.


For both fibroids and painful/irregular menses, Apan Vata management

can be done by following naturopathy aid. In 'NO Medicine' approach,

this can be tried, but long time is needed to balance the Vata.


Use castor oil or Arka oil. Light massage on below navel area. Put a

thin polythelene sheet over this area. Lie down. Cover the area with

heating pad and let temperature be what you can easily bear, without

discomfort. Enjoy heat for about 30 minutes daily, preferably on

empty stomach.


One patient of the author used this method to get rid of fibroids

totally (upto 2 cms size).



Dr. Bhate

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I have been diagnosed with a polyp on the left side of my uterus and cysts on

both ovaries. However, I have been asked to have a DNC for the polyp, which

frightens me very much. Do you have any words of wisdom?




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