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A simple experiment to be done tomorrow for getting rid of chronic incurable dis

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By: Dr. Koushik Kumar Dixit, (Translated and some additions by: Dr.

Shirish Bhate)


One can not enjoy the luxury afforded by millions of dollars when

stuck with chronic health problems. On the other hand, with less

wealth and better health, one can regard him as more happy. Amongst

all luxuries, health is considered the best, since he can enjoy all

material luxuries within his financial reach.

Though man has developed the medicinal science for keeping himseldf

fit, the medicinal science does not have answer and treatment for

every disorder, disease, dis-comfort. For many diseases, the

medicinal science has a number of remedies to become free of disease.

However, there are a number of diseases, health disorders/complaints

for which medicinal science does not appear to have any

remedy/treatment. Ayurveda terms such diseases as "Asadhya".

Frequently, this science cures one disease for one patient, but fails

to cure for another. In many cases, the disorder is such that even

proper diagnosis becomes impossible. There are a number of

diseases/disorders which we have not imagined in past, nor science

has estimated the existence of such condition, but these conditions

have made life of the affected patient difficult. Ayurveda recommends

that Vaidya should make it clear to the patient and recommend

Karmic procedures.


In general, one has to surrender to the medicinal science, but when

this surrender does not help, Hindu Tanta has given a satvic

experiment. According to ancestral belief, as a result of this

experiment, health problems become less severe gradually and

further deterioration or appearance of a new problem gets avoided.

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is believed to have

undamaged health even after drinking the deadly poison (which other

Gods could not drink, despite good health). Death could not touch him

despite this deadly poison. Almost every disease is belived to be

caused by some sort of infections (viral, fungal, bacterial). If Lord

Siva could digest the deadly poison, ordinary infections

become totally impotent.

This experiment is belived to give maximum benefits when started

on "Maha-Sivaratri Day", which for Christian year 2004 falls on

Wednesday, 18th February. The experiment consists of chanting "Maha-

mrityunjay Mantra". There is a yantra also available for worship on

the link:




The yantra should be prepared on Maha-Sivaratri day on silver, copper

sheet or "Bhojpatra", a special leaf for inscibing such Mantras.

There is special procedure to charge the Yantra, which consists of

doint its Puja and chanting Mantra in front of the Yantra.

Before starting the chanting of Mahamrityunjay Mantra, one should

chant certain Mantras, to praise Lord Siva. Afterwards one can recite

the Mahamrityunjay Mantra:


'Om triayambakam yaja mahe sugandhim pusthi vardhanam.Urvarukamiva

bhandhanat mrutyhor mukshiya ma amritat"


For correct pronounciation you can listen to the Mantra on site


The patient should determine the number of chantings per day

according to his energy and available time and also fix the calendar

time for which he will chant. It is recommended that he should keep

the place, number of chantings and daily time unchanged. Only

starting should be done from Maha-Sivaratri day as per popular

belief. For chanting, night time is considered more fruitful compared

to day. An oil lamp should be lighted every day near the parayer



There is another set of mantras to be chanted once, when you complete

chanting of main mantra. Those before starting the chant and at end

of chant can be obtained from the referred websites or from the



The lord of the Maha-Mrityunjay Mantra is Siva, believed to control

and own all the medicines, alchemy. He is reputed as owning the death

(Yama) and giver of Health. Lord Dhanvantari, the lord of Ayurveda is belived to

be disciple of Lord Siva. It is expressed that chanting of this

Mantra takes care of any physical, mental diseases in Hindu Tantra-

Mantra science. The contribution of Lord Siva to many ayurvedic medicines for

vitality and longevity can form the subject matter of another mail.


The meaning of Mantra: I worship the three eyed lord Shiva, who is

full of fragrance and who nourishes everybody with health and

vitality. May he liberate me from Death and not from immortality:

Just as the same way a pumpkin is severed from it's bondage from the



If it is difficult for you to pronounce the above mantra then you can

chant the short form of the above mantra will also bring about

the desired results.The laghu Mahamriyutnjaya(short form) also known

as the pandashakshri mantra goes like this:


"Om Joom Sah (Mam) palay palay sah joom om"


The translator of this article has published it here for benefits of

others and to repay the debt of the Lord Siva when he smiled on few

patients at the doorstep of Yama. There is no attempt to encourage a

sect or religion. This mail is also to improve the views of certain

members that Vedic science is guarded as secret and personal material

property by socially elite/Brahamanic class of India.

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